Example #1
 def test_merge(self):
     Ensure the merge option of read_rg16 merges all contiguous traces
     for fcnt_file in FCNT_FILES:
         st_merged = rc._read_rg16(fcnt_file, merge=True)
         st = rc._read_rg16(fcnt_file).merge()
         self.assertEqual(len(st), len(st_merged))
         self.assertEqual(st, st_merged)
Example #2
 def test_merge(self):
     Ensure the merge option of read_rg16 merges all contiguous traces
     for fcnt_file in FCNT_FILES:
         st_merged = _read_rg16(fcnt_file, merge=True)
         st = _read_rg16(fcnt_file).merge()
         self.assertEqual(len(st), len(st_merged))
         self.assertEqual(st, st_merged)
Example #3
 def test_can_read_from_buffer(self):
     Ensure each stream can be read from a buffer.
     for fcnt_file in FCNT_FILES:
         with open(fcnt_file, 'rb') as fi:
             buff = io.BytesIO(fi.read())
             _read_rg16(buff, 'mseed')
         except Exception:
             self.fail('failed to read from bytesIO')
Example #4
 def test_headonly_option(self):
     Ensure no data is returned when the option headonly is used.
     st = rc._read_rg16(THREE_CHAN_FCNT, headonly=True)
     for tr in st:
         self.assertEqual(len(tr.data), 0)
         self.assertNotEqual(tr.stats.npts, 0)
Example #5
 def test_contacts_north_and_merge(self):
     Ensure the "contacts_north" and "merge" parameters can be used
     together. See #2198.
     for filename in FCNT_FILES:
         st = rc._read_rg16(filename, contacts_north=True, merge=True)
         assert isinstance(st, obspy.Stream)
Example #6
 def test_contacts_north_and_merge(self):
     Ensure the "contacts_north" and "merge" parameters can be used
     together. See #2198.
     for filename in FCNT_FILES:
         st = _read_rg16(filename, contacts_north=True, merge=True)
         assert isinstance(st, obspy.Stream)
Example #7
    def test_starttime_endtime_option(self):
        Test the options starttime and endtime
        t1 = UTCDateTime(2017, 8, 9, 16, 0, 15)
        t2 = UTCDateTime(2017, 8, 9, 16, 0, 45)

        # read streams for testing. The three channel rg16 file has 6 traces
        # but the streams may have less depending on the starttime/endtime
        st = rc._read_rg16(THREE_CHAN_FCNT)  # no time filtering
        st1 = rc._read_rg16(THREE_CHAN_FCNT, starttime=t1, endtime=t2)

        # test using starttime and endtime
        self.assertEqual(len(st1), len(st))
        for tr, tr1 in zip(st, st1):
            self.assertEqual(tr.stats.starttime, tr1.stats.starttime)
            self.assertEqual(tr.stats.endtime, tr1.stats.endtime)
Example #8
    def test_starttime_endtime_option(self):
        Test the the options starttime and endtime
        t1 = UTCDateTime(2017, 8, 9, 16, 0, 15)
        t2 = UTCDateTime(2017, 8, 9, 16, 0, 45)

        # read streams for testing. The three channel rg16 file has 6 traces
        # but the streams may have less depending on the starttime/endtime
        st = rc._read_rg16(THREE_CHAN_FCNT)  # no time filtering
        st1 = rc._read_rg16(THREE_CHAN_FCNT, starttime=t1, endtime=t2)

        # test using starttime and endtime
        self.assertEqual(len(st1), len(st))
        for tr, tr1 in zip(st, st1):
            self.assertEqual(tr.stats.starttime, tr1.stats.starttime)
            self.assertEqual(tr.stats.endtime, tr1.stats.endtime)
Example #9
 def test_headonly_option(self):
     Ensure no data is returned when the option headonly is used.
     st = rc._read_rg16(THREE_CHAN_FCNT, headonly=True)
     for tr in st:
         self.assertEqual(len(tr.data), 0)
         self.assertNotEqual(tr.stats.npts, 0)
Example #10
    def test_intrablock_starttime_endtime(self):
        Test starttime/endtime options when starttime and endtime are comprised
        in a data block.
        t1 = UTCDateTime(2017, 8, 9, 16, 0, 47)
        t2 = UTCDateTime(2017, 8, 9, 16, 0, 58)

        # read streams for testing
        st = rc._read_rg16(THREE_CHAN_FCNT)  # no time filtering
        st1 = rc._read_rg16(THREE_CHAN_FCNT, starttime=t1, endtime=t2)

