def evaluationDisplay(): evaluation = EvaluationSchema.EvaluationContext.lookupOrCreate() # force us to redraw if anything changes in terms of the horizontal width # because right now the plotly charts aren't smart enough to do this. cells.sessionState().showNavTree cells.sessionState().showEditor cells.sessionState().showEvaluation if not evaluation: return None return cells.Subscribed( lambda: cells.Card("Waiting for backend...") if evaluation.state == "Dirty" else cells.Card("Backend computing...") if evaluation.state == "Calculating" else cells.Traceback(evaluation.error) if evaluation.error is not None else cells.Tabs( Displays=cells.Card( cells.Subscribed( lambda: ResearchFrontend.displaysDisplay(evaluation).tagged("RFE_Displays") ) ), Variables=cells.Card( cells.Subscribed( lambda: DisplayForVariables.variablesDisplay(evaluation).tagged("RFE_Variables") ) ) ).tagged("DisplayTabCell") ).overflow("auto").width("100%")
def displayForObject(display): obj = display.object if isinstance(obj, types.ModuleType): return cells.Card(f"Module {obj.__name__}", header=display.title or None) if isinstance(obj, types.FunctionType): return cells.Card(f"Function {obj.__qualname__}", header=display.title or None) if isinstance(obj, type): return cells.Card(f"Type {obj.__qualname__}", header=display.title or None) return cells.Card(f"Something else: {obj}", header=display.title or None)
def navDisplay(): def projectView(project): expander = cells.Expands( closed=ResearchFrontend.projectLine(project), open=ResearchFrontend.projectLine(project) + cells.SubscribedSequence( lambda: sorted(Module.lookupAll(project=project), key=lambda m:, lambda m: ResearchFrontend.moduleLine(m) ) ).tagged(f"RFE_ProjectExpander_{project._identity}") def onProjectSelectChanged(): if (cells.sessionState().selected_module and cells.sessionState().selected_module.exists() and cells.sessionState().selected_module.project == project and not expander.isExpanded): expander.isExpanded = True expander.markDirty() return expander + cells.Subscribed(onProjectSelectChanged) return cells.Card( cells.SubscribedSequence( lambda: sorted(Project.lookupAll(), key=lambda p:, projectView ) + cells.Code("\n\n\n\n") + cells.Button("New Project", ResearchFrontend.createNewProject).tagged("RFE_NewProjectButton") ).width(400)
def displayForDisplay(display): allDisplays = cells.Sequence(list(display.displays)) result = cells.Card(allDisplays, header=display.title if display.title else None) return result
def editorDisplay(): module = cells.sessionState().selected_module if module is None or not module.exists(): return cells.Card("Please select a module") def onEnter(buffer, selection): module.update(buffer) module.mark() evaluation = EvaluationSchema.EvaluationContext.lookupOrCreate() evaluation.request(module, None) def onExecuteSelected(buffer, selection): module.update(buffer) evaluation = EvaluationSchema.EvaluationContext.lookupOrCreate() if isinstance(selection,dict): selection = CodeSelection.fromAceEditorJson(selection) selectedText = selection.slice(buffer) else: selectedText = None evaluation.request(module, selectedText) def onTextChange(buffer, selection): module.update(buffer) ed = cells.CodeEditor( keybindings={'Enter': onEnter, 'Space': onExecuteSelected}, fontSize=14, minLines=50, onTextChange=onTextChange ).height('calc(100vh - 110px)') def onCodeChange(): """Executing this code in a 'subscribed' forces us to check whether the editor is out of sync with the current buffer. If so, we set the buffer. Any time the buffer changes because a user changes it, we should be forcing 'current_buffer' to reflect that change immediately. Otherwise this code will execute and force it to be the same again. """ if ed.getContents() != module.current_buffer: ed.setContents(module.current_buffer) return ed.width(1200) + cells.Subscribed(onCodeChange)
def serviceDisplay(serviceObject, instance=None, objType=None, queryArgs=None): cells.ensureSubscribedType(TaskStatus, lazy=True) return cells.Card( cells.Subscribed(lambda: cells.Text("Total Tasks: %s" % len( TaskStatus.lookupAll()))) + cells.Subscribed(lambda: cells.Text("Working Tasks: %s" % len( TaskStatus.lookupAll(state='Working')))) + cells.Subscribed( lambda: cells.Text("WaitingForSubtasks Tasks: %s" % len( TaskStatus.lookupAll(state='WaitForSubtasks')))) + cells.Subscribed(lambda: cells.Text("Unassigned Tasks: %s" % len( TaskStatus.lookupAll(state='Unassigned')))))
def displayForPrint(display): return cells.Card(cells.Subscribed( lambda: cells.Code(display.str).tagged("DatasetDisplay")), header=display.title or None)
def displayForPlot(display): # grab a context object, which tells us how we should filter our cube data for display purposes. # this must be pushed on the stack above us for us to display properly. datasetStatesUnnamed = display.args datasetStatesNamed = display.kwargs def downsamplePlotData(linePlot): data = {} if len(datasetStatesUnnamed) <= 1: for ds in datasetStatesUnnamed: data.update(makePlotData(ds, "", "series")) else: for i, ds in enumerate(datasetStatesUnnamed): data.update(makePlotData(ds, "", "series_" + str(i + 1))) for name, ds in datasetStatesNamed.items(): data.update(makePlotData(ds, name + ":", name)) with Timer("Downsampling plot data"): #because of slow connection speeds, lets not send more than MAX_POINTS_PER_CHART points total seriesCount = len(data) if seriesCount == 0: return data #first, restrict the dataset to what the xy can hold if linePlot.curXYRanges.get() is not None: minX, maxX = linePlot.curXYRanges.get()[0] for series in data: dim = 'timestamp' if 'timestamp' in data[series] else 'x' indexLeft = (max( 0, data[series][dim].searchsorted(minX - (maxX - minX) / 2)) if minX is not None else 0) indexRight = (min( data[series][dim].searchsorted( maxX + (maxX - minX) / 2, 'right'), len(data[series][dim])) if maxX is not None else 0) data[series][dim] = data[series][dim][indexLeft:indexRight] data[series]['y'] = data[series]['y'][indexLeft:indexRight] #now check our output point count totalPoints = sum(len(data[series]['y']) for series in data) colorIx = 0 if totalPoints > 10000 or candlestick.get(): with Timer("Downsampling %s total points", totalPoints): if candlestick.get(): downsampleRatio = int( numpy.ceil(totalPoints / (500 * len(data)))) else: downsampleRatio = int( numpy.ceil(totalPoints / (2000 * len(data)))) for series in data: dim = 'timestamp' if 'timestamp' in data[ series] else 'x' samplePoints = numpy.arange( len(data[series][dim]) // downsampleRatio) * downsampleRatio if candlestick.get(): # take the average of the points in the middle data[series][dim] = ( numpy.add.reduceat(data[series][dim], samplePoints) / numpy.add.reduceat(data[series][dim] * 0 + 1, samplePoints)) data[series]['open'] = data[series]['y'][ samplePoints[:-1]] data[series]['close'] = data[series]['y'][ samplePoints[1:] - 1] data[series]['high'] = numpy.maximum.reduceat( data[series]['y'], samplePoints) data[series]['low'] = numpy.minimum.reduceat( data[series]['y'], samplePoints) data[series]['decreasing'] = data[series][ 'increasing'] = { 'line': { 'color': nthColor(colorIx) } } colorIx += 1 del data[series]['y'] data[series]['type'] = 'candlestick' else: data[series]['line'] = {'color': nthColor(colorIx)} data[series][dim] = data[series][dim][ samplePoints[1:] - 1] data[series]['y'] = data[series]['y'][ samplePoints[1:] - 1] colorIx += 1 else: for series in data: data[series]['line'] = {'color': nthColor(colorIx)} colorIx += 1 return data def makePlotData(toShow, prefix, emptySeriesName): return {emptySeriesName: {'x': numpy.arange(len(toShow)), 'y': toShow}} showChart = cells.Slot(True) candlestick = cells.Slot(False) def cardContents(): if showChart.get(): xySlot = cells.Slot() return cells.Plot(downsamplePlotData, xySlot=xySlot).width("100%") else: seq = [] for plottedSet in list(display.unnamed) + list( display.named.values()): seq.append( research_app.DisplayForDataset.displayForDataset( DatasetDisplay.Dataset(dataset=plottedSet))) return cells.Sequence(seq) res = cells.Card( cells.Subscribed(cardContents), header=cells.HeaderBar( [cells.Text(display.title)] if display.title else [], [], [ cells.Subscribed(lambda: cells.Button( "Show Candlestick", lambda: candlestick.set(not candlestick.get()), active=candlestick.get()) if showChart.get() else None), cells.Subscribed(lambda: cells.ButtonGroup([ cells.Button(cells.Octicon("graph"), lambda: showChart.set(True), active=showChart.get()), cells.Button(cells.Octicon("three-bars"), lambda: showChart.set(False), active=not showChart.get()) ])) ])) return res
def serviceDisplay(serviceObject, instance=None, objType=None, queryArgs=None): cells.ensureSubscribedType(Configuration) cells.ensureSubscribedType(State) c = Configuration.lookupAny() if not c: return cells.Card("No configuration defined for AWS") def bootCountSetter(state, ct): def f(): state.desired = ct return f def bootCountSetterSpot(state, ct): def f(): state.spot_desired = ct return f return cells.Grid( colFun=lambda: [ 'Instance Type', 'COST', 'RAM', 'CPU', 'Booted', 'Desired', 'SpotBooted', 'SpotDesired', 'ObservedLimit', 'CapacityConstrained', 'Spot-us-east-1', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' ], rowFun=lambda: sorted([ x for x in State.lookupAll() if x.instance_type in instance_types_to_show ], key=lambda s: s.instance_type), headerFun=lambda x: x, rowLabelFun=None, rendererFun=lambda s, field: cells.Subscribed( lambda: s.instance_type if field == 'Instance Type' else s.booted if field == 'Booted' else cells.Dropdown(s.desired, [ (str(ct), bootCountSetter(s, ct)) for ct in list(range(10)) + list(range(10, 101, 10)) ]) if field == 'Desired' else s.spot_booted if field == 'SpotBooted' else cells.Dropdown(s.spot_desired, [ (str(ct), bootCountSetterSpot(s, ct)) for ct in list(range(10)) + list(range(10, 101, 10)) ]) if field == 'SpotDesired' else ("" if s.observedLimit is None else s.observedLimit) if field == 'ObservedLimit' else ("Yes" if s.capacityConstrained else "") if field == 'CapacityConstrained' else valid_instance_types[ s.instance_type]['COST'] if field == 'COST' else valid_instance_types[s.instance_type]['RAM'] if field == 'RAM' else valid_instance_types[s.instance_type]['CPU'] if field == 'CPU' else s.spotPrices.get('us-east-1' + field, "") if field in 'abcdef' else "")) + cells.Card( cells.Text("db_hostname = " + str(c.db_hostname)) + cells.Text("db_port = " + str(c.db_port)) + cells.Text("region = " + str(c.region)) + cells.Text("vpc_id = " + str(c.vpc_id)) + cells.Text("subnet = " + str(c.subnet)) + cells.Text("security_group = " + str(c.security_group)) + cells.Text("keypair = " + str(c.keypair)) + cells.Text("worker_name = " + str(c.worker_name)) + cells.Text("worker_iam_role_name = " + str(c.worker_iam_role_name)) + cells.Text("docker_image = " + str(c.docker_image)) + cells.Text("defaultStorageSize = " + str(c.defaultStorageSize)) + cells.Text("max_to_boot = " + str(c.max_to_boot)))