class Thing(Owl, Model): classification = ArrayProperty(Ncal, 'categories') # todo fix with popolo meta = Relation(Meta, 'meta') canonical_iri = StringProperty(Meta, 'canonical_iri') canonical_id = StringProperty(Meta, 'canonical_id') # has_organization_name is used to set the municipality or province ID on every item (see issue #141) has_organization_name = Relation(Vcard, 'hasOrganizationName')
class ContactDetail(Opengov, owl.Thing): type = StringProperty(Rdf, 'type') value = StringProperty(Rdf, 'value') label = StringProperty(Rdfs, 'label') valid_from = DateTimeProperty(Schema, 'validFrom') note = StringProperty(Skos, 'note') valid_until = DateTimeProperty(Opengov, 'validUntil')
class Vote(Opengov, owl.Thing): group = Relation(Opengov, 'politicalGroup') role = StringProperty(Opengov, 'role') voter = Relation(Schema, 'agent') vote_event = Relation(Opengov, 'voteEvent') option = StringProperty(Opengov, 'voteOption') weight = IntegerProperty(Opengov, 'weight')
class Membership(Org, owl.Thing): label = StringProperty(Skos, 'prefLabel') member = Relation(Org, 'member') organization = Relation(Org, 'organization') role = StringProperty(Org, 'role') start_date = DateTimeProperty(Schema, 'validFrom') end_date = DateTimeProperty(Opengov, 'validUntil')
class CreativeWork(Schema, owl.Thing): legislative_session = Relation(Opengov, 'legislativeSession') creator = Relation(Schema, 'creator') date_created = DateTimeProperty(Schema, 'dateCreated') name = StringProperty(Schema, 'name') organizer = Relation(Schema, 'organizer') text = StringProperty(Schema, 'text')
class Metadata(Meta, owl.Thing): # todo needs to be formalized in a ontology status = StringProperty(Meta, 'status') processing_started = DateTimeProperty(Meta, 'processingStarted') source_id = StringProperty(Meta, 'sourceId') collection = StringProperty(Meta, 'collection') rights = StringProperty(Meta, 'rights') skip_validation = True
class VoteEvent(Opengov, schema.Event): classification = ArrayProperty(Ncal, 'categories') created_at = DateTimeProperty(Dcterms, 'created') updated_at = DateTimeProperty(Dcterms, 'modified') motion = Relation(Opengov, 'motion') result = StringProperty(Opengov, 'result') organization = Relation(Schema, 'organizer') legislative_session = StringProperty(Opengov, 'legislativeSession') votes = Relation(Opengov, 'vote') counts = Relation(Opengov, 'count')
class ImageObject(Schema, owl.Thing): content_url = URLProperty(Schema, 'contentUrl') is_based_on = URLProperty(Schema, 'isBasedOn') file_format = StringProperty(Schema, 'fileFormat') content_size = StringProperty(Schema, 'contentSize') encoding_format = StringProperty(Schema, 'encodingFormat') exif_data = ArrayProperty(Schema, 'exifData') width = StringProperty(Schema, 'width') height = StringProperty(Schema, 'height') enricher_task = 'image_metadata'
class Motion(Opengov, owl.Thing): attachment = Relation(Schema, 'attachment') legislative_session = StringProperty(Opengov, 'legislativeSession') requirement = StringProperty(Opengov, 'requirement') classification = StringProperty(Schema, 'additionalType') creator = Relation(Schema, 'creator') cocreator = Relation(Meeting, 'cocreator') date = DateTimeProperty(Schema, 'dateSubmitted') name = StringProperty(Schema, 'name') organization = Relation(Schema, 'publisher') text = StringProperty(Schema, 'text') vote_events = Relation(Opengov, 'voteEvent')
class Speech(Opengov, owl.Thing): attribution_text = StringProperty(Opengov, 'attributionText') audience = Relation(Dcterms, 'audience') event = Relation(Bibframe, 'event') role = Relation(Opengov, 'role') audio = Relation(Schema, 'audio') creator = Relation(Schema, 'creator') end_date = DateTimeProperty(Schema, 'endDate') position = IntegerProperty(Schema, 'position') start_date = DateTimeProperty(Schema, 'startDate') text = StringProperty(Schema, 'text') video = StringProperty(Schema, 'video')
class AgendaItem(MeetingNS, schema.Event): """An item in a list of topics to be discussed at an event. Subclass of :class:`.schema.Event` """ attachment = Relation(MeetingNS, 'attachment') motion = Relation(Opengov, 'motion') description = StringProperty(Schema, 'description') name = StringProperty(Schema, 'name') position = IntegerProperty(Schema, 'position') parent = Relation(Schema, 'superEvent') vote_event = Relation(Opengov, 'voteEvent') attendee = Relation(Schema, 'attendee') absentee = Relation(Schema, 'absentee') agenda = Relation(MeetingNS, 'agenda')
