def serviceDisplay(serviceObject, instance=None, objType=None, queryArgs=None): if not current_transaction().db().isSubscribedToType(Happy): raise SubscribeAndRetry(lambda db: db.subscribeToType(Happy)) if instance: return instance.display(queryArgs) return Card( Subscribed(lambda: Text( "There are %s happy objects <this should not have lessthans>" % len(Happy.lookupAll()))) + Expands( Text("Closed"), Subscribed(lambda: HappyService.serviceDisplay(serviceObject))) ) + Button("go to google", "") + SubscribedSequence( lambda: Happy.lookupAll(), lambda h: Button( "go to the happy", serviceObject.urlForObject(h, x=10)) ) + Subscribed(lambda: ButtonGroup([ Button(Octicon("list-unordered"), lambda: None, active=lambda: True), Button(Octicon("terminal"), lambda: None, active=lambda: True), Button(Octicon("graph"), lambda: None, active=lambda: True) ]).nowrap())
def test_subscribed_html_valid(self): child = Text("Subscribed Text") cell = Subscribed(child) # TODO: does this makes sense? cell.cells = self.cells cell.recalculate() html = cell.contents self.assertHTMLNotEmpty(html) self.assertHTMLValid(html)
def test_cells_ensure_subscribed(self): schema = Schema("core.web.test2") @schema.define class Thing2: k = Indexed(int) x = int computed = threading.Event() def checkThing2s(): ensureSubscribedType(Thing2) res = Sequence([ Span("Thing(k=%s).x = %s" % (thing.k, thing.x)) for thing in Thing2.lookupAll() ]) computed.set() return res self.cells.withRoot(Subscribed(checkThing2s)) self.cells.renderMessages() self.assertTrue(computed.wait(timeout=5.0))
def test_cells_garbage_collection(self): # create a cell that subscribes to a specific 'thing', but that # creates new cells each time, and verify that we reduce our # cell count, and that we send deletion messages # subscribes to the set of cells with k=0 and displays something self.cells.withRoot( SubscribedSequence( lambda: Thing.lookupAll(k=0), lambda thing: Subscribed(lambda: Span("Thing(k=%s).x = %s" % (thing.k, thing.x))))) with self.db.transaction(): thing = Thing(x=1, k=0) for i in range(100): with self.db.transaction(): thing.k = 1 thing = Thing(x=i, k=0) for anything in Thing.lookupAll(): anything.x = anything.x + 1 messages = self.cells.renderMessages() self.assertTrue( len(self.cells) < 20, "Have %s cells at pass %s" % (len(self.cells), i)) self.assertTrue( len(messages) < 20, "Got %s messages at pass %s" % (len(messages), i))
def test_cells_memory_leak1(self): cell = Subscribed(lambda: Sequence([ Span("Thing(k=%s).x = %s" % (thing.k, thing.x)) for thing in Thing.lookupAll(k=0) ])) def workFn(db, cells, iterations=5000): with db.view(): thing = Thing.lookupAny(k=0) for counter in range(iterations): with db.transaction(): thing.delete() thing = Thing(k=0, x=counter) cells.renderMessages() def initFn(db, cells): with db.transaction(): Thing(k=0, x=0) cells.renderMessages() workFn(db, cells, iterations=500) self.helper_memory_leak(cell, initFn, workFn, 1)
def test_cells_memory_leak2(self): cell = ( SubscribedSequence( lambda: Thing.lookupAll(k=0), lambda thing: Subscribed(lambda: Span("Thing(k=%s).x = %s" % (thing.k, thing.x)))) + SubscribedSequence( lambda: Thing.lookupAll(k=1), lambda thing: Subscribed(lambda: Span("Thing(k=%s).x = %s" % (thing.k, thing.x))))) def workFn(db, cells, iterations=5000): with db.view(): thing = Thing.lookupAny(k=0) self.assertTrue(thing) self.assertTrue(Thing.lookupAny()) for counter in range(iterations): with db.transaction(): if counter % 3 == 0: thing.k = 1 - thing.k thing.delete() thing = Thing(x=counter, k=0) self.assertTrue(Thing.lookupAny()) all_things = Thing.lookupAll() self.assertEqual(len(all_things), 1) for anything in all_things: anything.x = anything.x + 1 cells.renderMessages() def initFn(db, cells): with db.transaction(): Thing(x=1, k=0) cells.renderMessages() workFn(db, cells, iterations=500) self.helper_memory_leak(cell, initFn, workFn, 1)
