Example #1
def publish_asset(metadata, publisher_wallet):
    ocean = Ocean(config=Config(options_dict=get_config_dict()))

    # create compute service
    compute_descriptor = build_compute_descriptor(ocean, publisher_wallet.address)

    # create asset DDO and datatoken
        asset = ocean.assets.create(metadata, publisher_wallet, [compute_descriptor],
                        dt_name='Dataset with Compute', dt_symbol='DT-Compute')
        print(f'Dataset asset created successfully: did={asset.did}, datatoken={asset.data_token_address}')
    except Exception as e:
        print(f'Publishing asset failed: {e}')
        return None, None

    dt = DataToken(asset.data_token_address)
    txid = dt.mint_tokens(publisher_wallet.address, 100, publisher_wallet)
    receipt = dt.get_tx_receipt(txid)
    assert receipt and receipt.status == 1, f'datatoken mint failed: tx={txid}, txReceipt={receipt}'

    # Create datatoken liquidity pool for the new asset
    pool = ocean.pool.create(asset.data_token_address, 50, 50, publisher_wallet, 5)
    print(f'datatoken liquidity pool was created at address {pool.address}')

    # Now the asset can be discovered and consumed
    dt_cost = ocean.pool.calcInGivenOut(pool.address, ocean.OCEAN_address, asset.data_token_address, 1.0)
    print(f'Asset {asset.did} can now be purchased from pool @{pool.address} '
          f'at the price of {dt_cost} OCEAN tokens.')
    return asset, pool
Example #2
def publish_asset(metadata, publisher_wallet):
    ocean = Ocean(config=Config(options_dict=get_config_dict()))

    # create compute service
    compute_descriptor = build_compute_descriptor(ocean, publisher_wallet.address)

    # create asset DDO and datatoken
        asset = ocean.assets.create(metadata, publisher_wallet, [compute_descriptor], dt_name='Compute with data6', dt_symbol='DT-Testx7')
        print(f'Dataset asset created successfully: did={asset.did}, datatoken={asset.data_token_address}')
        #Dataset asset created successfully: did=did:op:2cbDb0Aaa1F546829E31267d1a7F74d926Bb5B1B, datatoken=0x2cbDb0Aaa1F546829E31267d1a7F74d926Bb5B1B
    except Exception as e:
        print(f'Publishing asset failed: {e}')
        return None, None

    dt = DataToken(asset.data_token_address)
    txid = dt.mint_tokens(publisher_wallet.address, 100, publisher_wallet)
    receipt = dt.get_tx_receipt(txid)
    assert receipt and receipt.status == 1, f'datatoken mint failed: tx={txid}, txReceipt={receipt}'

    # Create datatoken liquidity pool for the new asset
    pool = ocean.pool.create(asset.data_token_address, 50, 5, publisher_wallet, 5) #50 datatokens - 5 ocean in pool
    print(f'datatoken liquidity pool was created at address {pool.address}')
    #datatoken liquidity pool was created at address 0xeaD638506951B4a4c3575bbC0c7D1491c17B7A08
    # Now the asset can be discovered and consumed
    dt_cost = ocean.pool.calcInGivenOut(pool.address, ocean.OCEAN_address, asset.data_token_address, 1.0)
    print(f'Asset {asset.did} can now be purchased from pool @{pool.address} '
          f'at the price of {dt_cost} OCEAN tokens.')
    return asset, pool