Example #1
def semblance(st, s, baz, winlen):
    Returns the semblance for a seismic array, for a beam of given slowness and backazimuth.

    st : ObsPy Stream object
        Stream of SAC format seismograms for the seismic array, length K = no. of stations in array
    s  : float
        Magnitude of slowness vector, in s / km
    baz : float
        Backazimuth of slowness vector, (i.e. angle from North back to epicentre of event)
    winlen : int
        Length of Hann window over which to calculate the semblance.

    semblance : NumPy array
        The semblance at the given slowness and backazimuth, as a time series.


    # Check that each channel has the same number of samples, otherwise we can't construct the beam properly
    assert len(set([
        len(tr) for tr in st
    ])) == 1, "Traces in stream have different lengths, cannot stack."

    nsta = len(st)

    stack = linear_stack(st, s, baz)

    # Taper the linear stack
    stack_trace = Trace(stack)
    stack_trace.taper(type='cosine', max_percentage=0.05)
    stack = stack_trace.data

    shifts = get_shifts(st, s, baz)

    # Smooth data with sliding Hann window (i.e. convolution of signal and window function)
    window = np.hanning(winlen)

    shifted_st = st.copy()

    for i, tr in enumerate(shifted_st):
        tr.data = np.roll(tr.data,
                          shifts[i])  # Shift data in each trace by its offset
        tr.taper(type='cosine', max_percentage=0.05)  # Taper it

    # Calculate the power in the beam
    beampower = np.convolve(stack**2, window, mode='same')

    # Calculate the summed power of each trace
    tracepower = np.convolve(np.sum([tr.data**2 for tr in shifted_st], axis=0),

    # Calculate semblance
    semblance = nsta * beampower / tracepower

    return semblance
Example #2
 def test_taper(self):
     Test taper method of trace
     data = np.ones(10)
     tr = Trace(data=data)
     for i in range(len(data)):
         self.assertLessEqual(tr.data[i], 1.)
         self.assertGreaterEqual(tr.data[i], 0.)
Example #3
 def test_taper(self):
     Test taper method of trace
     data = np.ones(10)
     tr = Trace(data=data)
     for i in range(len(data)):
         self.assertTrue(tr.data[i] <= 1.)
         self.assertTrue(tr.data[i] >= 0.)
Example #4
 def test_taper(self):
     Test taper method of trace
     data = np.ones(10)
     tr = Trace(data=data)
     for i in range(len(data)):
         self.assertTrue(tr.data[i] <= 1.)
         self.assertTrue(tr.data[i] >= 0.)
Example #5
def semblance(st, s, baz, winlen):
    Returns the semblance for a seismic array, for a beam of given slowness and backazimuth.

    st : ObsPy Stream object
        Stream of SAC format seismograms for the seismic array, length K = no. of stations in array
    s  : float
        Magnitude of slowness vector, in s / km
    baz : float
        Backazimuth of slowness vector, (i.e. angle from North back to epicentre of event)
    winlen : int
        Length of Hann window over which to calculate the semblance.

    semblance : NumPy array
        The semblance at the given slowness and backazimuth, as a time series.


    # Check that each channel has the same number of samples, otherwise we can't construct the beam properly
    assert len(set([len(tr) for tr in st])) == 1, "Traces in stream have different lengths, cannot stack."

    nsta = len(st)

    stack = linear_stack(st, s, baz)

    # Taper the linear stack
    stack_trace = Trace(stack)
    stack_trace.taper(type="cosine", max_percentage=0.05)
    stack = stack_trace.data

    shifts = get_shifts(st, s, baz)

    # Smooth data with sliding Hann window (i.e. convolution of signal and window function)
    window = np.hanning(winlen)

    shifted_st = st.copy()

    for i, tr in enumerate(shifted_st):
        tr.data = np.roll(tr.data, shifts[i])  # Shift data in each trace by its offset
        tr.taper(type="cosine", max_percentage=0.05)  # Taper it

    # Calculate the power in the beam
    beampower = np.convolve(stack ** 2, window, mode="same")

    # Calculate the summed power of each trace
    tracepower = np.convolve(np.sum([tr.data ** 2 for tr in shifted_st], axis=0), window, mode="same")

    # Calculate semblance
    semblance = nsta * beampower / tracepower

    return semblance
Example #6
def st(data,
    if data.shape[0] <= 1 or len(data.shape) > 1:
        raise TypeError('input data invalid ,please check!')
    if not maxfreq and not samprate:
        #regard signal as 1 second length
        maxfreq = len(data) // 2
        samprate = len(data)
    if maxfreq and not samprate:
        samprate = len(data)
    if not maxfreq and samprate:
        maxfreq = samprate // 2

    orig = copy.copy(data)
    st_res = np.zeros((int((maxfreq - minfreq) / freqsamprate) + 1, len(data)),

    if remove_edge:
            'remove_edge selected;  Remove trend with polynomial fit and taper!'
            from obspy.core import Trace
        except ModuleNotFoundError:
            print('Obspy not found ,please install Obspy!')
        tmp = Trace(data=orig)
        tmp.detrend('polynomial', order=2)
        orig = tmp.data
    if analytic_signal:
        print('analytic_signal selected;  Calculating analytic signal!')
        orig = signal.hilbert(orig)

    vec = np.hstack((np.fft.fft(orig), np.fft.fft(orig)))

    if minfreq == 0:
        st_res[0] = np.mean(orig) * np.ones(len(data))
        st_res[0] = np.fft.ifft(vec[minfreq:minfreq + len(data)] *
                                g_window(len(data), minfreq, factor))

    for i in range(freqsamprate, (maxfreq - minfreq) + 1, freqsamprate):
        st_res[int(i / freqsamprate)] = np.fft.ifft(
            vec[minfreq + i:minfreq + i + len(data)] *
            g_window(len(data), minfreq + i, factor))
    return st_res
Example #7
def create_kiknet_acc(recid, path_kiknet_folder, fminNS2, fmaxNS2, fminEW2,
    KiK-net acc are stored within Database_small.hdf5 file

    # Import libraries
    import numpy as np
    from obspy.core import Trace, UTCDateTime
    import re
    from obspy.signal import filter

    # desc1 = ""
    # desc2 = ""
    time1 = []
    time2 = []
    inp_acc1 = []
    inp_acc2 = []
    npts1 = []
    npts2 = []
    for i in range(1, 3):
        if i == 1:
            comp = 'EW2'
            fmin = fminEW2
            fmax = fmaxEW2
        elif i == 2:
            comp = 'NS2'
            fmin = fminNS2
            fmax = fmaxNS2

        file_acc = path_kiknet_folder + '/' + str(recid) + '/' + str(
            recid) + '.' + comp
        hdrnames = [
            'Origin Time', 'Lat.', 'Long.', 'Depth. (km)', 'Mag.',
            'Station Code', 'Station Lat.', 'Station Long.',
            'Station Height(m)', 'Record Time', 'Sampling Freq(Hz)',
            'Duration Time(s)', 'Dir.', 'Scale Factor', 'Max. Acc. (gal)',
            'Last Correction', 'Memo.'
        acc_data = []
        time = []
        with open(file_acc, 'r') as f:
            content = f.readlines()
        counter = 0
        for line in content:
            if counter < 17:
                if not line.startswith(hdrnames[counter]):
                    sys.exit("Expected line to start with %s but got %s " %
                             (hdrnames[counter], line))
                    flds = line.split()

            if (counter == 0):
                origin_time = flds[2] + ' ' + flds[3]
                origin_time = UTCDateTime.strptime(origin_time,
                                                   '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
                # All times are in Japanese standard time which is 9 hours ahead of UTC
                origin_time -= 9 * 3600.

            elif (counter == 1):
                lat = float(flds[1])

            elif (counter == 2):
                lon = float(flds[1])

            elif (counter == 3):
                dp = float(flds[2])

            elif (counter == 4):
                mag = float(flds[1])

            elif (counter == 5):
                stnm = flds[2]

            elif (counter == 6):
                stla = float(flds[2])

            elif (counter == 7):
                stlo = float(flds[2])

            elif (counter == 8):
                stel = float(flds[2])

            elif (counter == 9):
                record_time = flds[2] + ' ' + flds[3]
                # A 15 s delay is added to the record time by the
                # the K-NET and KiK-Net data logger
                record_time = UTCDateTime.strptime(record_time,
                                                   '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S') - 15.0
                # All times are in Japanese standard time which is 9 hours ahead of UTC
                record_time -= 9 * 3600.

            elif (counter == 10):
                freqstr = flds[2]
                m = re.search('[0-9]*', freqstr)
                freq = int(m.group())

            elif (counter == 11):
                duration = float(flds[2])

            elif (counter == 12):
                channel = flds[1].replace('-', '')
                kiknetcomps = {
                    '1': 'NS1',
                    '2': 'EW1',
                    '3': 'UD1',
                    '4': 'NS2',
                    '5': 'EW2',
                    '6': 'UD2'
                if channel.strip() in kiknetcomps.keys(
                ):  # kiknet directions are 1-6
                    channel = kiknetcomps[channel.strip()]

            elif (counter == 13):
                eqn = flds[2]
                num, denom = eqn.split('/')
                num = float(re.search('[0-9]*', num).group())
                denom = float(denom)
                # convert the calibration from gal to m/s^2
                calib = 0.01 * num / denom

            elif (counter == 14):
                accmax = float(flds[3])

            elif (counter == 15):
                last_correction = flds[2] + ' ' + flds[3]
                last_correction = UTCDateTime.strptime(last_correction,
                                                       '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
                # All times are in Japanese standard time which is 9 hours ahead of UTC
                last_correction -= 9 * 3600.

            elif counter > 16:
                data = str(line).split()
                for value in data:
                    a = float(value)
            counter = counter + 1

        data = np.array(acc_data)
        tr = Trace(data)
        tr.taper(max_percentage=0.05, type='cosine', side='both')
        filter_order = 4
        pad = np.zeros(int(round(1.5 * filter_order / fmin * freq)))
        tr.data = np.concatenate([pad, tr.data, pad])
        fN = freq / 2
        if fmax < fN:
            tr.data = filter.bandpass(tr.data,
            tr.data = filter.highpass(tr.data,
        tr.data = tr.data[len(pad):len(tr.data) - len(pad)]
        tr.data = tr.data * calib / 9.81  #in g

        npts = len(tr.data)

        time = []
        for j in range(0, npts):
            t = j * 1 / freq
        time = np.asarray(time)
        if i == 1:
            inp_acc1 = tr.data
            npts1 = npts
            time1 = time
        if i == 2:
            inp_acc2 = tr.data
            npts2 = npts
            time2 = time
    return time1, time2, inp_acc1, inp_acc2, npts1, npts2
Example #8
i_max = np.argmax(abs(filt_stf))
ind = nstep - 1
while (filt_stf[ind] < tol):
    ind -= 1

delay = ind - i_max
print 'Delay used : ' + str(delay)

# 2 : Apply delay and bandpass source time function
delayed_stf = np.zeros(nstep + delay)
delayed_stf[-nstep:] = np.array(stf)

resu = bandpass(delayed_stf, freqmin, freqmax, df, zerophase=True)
t = Trace()
t.data = resu
t.taper(0.005, type='hann')
resu = t.data

if resamp == 1:
    resu = resample(resu[:nstep], int(1.5 * nstep_resamp))[:nstep_resamp]

stf = open("my_filtered_stf.txt", "w")

for i in range(0, nstep_resamp):  #nstep + delay):
    stf.write("%d " % i)