def hostsTable(): hosts = Table(colFun=lambda: [ 'Connection', 'IsMaster', 'Hostname', 'RAM ALLOCATION', 'CORE ALLOCATION', 'SERVICE COUNT', 'CPU USE', 'RAM USE' ], rowFun=lambda: sorted(service_schema.ServiceHost.lookupAll(), key=lambda s: s.hostname), headerFun=lambda x: x, rendererFun=lambda s, field: Subscribed( lambda: hostsTableDataPrep(s, field)), maxRowsPerPage=50) return hosts
def serviceDisplay(serviceObject, instance=None, objType=None, queryArgs=None): ensureSubscribedType(GridValue) return Grid( colFun=lambda: list(range(COL_COUNT)), rowFun=lambda: list(range(ROW_COUNT)), headerFun=lambda x: x, rowLabelFun=None, rendererFun=lambda row, col: Subscribed( lambda: GridValue.lookupAny(row_and_col=(row, col)).value))
def makeCells(self, queryArgs=None): queryArgs = queryArgs or {} rootCell = Subscribed( lambda: ResearchFrontend.serviceDisplay( self.serviceObject, queryArgs=queryArgs ) ).withSerializationContext(self.ser_ctx) cells = Cells(self.db).withRoot(rootCell) cells.renderMessages() return cells
def test_cells_reusable(self): c1 = Card(Text("HI")) c2 = Card(Text("HI2")) slot = Slot(0) self.cells.withRoot(Subscribed(lambda: c1 if slot.get() else c2)) self.cells.renderMessages() slot.set(1) self.cells.renderMessages() slot.set(0) self.cells.renderMessages() self.assertFalse(self.cells.childrenWithExceptions())
def displayAndHeadersForPathAndQueryArgs(path, queryArgs): if len(path) and path[0] == 'services': if len(path) == 1: return view(), [] serviceObj = service_schema.Service.lookupAny(name=path[1]) if serviceObj is None: return Traceback("Unknown service %s" % path[1]), [] serviceType = serviceObj.instantiateServiceType() serviceToggles = [ x.withSerializationContext(serviceObj.getSerializationContext()) for x in serviceType.serviceHeaderToggles(serviceObj) ] if len(path) == 2: return (Subscribed(lambda: serviceType.serviceDisplay( serviceObj, queryArgs=queryArgs)).withSerializationContext( serviceObj.getSerializationContext()), serviceToggles) typename = path[2] schemas = serviceObj.findModuleSchemas() typeObj = None for s in schemas: typeObj = s.lookupFullyQualifiedTypeByName(typename) if typeObj: break if typeObj is None: return Traceback("Can't find fully-qualified type %s" % typename), [] if len(path) == 3: return (serviceType.serviceDisplay( serviceObj, objType=typename, queryArgs=queryArgs).withSerializationContext( serviceObj.getSerializationContext()), serviceToggles) instance = typeObj.fromIdentity(path[3]) return (serviceType.serviceDisplay( serviceObj, instance=instance, queryArgs=queryArgs).withSerializationContext( serviceObj.getSerializationContext()), serviceToggles) return Traceback("Invalid url path: %s" % path), []
def servicesTableDataPrep(s, field, serviceCounts): """Prep data for display in services table. s : service object service data dictionary field : str serviceCounts : list of ints """ if field == 'Service': data = Clickable(, "/services/" + elif field == 'Codebase Status': data = ( Clickable( Sequence([Octicon('stop').color('red'), Span('Unlocked')]), lambda: s.lock()) if s.isUnlocked else Clickable( Sequence([Octicon('shield').color('green'), Span('Locked')]), lambda: s.prepare()) if s.isLocked else Clickable( Sequence([Octicon('shield').color('orange'), Span('Prepared')]), lambda: s.unlock())) elif field == 'Codebase': data = (str(s.codebase) if s.codebase else "") elif field == 'Module': data = s.service_module_name elif field == 'Class': data = s.service_class_name elif field == 'Placement': data = s.placement elif field == 'Active': data = Subscribed( lambda: len(service_schema.ServiceInstance.lookupAll(service=s))) elif field == 'TargetCount': data = Dropdown(s.target_count, [(str(ct), __serviceCountSetter(s, ct)) for ct in serviceCounts]) elif field == 'Cores': data = str(s.coresUsed) elif field == 'RAM': data = str(s.gbRamUsed) elif field == 'Boot Status': data = (Popover(Octicon("alert"), "Failed", Traceback(s.lastFailureReason or "<Unknown>")) if s.isThrottled() else "") else: data = "" return data
