Example #1
    def ingestImageStack(self):
        """Ingest a TIF image stack"""

        # Load a database
        with closing(ocpcaproj.OCPCAProjectsDB()) as projdb:
            proj = projdb.loadToken(self.token)

        with closing(ocpcadb.OCPCADB(proj)) as db:

            ch = proj.getChannelObj(self.channel)
            # get the dataset configuration
            [[ximagesz, yimagesz, zimagesz],
             (starttime, endtime)] = proj.datasetcfg.imageSize(self.resolution)
            [xcubedim, ycubedim, zcubedim
             ] = cubedim = proj.datasetcfg.getCubeDims()[self.resolution]
            [xoffset, yoffset,
             zoffset] = proj.datasetcfg.getOffset()[self.resolution]

            if ch.getChannelType() in TIMESERIES_CHANNELS and (
                    starttime == 0 and endtime == 0):
                logger.error("Timeseries Data cannot have timerange (0,0)")
                raise OCPCAError("Timeseries Data cannot have timerange (0,0)")

            # Get a list of the files in the directories
            for timestamp in range(starttime, endtime + 1):
                for slice_number in range(zoffset, zimagesz, zcubedim):
                    slab = np.zeros([zcubedim, yimagesz, ximagesz],
                    # fetch 16 slices at a time
                    if ch.getChannelType() in TIMESERIES_CHANNELS:
                        time_value = timestamp
                        time_value = None
                        range(slice_number, slice_number +
                              zcubedim) if slice_number + zcubedim <= zimagesz
                        else range(slice_number, zimagesz),
                    for b in range(zcubedim):
                        if (slice_number + b < zimagesz):
                                # reading the raw data
                                file_name = "{}{}".format(
                                    self.generateFileName(slice_number + b))
                                print "Open filename {}".format(file_name)
                                    "Open filename {}".format(file_name))

                                if ch.getDataType() in [
                                        UINT8, UINT16
                                ] and ch.getChannelType(
                                ) in IMAGE_CHANNELS + TIMESERIES_CHANNELS:
                                    image_data = np.asarray(
                                        Image.open(file_name, 'r'))
                                    slab[b, :, :] = image_data
                                elif ch.getDataType() in [
                                ] and ch.getChannelType(
                                ) in IMAGE_CHANNELS + TIMESERIES_CHANNELS:
                                    image_data = np.asarray(
                                    slab[b, :, :] = np.left_shift(
                                        image_data[:, :, 3],
                                        dtype=np.uint32) | np.left_shift(
                                            image_data[:, :, 2],
                                            dtype=np.uint32) | np.left_shift(
                                                image_data[:, :, 1],
                                                dtype=np.uint32) | np.uint32(
                                                    image_data[:, :, 0])
                                elif ch.getChannelType(
                                ) in ANNOTATION_CHANNELS:
                                    image_data = np.asarray(
                                        Image.open(file_name, 'r'))
                                    slab[b, :, :] = image_data
                                    logger.error("Cannot ingest this data yet")
                                    raise OCPCAError(
                                        "Cannot ingest this data yet")
                            except IOError, e:
                                logger.warning("IOError {}.".format(e))
                                slab[b, :, :] = np.zeros((yimagesz, ximagesz),

                    for y in range(0, yimagesz + 1, ycubedim):
                        for x in range(0, ximagesz + 1, xcubedim):

                            # Getting a Cube id and ingesting the data one cube at a time
                            zidx = ocplib.XYZMorton([
                                x / xcubedim, y / ycubedim,
                                (slice_number - zoffset) / zcubedim
                            cube = Cube.getCube(cubedim, ch.getChannelType(),

                            xmin, ymin = x, y
                            xmax = min(ximagesz, x + xcubedim)
                            ymax = min(yimagesz, y + ycubedim)
                            zmin = 0
                            zmax = min(slice_number + zcubedim, zimagesz + 1)

                            cube.data[0:zmax - zmin, 0:ymax - ymin,
                                      0:xmax - xmin] = slab[zmin:zmax,
                            if cube.isNotZeros():
                                if ch.getChannelType() in IMAGE_CHANNELS:
                                elif ch.getChannelType(
                                ) in TIMESERIES_CHANNELS:
                                elif ch.getChannelType(
                                ) in ANNOTATION_CHANNELS:
                                    corner = map(sub, [x, y, slice_number],
                                                 [xoffset, yoffset, zoffset])
                                    db.annotateDense(ch, corner,
                                                     cube.data, 'O')
                                        "Channel type {} not supported".format(
                                    raise OCPCAError(
                                        "Channel type {} not supported".format(

                    # clean up the slices fetched
                        range(slice_number, slice_number +
                              zcubedim) if slice_number + zcubedim <= zimagesz
                        else range(slice_number, zimagesz))
Example #2
def buildImageStack(proj, ch, res=None):
  """Build the hierarchy of images"""
  with closing(ocpcadb.OCPCADB(proj)) as db:

