Example #1
def smPSA(data, samp_rate):
    ShakeMap pseudo-spectral parameters

    Compute 5% damped PSA at 0.3, 1.0, and 3.0 seconds.

    Data must be an acceleration Trace

    :type data: :class:`obspy.trace`
    :param data: Data in acceleration to convolve with pendulum at freq.
    :type delta: float
    :param delta: sample rate (samples per sec)
    :rtype: (float, float, float)
    :return: PSA03, PSA10, PSA30

    D = 0.05  # 5% damping

    out = []
    periods = [0.3, 1.0, 3.0]
    for T in periods:
        freq = 1.0 / T
        omega = (2 * 3.14159 * freq)**2

        paz_sa = cornFreq2Paz(freq, damp=D)
        paz_sa['sensitivity'] = omega
        paz_sa['zeros'] = []
        dd = seisSim(data.data,

        if abs(max(dd)) >= abs(min(dd)):
            psa = abs(max(dd))
            psa = abs(min(dd))

    return out
Example #2
def smPSA(data, samp_rate):
    ShakeMap pseudo-spectral parameters

    Compute 5% damped PSA at 0.3, 1.0, and 3.0 seconds.

    Data must be an acceleration Trace

    :type data: :class:`obspy.trace`
    :param data: Data in acceleration to convolve with pendulum at freq.
    :type delta: float
    :param delta: sample rate (samples per sec)
    :rtype: (float, float, float)
    :return: PSA03, PSA10, PSA30

    D = 0.05	# 5% damping

    out = []
    periods = [0.3, 1.0, 3.0]
    for T in periods:
        freq = 1.0 / T
        omega = (2 * 3.14159 * freq) ** 2

        paz_sa = cornFreq2Paz(freq, damp=D)
        paz_sa['sensitivity'] = omega
        paz_sa['zeros'] = []
        dd = seisSim(data.data, samp_rate, paz_remove=None, paz_simulate=paz_sa,
                     taper=True, simulate_sensitivity=True, taper_fraction=0.05)

        if abs(max(dd)) >= abs(min(dd)):
            psa = abs(max(dd))
            psa = abs(min(dd))

    return out
Example #3
def pgm(data, delta, freq, damp=0.1):
    Peak ground motion parameters

    Compute the maximal displacement, velocity, acceleration and the peak
    ground acceleration at a certain frequency (standard frequencies for
    ShakeMaps are 0.3/1.0/3.0 Hz).

    Data must be displacement

    :type data: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
    :param data: Data in displacement to convolve with pendulum at freq.
    :type delta: float
    :param delta: Sampling interval
    :type freq: float
    :param freq: Frequency in Hz.
    :type damp: float
    :param damp: damping factor. Default is set to 0.1
    :rtype: (float, float, float, float)
    :return: Peak Ground Acceleration, maximal displacement, velocity,
    data = data.copy()

    # Displacement
    if abs(max(data)) >= abs(min(data)):
        m_dis = abs(max(data))
        m_dis = abs(min(data))

    # Velocity
    data = np.gradient(data, delta)
    if abs(max(data)) >= abs(min(data)):
        m_vel = abs(max(data))
        m_vel = abs(min(data))

    # Acceleration
    data = np.gradient(data, delta)
    if abs(max(data)) >= abs(min(data)):
        m_acc = abs(max(data))
        m_acc = abs(min(data))

    samp_rate = 1.0 / delta
    T = freq * 1.0
    D = damp
    omega = (2 * 3.14159 * T) ** 2

    paz_sa = cornFreq2Paz(T, damp=D)
    paz_sa["sensitivity"] = omega
    paz_sa["zeros"] = []
    data = seisSim(

    if abs(max(data)) >= abs(min(data)):
        pga = abs(max(data))
        pga = abs(min(data))

    return (pga, m_dis, m_vel, m_acc)
Example #4
def pgm(data, delta, freq, damp=0.1):
    Peak ground motion parameters

    Compute the maximal displacement, velocity, acceleration and the peak
    ground acceleration at a certain frequency (standard frequencies for
    ShakeMaps are 0.3/1.0/3.0 Hz).