        # test when starttime and endtime are comprised in a data packet.
        self.assertEqual(len(st1), 3)
        for tr, tr1 in zip(st[1::2], st1):
            self.assertEqual(tr.stats.starttime, tr1.stats.starttime)
            self.assertEqual(tr.stats.endtime, tr1.stats.endtime)
Example #11
 def test_no_data(self):
     Ensure no data is returned when the option is used.
     for fcnt_file in FCNT_FILES:
         st = _read_rg16(fcnt_file, headonly=True)
         for tr in st:
             self.assertEqual(len(tr.data), 0)
             self.assertNotEqual(tr.stats.npts, 0)
Example #12
 def test_starttime_endtime(self):
     Ensure starttimes and endtimes filter traces returned.
     for fcnt_file in FCNT_FILES:
         # get good times to filter on
         st = _read_rg16(fcnt_file, headonly=True)
         stats = st[0].stats
         t1, t2 = stats.starttime.timestamp, stats.endtime.timestamp
         tpoint = obspy.UTCDateTime((t1 + t2) / 2.)
         # this should only return one trace for each channel
         st = _read_rg16(fcnt_file, starttime=tpoint, endtime=tpoint)
         ids = {tr.id for tr in st}
         self.assertEqual(len(st), len(ids))
         # make sure tpoint is in the time range
         start = st[0].stats.starttime
         end = st[0].stats.endtime
         self.assertLess(start, tpoint)
         self.assertLess(tpoint, end)
Example #13
 def test_can_write(self):
     Ensure the result of _read_rg16 is a stream object and that
     it can be written as mseed.
     st = rc._read_rg16(THREE_CHAN_FCNT)
     self.assertIsInstance(st, obspy.core.stream.Stream)
     bytstr = io.BytesIO()
     # test passes if this doesn't raise
         st.write(bytstr, 'mseed')
     except Exception:
         self.fail('Failed to write to mseed!')
Example #14
 def test_can_write(self):
     Ensure the result of _read_rg16 is a stream object and that
     it can be written as mseed.
     st = rc._read_rg16(THREE_CHAN_FCNT)
     self.assertIsInstance(st, obspy.core.stream.Stream)
     bytstr = io.BytesIO()
     # test passes if this doesn't raise
         st.write(bytstr, 'mseed')
     except Exception:
         self.fail('Failed to write to mseed!')
Example #15
 def test_contacts_north(self):
     Ensure the contacts north option maps channels and flips Z trace data.
     components = {'Z', 'N', 'E'}
     for filename, st_default in zip(FCNT_FILES, FCNT_STREAMS):
         st_mapped = _read_rg16(filename, contacts_north=True)
         # make sure components have been mapped to principal directions
         for tr in st_mapped:
             self.assertIn(tr.stats.channel[-1], components)
         # make sure z component is reverse of 2
         tr_2 = st_default.select(component='2')
         tr_z = st_mapped.select(component='Z')
         # apparently the one component test file only has channel 3 so
         # we need to make sure a z component is found in each
         if len(tr_2) and len(tr_z):
             self.assertTrue(np.all(tr_2[0].data == -tr_z[0].data))
Example #16
 def test_reading_rg16_files(self):
     Ensure that the rg16 files are read by the function
     :func:`~obspy.core.stream.read` with or without specifying the format.
     for fcnt_file in FCNT_FILES:
         st_1 = read(fcnt_file)
         st_2 = read(fcnt_file, format="RG16")
         st_3 = rc._read_rg16(fcnt_file)
         # when the function read is called a key "_format" is introduced
         # in the object stats. This key is not created when the function
         # _read_rg16 is called. In order to check the stream equality, the
         # key "_format" was removed.
         for tr_1, tr_2 in zip(st_1, st_2):
             del tr_1.stats._format
             del tr_2.stats._format
         self.assertTrue(st_1 == st_3)
         self.assertTrue(st_2 == st_3)
Example #17
 def test_reading_rg16_files(self):
     Ensure that the rg16 files are read by the function
     :func:`~obspy.core.stream.read` with or without specifying the format.
     for fcnt_file in FCNT_FILES:
         st_1 = read(fcnt_file)
         st_2 = read(fcnt_file, format="RG16")
         st_3 = rc._read_rg16(fcnt_file)
         # when the function read is called a key "_format" is introduced
         # in the object stats. This key is not created when the function
         # _read_rg16 is called. In order to check the stream equality, the
         # key "_format" was removed.
         for tr_1, tr_2 in zip(st_1, st_2):
             del tr_1.stats._format
             del tr_2.stats._format
         self.assertTrue(st_1 == st_3)
         self.assertTrue(st_2 == st_3)
Example #18
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
from future.builtins import *  # NOQA

import glob
import io
import unittest
from os.path import dirname, join, basename

import numpy as np
import obspy
from obspy.io.rg16.core import _read_rg16, _is_rg16

TEST_FCNT_DIRECTORY = join(dirname(__file__), 'data')
FCNT_FILES = glob.glob(join(TEST_FCNT_DIRECTORY, '*'))
FCNT_DICT = {basename(x): _read_rg16(x) for x in FCNT_FILES}
FCNT_STREAMS = list(FCNT_DICT.values())

assert len(FCNT_FILES), 'No test files found'

class TestReadRG16(unittest.TestCase):

    supported_samps = {250, 500, 1000, 2000}
    supported_number_of_components = {1, 3}

    def test_rg16_files_identified(self):
        Ensure the rg16 files are correctly labeled as such.
        for fcnt_file in FCNT_FILES: