def load(identifier): """Load the Recurrent Neural Network model from disk. Args: identifier: Identifier of model to load Returns: result: RNN model """ # Turn off verbose logging memory.setup() # Setup a Load object Load = namedtuple('Load', 'model, history') # Initialize key Variables _files = files.files(identifier) # Check for the existence of model files and directories if os.path.isdir(_files.model_parameters) is False: print('''\ Directory {} not found. Please create it by training your model first.\ '''.format(_files.model_parameters)) sys.exit(0) if os.path.isfile(_files.model_weights) is False: print('File {} not found.'.format(_files.model_weights)) sys.exit(0) # Load yaml and create model ''' You have to use this custom_object parameter to read loss values from the customized loss function cannot be save to a keras model. It does not seem to work if the load function is in a module different from the one in which the customized loss function is located. Reference: ''' ai_model = tf.keras.models.load_model( _files.model_parameters, custom_objects={'model_loss': model_loss}) # Load weights into new model ai_model.load_weights(_files.model_weights, by_name=True) # Load yaml and create model with open(_files.history, 'r') as yaml_file: history = yaml.safe_load(yaml_file) result = Load(model=ai_model, history=history) return result
def __init__( self, _data, identifier, batch_size=256, epochs=20, sequence_length=500, dropout=0.1, divider=1, test_size=0.2, layers=1, patience=5, units=128, multigpu=False): """Instantiate the class. Args: data: etl.Data object batch_size: Size of batch sequence_length: Length of vectors for for each target display: Show charts of results if True Returns: None """ # Setup memory self._processors = memory.setup() # Initialize key variables self._identifier = identifier if multigpu is True: self._gpus = len(self._processors.gpus) else: self._gpus = 1 _batch_size = int(batch_size * self._gpus) self._test_size = test_size # Get data self._data = _data # Set steps per epoch normal = self._data.split() (training_rows, _) = normal.x_train.shape steps_per_epoch = int((training_rows // _batch_size) / divider) # Set key file locations self._files = files.files(identifier) # Initialize parameters self._hyperparameters = HyperParameters( units=abs(units), dropout=abs(dropout), layers=int(abs(layers)), sequence_length=abs(sequence_length), patience=abs(patience), batch_size=_batch_size, epochs=abs(epochs), steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch ) # Delete any stale checkpoint file if os.path.exists(self._files.checkpoint) is True: os.remove(self._files.checkpoint)
def _compile(self, _hyperparameters): """Compile the default model. Args: None Returns: ai_model: RNN model """ # Initialize key variables use_sigmoid = False ''' Instantiate the base model (or "template" model). We recommend doing this with under a CPU device scope, so that the model's weights are hosted on CPU memory. Otherwise they may end up hosted on a GPU, which would complicate weight sharing. ''' # Intialize key variables realted to data normal = self._data.split() (_, x_feature_count) = normal.x_train.shape (_, y_feature_count) = normal.y_train.shape # Get GPU information devices = memory.setup() gpus = devices.gpus[:max(1, len(devices.gpus) - 1)] cpus = devices.cpus[0] # Start creating the model strategy = tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy( gpus, cross_device_ops=tf.distribute.ReductionToOneDevice( reduce_to_device=cpus)) print('Number of devices: {}'.format(strategy.num_replicas_in_sync)) # Define the model with strategy.scope(): ai_model = tf.keras.Sequential() ''' We can now add a Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) to the network. This will have 'units' outputs for each time-step in the sequence. Note that because this is the first layer in the model, Keras needs to know the shape of its input, which is a batch of sequences of arbitrary length (indicated by None), where each observation has a number of input-signals (x_feature_count). ''' ai_model.add( tf.keras.layers.GRU(_hyperparameters.units, return_sequences=True, recurrent_dropout=_hyperparameters.dropout, input_shape=(None, x_feature_count))) for _ in range(1, abs(_hyperparameters.layers)): ai_model.add( tf.keras.layers.GRU( _hyperparameters.units, return_sequences=True, recurrent_dropout=_hyperparameters.dropout)) ''' The GRU outputs a batch from keras_contrib.layers.advanced_activations of sequences of 'units' values. We want to predict 'y_feature_count' output-signals, so we add a fully-connected (or dense) layer which maps 'units' values down to only 'y_feature_count' values. The output-signals in the data-set have been limited to be between 0 and 1 using a scaler-object. So we also limit the output of the neural network using the Sigmoid activation function, which squashes the output to be between 0 and 1. ''' if bool(use_sigmoid) is True: ai_model.add( tf.keras.layers.Dense(y_feature_count, activation='sigmoid')) ''' A problem with using the Sigmoid activation function, is that we can now only output values in the same range as the training-data. For example, if the training-data only has values between -20 and +30, then the scaler-object will map -20 to 0 and +30 to 1. So if we limit the output of the neural network to be between 0 and 1 using the Sigmoid function, this can only be mapped back to values between -20 and +30. We can use a linear activation function on the output instead. This allows for the output to take on arbitrary values. It might work with the standard initialization for a simple network architecture, but for more complicated network architectures e.g. with more layers, it might be necessary to initialize the weights with smaller values to avoid NaN values during training. You may need to experiment with this to get it working. ''' if bool(use_sigmoid) is False: init = tf.keras.initializers.RandomUniform(minval=-0.03, maxval=0.03) ai_model.add( tf.keras.layers.Dense(y_feature_count, activation='linear', kernel_initializer=init)) # Compile Model ''' This is the optimizer and the beginning learning-rate that we will use. We then compile the Keras model so it is ready for training. ''' optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.RMSprop(lr=1e-3) ai_model.compile(loss=model_loss, optimizer=optimizer, metrics=['accuracy']) # Display layers ''' This is a very small model with only two layers. The output shape of (None, None, 'y_feature_count') means that the model will output a batch with an arbitrary number of sequences, each of which has an arbitrary number of observations, and each observation has 'y_feature_count' signals. This corresponds to the 'y_feature_count' target signals we want to predict. ''' print('\n> Summary (Parallel):\n') print(ai_model.summary()) return ai_model
def __init__(self, _data, batch_size=256, epochs=20, sequence_length=1500, dropout=0.1, layers=1, patience=5, units=128, multigpu=False): """Instantiate the class. Args: data: etl.Data object batch_size: Size of batch sequence_length: Length of vectors for for each target warmup_steps: display: Show charts of results if True Returns: None """ # Setup memory self._processors = memory.setup() # Initialize key variables if multigpu is True: self._gpus = len(self._processors.gpus) else: self._gpus = 1 self._batch_size = batch_size * self._gpus self._sequence_length = sequence_length # Set key file locations path_prefix = '/tmp/hvass-{}'.format(int(time.time())) Files = namedtuple('Files', 'checkpoint, model_weights, model_parameters') self._files = Files( checkpoint='{}.checkpoint.h5'.format(path_prefix), model_weights='{}.weights.h5'.format(path_prefix), model_parameters='{}.model.yaml'.format(path_prefix)) # Initialize parameters HyperParameters = namedtuple( 'HyperParameters', '''units, dropout, layers, sequence_length, patience, \ batch_size, epochs''') self._hyperparameters = HyperParameters( units=abs(units), dropout=abs(dropout), layers=int(abs(layers)), sequence_length=abs(sequence_length), patience=abs(patience), batch_size=int(self._batch_size), epochs=abs(epochs)) # Delete any stale checkpoint file if os.path.exists(self._files.checkpoint) is True: os.remove(self._files.checkpoint) # Get data self._data = _data