    Data must be displacement

    :type data: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
    :param data: Data in dispalcement to convolve with pendulum at freq.
    :type delta: float
    :param delta: Sampling interval
    :type freq: float
    :param freq: Frequency in Hz.
    :type damp: float
    :param damp: damping factor. Default is set to 0.1
    :rtype: (float, float, float, float)
    :return: Peak Ground Acceleration, maximal displacement, velocity,
    data = data.copy()

    # Displacement
    if abs(max(data)) >= abs(min(data)):
        m_dis = abs(max(data))
        m_dis = abs(min(data))

    # Velocity
    data = np.gradient(data, delta)
    if abs(max(data)) >= abs(min(data)):
        m_vel = abs(max(data))
        m_vel = abs(min(data))

    # Acceleration
    data = np.gradient(data, delta)
    if abs(max(data)) >= abs(min(data)):
        m_acc = abs(max(data))
        m_acc = abs(min(data))

    samp_rate = 1.0 / delta
    T = freq * 1.0
    D = damp
    omega = (2 * 3.14159 * T) ** 2

    paz_sa = cornFreq2Paz(T, damp=D)
    paz_sa['sensitivity'] = omega
    paz_sa['zeros'] = []
    data = seisSim(data, samp_rate, paz_remove=None, paz_simulate=paz_sa,
                   taper=True, simulate_sensitivity=True, taper_fraction=0.05)

    if abs(max(data)) >= abs(min(data)):
        pga = abs(max(data))
        pga = abs(min(data))

    return (pga, m_dis, m_vel, m_acc)
Example #5
def find_pole_zero(freq_msu,amp_msu,seismometer,msu_freep,msu_damp,nsearch,coarse_search,fine_search,nloops,ngrids,lmult,hmult):

# ngrids is the number of grid points to be searched for each parameter, per each "percentage" loop
                        # At nsearch = 3, grid search on amplitude, damping ratio, and free period.
    nfreqs = ngrids
    if ( nsearch < 3 ): # Set flags. Free period is constrained at nsearch = 2
        nfreqs = 1
    ndamps = ngrids
    if ( nsearch < 2 ): # Set flags. Free period & Damping ratio is constrained at nsearch = 1
        ndamps = 1
    nscales = ngrids
    if ( nsearch < 1 ): # set flags. Free period, Damping Ratio, and amplitude are all constrained.
        nscales = 1

# search the grids nloops times, first between coarse_search percent smaller than starting params 
#   and coarse_search percent larger than starting params, then, eventually search only within fine_search percent
#   of the best params found on each previous loop search

    search_range = np.linspace(coarse_search, fine_search, nloops)

# freq_msu is array holding frequency values where MSU made amp measurements
# amp_msu is array holding amplitude values measured by MSU
# note that msu_freep is the MSU estimated freee period in seconds

# now find average amplitude from MSU measurements where freq > 1 Hz
# edit: Change the average amplitude calculation to use frequencies greater than 
# 3x the free period frequency but less than 8x the free-period frequency.
# This program calculates only two poles & zeros: Response should be flat within
# this passband and avoids any weird issues at higher frequencies and keeps 
# calculation off the knee of the response curve in cases of high or low damping
# ratios
# - drb 08/28/2014

    count = 0
    amp_average = 0.
#    lmult = lmult/msu_freep # make it a multiplier of freeperiod in Hz (lowest)
#    hmult = hmult/msu_freep                                         # (Highest)
    for i, freq in enumerate(freq_msu):
        if ( freq > lmult) and (freq < hmult):  
                                      # Set frequency discriminator to msu_freep * 2 to get off the 
                                      # knee of the curve for SP instruments - drb
           amp_average = amp_average + amp_msu[i] 
           count += 1
    amp_average = amp_average / float(count)

                                      # set preliminary "best parameters"

    best_freep = msu_freep 
    best_damp = msu_damp
    best_scale = amp_average

                                      # best_fit is the RMS misfit between MSU observed 
                                      # and model amplitudes in log10 space,
                                      #    an outrageously large value, initially

    best_fit = 1000000.

                                      # an index counter to keep track of the total number of searches/misfits
    j = 0
                                      # for use with later plotting
                                      # prepare array to hold total number of interation results

    misfits = np.zeros(nscales * ndamps * nfreqs * nloops)

                                      # prepare array to store each iteration number

    misfit_count = np.zeros(nscales * ndamps * nfreqs * nloops)

                                      # start of loops 

    for range in search_range:

                                      # build a list of "corner frequencies" to test
                                      # I think these "corner frequencies" - in ObsPy Speak means 1/free period of seismometer

        freep_adjust = best_freep * range
        fp_long = best_freep + freep_adjust
        fp_short = best_freep - freep_adjust

                                      # the case where free period is held constant at the MSU-supplied value

        if ( nsearch < 3 ):
            fp_long = best_freep
            fp_short = best_freep

                                      # np.linspace will create an array from low_freq to high_freq over nfreqs of even spacing

        corners = np.linspace(1./fp_long, 1./fp_short, nfreqs)
        print ( "\nsearching free periods between %f and %f seconds" % ( fp_long, fp_short ) )

                                      # build a list of damping factors to test

        damp_adjust = best_damp * range
        low_damp = best_damp - damp_adjust 
        high_damp = best_damp + damp_adjust
        if ( high_damp >= 1.0 ):
            print ( "\nwarning - damping factor is %f - must be below 1.0 - setting damping to 0.9999" % ( high_damp ) )
            high_damp = 0.9999
        if ( nsearch < 2 ):
            low_damp = best_damp
            high_damp = best_damp

        damps = np.linspace(low_damp, high_damp, ndamps)
        print ( "searching damping factors between %f and %f" % ( low_damp, high_damp ) )

                                      # build a list of scale factors to test

        scale_adjust = best_scale * range
        low_scale = best_scale - scale_adjust 
        high_scale = best_scale + scale_adjust
        if ( nsearch < 1 ):
            low_scale = best_scale
            high_scale = best_scale
            nscales = 1
        scales = np.linspace(low_scale, high_scale, nscales)
        print ( "searching scale factors between %f and %f" % ( low_scale, high_scale ) )

                                      # here are the grid search loops, over corners, dampings, and scales

        for corner in corners:   
            for damp in damps:
                for scale in scales:

                                      # the key obspy function to find inst resp based on "corner frequency" and damping constant 
                                      # cornFreq2Paz takes an instrument's corner freq and damping factor to produce
                                      #   an Obspy-style paz file

                    resp = sim.cornFreq2Paz(corner, damp) 
                    resp['gain'] = scale
                    amp_predicted = np.zeros_like(freq_msu)
                    for i, freq in enumerate(freq_msu):
                        amp_predicted[i] = sim.paz2AmpValueOfFreqResp(resp, freq) 
                    misfit = np.linalg.norm(np.log10(amp_msu) - np.log10(amp_predicted))
                    misfits[j] = misfit
                    misfit_count[j] = j + 1
                    if ( misfit < best_fit ):
                       best_fit = misfit
                       best_corner = corner
                       best_damp = damp
                       best_scale = scale
                       best_index = j

                    j = j + 1

                                      # find the best free period, which is 1/best_corner
                                      # this happens at the end of a particlar grid search loop

        best_freep  = 1./best_corner 

                                      # end of all loops

                                      # find poles and zeros using best corner freq, damp and scale 

    resp = sim.cornFreq2Paz(best_corner, best_damp) 
    resp['gain'] = best_scale
    return(resp, best_freep, best_damp, best_scale, amp_average, misfits, misfit_count, best_index) 
Example #6
def correct_response(st, removeResp=False, removePAZ=False, simPAZ=False, pre_filt=None, cornFreq=0.0083):
    Correct the seismometer response.
    Seismometer response is given in either a dictionary ``removeResp''
    or a dictionary ``removePAZ''. ``removeResp has precedence. The
    dictionaries have the following structure

    removeResp: dictionary with Response information to be removed
        has the following keys:
        respfile: (str) filename of evalresp response file.
        units: (str) Units to return response in. Can be either DIS, VEL or ACC
        start_stage: (int) integer stage numbers of start stage (<0 causes
            default evalresp bahaviour).
        stop_stage: (int) integer stage numbers of stop stage
    removePAZ: dictionary with poles and zeros to be removed has the following
            poles: (list of complex numbers) location of poles
            zeros: (list of complex numbers) location of zeros
            gain: (float) gain
            sensitivity: (float) sensitivity
        It can easily be retrieved with obspy.arclink.client.Client.getPAZ

    if ``removeResp'' is given the response of each trace must be present in
    the respfile. If ``removePAZ'' is used the response is assumed to be the
    same for all traces in the stream.
    A filter specified in pre_filt can be applied in to avoid amplification of
    The instrument to be simulated is either described in the dictionary simPAZ
    or if simPAZ is False by the corner frequency ``cornFreq''. Response
    correction is done in place and original data is overwritten.
    The input stream ``st'' should be demeaned and tapered.
    :type st: obspy.core.stream.Stream
    :param st: data stream to be corrected
    :type removeResp: dict
    :param removeResp: Response information to be removed
    :type removePAZ: dict
    :param removePAZ: Response information to be removed
    :type simPAZ: dict
    :param simPAZ: Response information to be simulated
    :type cornFreq: float
    :param cornFreq: corner frequency of instrument to be simulated
    :type pre_filt: list
    :param pre_filt: 4 corners of the filter
    for tr in st:
        starttime = tr.stats['starttime']
        endtime = tr.stats['endtime']
        network = tr.stats['network']
        station = tr.stats['station']
        channel = tr.stats['channel']
        location = tr.stats['location']
        length = tr.stats['npts']
        sampling_rate = tr.stats['sampling_rate']
        np2l = nextpow2(2.*length)
        if not simPAZ:
            simPAZ = cornFreq2Paz(cornFreq, damp=0.70716)
        simresp, freqs = np.conj(pazToFreqResp(simPAZ['poles'], simPAZ['zeros'],
                          nfft=np2l, freq=True)) #see Doc of pazToFreqResp for reason of conj()
        if removeResp:
            freqresp, freqs = evalresp(1./sampling_rate,np2l,removeResp['respfile'],
                                starttime, network=network, station=station,
                                channel=channel, locid=location,
                                units=removeResp['units'], freq=True)
            freqresp, freqs = np.conj(pazToFreqResp(removePAZ['poles'], removePAZ['zeros'],
                          nfft=np2l, freq=True)) #see Doc of pazToFreqResp for reason of conj()
        ftr = np.fft.rfft(tr.data,n=np2l)
        ftr /= freqresp
        ftr[0] = 0.j  # correct the NaN in the DC component
        ftr *= simresp
        if pre_filt:
            ftr *= c_sac_taper(freqs, flimit=pre_filt)

        tr.data = np.fft.irfft(ftr)
def correct_response(st,
    Correct the seismometer response.
    Seismometer response is given in either a dictionary ``removeResp''
    or a dictionary ``removePAZ''. ``removeResp has precedence. The
    dictionaries have the following structure

    removeResp: dictionary with Response information to be removed
        has the following keys:
        respfile: (str) filename of evalresp response file.
        units: (str) Units to return response in. Can be either DIS, VEL or ACC
        start_stage: (int) integer stage numbers of start stage (<0 causes
            default evalresp bahaviour).
        stop_stage: (int) integer stage numbers of stop stage
    removePAZ: dictionary with poles and zeros to be removed has the following
            poles: (list of complex numbers) location of poles
            zeros: (list of complex numbers) location of zeros
            gain: (float) gain
            sensitivity: (float) sensitivity
        It can easily be retrieved with obspy.arclink.client.Client.getPAZ

    if ``removeResp'' is given the response of each trace must be present in
    the respfile. If ``removePAZ'' is used the response is assumed to be the
    same for all traces in the stream.
    A filter specified in pre_filt can be applied in to avoid amplification of
    The instrument to be simulated is either described in the dictionary simPAZ
    or if simPAZ is False by the corner frequency ``cornFreq''. Response
    correction is done in place and original data is overwritten.
    The input stream ``st'' should be demeaned and tapered.
    :type st: obspy.core.stream.Stream
    :param st: data stream to be corrected
    :type removeResp: dict
    :param removeResp: Response information to be removed
    :type removePAZ: dict
    :param removePAZ: Response information to be removed
    :type simPAZ: dict
    :param simPAZ: Response information to be simulated
    :type cornFreq: float
    :param cornFreq: corner frequency of instrument to be simulated
    :type pre_filt: list
    :param pre_filt: 4 corners of the filter

    for tr in st:
        starttime = tr.stats['starttime']
        endtime = tr.stats['endtime']
        network = tr.stats['network']
        station = tr.stats['station']
        channel = tr.stats['channel']
        location = tr.stats['location']
        length = tr.stats['npts']
        sampling_rate = tr.stats['sampling_rate']
        np2l = nextpow2(2. * length)

        if not simPAZ:
            simPAZ = cornFreq2Paz(cornFreq, damp=0.70716)
        simresp, freqs = np.conj(
                scale_fac=simPAZ['gain'] * simPAZ['sensitivity'],
                t_samp=1. / sampling_rate,
                freq=True))  #see Doc of pazToFreqResp for reason of conj()

        if removeResp:
            freqresp, freqs = evalresp(1. / sampling_rate,
            freqresp, freqs = np.conj(
                    scale_fac=removePAZ['gain'] * removePAZ['sensitivity'],
                    t_samp=1. / sampling_rate,
                    freq=True))  #see Doc of pazToFreqResp for reason of conj()

        ftr = np.fft.rfft(tr.data, n=np2l)
        ftr /= freqresp
        ftr[0] = 0.j  # correct the NaN in the DC component
        ftr *= simresp

        if pre_filt:
            ftr *= c_sac_taper(freqs, flimit=pre_filt)

        tr.data = np.fft.irfft(ftr)
        tr.trim(starttime, endtime)
