Example #1
    def write_constant(self, out_sac_path='./'):
        """ Write constant component to SAC file.

        :param out_sac_path: Output path, defaults to './'
        :type out_sac_path: str, optional
        sac = SACTrace(data=self.harmonic_trans[0, :])
        sac.b = self.tmin
        sac.delta = self.rfsta.sampling
        sac.user0 = 0.0
        sac.user1 = self.rfsta.f0[0]
        sac.stla = self.rfsta.stla
        sac.stlo = self.rfsta.stlo
        sac.stel = self.rfsta.stel
            join(out_sac_path, '{}_constant_R.sac'.format(self.rfsta.staname)))
Example #2
def csv2sac(infile, cconstant):
    Channel = ["", "", "", ""]
    units = ['Counts  ', 'Counts  ', 'Counts  ', 'Counts  ']
    comment = ['Velocity', 'Velocity', 'Velocity', 'Velocity']
    (header, stack) = load(infile)

    first_sample, medsps = timingvalidate(stack)

    if first_sample <> 0:
        print "\n\nA timing error exists in the 1st sample of the 1st record in this DAT series.\n"
        print "Remove the first DAT file in the folder and try again."

# print "The first sample shows instantaneous sample rate of {} S/second.".format(medsps)

# datetime = stack[0][13]+","+stack[0][14]
# Frac_second = float(stack[0][17])

    datetime = stack[0][15] + "," + stack[0][
        16]  # New cs4 format the fields are offset by two more columns
    Frac_second = float(stack[0][17])

    St_time = time.strptime(datetime, "%Y/%m/%d,%H:%M:%S")
    stdate = str(St_time.tm_year) + "_" + str(St_time.tm_mon) + "_" + str(
    stmin = str(St_time.tm_hour) + "_" + str(St_time.tm_min) + "_" + str(
        St_time.tm_sec) + "_" + str(int(Frac_second * 1000))
    Filetime = stdate + "_" + stmin + "_"
    Station = cconstant[0]
    Network = cconstant[15]
    #     File naming convention: YYYY.DDD.HH.MM.SS.SSS.NN.STATION.CHANNEL

    seedfil = infile[0:string.rfind(
        infile, '\\')] + "/" + Filetime + Network + "_" + Station
    sacfil = infile[0:string.rfind(infile, '.')]

    for i in range(0, 4):
        Channel[i] = cconstant[(2 * i) + 1]

    Samplecount = len(stack)
    print "Sample count stands at {} samples.".format(Samplecount)

    Delta = 1.0 / float(getsps(stack))

    #    Delta = 1/medsps

    print "Delta = {0:.8f}, Sample rate = {1:.8f}".format(Delta, 1 / Delta)

    # stack[1] = channel 1 time history
    # .
    # stack[4] = channel 4 time history

    for i in range(0, 4):  # Build each channel

        b = np.arange(
            dtype=np.float32)  #   Establishes the size of the datastream
        for n in range(len(stack)):  #   Load the array with time-history data
            b[n] = np.float32(
                stack[n][i +
                         1])  #   Convert the measurement from counts to volts.

        t = SACTrace(data=b)
        #                     set the SAC header values
        t.scale = 1.0  # Set the scale for each channel for use with DIMAS software
        t.delta = Delta
        t.nzyear = St_time.tm_year
        t.nzjday = St_time.tm_yday
        t.nzhour = St_time.tm_hour
        t.nzmin = St_time.tm_min
        t.nzsec = St_time.tm_sec
        t.nzmsec = int((Frac_second) * 1000)
        t.kstnm = Station
        t.kcmpnm = Channel[i]
        t.IDEP = 4  # 4 = units of velocity (in Volts)
        # Dependent variable choices: (1)unknown, (2)displacement(nm),
        # (3)velocity(nm/sec), (4)velocity(volts),
        # (5)nm/sec/sec
        t.kinst = comment[i - 1]  # Instrument type
        t.knetwk = Network  # Network designator
        t.kuser0 = units[
            i - 1]  # Place the system of units into the user text field 0

        out = sacfil + "_{}.sac".format(Channel[i])
        seed = seedfil + "_{}.mseed".format(Channel[i])

        if Channel[
                i] != "UNK":  # We do not write streams in which the channel name is UNK
            with open(out, 'wb') as sacfile:
            print " File successfully written: {0}".format(out)
            st = read(out)
            st.write(seed, format="mseed")
            print " File successfully written: {0}".format(seed)

#            subprocess.call(["del",f],shell=True)

#    for i in range(0,1): # Build special channel for timing

    b = np.arange(len(stack),
                  dtype=np.float32)  #   Establishes the size of the datastream
    for n in range(len(stack)):  #   Load the array with time-history data
        b[n] = np.float32(stack[n][13])  #   Get the timing value.
    t = SACTrace(data=b)

    #                     set the SAC header values
    t.scale = 1.0  # Set the scale for each channel. This one is important to declare.
    t.delta = Delta
    t.nzyear = St_time.tm_year
    t.nzjday = St_time.tm_yday
    t.nzhour = St_time.tm_hour
    t.nzmin = St_time.tm_min
    t.nzsec = St_time.tm_sec
    t.nzmsec = int((Frac_second) * 1000)
    t.kstnm = Station
    t.kcmpnm = 'GPS'  # This is a GPS timing signal.
    t.IDEP = 1  # 4 = units of velocity (in Volts)
    # Dependent variable choices: (1)unknown, (2)displacement(nm),
    # (3)velocity(nm/sec), (4)velocity(volts),
    # (5)nm/sec/sec
    t.kinst = 'GPS'  # Instrument type
    t.knetwk = Network  # Network designator
    t.kuser0 = 'digital'  # Place the system of units into the user text field 0

    out = sacfil + "_{}.sac".format('GPS')
    with open(out, 'wb') as sacfile:

#    print " File successfully written: {}.sac".format(out)
#    print "Published sample rate in sac file = {}".format(t.stats.sampling_rate)
Example #3
def main():
#  Parse the command line switches
    optioncount = len(sys.argv)
    SAC = False
    outputfile_defined = False
    filelist = []
    extension = '.txt'
    if optioncount > 1:

        if optioncount == 4:
            if sys.argv[3] == '-s':
                SAC = True
#               print "SAC set to true."
            outfile = sys.argv[2]
            infile = sys.argv[1]

        elif optioncount == 3:
            if "." in sys.argv[1]:
                infile = sys.argv[1]
                outputfile_defined = True
                outfile = sys.argv[2]
                if len(sys.argv[2])==4 and "." in sys.argv[2]: # set a different extension
                    extension = sys.argv[2]
                filelist = os.listdir(sys.argv[1])
        elif optioncount == 2:
            if "." in sys.argv[1]:
                infile = sys.argv[1]
                dir = sys.argv[1]
                filelist = os.listdir(sys.argv[1])

        for n in range(len(filelist)):
            if extension in filelist[n]:
                if len(filelist)>1:
                    infile = dir+"/"+filelist[n]

                if string.find(infile,'.') > 0:
                    outfile = infile[:string.find(infile,'.')]+'.sac'
                    seedfile = infile[:string.find(infile,'.')]+'.mseed'
                    outfile = infile +'.sac'
                    seedfile = infile + '.mseed'

                PNE       = load(infile)

#                        PNE[0] is the header where:
#                        PNE[0][0][1] = The comment descriptor of the data
#                        PNE[0][1][1] = The station name
#                        PNE[0][2][1] = Component axis(Z,N, or E)
#                        PNE[0][4][1] = Start time
#                        PNE[0][5][1] = Calibration factor
#                        PNE[0][6][1] = Time correction in seconds

                Comment   = PNE[0][0][1]
                Stname    = PNE[0][1][1][:7]
                Component = PNE[0][2][1][:3]
                St_time   = time.strptime(PNE[0][4][1][:-4],"%d_%b_%Y_%H:%M:%S")
                Frac_sec  = int(PNE[0][4][1][21:])
                CF        = np.float32(PNE[0][5][1])

                TC        = PNE[0][6][1] # time correction

                Offset    = float(PNE[1][0][0])
#                       Delta is calculated from the offset time of last sample 
#                       minus offset of first sample / total number of samples.

                Delta     = (float(PNE[1][len(PNE[1])-1][0])-Offset)/(len(PNE[1])-1)

#                       Load Data array
#                       Samples in file are multiplied by 10,000 to convert from
#                       measurements of centimeters to microns, then it's divided by
#                       the Amplification (conversion) factor, known as CF

                Data     = []
                for n in range (len(PNE[1])-1):
                    Datum = np.float32(np.float32(PNE[1][n][1])*10000.0/CF)
                b        = np.arange(len(Data),dtype=np.float32)
                for n in range(len(Data)): #   Load the array with time-history data
                    b[n] = Data[n]

                t        = SACTrace(data = b)         
                                             # set the SAC header values
                t.scale  = 1.0               # Set the scale for use with DIMAS software
                t.delta  = Delta
                t.nzyear = St_time.tm_year
                t.nzjday = St_time.tm_yday
                t.nzhour = St_time.tm_hour
                t.nzmin  = St_time.tm_min
                t.nzsec  = St_time.tm_sec
                t.nzmsec = Frac_sec          # int((Frac_second)*1000)
                t.kstnm  = Stname[:7]
                t.kcmpnm = Component
                t.IDEP   = 4                 # 4 = units of velocity (in Volts)
                                             # Dependent variable choices: 
                                             # (1)unknown, 
                                             # (2)displacement(nm), 
                                             # (3)velocity(nm/sec), 
                                             # (4)velocity(volts), 
                                             # (5)nm/sec/sec
                t.kinst  = "Velocity"        # Instrument type
                t.knetwk = "LM"              # Network designator
                t.kuser0 = "Nanometr"        # Place the system of units into the user text field 0

#                t.WriteSacBinary(outfile)
                with open(outfile,'wb') as sacfile:
                print " File successfully written: {0}".format(outfile)       
                print " File successfully written: {0}".format(seedfile)
                print "File written to {}".format(outfile)
        print "Useage: PNE2SAC infile.txt (outfile.asc)"
        print "Or, PNE2SAC target_directory target_extension(like .txt)"
        print "No infile or directory specified."
        print len(sys.argv)
Example #4
def csv2sac(infile,cconstant):
    Channel = ["","","",""]
    units = ['Counts  ','Counts  ','Counts  ','Counts  ']
    comment = ['Velocity','Velocity','Velocity','Velocity']
    (header,stack) = load(infile)

    first_sample,medsps = timingvalidate(stack)

    if first_sample <> 0:
        print "\n\nA timing error exists in the 1st sample of the 1st record in this DAT series.\n"
        print "Remove the first DAT file in the folder and try again."

   # print "The first sample shows instantaneous sample rate of {} S/second.".format(medsps)

    # datetime = stack[0][13]+","+stack[0][14]
    # Frac_second = float(stack[0][17])

    datetime = stack[0][15]+","+stack[0][16]  # New cs4 format the fields are offset by two more columns
    Frac_second = float(stack[0][17])

    St_time = time.strptime(datetime,"%Y/%m/%d,%H:%M:%S")
    stdate = str(St_time.tm_year)+"_"+str(St_time.tm_mon)+"_"+str(St_time.tm_mday)
    stmin = str(St_time.tm_hour)+"_"+str(St_time.tm_min)+"_"+str(St_time.tm_sec)+"_"+str(int(Frac_second*1000))
    Filetime = stdate+"_"+stmin+"_"
    Station = cconstant[0]
    Network = cconstant[15]
    #     File naming convention: YYYY.DDD.HH.MM.SS.SSS.NN.STATION.CHANNEL
    seedfil = infile[0:string.rfind(infile,'\\')]+"/"+Filetime+Network+"_"+Station
    sacfil = infile[0:string.rfind(infile,'.')]

    for i in range(0,4):

    Samplecount = len(stack)
    print "Sample count stands at {} samples.".format(Samplecount)

    Delta = 1.0/float(getsps(stack))

#    Delta = 1/medsps

    print "Delta = {0:.8f}, Sample rate = {1:.8f}".format(Delta,1/Delta)  

        # stack[1] = channel 1 time history
        # .
        # stack[4] = channel 4 time history

    for i in range(0,4): # Build each channel
        b = np.arange(len(stack),dtype=np.float32)   #   Establishes the size of the datastream
        for n in range(len(stack)):        #   Load the array with time-history data
            b[n] = np.float32(stack[n][i+1]) #   Convert the measurement from counts to volts.

        t = SACTrace(data = b)         
                    #                     set the SAC header values
        t.scale=1.0     # Set the scale for each channel for use with DIMAS software
        t.IDEP=4 # 4 = units of velocity (in Volts)
                              # Dependent variable choices: (1)unknown, (2)displacement(nm), 
                              # (3)velocity(nm/sec), (4)velocity(volts), 
                              # (5)nm/sec/sec
        t.kinst=comment[i-1]       # Instrument type
        t.knetwk=Network        # Network designator
        t.kuser0=units[i-1]        # Place the system of units into the user text field 0

        out = sacfil+"_{}.sac".format(Channel[i])
        seed = seedfil+"_{}.mseed".format(Channel[i])

        if Channel[i] !="UNK":   # We do not write streams in which the channel name is UNK
            with open(out,'wb') as sacfile:
            print " File successfully written: {0}".format(out)       
            print " File successfully written: {0}".format(seed)

#            subprocess.call(["del",f],shell=True) 

#    for i in range(0,1): # Build special channel for timing

    b = np.arange(len(stack),dtype=np.float32)   #   Establishes the size of the datastream
    for n in range(len(stack)):        #   Load the array with time-history data
        b[n] = np.float32(stack[n][13]) #   Get the timing value.
    t = SACTrace(data = b)

             #                     set the SAC header values
    t.scale=1.0 # Set the scale for each channel. This one is important to declare.
    t.nzsec= St_time.tm_sec
    t.nzmsec= int((Frac_second)*1000)
    t.kcmpnm='GPS' # This is a GPS timing signal.
    t.IDEP=1 # 4 = units of velocity (in Volts)
                              # Dependent variable choices: (1)unknown, (2)displacement(nm), 
                              # (3)velocity(nm/sec), (4)velocity(volts), 
                              # (5)nm/sec/sec
    t.kinst='GPS'       # Instrument type
    t.knetwk=Network         # Network designator
    t.kuser0='digital'        # Place the system of units into the user text field 0

    out = sacfil+"_{}.sac".format('GPS')
    with open(out,'wb') as sacfile:

#    print " File successfully written: {}.sac".format(out)
#    print "Published sample rate in sac file = {}".format(t.stats.sampling_rate)       