def populateTree(self, obj, obj_name='', inspected_node_is_visible=None):
        """ Fills the tree using a python object. Sets the rootItem.
        logger.debug("populateTree with object id = 0x{:x}".format(id(obj)))

        if inspected_node_is_visible is None:
            inspected_node_is_visible = (obj_name != '')
        self._inspected_node_is_visible = inspected_node_is_visible

        if self._inspected_node_is_visible:
            self._root_item = TreeItem(None, '<invisible_root>',
                                       '<invisible_root>', None)
            self._root_item.children_fetched = True
            self._inspected_item = TreeItem(obj,
            # The root itself will be invisible
            self._root_item = TreeItem(obj,
            self._inspected_item = self._root_item

            # Fetch all items of the root so we can select the first row in the constructor.
            root_index = self.index(0, 0)
Example #2
    def populateTree(self, root_obj, root_name='', single_root_node=False):
        """ Fills the tree using a python object. Sets the root_item.
        logger.debug("populateTree with object id = 0x{:x}".format(id(root_obj)))

        if single_root_node is True:
            root_parent_item = TreeItem(None, None, '<root_parent>',
                                        '<root_parent>', None)
            root_parent_item.children_fetched = True
            root_item = self._addTreeItem(root_parent_item,
            self.root_item = root_parent_item
            self.root_item = self._addTreeItem(None,

            # Fetch all items of the root so we can select the first row in the constructor.
            root_index = self.index(0, 0)

        return self.root_item
Example #3
    def _addTreeItem(self, parent_item, obj, obj_name, obj_path, is_attribute):
        """ Helper function that recursively adds nodes.

            :param parent_item: The parent 
            :param obj: The object that will be added to the tree.
            :param obj_name: Labels how this node is known to the parent
            :param obj_path: full path to this node, e.g.: var[idx1]['key'].item
            Returns newly created tree item
        # logger.debug("Inserting: {} = {!r}".format(obj_name, obj))
        tree_item = TreeItem(parent_item, obj, obj_name, obj_path, is_attribute)
        return tree_item
Example #4
 def populateTree(self, obj, obj_name='', inspected_node_is_visible=None):
     """ Fills the tree using a python object. Sets the rootItem.
     logger.debug("populateTree with object id = 0x{:x}".format(id(obj)))
     if inspected_node_is_visible is None:
         inspected_node_is_visible = (obj_name != '')
     self._inspected_node_is_visible = inspected_node_is_visible
     if self._inspected_node_is_visible:
         self._root_item = TreeItem(None, '<invisible_root>', '<invisible_root>', None) 
         self._root_item.children_fetched = True
         self._inspected_item = TreeItem(obj, obj_name, obj_name, is_attribute = None)
         # The root itself will be invisible
         self._root_item = TreeItem(obj, obj_name, obj_name, is_attribute = None)
         self._inspected_item = self._root_item
         # Fetch all items of the root so we can select the first row in the constructor.
         root_index = self.index(0, 0)
class TreeModel(QtCore.QAbstractItemModel):
    """ Model that provides an interface to an objectree that is build of TreeItems. 
    def __init__(self, obj, obj_name='', attr_cols=None, parent=None):
        """ Constructor
            :param obj: any Python object or variable
            :param obj_name: name of the object as it will appear in the root node
                             If empty, no root node will be drawn. 
            :param attr_cols: list of AttributeColumn definitions
            :param parent: the parent widget
        super(TreeModel, self).__init__(parent)
        self._attr_cols = attr_cols

        self.regular_font = QtGui.QFont()  # Font for members (non-functions)
        self.special_attribute_font = QtGui.QFont(
        )  # Font for __special_attributes__

        self.regular_color = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor('black'))
        #self.callable_color = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor('brown'))  # for functions, methods, etc.
        self.callable_color = QtGui.QBrush(
            QtGui.QColor('mediumblue'))  # for functions, methods, etc.