class Organization(Org, foaf.Agent): area = Relation(Opengov, 'area') contact_details = Relation(Opengov, 'contactDetail') abstract = StringProperty(Dcterms, 'abstract') description = StringProperty(Dcterms, 'description') classification = StringProperty(Org, 'classification') parent = OrderedRelation(Org, 'subOrganizationOf') other_names = StringProperty(Opengov, 'otherName') links = StringProperty(Rdf, 'seeAlso') dissolution_date = StringProperty(Schema, 'dissolutionDate') founding_date = StringProperty(Schema, 'foundingDate') image = StringProperty(Schema, 'image') alt_label = StringProperty(Skos, 'altLabel') name = StringProperty(Skos, 'prefLabel')
class MediaObject(Schema, owl.Thing): name = StringProperty(Schema, 'name') url = URLProperty(Schema, 'contentUrl') size_in_bytes = IntegerProperty(Schema, 'fileSize') file_type = StringProperty(Schema, 'fileType') additional_type = StringProperty(Schema, 'additionalType') creator = Relation(Schema, 'creator') content_type = StringProperty(Schema, 'encodingFormat') upload_date = DateProperty(Schema, 'uploadDate') caption = StringProperty(Schema, 'caption') embed_url = StringProperty(Schema, 'embedUrl') file_name = StringProperty(Dbo, 'filename') date_modified = DateTimeProperty(Schema, 'dateModified') original_url = URLProperty(Schema, 'isBasedOn') text = ArrayProperty(Schema, 'text') enriched_text = ArrayProperty(MeetingNS, 'enrichedText') text_pages = JsonProperty(MeetingNS, 'textPages', ignore_for_loader=[DeltaLoader]) is_referenced_by = Relation(Dcterms, 'isReferencedBy') last_discussed_at = DateTimeProperty(MeetingNS, 'lastDiscussedAt', ignore_for_loader=[DeltaLoader]) tags = JsonProperty(MeetingNS, 'tags') neighborhood_polygons = JsonProperty(MeetingNS, 'neighborhood_polygons') geometry = JsonProperty(MeetingNS, 'geometry') districts = ArrayProperty(Cbs, 'Wijk') neighborhoods = ArrayProperty(Cbs, 'Buurt') enricher_task = ['theme_classifier', 'waaroverheid']
class Meeting(MeetingNS, schema.Event): """An assembly of people for a particular purpose, especially for formal discussion. Subclass of :class:`.schema.Event` """ agenda = Relation(MeetingNS, 'agenda') attachment = Relation(MeetingNS, 'attachment') motion = Relation(Opengov, 'motion') attendee = Relation(Schema, 'attendee') audio = Relation(Schema, 'audio') description = StringProperty(Schema, 'description') status = Relation(Schema, 'eventStatus') location = StringProperty(Schema, 'location') name = StringProperty(Schema, 'name', required=True) organization = Relation(Schema, 'organizer') committee = Relation(MeetingNS, 'committee') parent = Relation(Schema, 'superEvent') chair = StringProperty(MeetingNS, 'chair') absentee = Relation(Schema, 'absentee') invitee = Relation(Schema, 'invitee')
class AgendaItem(MeetingNS, schema.Event): """An item in a list of topics to be discussed at an event. Subclass of :class:`.schema.Event` """ attachment = Relation(MeetingNS, 'attachment') motion = Relation(Opengov, 'motion') description = StringProperty(Schema, 'description') name = StringProperty(Schema, 'name', required=True) position = IntegerProperty(Schema, 'position') parent = Relation(Schema, 'superEvent', required=True) vote_event = Relation(Opengov, 'voteEvent') attendee = Relation(Schema, 'attendee') absentee = Relation(Schema, 'absentee') agenda = Relation(MeetingNS, 'agenda') last_discussed_at = DateTimeProperty(MeetingNS, 'lastDiscussedAt', ignore_for_loader=[ DeltaLoader, ])
class Activity(Prov, owl.Thing): started_at_time = DateTimeProperty(Prov, 'startedAtTime') ended_at_time = DateTimeProperty(Prov, 'endedAtTime') used = StringProperty(Prov, 'used') generated = StringProperty(Prov, 'generated') had_primary_source = StringProperty(Prov, 'hadPrimarySource') same_as = StringProperty(Owl, 'sameAs') app_semver = StringProperty(Meeting, 'semver') original_identifier = StringProperty(Meeting, 'originalIdentifier') reference_identifier = StringProperty(Meeting, 'referenceIdentifier')
class MediaObject(Schema, owl.Thing): name = StringProperty(Schema, 'name') url = StringProperty(Schema, 'contentUrl') size_in_bytes = IntegerProperty(Schema, 'fileSize') file_type = StringProperty(Schema, 'fileType') additional_type = StringProperty(Schema, 'additionalType') creator = Relation(Schema, 'creator') content_type = StringProperty(Schema, 'fileFormat') original_url = StringProperty(Schema, 'isBasedOn') text = StringProperty(Schema, 'text') enricher_task = 'file_to_text'