def twinned(): data = { 'PointsToShow': { 'timestamp': [1500000000 + x for x in range(1000)], 'y': [numpy.sin(x) for x in range(1000)] } } slot = Slot(None) p1 = Plot(lambda: data, xySlot=slot) p2 = Plot(lambda: data, xySlot=slot) def synchronize(): if slot.get() is not None: p1.setXRange(*slot.get()[0]) p2.setXRange(*slot.get()[0]) return p1 + p2 + Subscribed(synchronize)
def servicesTable(): serviceCountsChain = chain(range(5), range(10, 100, 10), range(100, 400, 25), range(400, 1001, 100)) serviceCounts = [val for val in serviceCountsChain] table = Table(colFun=lambda: [ 'Service', 'Codebase Status', 'Codebase', 'Module', 'Class', 'Placement', 'Active', 'TargetCount', 'Cores', 'RAM', 'Boot Status' ], rowFun=lambda: sorted(service_schema.Service.lookupAll(), key=lambda s:, headerFun=lambda x: x, rendererFun=lambda s, field: Subscribed( lambda: servicesTableDataPrep(s, field, serviceCounts)), maxRowsPerPage=50) return table
def test_cells_subscriptions(self): self.cells.withRoot( Subscribed(lambda: Sequence([ Span("Thing(k=%s).x = %s" % (thing.k, thing.x)) for thing in Thing.lookupAll() ]))) self.cells.renderMessages() with self.db.transaction(): Thing(x=1, k=1) Thing(x=2, k=2) self.cells._recalculateCells() with self.db.transaction(): Thing(x=3, k=3) # three 'Span', three 'Text', the Sequence, the Subscribed, and a delete self.assertEqual(len(self.cells.renderMessages()), 9)
def serviceDisplay(serviceObject, instance=None, objType=None, queryArgs=None): ensureSubscribedType(TextEditor) toEval = Slot("{'x': [1,2,3,4,5], 'y': [1,5,1,5,1]}") def onEnter(buffer, selection): toEval.set(buffer) TextEditor.lookupAny().code = buffer def onTextChange(buffer, selection): if TextEditor.lookupAny() is not None: TextEditor.lookupAny().code = buffer ed = CodeEditor(keybindings={'Enter': onEnter}, noScroll=True, minLines=50, onTextChange=onTextChange) def makePlotData(): # data must be a list or dict here, but this is checked/asserted # down the line in cells. Sending anything that is not a dict/list # will break the entire plot. try: data = ast.literal_eval(toEval.get()) except (AttributeError, SyntaxError): data = {} return {'data': data} def onCodeChange(): if TextEditor.lookupAny() is not None: if ed.getContents() != TextEditor.lookupAny().code: ed.setContents(TextEditor.lookupAny().code) return Columns(ed, Card( Plot(makePlotData).height("100%").width("100%"))) + Subscribed( onCodeChange)
def mainBar(display, toggles, current_username, authorized_groups_text): """Main header bar. Parameters: ----------- display: serviceDisplay object togges: list of servicesToggles current_username : text authorized_groups_text: text """ return (HeaderBar([ Subscribed( lambda: Dropdown("Service", [("All", "/services")] + [ (, "/services/" + for s in sorted(service_schema.Service.lookupAll(), key=lambda s: ]), ) ], toggles, [ LargePendingDownloadDisplay(), Octicon('person') + Span(current_username), Span('Authorized Groups: {}'.format(authorized_groups_text)), Button(Octicon('sign-out'), '/logout') ]) + Main(display))
def serviceDisplay(serviceObject, instance=None, objType=None, queryArgs=None): ensureSubscribedType(PointsToShow) ensureSubscribedType(Feigenbaum) depth = Slot(50) def twinned(): data = { 'PointsToShow': { 'timestamp': [1500000000 + x for x in range(1000)], 'y': [numpy.sin(x) for x in range(1000)] } } slot = Slot(None) p1 = Plot(lambda: data, xySlot=slot) p2 = Plot(lambda: data, xySlot=slot) def synchronize(): if slot.get() is not None: p1.setXRange(*slot.get()[0]) p2.setXRange(*slot.get()[0]) return p1 + p2 + Subscribed(synchronize) return Tabs( Overlay=Card( Plot( lambda: { 'single_array': [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], 'xy': { 'x': [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], 'y': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] }, }).width(600).height(400) + Code("HI")), AGrid=Grid(colFun=lambda: ['A', 'B', 'B'], rowFun=lambda: ['1', '2', '2'], headerFun=lambda x: x, rowLabelFun=None, rendererFun=lambda row, col: row + col), ASheet=Sheet( ["A", "B", "C"], 1000000, lambda rowIx: ["(%s) ts" % rowIx, rowIx, rowIx + 1, rowIx + 2] ).width('calc(100vw - 70px)').height('calc(100vh - 150px)'), Timestamps=( Button("Add a point!", GraphDisplayService.addAPoint) + Card(Plot( GraphDisplayService.chartData)).width(600).height(400)), Twinned=Subscribed(twinned), feigenbaum=(Dropdown("Depth", [ (val, depth.setter(val)) for val in [10, 50, 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000] ]) + Dropdown( "Polynomial", [1.0, 1.5, 2.0], lambda polyVal: setattr( Feigenbaum.lookupAny(), 'y', float(polyVal))) + Dropdown( "Density", list(range(100, 10000, 100)), lambda polyVal: setattr(Feigenbaum.lookupAny( ), 'density', float(polyVal))) + Card( Plot(lambda graph: GraphDisplayService.feigenbaum( graph, depth.get()))).width(600).height(400)))
def mainSocket(self, ws, path): path = str(path).split("/") queryArgs = dict(request.args.items()) sessionId = request.cookies.get("session") # wait for the other socket to close if we were bounced sleep(.25) sessionState = self._getSessionState(sessionId)"entering websocket with path %s", path) reader = None isFirstMessage = True # set up message tracking timestamps = [] lastDumpTimestamp = time.time() lastDumpMessages = 0 lastDumpFrames = 0 lastDumpTimeSpentCalculating = 0.0 # set up cells cells = Cells(self.db) # reset the session state. There's only one per cells (which is why # we keep a list of sessions.) sessionState._reset(cells) cells = cells.withRoot( Subscribed( lambda: self.displayForPathAndQueryArgs(path, queryArgs)), serialization_context=self.db.serializationContext, session_state=sessionState) # large messages (more than frames_per_ack frames) send an ack # after every frames_per_ackth message largeMessageAck = gevent.queue.Queue() reader = Greenlet.spawn( functools.partial(readThread, ws, cells, largeMessageAck, self._logger))"Starting main websocket handler with %s", ws) while not ws.closed: t0 = time.time() try: # make sure user is authenticated user = self.login_plugin.load_user(current_user.username) if not user.is_authenticated: ws.close() return messages = cells.renderMessages() lastDumpTimeSpentCalculating += time.time() - t0 if isFirstMessage:"Completed first rendering loop") isFirstMessage = False for message in messages: gevent.socket.wait_write( writeJsonMessage(message, ws, largeMessageAck, self._logger) lastDumpMessages += 1 lastDumpFrames += 1 # log slow messages if time.time() - lastDumpTimestamp > 60.0: "In the last %.2f seconds, spent %.2f seconds" " calculating %s messages over %s frames", time.time() - lastDumpTimestamp, lastDumpTimeSpentCalculating, lastDumpMessages, lastDumpFrames) lastDumpFrames = 0 lastDumpMessages = 0 lastDumpTimeSpentCalculating = 0 lastDumpTimestamp = time.time() # tell the browser to execute the postscripts that its built up writeJsonMessage("postscripts", ws, largeMessageAck, self._logger) # request an ACK from the browser before sending any more data # otherwise it can get overloaded and crash because it can't keep # up with the data volume writeJsonMessage("request_ack", ws, largeMessageAck, self._logger) ack = largeMessageAck.get() if ack is StopIteration: raise Exception("Websocket closed.") cells.wait() timestamps.append(time.time()) if len(timestamps) > MAX_FPS: timestamps = timestamps[-MAX_FPS + 1:] if (time.time() - timestamps[0]) < 1.0: sleep(1.0 / MAX_FPS + .001) except Exception: self._logger.error("Websocket handler error: %s", traceback.format_exc()) self.sessionStates[sessionId].append(sessionState) "Returning session state to pool for %s. Have %s", sessionId, len(self.sessionStates[sessionId])) if reader: reader.join()