        # The following members will be initialized by populateTree
        # The rootItem is always invisible. If the obj_name is the empty string, the inspectedItem
        # will be the rootItem (and therefore be invisible). If the obj_name is given, an
        # invisible root item will be added and the inspectedItem will be its only child.
        # In that case the inspected item will be visible.
        self._inspected_node_is_visible = None
        self._inspected_item = None
        self._root_item = None
        self.populateTree(obj, obj_name)

    def inspectedNodeIsVisible(self):
        """ Returns True if the inspected node is visible. 
            In that case an invisible root node has been added.
        return self._inspected_node_is_visible

    def rootItem(self):
        """ The root TreeItem.
        return self._root_item

    def inspectedItem(self):  # TODO: needed?
        """ The TreeItem that contains the item under inspection.
        return self._inspected_item

    def rootIndex(self):  # TODO: needed?
        """ The index that returns the root element (same as an invalid index).
        return QtCore.QModelIndex()

    def inspectedIndex(self):
        """ The model index that point to the inspectedItem
        if self.inspectedNodeIsVisible:
            return self.createIndex(0, 0, self._inspected_item)
            return self.rootIndex()

    def columnCount(self, _parent=None):
        """ Returns the number of columns in the tree """
        return len(self._attr_cols)

    def data(self, index, role):
        """ Returns the tree item at the given index and role
        if not index.isValid():
            return None

        col = index.column()
        tree_item = index.internalPointer()
        obj = tree_item.obj

        if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
                attr = self._attr_cols[col].data_fn(tree_item)
                # Replace carriage returns and line feeds with unicode glyphs
                # so that all table rows fit on one line.
                #return attr.replace('\n', unichr(0x240A)).replace('\r', unichr(0x240D))
                return (attr.replace('\r\n', unichr(0x21B5)).replace(
                    '\n', unichr(0x21B5)).replace('\r', unichr(0x21B5)))
            except Exception as ex:
                return "**ERROR**: {}".format(ex)

        elif role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole:
            return self._attr_cols[col].alignment

        elif role == Qt.ForegroundRole:
            if tree_item.is_callable:
                return self.callable_color
                return self.regular_color

        elif role == Qt.FontRole:
            if tree_item.is_attribute:
                return self.special_attribute_font
                return self.regular_font
            return None

    def flags(self, index):
        if not index.isValid():
            return Qt.NoItemFlags

        return Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable

    def headerData(self, section, orientation, role):
        if orientation == Qt.Horizontal and role == Qt.DisplayRole:
            return self._attr_cols[section].name
            return None

    def treeItem(self, index):
        if not index.isValid():
            return self.rootItem
            return index.internalPointer()

    def index(self, row, column, parent=None):

        if parent is None:
            logger.debug("parent is None")
            parent = QtCore.QModelIndex()

        parentItem = self.treeItem(parent)

        if not self.hasIndex(row, column, parent):
            logger.debug("hasIndex is False: ({}, {}) {!r}".format(
                row, column, parentItem))
            #logger.warn("Parent index model: {!r} != {!r}".format(parent.model(), self))

            return QtCore.QModelIndex()

        childItem = parentItem.child(row)
        #logger.debug("  {}".format(childItem.obj_path))
        if childItem:
            return self.createIndex(row, column, childItem)
            logger.warn("no childItem")
            return QtCore.QModelIndex()

    def parent(self, index):
        if not index.isValid():
            return QtCore.QModelIndex()

        child_item = index.internalPointer()
        parent_item = child_item.parent()

        if parent_item is None or parent_item == self.rootItem:
            return QtCore.QModelIndex()

        return self.createIndex(parent_item.row(), 0, parent_item)

    def rowCount(self, parent=None):
        parent = QtCore.QModelIndex() if parent is None else parent

        if parent.column() > 0:
            # This is taken from the PyQt simpletreemodel example.
            return 0
            return self.treeItem(parent).child_count()

    def hasChildren(self, parent=None):
        parent = QtCore.QModelIndex() if parent is None else parent
        if parent.column() > 0:
            return 0
            return self.treeItem(parent).has_children

    def canFetchMore(self, parent=None):
        parent = QtCore.QModelIndex() if parent is None else parent
        if parent.column() > 0:
            return 0
            result = not self.treeItem(parent).children_fetched
            # logger.debug("canFetchMore: {} = {}".format(parent, result))
            return result

    def fetchMore(self, parent=None):
        """ Fetches the children given the model index of a parent node.
            Adds the children to the parent.
        parent = QtCore.QModelIndex() if parent is None else parent
        if parent.column() > 0:

        parent_item = self.treeItem(parent)
        if parent_item.children_fetched:

        tree_items = self._fetchObjectChildren(parent_item.obj,

        self.beginInsertRows(parent, 0, len(tree_items) - 1)
        for tree_item in tree_items:

        parent_item.children_fetched = True

    def _fetchObjectChildren(self, obj, obj_path):
        """ Fetches the children of a Python object. 
            Returns: list of TreeItems
        obj_children = []
        path_strings = []

        if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
            obj_children = sorted(enumerate(obj))
            path_strings = [
                '{}[{}]'.format(obj_path, item[0]) if obj_path else item[0]
                for item in obj_children
        elif isinstance(obj, (set, frozenset)):
            obj_children = [('pop()', elem) for elem in sorted(obj)]
            path_strings = [
                '{0}.pop()'.format(obj_path, item[0]) if obj_path else item[0]
                for item in obj_children
        elif hasattr(obj, 'items'):  # dictionaries and the likes.
                obj_children = list(obj.items())
            except Exception as ex:
                # Can happen if the items method expects an argument, for instance the
                # types.DictType.items method expects a dictionary.
                    "No items expanded. Objects items() call failed: {}".
                obj_children = []

            # Sort keys, except when the object is an OrderedDict.
            if not isinstance(obj, OrderedDict):
                    obj_children = sorted(obj.items())
                except Exception as ex:
                        "Unable to sort dictionary keys: {}".format(ex))

            path_strings = [
                '{}[{!r}]'.format(obj_path, item[0]) if obj_path else item[0]
                for item in obj_children

        assert len(obj_children) == len(path_strings), "sanity check"
        is_attr_list = [False] * len(obj_children)

        # Object attributes
        for attr_name, attr_value in sorted(inspect.getmembers(obj)):
            obj_children.append((attr_name, attr_value))
                '{}.{}'.format(obj_path, attr_name) if obj_path else attr_name)

        assert len(obj_children) == len(path_strings), "sanity check"
        tree_items = []
        for item, path_str, is_attr in zip(obj_children, path_strings,
            name, child_obj = item
            tree_items.append(TreeItem(child_obj, name, path_str, is_attr))

        return tree_items

    def populateTree(self, obj, obj_name='', inspected_node_is_visible=None):
        """ Fills the tree using a python object. Sets the rootItem.
        logger.debug("populateTree with object id = 0x{:x}".format(id(obj)))

        if inspected_node_is_visible is None:
            inspected_node_is_visible = (obj_name != '')
        self._inspected_node_is_visible = inspected_node_is_visible

        if self._inspected_node_is_visible:
            self._root_item = TreeItem(None, '<invisible_root>',
                                       '<invisible_root>', None)
            self._root_item.children_fetched = True
            self._inspected_item = TreeItem(obj,
            # The root itself will be invisible
            self._root_item = TreeItem(obj,
            self._inspected_item = self._root_item

            # Fetch all items of the root so we can select the first row in the constructor.
            root_index = self.index(0, 0)

    def _auxRefreshTree(self, tree_index):
        """ Auxiliary function for refreshTree that recursively refreshes the tree nodes.
            If the underlying Python object has been changed, we don't want to delete the old
            tree model and create a new one from scratch because this loses all information about
            which nodes are fetched and expanded. Instead the old tree model is updated. Using the
            difflib from the standard library it is determined for a parent node which child nodes
            should be added or removed. This is done based on the node names only, not on the node 
            contents (the underlying Python objects). Testing the underlying nodes for equality
            is potentially slow. It is faster to let the refreshNode function emit the dataChanged
            signal for all cells.
        tree_item = self.treeItem(tree_index)
        logger.debug("_auxRefreshTree({}): {}{}".format(
            tree_index, tree_item.obj_path,
            "*" if tree_item.children_fetched else ""))

        if tree_item.children_fetched:

            old_items = tree_item.child_items
            new_items = self._fetchObjectChildren(tree_item.obj,

            old_item_names = [(item.obj_name, item.is_attribute)
                              for item in old_items]
            new_item_names = [(item.obj_name, item.is_attribute)
                              for item in new_items]
            seqMatcher = SequenceMatcher(isjunk=None,
            opcodes = seqMatcher.get_opcodes()

            logger.debug("(reversed) opcodes: {}".format(

            for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in reversed(opcodes):

                if 1 or tag != 'equal':
                        "  {:7s}, a[{}:{}] ({}), b[{}:{}] ({})".format(
                            tag, i1, i2, old_item_names[i1:i2], j1, j2,

                if tag == 'equal':
                    # Only when node names are equal is _auxRefreshTree called recursively.
                    assert i2 - i1 == j2 - j1, "equal sanity check failed {} != {}".format(
                        i2 - i1, j2 - j1)
                    for old_row, new_row in zip(range(i1, i2), range(j1, j2)):
                        old_items[old_row].obj = new_items[new_row].obj
                        child_index = self.index(old_row, 0, parent=tree_index)

                elif tag == 'replace':
                    # Explicitly remove the old item and insert the new. The old item may have
                    # child nodes which indices must be removed by Qt, otherwise it crashes.
                    assert i2 - i1 == j2 - j1, "replace sanity check failed {} != {}".format(
                        i2 - i1, j2 - j1)

                    first = i1  # row number of first that will be removed
                    last = i1 + i2 - 1  # row number of last element after insertion
                        "     calling beginRemoveRows({}, {}, {})".format(
                            tree_index, first, last))
                    self.beginRemoveRows(tree_index, first, last)
                    del tree_item.child_items[i1:i2]

                    first = i1  # row number of first element after insertion
                    last = i1 + j2 - j1 - 1  # row number of last element after insertion
                        "     calling beginInsertRows({}, {}, {})".format(
                            tree_index, first, last))
                    self.beginInsertRows(tree_index, first, last)
                    tree_item.insert_children(i1, new_items[j1:j2])

                elif tag == 'delete':
                    assert j1 == j2, "delete sanity check failed. {} != {}".format(
                        j1, j2)
                    first = i1  # row number of first that will be removed
                    last = i1 + i2 - 1  # row number of last element after insertion
                        "     calling beginRemoveRows({}, {}, {})".format(
                            tree_index, first, last))
                    self.beginRemoveRows(tree_index, first, last)
                    del tree_item.child_items[i1:i2]

                elif tag == 'insert':
                    assert i1 == i2, "insert sanity check failed. {} != {}".format(
                        i1, i2)
                    first = i1  # row number of first element after insertion
                    last = i1 + j2 - j1 - 1  # row number of last element after insertion
                        "     calling beginInsertRows({}, {}, {})".format(
                            tree_index, first, last))
                    self.beginInsertRows(tree_index, first, last)
                    tree_item.insert_children(i1, new_items[j1:j2])

                    raise ValueError("Invalid tag: {}".format(tag))

    def refreshTree(self):
        """ Refreshes the tree model from the underlying root object (which may have been changed).
        """"")"refreshTree: {}".format(self.rootItem))

        root_item = self.treeItem(self.rootIndex())"  root_item:      {} (idx={})".format(
            root_item, self.rootIndex()))
        inspected_item = self.treeItem(self.inspectedIndex())"  inspected_item: {} (idx={})".format(
            inspected_item, self.inspectedIndex()))

        assert (root_item is
                inspected_item) != self.inspectedNodeIsVisible, "sanity check"


        root_obj = self.rootItem.obj
        logger.debug("After _auxRefreshTree, root_obj: {}".format(
            cut_off_str(root_obj, 80)))

        # Emit the dataChanged signal for all cells. This is faster than checking which nodes
        # have changed, which may be slow for some underlying Python objects.
        n_rows = self.rowCount()
        n_cols = self.columnCount()
        top_left = self.index(0, 0)
        bottom_right = self.index(n_rows - 1, n_cols - 1)

        logger.debug("bottom_right: ({}, {})".format(bottom_right.row(),
        self.dataChanged.emit(top_left, bottom_right)
    def _fetchObjectChildren(self, obj, obj_path):
        """ Fetches the children of a Python object. 
            Returns: list of TreeItems
        obj_children = []
        path_strings = []

        if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
            obj_children = sorted(enumerate(obj))
            path_strings = [
                '{}[{}]'.format(obj_path, item[0]) if obj_path else item[0]
                for item in obj_children
        elif isinstance(obj, (set, frozenset)):
            obj_children = [('pop()', elem) for elem in sorted(obj)]
            path_strings = [
                '{0}.pop()'.format(obj_path, item[0]) if obj_path else item[0]
                for item in obj_children
        elif hasattr(obj, 'items'):  # dictionaries and the likes.
                obj_children = list(obj.items())
            except Exception as ex:
                # Can happen if the items method expects an argument, for instance the
                # types.DictType.items method expects a dictionary.
                    "No items expanded. Objects items() call failed: {}".
                obj_children = []

            # Sort keys, except when the object is an OrderedDict.
            if not isinstance(obj, OrderedDict):
                    obj_children = sorted(obj.items())
                except Exception as ex:
                        "Unable to sort dictionary keys: {}".format(ex))

            path_strings = [
                '{}[{!r}]'.format(obj_path, item[0]) if obj_path else item[0]
                for item in obj_children

        assert len(obj_children) == len(path_strings), "sanity check"
        is_attr_list = [False] * len(obj_children)

        # Object attributes
        for attr_name, attr_value in sorted(inspect.getmembers(obj)):
            obj_children.append((attr_name, attr_value))
                '{}.{}'.format(obj_path, attr_name) if obj_path else attr_name)

        assert len(obj_children) == len(path_strings), "sanity check"
        tree_items = []
        for item, path_str, is_attr in zip(obj_children, path_strings,
            name, child_obj = item
            tree_items.append(TreeItem(child_obj, name, path_str, is_attr))

        return tree_items
Example #7
class TreeModel(QtCore.QAbstractItemModel):
    """ Model that provides an interface to an objectree that is build of TreeItems. 
    def __init__(self, obj, 
                 obj_name = '',
                 attr_cols = None, 
                 parent = None):
        """ Constructor
            :param obj: any Python object or variable
            :param obj_name: name of the object as it will appear in the root node
                             If empty, no root node will be drawn. 
            :param attr_cols: list of AttributeColumn definitions
            :param parent: the parent widget
        super(TreeModel, self).__init__(parent)
        self._attr_cols = attr_cols

        self.regular_font = QtGui.QFont()  # Font for members (non-functions)
        self.special_attribute_font = QtGui.QFont()  # Font for __special_attributes__
        self.regular_color = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor('black'))    
        #self.callable_color = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor('brown'))  # for functions, methods, etc.
        self.callable_color = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor('mediumblue'))  # for functions, methods, etc.

        # The following members will be initialized by populateTree
        # The rootItem is always invisible. If the obj_name is the empty string, the inspectedItem 
        # will be the rootItem (and therefore be invisible). If the obj_name is given, an 
        # invisible root item will be added and the inspectedItem will be its only child. 
        # In that case the inspected item will be visible. 
        self._inspected_node_is_visible = None 
        self._inspected_item = None
        self._root_item = None
        self.populateTree(obj, obj_name)

    def inspectedNodeIsVisible(self):
        """ Returns True if the inspected node is visible. 
            In that case an invisible root node has been added.
        return self._inspected_node_is_visible
    def rootItem(self):
        """ The root TreeItem.
        return self._root_item
    def inspectedItem(self): # TODO: needed?
        """ The TreeItem that contains the item under inspection.
        return self._inspected_item