class Motion(Opengov, owl.Thing): attachment = Relation(Schema, 'attachment') legislative_session = StringProperty(Opengov, 'legislativeSession') requirement = StringProperty(Opengov, 'requirement') classification = StringProperty(Schema, 'additionalType') status = StringProperty(Meeting, 'status') creator = Relation(Schema, 'creator') cocreator = Relation(Meeting, 'cocreator') date = DateProperty(Schema, 'dateSubmitted') name = StringProperty(Schema, 'name') organization = Relation(Schema, 'publisher') is_referenced_by = Relation(Dcterms, 'isReferencedBy') text = StringProperty(Schema, 'text') result = StringProperty(Opengov, 'result') vote_event = Relation(Opengov, 'voteEvent')
class MediaObject(Schema, owl.Thing): name = StringProperty(Schema, 'name') url = URLProperty(Schema, 'contentUrl') size_in_bytes = IntegerProperty(Schema, 'fileSize') file_type = StringProperty(Schema, 'fileType') additional_type = StringProperty(Schema, 'additionalType') creator = Relation(Schema, 'creator') content_type = StringProperty(Schema, 'encodingFormat') upload_date = DateProperty(Schema, 'uploadDate') caption = StringProperty(Schema, 'caption') embed_url = StringProperty(Schema, 'embedUrl') file_name = StringProperty(Dbo, 'filename') date_modified = DateTimeProperty(Schema, 'dateModified') original_url = URLProperty(Schema, 'isBasedOn') text = ArrayProperty(Schema, 'text') isReferencedBy = Relation(Dcterms, 'isReferencedBy') enricher_task = 'file_to_text'
class Model(object): __metaclass__ = ModelMetaclass # Top-level definitions ori_identifier = StringProperty(Mapping, 'ori/identifier') had_primary_source = StringProperty(Prov, 'hadPrimarySource') def absolute_uri(self): return '%s%s' % (self.uri, self.verbose_name()) def compact_uri(self): return '%s:%s' % (self.prefix, self.verbose_name()) def verbose_name(self): # if hasattr(cls, 'verbose_name'): # return cls.verbose_name return type(self).__name__ @classmethod def definitions(cls, props=True, rels=True): """ Return properties and relations objects from model definitions """ props_list = list() for name, definition in cls._definitions.items(): # pylint: disable=no-member if (props and isinstance(definition, Property) or (rels and isinstance(definition, Relation))): props_list.append(( name, definition, )) return props_list @classmethod def definition(cls, name): try: return cls._definitions[name] # pylint: disable=no-member except KeyError: return @classmethod def inflate(cls, **deflated_props): instance = cls() for absolute_uri, value in deflated_props.items(): definitions_mapping = { v.absolute_uri(): k for k, v in cls.definitions() } try: prop_name = definitions_mapping[absolute_uri] setattr(instance, prop_name, value) except KeyError: raise # todo raise correct exception return instance def __init__(self, source_id=None, organization=None, source=None, source_id_key=None): # Set defaults #self.uri = None #self.prefix = None self.skip_validation = None # self.verbose_name = None self.values = dict() #<organization>/<source>/<source_id_key>/<source_id> # i.e. if source_id: assert organization assert source assert source_id_key self.had_primary_source = Uri( Mapping, '{}/{}/{}/{}'.format(organization, source, source_id_key, source_id)) self._source = source else: # Individuals also need a primary source or some queries will fail # As a solution the definition will be set as the primary source self.had_primary_source = self.absolute_uri() def __getattr__(self, item): try: return self.__dict__['values'][item] except KeyError: try: return self.__dict__[item] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(item) def __setattr__(self, key, value): definition = self.definition(key) # if key[0:1] != '_' and not definition: # raise AttributeError("'%s' is not defined in %s" % (key, self.compact_uri())) if definition: value = definition.sanitize(value) self.values[key] = value return super(Model, self).__setattr__(key, value) def __contains__(self, item): try: if self.__getattribute__(item) is not None: return True except AttributeError: pass return False def __repr__(self): return '<%s Model>' % self.compact_uri() def get_ori_identifier(self): if not self.values.get('ori_identifier'): try: self.ori_identifier = self.db.get_identifier_by_source_id( self, self.had_primary_source, ) except AttributeError: raise except MissingProperty: raise MissingProperty('OriIdentifier is not present, has the ' 'model been saved?') return self.ori_identifier def generate_ori_identifier(self): self.ori_identifier = Uri( Ori, celery_app.backend.increment("ori_identifier_autoincrement")) return self.ori_identifier def properties(self, props=True, rels=True): """ Returns namespaced properties with their inflated values """ props_list = list() for name, prop in iterate( {k: v for k, v in self.values.items() if k[0:1] != '_'}): definition = self.definition(name) if not definition: continue if (props and not isinstance(prop, Model)) or \ (rels and (isinstance(prop, Model) or isinstance(prop, Relationship))): props_list.append(( self.serializer.uri_format(definition), prop, )) # pylint: disable=no-member return props_list def save(self): self.db.replace(self) # pylint: disable=no-member # Recursive save for _, value in, props=False): if isinstance(value, Model): self.attach_recursive() # Todo needs to be executed only once self.db.copy_relations() # pylint: disable=no-member def attach_recursive(self): attach = list() for rel_type, other_object in, props=False): attach.append(self.db.attach(self, other_object, rel_type)) # pylint: disable=no-member # End the recursive loop when self-referencing if self != other_object: attach.extend(other_object.attach_recursive()) return attach
class Identifier(Thing): identifier = StringProperty(Dcterms, 'identifier') represent = StringProperty(Meeting, 'represent')
class Person(PersonNS, foaf.Agent): biography = StringProperty(Bio, 'biography') contact_details = Relation(Opengov, 'contactDetail') alternative_name = StringProperty(Dcterms, 'alternative') family_name = StringProperty(Foaf, 'familyName') gender = StringProperty(Foaf, 'gender') given_name = StringProperty(Foaf, 'givenName') name = StringProperty(Foaf, 'name') national_identity = StringProperty(Opengov, 'nationalIdentity') summary = StringProperty(Bio, 'olb') other_names = StringProperty(Opengov, 'otherName') links = StringProperty(Rdfs, 'seeAlso') birth_date = DateTimeProperty(Schema, 'birthDate') death_date = DateTimeProperty(Schema, 'deathDate') email = StringProperty(Schema, 'email') image = Relation(Schema, 'image')
class Result(Opengov, owl.Thing): text = StringProperty(Schema, 'text') vote_event = Relation(Opengov, 'voteEvent')
class AudioObject(Schema, owl.Thing): contentUrl = StringProperty(Schema, 'contentUrl')
class Person(PersonNS, foaf.Agent): biography = StringProperty(Bio, 'biography') contact_details = Relation(Opengov, 'contactDetail') alternative_name = StringProperty(Dcterms, 'alternative') family_name = StringProperty(Foaf, 'familyName') gender = StringProperty(Foaf, 'gender') given_name = StringProperty(Foaf, 'givenName') additional_name = StringProperty(Schema, 'additionalName') home_location = StringProperty(Schema, 'homeLocation') honorific_prefix = StringProperty(Schema, 'honorificPrefix') honorific_suffix = StringProperty(Schema, 'honorificSuffix') nickname = StringProperty(Vcard, 'nickname') initials = StringProperty(Meeting, 'initials') name = StringProperty(Foaf, 'name') national_identity = StringProperty(Opengov, 'nationalIdentity') summary = StringProperty(Bio, 'olb') other_names = StringProperty(Opengov, 'otherName') links = URLProperty(Rdfs, 'seeAlso') birth_place = StringProperty(Schema, 'birthPlace') birth_date = DateTimeProperty(Schema, 'birthDate') death_date = DateTimeProperty(Schema, 'deathDate') email = StringProperty(Schema, 'email') image = Relation(Schema, 'image') phone = StringProperty(Schema, 'telephone')
class Run(Meta, owl.Thing): run_identifier = StringProperty(Meeting, 'runIdentifier') skip_validation = True
class PropertyValue(Schema, owl.Thing): name = StringProperty(Schema, 'name') value = StringProperty(Schema, 'value')
class Report(MeetingNS, schema.Event, schema.CreativeWork): description = StringProperty(Schema, 'description') result = StringProperty(Opengov, 'result') attachment = Relation(MeetingNS, 'attachment')
class VideoObject(Schema, owl.Thing): content_url = StringProperty(Schema, 'contentUrl')