Example #1
    def __init__(self, depth, channel_in, nout):
        super(ourNet, self).__init__()
        self.depth = depth
        self.channel_in = channel_in

        channels = [2**max(9 - i, 2) for i in range(depth + 1)]
        self.conv_block, self.pool_block = conv_block(channel_in, depth,
        self.octree2voxel = ocnn.FullOctree2Voxel(2)

        self.drop = torch.nn.Dropout(p=0.4)
        self.drop2 = torch.nn.Dropout(p=0.6)

        self.flat = torch.nn.Flatten(start_dim=1)
        self.fc = torch.nn.utils.weight_norm(
            torch.nn.Linear(channels[3] * 64, channels[2], bias=False))
        self.bn = torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(channels[2])
        self.relu = torch.nn.ReLU(inplace=True)

        self.fcRd = torch.nn.utils.weight_norm(
            torch.nn.Linear(channels[2], channels[2], bias=False))
        self.fc2 = torch.nn.utils.weight_norm(
            torch.nn.Linear(channels[2], nout))

        self.mlp1 = MLP([channels[2], 32, 64, 128])
        self.mlp2 = MLP([128, 128])
        #  concatenate
        self.mlp3 = MLP([256, 128, channels[2]])
Example #2
  def __init__(self, depth, channel_in, nout):
    super(LeNet, self).__init__()
    self.depth, self.channel_in = depth, channel_in
    channels = [2 ** max(9 - i, 2) for i in range(depth + 1)]

    octree_conv, octree_pool = ocnn.OctreeConvBnRelu, ocnn.OctreeMaxPool
    self.convs = torch.nn.ModuleList(
        [octree_conv(d, channels[d + 1], channels[d]) for d in range(depth, 2, -1)])
    self.pools = torch.nn.ModuleList(
        [octree_pool(d) for d in range(depth, 2, -1)])
    self.octree2voxel = ocnn.FullOctree2Voxel(2)
    self.header = torch.nn.Sequential(
         torch.nn.Dropout(p=0.5),                        # drop1
         ocnn.FcBnRelu(channels[3] * 64, channels[2]),   # fc1
         torch.nn.Dropout(p=0.5),                        # drop2
         torch.nn.Linear(channels[2], nout))             # fc2
Example #3
 def __init__(self, depth):
   super(FullOctreeGlobalPool, self).__init__(depth)
   self.octree2voxel = ocnn.FullOctree2Voxel(depth)
Example #4
    def __init__(self,
                 observation_space: gym.spaces.Box,
                 depth: int = 5,
                 full_depth: int = 2,
                 channels_in: int = 4,
                 channel_multiplier: int = 16,
                 full_depth_conv1d: bool = False,
                 full_depth_channels: int = 8,
                 features_dim: int = 128,
                 aux_obs_dim: int = 0,
                 fast_conv: bool = True,
                 batch_normalization: bool = True,
                 bn_eps: float = 0.00001,
                 bn_momentum: float = 0.01,
                 verbose: bool = False):

        self._depth = depth
        self._channels_in = channels_in
        self._aux_obs_dim = aux_obs_dim
        self._verbose = verbose

        # Keyword arguments used for layers that might contain BatchNorm layers
        bn_kwargs = {}
        if batch_normalization:
            bn_kwargs.update({'bn_eps': bn_eps, 'bn_momentum': bn_momentum})

        # Determine number of stacked octrees based on observation space shape
        self.n_stacks = observation_space.shape[0]

        # Chain up parent constructor
                             self.n_stacks * (features_dim + aux_obs_dim))

        # Channels ordered as [channels_in, depth, depth-1, ..., full_depth]
        # I.e [channels_in, channel_multiplier*1, channel_multiplier*2, channel_multiplier*4, channel_multiplier*8,...]
        channels = [
            channel_multiplier * (2**i) for i in range(depth - full_depth)
        channels.insert(0, channels_in)

        # Create all Octree convolution and pooling layers in depth-descending order [depth, depth-1, ..., full_depth]
        # Input to the first conv layer is the input Octree at depth=depth
        # Output from the last pool layer is feature map at depth=full_depth
        if fast_conv:
            if batch_normalization:
                OctreeConv = OctreeConvFastBnRelu
                OctreeConv = OctreeConvFastRelu
            if batch_normalization:
                OctreeConv = OctreeConvBnRelu
                OctreeConv = OctreeConvRelu
        OctreePool = ocnn.OctreeMaxPool
        self.convs = torch.nn.ModuleList([
            OctreeConv(depth - i, channels[i], channels[i + 1], **bn_kwargs)
            for i in range(depth - full_depth)
        self.pools = torch.nn.ModuleList(
            [OctreePool(depth - i) for i in range(depth - full_depth)])

        # Last convolution at depth=full_depth, which is not follewed by pooling
        # This layer is used to significantly reduce the channels, decresing number of parameters required in the next linear layer(s)
        self._full_depth_conv1d = full_depth_conv1d
        if self._full_depth_conv1d:
            # Use 1D convolution (Conv1D instead of linear is used here to preserve spatial information)
            if batch_normalization:
                OctreeConv1D = OctreeConv1x1BnRelu
                OctreeConv1D = OctreeConv1x1Relu
            self.full_depth_conv = OctreeConv1D(channels[-1],
            # Use 3D convolution (same as previous modules)
            self.full_depth_conv = OctreeConv(full_depth, channels[-1],
                                              full_depth_channels, **bn_kwargs)

        # Layer that converts octree at depth=full_depth into a full voxel grid (zero padding) such that it has a fixed size
        self.octree2voxel = ocnn.FullOctree2Voxel(full_depth)
        full_depth_voxel_count = 2**(3 * full_depth)

        # Layer that flattens the voxel grid into a feature vector
        self.flatten = torch.nn.Flatten()
        flatten_dim = full_depth_channels * full_depth_voxel_count

        # Last linear layer of the extractor, applied to all (flattened) voxels at full depth
        self.linear = LinearRelu(flatten_dim, features_dim)

        # One linear layer for auxiliary observations
        if self._aux_obs_dim != 0:
            self.aux_obs_linear = LinearRelu(self._aux_obs_dim,

        number_of_learnable_parameters = sum(p.numel()
                                             for p in self.parameters()
                                             if p.requires_grad)
        print("Initialised OctreeCnnFeaturesExtractor with "
              f"{number_of_learnable_parameters} parameters")
        if verbose: