def create_button(label, func): button_width = 25 black = ObjCClass('UIColor').alloc().initWithWhite_alpha_(0.0, 1.0) action_button = ui.Button() action_button.action = func accessory_button = ObjCClass('UIBarButtonItem').alloc().initWithTitle_style_target_action_(label, 0, action_button, sel('invokeAction:')) accessory_button.width = button_width accessory_button.tintColor = black return (action_button, accessory_button)
def __init__(self, cla=''): self.class_name = cla self.obs = [] try: c = ObjCClass(self.class_name) except ValueError: dialogs.alert(self.class_name + ' is not a known class') try: self.obs.append(['Class',dir(c.alloc())]) except: pass
def create_accessory_toolbar(self): from objc_util import ObjCClass, ObjCInstance, sel def create_button(label, func): button_width = 25 black = ObjCClass('UIColor').alloc().initWithWhite_alpha_(0.0, 1.0) action_button = ui.Button() action_button.action = func accessory_button = ObjCClass('UIBarButtonItem').alloc().initWithTitle_style_target_action_(label, 0, action_button, sel('invokeAction:')) accessory_button.width = button_width accessory_button.tintColor = black return (action_button, accessory_button) vobj = ObjCInstance(self.markup) keyboardToolbar = ObjCClass('UIToolbar').alloc().init() keyboardToolbar.sizeToFit() button_width = 25 black = ObjCClass('UIColor').alloc().initWithWhite_alpha_(0.0, 1.0) # Create the buttons # Need to retain references to the buttons used # to handle clicks (self.indentButton, indentBarButton) = create_button(u'\u21E5', self.indent) (self.outdentButton, outdentBarButton) = create_button(u'\u21E4', self.outdent) (self.quoteButton, quoteBarButton) = create_button('>', self.block_quote) (self.linkButton, linkBarButton) = create_button('[]', #(self.anchorButton, anchorBarButton) = create_button('<>', self.anchor) (self.hashButton, hashBarButton) = create_button('#', self.heading) (self.numberedButton, numberedBarButton) = create_button('1.', self.numbered_list) (self.listButton, listBarButton) = create_button('•', self.unordered_list) (self.underscoreButton, underscoreBarButton) = create_button('_', self.insert_underscore) (self.backtickButton, backtickBarButton) = create_button('`', self.insert_backtick) # Flex between buttons f = ObjCClass('UIBarButtonItem').alloc().initWithBarButtonSystemItem_target_action_(5, None, None) doneBarButton = ObjCClass('UIBarButtonItem').alloc().initWithBarButtonSystemItem_target_action_(0, vobj, sel('endEditing:')) keyboardToolbar.items = [indentBarButton, f, outdentBarButton, f, quoteBarButton, f, linkBarButton, f, hashBarButton, f, numberedBarButton, f, listBarButton, f, underscoreBarButton, f, backtickBarButton, f, doneBarButton] vobj.inputAccessoryView = keyboardToolbar
def live_player_is_installed(): try: from objc_util import ObjCClass, nsurl except ImportError: # don't blow up if objc_util doesn't exist return True LSApplicationWorkspace = ObjCClass('LSApplicationWorkspace') workspace = LSApplicationWorkspace.defaultWorkspace() if workspace.applicationForOpeningResource_( nsurl('fb493207460770675:')) or workspace.applicationForOpeningResource_( nsurl('fb1574042342908027:')): return True return True
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) UIPickerView = ObjCClass('UIPickerView') self._picker_view = UIPickerView.alloc().initWithFrame_(ObjCInstance(self).bounds()).autorelease() ObjCInstance(self).addSubview_(self._picker_view) self.delegate_and_datasource = UIPickerViewDataSourceAndDelegate.alloc().init().autorelease() self._picker_view.delegate = self.delegate_and_datasource self._picker_view.dataSource = self.delegate_and_datasource self._picker_view.assets = photos.get_assets() self._picker_view.myRowWidth = self.width self._picker_view.myRowHeight = int(self.height/5)
def get_lan_ip(): try: from objc_util import ObjCClass NSHost = ObjCClass('NSHost') addresses = [] for address in NSHost.currentHost().addresses(): address = str(address) if 48 <= ord(address[0]) <= 57 and address != '': addresses.append(address) return ' '.join(addresses) except ImportError: return ''
def pickerView_viewForRow_forComponent_reusingView_(self, cmd, picker_view, row, component,view_ptr): UIPickerView = ObjCInstance(picker_view) if view_ptr == None: view = ObjCClass('UILabel').alloc().init() #view.setText_('test') iv = ui.ImageView() iv.frame = (0,0, UIPickerView.myRowWidth, UIPickerView.myRowHeight) iv.content_mode = ui.CONTENT_SCALE_ASPECT_FIT iv.image = UIPickerView.assets[row].get_ui_image(size=(iv.width,iv.height)) view.addSubview_(ObjCInstance(iv)) else: view = ObjCInstance(view_ptr) return view.ptr
def get_ip(self): try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.connect(("", 80)) ip = s.getsockname()[0] s.close() return ip except: #offline if pythonista: try: from objc_util import ObjCClass NSHost = ObjCClass('NSHost') addresses = [] for address in NSHost.currentHost().addresses(): address = str(address) if 48 <= ord( address[0]) <= 57 and address != '': addresses.append(address) #return ' '.join(addresses) return addresses[-1] except ImportError: return '' else: #PC import subprocess try: result = subprocess.check_output( 'ifconfig en0 |grep -w inet', shell=True) except: try: result = subprocess.check_output( 'ifconfig eth0 |grep -w inet', shell=True) except: return False ip = '' if result: strs = result.split('\n') for line in strs: # remove \t, space... line = line.strip() if line.startswith('inet '): a = line.find(' ') ipStart = a + 1 ipEnd = line.find(' ', ipStart) if a != -1 and ipEnd != -1: ip = line[ipStart:ipEnd] break return ip
def sendEvent2_(_self, _cmd, _event): from objc_util import ObjCInstance, CGRect, ObjCClass UIView = ObjCClass('UIView') try: self = ObjCInstance(_self) e = ObjCInstance(_event) self.sendEvent2_(e) global __tvs global __show_touches if not __show_touches: if __tvs: if len(__tvs) > 0: for k, v in enumerate(__tvs): v[1].removeFromSuperview() __tvs.pop(k) return for tid in __tvs.keys(): ids = [id(t) for t in e.allTouches().allObjects()] if not tid in ids: __tvs[tid][1].removeFromSuperview() __tvs.pop(tid) for t in e.allTouches().allObjects(): if t.phase() == 3 or t.phase() == 4: __tvs[id(t)][1].removeFromSuperview() __tvs.pop(id(t), None) elif t.phase() == 0: vc = t.window().rootViewController() while vc.presentedViewController(): vc = vc.presentedViewController() v = v.size = (30, 30) = t.locationInView_(vc.view()) v.backgroundColor = UIColor.blackColor() v.alpha = 0.4 v.layer().cornerRadius = 15 v.userInteractionEnabled = False vc.view().addSubview_(v) __tvs[id(t)] = [t, v] elif t.phase() == 1: __tvs[id(t)][0] = t vc = t.window().rootViewController() while vc.presentedViewController(): vc = vc.presentedViewController() v = __tvs[id(t)][1] = t.locationInView_(vc.view()) except: pass
def flash_signals(kana, span): AVCaptureDevice = ObjCClass('AVCaptureDevice') device = AVCaptureDevice.defaultDeviceWithMediaType_('vide') if not device.hasTorch(): raise RuntimeError('Device has no flashlight') mode = device.torchMode() counts = _to_counts(kana) device.lockForConfiguration_(None) for s in counts: if int(s) != 0: device.setTorchMode_(1) time.sleep(int(s) * span) device.setTorchMode_(0) time.sleep(span) device.unlockForConfiguration()
def class_objects(cla='', alloc=True): functions = [] initializers = [] py_methods = [] try: c = ObjCClass(cla) except ValueError: dialogs.alert(cla + ' is not a known class') try: initializers = dir(c) except: return None if alloc: num_methods = c_uint(0) method_list_ptr = class_copyMethodList(c.ptr, byref(num_methods)) for i in range(num_methods.value): selector = method_getName(method_list_ptr[i]) sel_name = sel_getName(selector) if not isinstance(sel_name, str): sel_name = sel_name.decode('ascii') py_method_name = sel_name.replace(':', "_") if '.' not in py_method_name: py_methods.append(py_method_name) free(method_list_ptr) if not alloc: py_methods = [] functions = [] functions = [x for x in py_methods if x not in initializers] return { 'Initializers': initializers, 'Methods': functions, 'PyMethods': py_methods }
def swizzle(cls_name, selector_name, fn): cls = ObjCClass(cls_name).ptr new_selector_name = SWIZZLED_SELECTOR_PREFIX + selector_name new_selector = sel(new_selector_name) if c.class_getInstanceMethod(cls, new_selector): error('Skipping swizzling, already responds to {} selector'.format( new_selector_name)) return selector = sel(selector_name) method = c.class_getInstanceMethod(cls, selector) if not method: error('Failed to get {} instance method'.format(selector_name)) return type_encoding = c.method_getTypeEncoding(method) parsed_types = parse_types(type_encoding) restype = parsed_types[0] argtypes = parsed_types[1] IMPTYPE = CFUNCTYPE(restype, *argtypes) imp = IMPTYPE(fn) retain_global(imp) did_add = c.class_addMethod(cls, new_selector, imp, type_encoding) if not did_add: error('Failed to add {} method'.format(new_selector_name)) return new_method = c.class_getInstanceMethod(cls, new_selector) method_exchangeImplementations(method, new_method)
def add_method(cls_name, selector_name, fn, type_encoding): cls = ObjCClass(cls_name).ptr selector = sel(selector_name) if c.class_getInstanceMethod(cls, selector): error( 'Failed to add method, class {} already provides method {}'.format( cls_name, selector_name)) return parsed_types = parse_types(type_encoding) restype = parsed_types[0] argtypes = parsed_types[1] IMPTYPE = CFUNCTYPE(restype, *argtypes) imp = IMPTYPE(fn) retain_global(imp) did_add = c.class_addMethod(cls, selector, imp, c_char_p(type_encoding.encode('utf-8'))) if not did_add: error('Failed to add class method') return did_add
def _make_webview_transparent(webview): # # Any UI manipulation in ObjC must be done on the main thread, thus there's # @on_main_thread decorator to ensure that this function is always called # on the main thread. # # Pythonista usually wraps ObjC views / controls / ... in own # view. ui.WebView is not real UIWebView, it's kind of wrapper. # So we have to get ObjC instance of the wrapper view, traverse # subviews and check classes to find real UIWebView (ObjC). # # Actually ui.WebView (Python) consists of: # # SUIWebView_PY3 (ObjC) # | UIWebView (ObjC) # | | _UIWebViewScrollView (ObjC) # | | | UIWebBrowserView (ObjC) # ... # pythonista_wrapper_objc = ObjCInstance(webview) real_webview_objc = _find_real_webview(pythonista_wrapper_objc) if real_webview_objc: # UIWebView found # Make it transparent # real_webview_objc.setOpaque_(False) # Set background color to clear color # clear_color = ObjCClass('UIColor').clearColor() real_webview_objc.setBackgroundColor_(clear_color)
def __init__(self, cla=''): self.obs = class_objects(cla) try: self.supercls = ObjCInstance(ObjCClass(cla).superclass()) except AttributeError: self.supercls = None self.obs = [['Superclass', [str(self.supercls)]]] + self.obs pass
def get_pressure(): def handler(_cmd, _data, _error): global pressure pressure = ObjCInstance(_data).pressure() handler_block = ObjCBlock(handler, restype=None, argtypes=[c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p]) CMAltimeter = ObjCClass('CMAltimeter') NSOperationQueue = ObjCClass('NSOperationQueue') if not CMAltimeter.isRelativeAltitudeAvailable(): print('This device has no barometer.') return altimeter = main_q = NSOperationQueue.mainQueue() altimeter.startRelativeAltitudeUpdatesToQueue_withHandler_( main_q, handler_block) #print('Started altitude updates.') try: while pressure is None: pass finally: altimeter.stopRelativeAltitudeUpdates() #print('Updates stopped.') return pressure
def get_pressure(): ''' Obter a pressão atmosférica do barómetro do próprio dispositivo, se existir ''' def handler(_cmd, _data, _error): global pressure pressure = ObjCInstance(_data).pressure() handler_block = ObjCBlock(handler, restype=None, argtypes=[c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p]) CMAltimeter = ObjCClass('CMAltimeter') NSOperationQueue = ObjCClass('NSOperationQueue') if not CMAltimeter.isRelativeAltitudeAvailable(): # print('This device has no barometer.') return None altimeter = main_q = NSOperationQueue.mainQueue() altimeter.startRelativeAltitudeUpdatesToQueue_withHandler_( main_q, handler_block) try: while pressure is None: pass finally: altimeter.stopRelativeAltitudeUpdates() return pressure.floatValue() * 7.5006375541921
class NotificationController: def __init__(self, l_mpc): self._mpc = l_mpc self._ndc = ObjCClass('NSNotificationCenter').defaultCenter() def willResignActive(_self, _cmd): pass def didBecomeActive(_self, _cmd): pass def playbackStateDidChange(_self, _cmd): self._mpc.updatePlaybackState() def nowPlayingItemDidChange(_self, _cmd): self._mpc.setNowPlayingSongArtwork() self._method_table = { 'UIApplicationWillResignActiveNotification': willResignActive, 'UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification': didBecomeActive, 'MPMusicPlayerControllerPlaybackStateDidChangeNotification': playbackStateDidChange, 'MPMusicPlayerControllerNowPlayingItemDidChangeNotification': nowPlayingItemDidChange, } self._mp4p_nc = create_objc_class( 'NSMP4PNotificationController', methods=self._method_table.values()).new() def __del__(self): del self._mp4p_nc del self._method_table del self._ndc def registerAllObservers(self): for k, v in self._method_table.items(): self._ndc.addObserver_selector_name_object_( self._mp4p_nc, sel(v.__name__), k, None) def removeAllObservers(self): for k in self._method_table.keys(): self._ndc.removeObserver_name_object_(self._mp4p_nc, k, None)
def get_device_info(): device = ObjCClass('UIDevice').currentDevice() main_screen = ObjCClass('UIScreen').mainScreen() native_size = main_screen.nativeBounds().size return 'iOS {}, model {}, resolution (portrait) {} x {} @ {}'.format( device.systemVersion(), platform.machine(), native_size.width, native_size.height, main_screen.nativeScale())
def __get_album_dates(album): PHAsset = ObjCClass("PHAsset") NSSortDescriptor = ObjCClass("NSSortDescriptor") PHFetchOptions = ObjCClass("PHFetchOptions") fetchOptions = PHFetchOptions.alloc().init().autorelease() fetchOptions.sortDescriptors = [ NSSortDescriptor.sortDescriptorWithKey_ascending_( "creationDate", True) ] result = PHAsset.fetchAssetsInAssetCollection_options_(album, fetchOptions) if result.count() != 0: start_date = result.firstObject().creationDate() end_date = result.lastObject().creationDate() return (start_date, end_date) else: return (None, None)
def create_accessory_toolbar(self): from objc_util import ObjCClass, ObjCInstance, sel def create_button(label, func): button_width = 25 black = ObjCClass('UIColor').alloc().initWithWhite_alpha_(0.0, 1.0) action_button = ui.Button() action_button.action = func accessory_button = ObjCClass('UIBarButtonItem').alloc().initWithTitle_style_target_action_(label, 0, action_button, sel('invokeAction:')) accessory_button.width = button_width accessory_button.tintColor = black return (action_button, accessory_button) vobj = ObjCInstance(self.markup) keyboardToolbar = ObjCClass('UIToolbar').alloc().init() keyboardToolbar.sizeToFit() button_width = 25 black = ObjCClass('UIColor').alloc().initWithWhite_alpha_(0.0, 1.0) # Create the buttons # Need to retain references to the buttons used # to handle clicks (self.indentButton, indentBarButton) = create_button('\u21E5', self.indent) (self.outdentButton, outdentBarButton) = create_button('\u21E4', self.outdent) (self.quoteButton, quoteBarButton) = create_button('>', self.block_quote) (self.linkButton, linkBarButton) = create_button('[]', #(self.anchorButton, anchorBarButton) = create_button('<>', self.anchor) (self.hashButton, hashBarButton) = create_button('#', self.heading) (self.numberedButton, numberedBarButton) = create_button('1.', self.numbered_list) (self.listButton, listBarButton) = create_button('•', self.unordered_list) (self.underscoreButton, underscoreBarButton) = create_button('_', self.insert_underscore) (self.backtickButton, backtickBarButton) = create_button('`', self.insert_backtick) # Flex between buttons f = ObjCClass('UIBarButtonItem').alloc().initWithBarButtonSystemItem_target_action_(5, None, None) doneBarButton = ObjCClass('UIBarButtonItem').alloc().initWithBarButtonSystemItem_target_action_(0, vobj, sel('endEditing:')) keyboardToolbar.items = [indentBarButton, f, outdentBarButton, f, quoteBarButton, f, linkBarButton, f, hashBarButton, f, numberedBarButton, f, listBarButton, f, underscoreBarButton, f, backtickBarButton, f, doneBarButton] vobj.inputAccessoryView = keyboardToolbar
def main(): num_samples = 1000000 arrayA = [] arrayM = [] #arrayG = [] arrayP = [] arrayJ = [] arrayGPS = [] #GPS dataArray = [] CMAltimeter = ObjCClass('CMAltimeter') NSOperationQueue = ObjCClass('NSOperationQueue') if not CMAltimeter.isRelativeAltitudeAvailable(): print('This device has no barometer.') return altimeter = main_q = NSOperationQueue.mainQueue() altimeter.startRelativeAltitudeUpdatesToQueue_withHandler_( main_q, handler_block) motion.start_updates() location.start_updates() # GPS print("Logging start...") sleep(1.0) for i in range(num_samples): sleep(0.05) a = motion.get_user_acceleration() m = motion.get_magnetic_field() j = motion.get_attitude() gps = location.get_location() # GPS if a[1] > 0.8: break dataArray.append([relativeAltitude, a[2], m[0], m[1]]) arrayA.append(a) arrayM.append(m) arrayJ.append(j) arrayP.append(relativeAltitude) arrayGPS.append(gps) #GPS motion.stop_updates() location.stop_updates() # GPS altimeter.stopRelativeAltitudeUpdates() print("Logging stop and Saving start...") import pickle f = open('yokohama.serialize', 'wb') #pickle.dump([arrayA, arrayM, arrayP],f) pickle.dump([arrayA, arrayM, arrayJ, arrayP, arrayGPS], f) #GPS f.close print("Saving is finished.") x_values = [x * 0.05 for x in range(len(dataArray))] for i, color, label in zip(range(3), 'rgb', 'XYZ'): plt.plot(x_values, [g[i] for g in arrayM], color, label=label, lw=2) plt.grid(True) plt.xlabel('t') plt.ylabel('G') plt.gca().set_ylim([-100, 100]) plt.legend()
def _load_data_imp(_cmd, _block_ptr): global _dragged_item_path handler = runtime.ObjCBlockPointer( _block_ptr, argtypes=[ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_bool, ctypes.c_void_p]) if _dragged_item_path: NSURL = ObjCClass('NSURL') url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_isDirectory_( ns(_dragged_item_path), os.path.isdir(_dragged_item_path)) _dragged_item_path = None else: url = None if not url: error = NSError.errorWithDomain_code_userInfo_( 'com.robertvojta.blackmamba', 1, None) handler(None, None, error) else: handler(url.ptr, False, None)
def toggle_flashlight(): AVCaptureDevice = ObjCClass('AVCaptureDevice') device = AVCaptureDevice.defaultDeviceWithMediaType_('vide') if not device.hasTorch(): raise RuntimeError('Device has no flashlight') mode = device.torchMode() device.lockForConfiguration_(None) if device.torchMode() > 0: device.setTorchMode_((mode + 1) % 2) else: a = [1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1] for each in a: device.setTorchModeOnWithLevel_error_(each, None) print('level ' + str(each)) time.sleep(.6) #device.setTorchModeOnWithLevel_error_(0.88, None) device.unlockForConfiguration()
def bundleForClass(cls): if type(cls) == str: try: cls = ObjCClass(cls) except: return None try: b = NSBundle.bundleForClass_(cls) return Bundle(b) except ValueError: return None
def main(): if not is_running_extension(): print('This script is intended to be run from the sharing extension.') return files = get_file_paths() if not files: alert('No files were specified') return for file in files: filename = path.basename(file) if not filename.endswith('.pdf'): showAlert('Only PDF are allowed', filename) continue pdf = ObjCClass('PDFDocument').alloc().initWithURL(nsurl(file)) if pdf.isEncrypted(): pwd = input_alert('Password', filename) if pdf.unlockWithPassword_(pwd): pdf.writeToFile_(file) else: showAlert("Wrong Password", filename) else: showAlert("This PDF is not encrypted", filename) finish()
def get_ip(self): try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.connect(("", 80)) ip = s.getsockname()[0] s.close() return ip except: #offline try: from objc_util import ObjCClass NSHost = ObjCClass('NSHost') addresses = [] for address in NSHost.currentHost().addresses(): address = str(address) if 48 <= ord(address[0]) <= 57 and address != '': addresses.append(address) #return ' '.join(addresses) return addresses[-1] except ImportError: return ''
def create_icons(): Catalog = ObjCClass('CUICatalog').alloc() NSBundle = ObjCClass('NSBundle') path = nsurl(str(NSBundle.mainBundle().bundlePath()) + '/') assets = Catalog.initWithURL_error_(path, None) all_names = assets.allImageNames() named = ui.Image.named return [named(str(i)) for i in all_names]
def album(identifier, title=""): # Fetch the album for the specified identifier and check if it's found PHAssetCollection = ObjCClass("PHAssetCollection") result = PHAssetCollection.fetchAssetCollectionsWithLocalIdentifiers_options_( [identifier], None) album_details = dict() if result.count() != 0: if title == "": album_details["title"] = str( result.objectAtIndex_(0).localizedTitle()) else: album_details["title"] = title album_details["type"] = __localized_type_description( result.objectAtIndex_(0).assetCollectionSubtype()) album_details["number_of_photos"] = int( __get_asset_count(result.objectAtIndex_(0), MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE)) album_details["number_of_videos"] = int( __get_asset_count(result.objectAtIndex_(0), MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO)) start_date, end_date = __get_album_dates(result.objectAtIndex_(0)) album_details["start_date"] = start_date album_details["end_date"] = end_date return album_details else: return None
def did_load(self): self._tableview = self['tableview'] self._textfield = self['textfield'] self._help_label = self['helplabel'] self._title_label = self['titlelabel'] self._tableview.allows_selection = True self._tableview.allows_multiple_selection = False self._textfield.delegate = self UITextField = ObjCClass('UITextField') tf = ObjCInstance(self._textfield._objc_ptr) for sv in tf.subviews(): if sv.isKindOfClass_(UITextField): sv.becomeFirstResponder()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # todo: おまじないになっとる super().__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.bg_color = 'red' self.selfIns = ObjCInstance(self) initFrame = CGRect(CGPoint(0, 0), CGSize(self.width, self.height)) # fullViewSize flex_w, flex_h = (1 << 1), (1 << 4) uiTextView = ObjCClass('UITextView').alloc() self.uiTV = uiTextView self.uiTV.initWithFrame_(initFrame) self.uiTV.setAutoresizingMask_(flex_w | flex_h) self.uiTV.returnKeyType = 10 self.selfIns.addSubview_(self.uiTV)
def setup_begin(self): '''game on, prep cancel and pause buttons''' self.pause_button.enabled = True self.pause_button.hidden = False self.cancel_button.enabled = True self.cancel_button.hidden = False self.begin_button.enabled = False self.begin_button.hidden = True self.pb.width = 0 self.cancel_pressed = False # Disable screen sleeping. ObjCClass('UIApplication').sharedApplication().idleTimerDisabled = True
def get_synthesizer_and_voice( language: str = "ja-JP") -> Tuple[ObjCInstance, ObjCInstance]: assert isinstance(language, str), (type(language), language) AVSpeechSynthesizer = ObjCClass("AVSpeechSynthesizer") AVSpeechSynthesisVoice = ObjCClass("AVSpeechSynthesisVoice") synthesizer = for voice in AVSpeechSynthesisVoice.speechVoices(): # print(voice, voice.description()) if language in str(voice.description()): return synthesizer, voice raise ValueError(f"No voice found for {language}")
def get_frameworks(): flist = [] frameworks = {} frameworks['No Framework'] = {'bundle': None, 'items': []} for i in ObjCClass.get_names(): if bundles.bundleForClass(i): try: if frameworks[bundles.bundleForClass(i).bundleID]: frameworks[bundles.bundleForClass(i).bundleID]['items'] += [i] else: frameworks[bundles.bundleForClass(i).bundleID] = {'bundle': bundles.bundleForClass(i), 'items': [i]} except KeyError: frameworks[bundles.bundleForClass(i).bundleID] = {'bundle': bundles.bundleForClass(i), 'items': [i]} else: frameworks['No Framework']['items'] += [i] flist = sorted(frameworks.keys()) return {'flist': flist, 'frameworks': frameworks}
def reset(self): '''cleanup ui, prep for action''' self.pause_button.enabled = False self.pause_button.hidden = True self.cancel_button.enabled = False self.cancel_button.hidden = True self.begin_button.enabled = True self.begin_button.hidden = False self.pose_name.text = 'current pose' self.update_progress_bar(1.0, '', DONE_COLOR) # Enable screen sleeping. ObjCClass( 'UIApplication').sharedApplication().idleTimerDisabled = False
def get_classes(): classes = {} classes['No Class'] = [] for i in ObjCClass.get_names(): if bundles.bundleForClass(i): try: if classes[bundles.bundleForClass(i).bundleID]: classes[bundles.bundleForClass(i).bundleID] += [i] else: classes[bundles.bundleForClass(i).bundleID] = [i] except KeyError: classes[bundles.bundleForClass(i).bundleID] = [i] else: classes['No Class'] += [i] clist = [] for k, v in classes.items(): clist += [[k, v]] return clist
if type(value) == str: self._objc.setLightingModelName_(value) else: print('not a valid type') def load_scene(file): url = ns(file) s = SCNScene.sceneWithURL_options_(url, ns({})) return Scene(s) if __name__ == '__main__': for i in UIApplication.sharedApplication().keyWindow().rootViewController().view().gestureRecognizers(): if b'UIPanGestureRecognizer' == i._get_objc_classname(): slide = i slide.setEnabled_(False) SCNLookAtConstraint = ObjCClass('SCNLookAtConstraint') v = SceneTab() v.allowsCameraControl=True SCNBox = ObjCClass('SCNBox') SCNFloor = ObjCClass('SCNFloor') SCNSphere = ObjCClass('SCNSphere') v.debugOptions = DebugOptions.showLightInfluences| DebugOptions.showLightExtents v.showsStatistics=True v.scene = Scene() floor = SCNFloor.floor() cnode = Node() c = Camera() = c v.scene.node.addChild(cnode) n=Node()
from objc_util import ObjCClass NSFileManager = ObjCClass('NSFileManager') manager = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
from objc_util import ObjCClass, NSBundle #__all__ = ['battery','backlight_level','set_backlight_level'] UIDevice = ObjCClass('UIDevice') device = UIDevice.currentDevice() battery_states = {1: 'unplugged', 2: 'charging', 3: 'full'} class battery(object): def __init__(self): device.setBatteryMonitoringEnabled(True) def __enter__(self): device.setBatteryMonitoringEnabled(True) return self def charge_status(self): return battery_states[device.batteryState()] def level(self): return device.batteryLevel() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): device.setBatteryMonitoringEnabled(False) def backlight_level(): return device._backlightLevel() def set_backlight_level(value): if type(value) == float: if 0<= value <= 1:
from objc_util import ObjCClass UIDevice = ObjCClass('UIDevice') NSProcessInfo = ObjCClass('NSProcessInfo') device = UIDevice.currentDevice() process = NSProcessInfo.processInfo() _fsizes = {'B': 1.0, 'KB': 1024.0, 'MB': float(pow(1024,2)), 'GB': float(pow(1024,3))} class Process (object): def __init__(self): self._objc = NSProcessInfo.processInfo() self._fsizes = {'B': 1.0, 'KB': 1024.0, 'MB': float(pow(1024,2)), 'GB': float(pow(1024,3))} @property def lowPowerModeStatus(self): return self._objc.isLowPowerModeEnabled() @property def hostName(self): return str(self._objc.hostName()) @property def osVersion(self): major = self._objc.operatingSystemVersion().a minor = self._objc.operatingSystemVersion().b patch = self._objc.operatingSystemVersion().c return (major, minor, patch) @property def osVersionString(self): return str(self._objc.operatingSystemVersionString())
from objc_util import ObjCClass, nsurl, ObjCInstance, uiimage_to_png, UIImage from datetime import datetime from io import BytesIO from PIL import Image from objc_tools.objc_json import objc_to_py from objc_tools.backports.enum_backport import IntEnum import warnings warnings.warn("This API was broken in iOS 10 and greater", FutureWarning) LSApplicationWorkspace = ObjCClass('LSApplicationWorkspace') workspace = LSApplicationWorkspace.defaultWorkspace() LSApplicationProxy = ObjCClass('LSApplicationProxy') _timediff = 978307200 class AppType (IntEnum): '''Used to bridge with the numerical version''' system = 1 user = 0 class App (object): def __init__(self, app): try: app.applicationIdentifier() except AttributeError: raise AttributeError('{0} is not an app ObjC Class'.format(app)) bg = [] self.objc = app if len(self.objc.appTags()): for i in app.appTags():