    def rootIndex(self): # TODO: needed?
        """ The index that returns the root element (same as an invalid index).
        return QtCore.QModelIndex()

    def inspectedIndex(self):
        """ The model index that point to the inspectedItem
        if self.inspectedNodeIsVisible:
            return self.createIndex(0, 0, self._inspected_item)
            return self.rootIndex()

    def columnCount(self, _parent=None):
        """ Returns the number of columns in the tree """
        return len(self._attr_cols)

    def data(self, index, role):
        """ Returns the tree item at the given index and role
        if not index.isValid():
            return None

        col = index.column()
        tree_item = index.internalPointer()
        obj = tree_item.obj

        if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
                attr = self._attr_cols[col].data_fn(tree_item)
                # Replace carriage returns and line feeds with unicode glyphs 
                # so that all table rows fit on one line. 
                #return attr.replace('\n', unichr(0x240A)).replace('\r', unichr(0x240D))
                return (attr.replace('\r\n', unichr(0x21B5))
                            .replace('\n', unichr(0x21B5))
                            .replace('\r', unichr(0x21B5)))
            except Exception as ex:
                return "**ERROR**: {}".format(ex) 
        elif role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole:
            return self._attr_cols[col].alignment
        elif role == Qt.ForegroundRole:
            if tree_item.is_callable:
                return self.callable_color
                return self.regular_color
        elif role == Qt.FontRole:
            if tree_item.is_attribute:
                return self.special_attribute_font
                return self.regular_font
            return None

    def flags(self, index):
        if not index.isValid():
            return Qt.NoItemFlags

        return Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable

    def headerData(self, section, orientation, role):
        if orientation == Qt.Horizontal and role == Qt.DisplayRole:
            return self._attr_cols[section].name
            return None

    def treeItem(self, index):
        if not index.isValid():
            return self.rootItem
            return index.internalPointer() 

    def index(self, row, column, parent=None):
        if parent is None:
            logger.debug("parent is None")
            parent = QtCore.QModelIndex()

        parentItem = self.treeItem(parent)
        if not self.hasIndex(row, column, parent):
            logger.debug("hasIndex is False: ({}, {}) {!r}".format(row, column, parentItem))
            #logger.warn("Parent index model: {!r} != {!r}".format(parent.model(), self))

            return QtCore.QModelIndex()

        childItem = parentItem.child(row)
        #logger.debug("  {}".format(childItem.obj_path))
        if childItem:
            return self.createIndex(row, column, childItem)
            logger.warn("no childItem")
            return QtCore.QModelIndex()

    def parent(self, index):
        if not index.isValid():
            return QtCore.QModelIndex()

        child_item = index.internalPointer()
        parent_item = child_item.parent()

        if parent_item is None or parent_item == self.rootItem:
            return QtCore.QModelIndex()

        return self.createIndex(parent_item.row(), 0, parent_item)

    def rowCount(self, parent=None):
        parent = QtCore.QModelIndex() if parent is None else parent
        if parent.column() > 0:
            # This is taken from the PyQt simpletreemodel example.
            return 0
            return self.treeItem(parent).child_count()

    def hasChildren(self, parent=None):
        parent = QtCore.QModelIndex() if parent is None else parent
        if parent.column() > 0:
            return 0
            return self.treeItem(parent).has_children

    def canFetchMore(self, parent=None):
        parent = QtCore.QModelIndex() if parent is None else parent
        if parent.column() > 0:
            return 0
            result = not self.treeItem(parent).children_fetched 
            # logger.debug("canFetchMore: {} = {}".format(parent, result))
            return result  

    def fetchMore(self, parent=None):
        """ Fetches the children given the model index of a parent node.
            Adds the children to the parent.
        parent = QtCore.QModelIndex() if parent is None else parent
        if parent.column() > 0:
        parent_item = self.treeItem(parent)
        if parent_item.children_fetched:
        tree_items = self._fetchObjectChildren(parent_item.obj, parent_item.obj_path)
        self.beginInsertRows(parent, 0, len(tree_items) - 1)
        for tree_item in tree_items:
        parent_item.children_fetched = True                

    def _fetchObjectChildren(self, obj, obj_path):
        """ Fetches the children of a Python object. 
            Returns: list of TreeItems
        obj_children = []
        path_strings = []
        if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
            obj_children = sorted(enumerate(obj))
            path_strings = ['{}[{}]'.format(obj_path, item[0]) if obj_path else item[0] 
                            for item in obj_children]
        elif isinstance(obj, (set, frozenset)):
            obj_children = [('pop()', elem) for elem in sorted(obj)]
            path_strings = ['{0}.pop()'.format(obj_path, item[0]) if obj_path else item[0] 
                            for item in obj_children]
        elif hasattr(obj, 'items'): # dictionaries and the likes. 
                obj_children = list(obj.items())
            except Exception as ex:
                # Can happen if the items method expects an argument, for instance the  
                # types.DictType.items method expects a dictionary.
                logger.warn("No items expanded. Objects items() call failed: {}".format(ex))
                obj_children = []

            # Sort keys, except when the object is an OrderedDict.
            if not isinstance(obj, OrderedDict):
                    obj_children = sorted(obj.items())
                except Exception as ex:
                    logger.debug("Unable to sort dictionary keys: {}".format(ex))
            path_strings = ['{}[{!r}]'.format(obj_path, item[0]) if obj_path else item[0] 
                            for item in obj_children]
        assert len(obj_children) == len(path_strings), "sanity check"    
        is_attr_list = [False] * len(obj_children)
        # Object attributes
        for attr_name, attr_value in sorted(inspect.getmembers(obj)):
            obj_children.append( (attr_name, attr_value) )
            path_strings.append('{}.{}'.format(obj_path, attr_name) if obj_path else attr_name)

        assert len(obj_children) == len(path_strings), "sanity check"
        tree_items = []
        for item, path_str, is_attr in zip(obj_children, path_strings, is_attr_list):
            name, child_obj = item
            tree_items.append(TreeItem(child_obj, name, path_str, is_attr))
        return tree_items

    def populateTree(self, obj, obj_name='', inspected_node_is_visible=None):
        """ Fills the tree using a python object. Sets the rootItem.
        logger.debug("populateTree with object id = 0x{:x}".format(id(obj)))
        if inspected_node_is_visible is None:
            inspected_node_is_visible = (obj_name != '')
        self._inspected_node_is_visible = inspected_node_is_visible
        if self._inspected_node_is_visible:
            self._root_item = TreeItem(None, '<invisible_root>', '<invisible_root>', None) 
            self._root_item.children_fetched = True
            self._inspected_item = TreeItem(obj, obj_name, obj_name, is_attribute = None)
            # The root itself will be invisible
            self._root_item = TreeItem(obj, obj_name, obj_name, is_attribute = None)
            self._inspected_item = self._root_item
            # Fetch all items of the root so we can select the first row in the constructor.
            root_index = self.index(0, 0)
    def _auxRefreshTree(self, tree_index):
        """ Auxiliary function for refreshTree that recursively refreshes the tree nodes.
            If the underlying Python object has been changed, we don't want to delete the old
            tree model and create a new one from scratch because this loses all information about
            which nodes are fetched and expanded. Instead the old tree model is updated. Using the
            difflib from the standard library it is determined for a parent node which child nodes
            should be added or removed. This is done based on the node names only, not on the node 
            contents (the underlying Python objects). Testing the underlying nodes for equality
            is potentially slow. It is faster to let the refreshNode function emit the dataChanged
            signal for all cells.
        tree_item = self.treeItem(tree_index)
        logger.debug("_auxRefreshTree({}): {}{}".format(tree_index, tree_item.obj_path, 
                                           "*" if tree_item.children_fetched else ""))
        if tree_item.children_fetched:
            old_items = tree_item.child_items
            new_items = self._fetchObjectChildren(tree_item.obj, tree_item.obj_path)
            old_item_names = [(item.obj_name, item.is_attribute) for item in old_items]
            new_item_names = [(item.obj_name, item.is_attribute) for item in new_items]
            seqMatcher = SequenceMatcher(isjunk=None, a=old_item_names, b=new_item_names, 
            opcodes = seqMatcher.get_opcodes()
            logger.debug("(reversed) opcodes: {}".format(list(reversed(opcodes))))
            for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in reversed(opcodes):
                if 1 or tag != 'equal':
                    logger.debug("  {:7s}, a[{}:{}] ({}), b[{}:{}] ({})"
                                 .format(tag, i1, i2, old_item_names[i1:i2], j1, j2, new_item_names[j1:j2]))
                if tag == 'equal':
                    # Only when node names are equal is _auxRefreshTree called recursively.
                    assert i2-i1 == j2-j1, "equal sanity check failed {} != {}".format(i2-i1, j2-j1)
                    for old_row, new_row in zip(range(i1, i2), range(j1, j2)):
                        old_items[old_row].obj = new_items[new_row].obj
                        child_index = self.index(old_row, 0, parent=tree_index)

                elif tag == 'replace':
                    # Explicitly remove the old item and insert the new. The old item may have
                    # child nodes which indices must be removed by Qt, otherwise it crashes.
                    assert i2-i1 == j2-j1, "replace sanity check failed {} != {}".format(i2-i1, j2-j1)
                    first = i1          # row number of first that will be removed
                    last  = i1 + i2 - 1 # row number of last element after insertion
                    logger.debug("     calling beginRemoveRows({}, {}, {})".format(tree_index, first, last)) 
                    self.beginRemoveRows(tree_index, first, last)
                    del tree_item.child_items[i1:i2] 

                    first = i1               # row number of first element after insertion 
                    last  = i1 + j2 - j1 - 1 # row number of last element after insertion
                    logger.debug("     calling beginInsertRows({}, {}, {})".format(tree_index, first, last)) 
                    self.beginInsertRows(tree_index, first, last)
                    tree_item.insert_children(i1, new_items[j1:j2])
                elif tag == 'delete':
                    assert j1 == j2, "delete sanity check failed. {} != {}".format(j1, j2)
                    first = i1          # row number of first that will be removed
                    last  = i1 + i2 - 1 # row number of last element after insertion
                    logger.debug("     calling beginRemoveRows({}, {}, {})".format(tree_index, first, last)) 
                    self.beginRemoveRows(tree_index, first, last)
                    del tree_item.child_items[i1:i2] 
                elif tag == 'insert':
                    assert i1 == i2, "insert sanity check failed. {} != {}".format(i1, i2)
                    first = i1               # row number of first element after insertion 
                    last  = i1 + j2 - j1 - 1 # row number of last element after insertion
                    logger.debug("     calling beginInsertRows({}, {}, {})".format(tree_index, first, last)) 
                    self.beginInsertRows(tree_index, first, last)
                    tree_item.insert_children(i1, new_items[j1:j2])

                    raise ValueError("Invalid tag: {}".format(tag))
    def refreshTree(self):
        """ Refreshes the tree model from the underlying root object (which may have been changed).
        """"")"refreshTree: {}".format(self.rootItem))
        root_item = self.treeItem(self.rootIndex())"  root_item:      {} (idx={})".format(root_item, self.rootIndex()))
        inspected_item = self.treeItem(self.inspectedIndex())"  inspected_item: {} (idx={})".format(inspected_item, self.inspectedIndex()))
        assert (root_item is inspected_item) != self.inspectedNodeIsVisible, "sanity check"
        root_obj = self.rootItem.obj
        logger.debug("After _auxRefreshTree, root_obj: {}".format(cut_off_str(root_obj, 80)))
        # Emit the dataChanged signal for all cells. This is faster than checking which nodes
        # have changed, which may be slow for some underlying Python objects.
        n_rows = self.rowCount()
        n_cols = self.columnCount()
        top_left = self.index(0, 0)
        bottom_right = self.index(n_rows-1, n_cols-1)
        logger.debug("bottom_right: ({}, {})".format(bottom_right.row(), bottom_right.column()))
        self.dataChanged.emit(top_left, bottom_right)