Example #1
            return '/usr/sbin/haproxy -f frontend.cfg -f local.cfg', {}

        def signaled(self, js, process=None):

            # - this pod can be switched to draining mode when being signaled
            # - the configuration file will be re-written using an alternate template
            # - the pod must then be restarted for the change to take effect
            # - the input YAML payload should be a comma separated list of urls, for instance :
            # urls:
            #   - 127.345.24.100:9000
            #   -
            urls = js['urls'].split(',')
            logger.info('rendering draining.cfg (%s)' % js['urls'])
            env = Environment(
                loader=FileSystemLoader(join(dirname(__file__), 'templates')))
            mappings = \
                    'default': self.hints['namespace'],
                    'listeners': {'listener-%d' % index: endpoint for index, endpoint in enumerate(urls)}

            template = env.get_template('draining.cfg')
            with open('%s/frontend.cfg' % self.cwd, 'w') as f:

    Pod().boot(Strategy, model=Model)
Example #2
if __name__ == '__main__':

    class Strategy(Piped):

        cwd = '/opt/flask'
        checks = 5
        check_every = 1
        metrics = True

        def sanity_check(self, pid):

            # - Randomly decide to be stressed
            # - Curl to the Flask in subprocess to check number of threaded requests running.
            @retry(timeout=30.0, pause=0)
            def _self_curl():
                reply = get('http://localhost:9000/threads')
                code = reply.status_code
                assert code == 200 or code == 201, 'Self curling failed'
                return merge({'stressed': choice(['Very', 'Nope'])},

            return _self_curl()

        def configure(self, _):

            return 'python -u webserver.py', {}

Example #3
        # - you can override the default settings, for instance here to tell ochopod what configure()
        #   returns should actually be treated as a shell command
        shell = True

        # - you can also pipe the sub-process stderr/out and include them in the pod log
        pipe_subprocess = True

        def configure(self, _):

            # - simply return what you wish to run (a simple shell statement in our case)
            # - deriving from Piped means the SDK will use popen() to fork an ancillary process
            # - you can also set optional environment variables on that process (presently $LAPSE)
            # - note that whatever value you pass will be turned into a string (e.g you can use numbers)
            return "sleep $LAPSE && echo 'hello world' && exit 0", {'LAPSE': 5}

    # - that's it, just boot the SDK with your process strategy
    # - the local=1 means we force everything to be looked up on localhost
    # - if you run this script locally you should see 'hello world' printed on stdout after 5 seconds
    # - since we exit with 0 the pod will automatically be finalized (e.g shutdown gracefully)
    # - simply type CTRL-C to exit
    Pod().boot(Strategy, local=1)