    # pick a resolution
    if res is None:
      res = 1

    high_res = proj.datasetcfg.scalinglevels
    scaling = proj.datasetcfg.scalingoption

    for cur_res in range (res, high_res+1):

      # Get the source database sizes
      [[ximagesz, yimagesz, zimagesz], timerange] = proj.datasetcfg.imageSize(cur_res)
      [xcubedim, ycubedim, zcubedim] = cubedim = proj.datasetcfg.getCubeDims()[cur_res]

      if scaling == ZSLICES:
        (xscale, yscale, zscale) = (2, 2, 1)
      elif scaling == ISOTROPIC:
        (xscale, yscale, zscale) = (2, 2, 2)
        logger.error("Invalid scaling option in project = {}".format(scaling))
        raise OCPCAError("Invalid scaling option in project = {}".format(scaling)) 

      biggercubedim = [xcubedim*xscale,ycubedim*yscale,zcubedim*zscale]

      # Set the limits for iteration on the number of cubes in each dimension
      xlimit = (ximagesz-1) / xcubedim + 1
      ylimit = (yimagesz-1) / ycubedim + 1
      zlimit = (zimagesz-1) / zcubedim + 1

      # Iterating over time
      for ts in range(timerange[0], timerange[1]+1, 1):
        # Iterating over zslice
        for z in range(zlimit):
          # Iterating over y
          for y in range(ylimit):
            # Iterating over x
            for x in range(xlimit):

              # cutout the data at the resolution
              if ch.getChannelType() not in TIMESERIES_CHANNELS:
                olddata = db.cutout(ch, [x*xscale*xcubedim, y*yscale*ycubedim, z*zscale*zcubedim ], biggercubedim, cur_res-1).data
                olddata = db.timecutout(ch, [x*xscale*xcubedim, y*yscale*ycubedim, z*zscale*zcubedim ], biggercubedim, cur_res-1, [ts,ts+1]).data
                olddata = olddata[0,:,:,:]

              #olddata target array for the new data (z,y,x) order
              newdata = np.zeros([zcubedim,ycubedim,xcubedim], dtype=OCP_dtypetonp.get(ch.getDataType()))

              for sl in range(zcubedim):

                if scaling == ZSLICES:
                  data = olddata[sl,:,:]
                elif scaling == ISOTROPIC:
                  data = ocplib.isotropicBuild_ctype(olddata[sl*2,:,:], olddata[sl*2+1,:,:])

                # Convert each slice to an image
                # 8-bit int option
                if olddata.dtype == np.uint8:
                  slimage = Image.frombuffer('L', (xcubedim*2,ycubedim*2), data.flatten(), 'raw', 'L', 0, 1)
                # 16-bit int option
                elif olddata.dtype == np.uint16:
                  slimage = Image.frombuffer('I;16', (xcubedim*2,ycubedim*2), data.flatten(), 'raw', 'I;16', 0, 1)
                # 32-bit float option
                elif olddata.dtype == np.float32:
                  slimage = Image.frombuffer ( 'F', (xcubedim*2,ycubedim*2), data.flatten(), 'raw', 'F', 0, 1 )
                # 32 bit RGBA data
                elif olddata.dtype == np.uint32:
                  slimage = Image.fromarray( data, "RGBA" )
                # KL TODO Add support for 32bit and 64bit RGBA data

                # Resize the image and put in the new cube array
                if olddata.dtype != np.uint32:
                  newdata[sl, :, :] = np.asarray(slimage.resize([xcubedim,ycubedim]))
                  tempdata = np.asarray(slimage.resize([xcubedim, ycubedim]))
                  newdata[sl,:,:] = np.left_shift(tempdata[:,:,3], 24, dtype=np.uint32) | np.left_shift(tempdata[:,:,2], 16, dtype=np.uint32) | np.left_shift(tempdata[:,:,1], 8, dtype=np.uint32) | np.uint32(tempdata[:,:,0])

              zidx = ocplib.XYZMorton ([x,y,z])
              cube = Cube.getCube(cubedim, ch.getChannelType(), ch.getDataType())

              cube.data = newdata
              if ch.getChannelType() not in TIMESERIES_CHANNELS:
                db.putCube(ch, zidx, cur_res, cube, update=True)
                db.putTimeCube(ch, zidx, ts, cur_res, cube, update=False)
Example #3
    def ingestImageStack(self):
        """Ingest a TIF image stack"""

        # Load a database
        with closing(ocpcaproj.OCPCAProjectsDB()) as projdb:
            proj = projdb.loadToken(self.token)

        with closing(ocpcadb.OCPCADB(proj)) as db:

            ch = proj.getChannelObj(self.channel)
            # get the dataset configuration
            [[ximagesz, yimagesz, zimagesz],
             (starttime, endtime)] = proj.datasetcfg.imageSize(self.resolution)
            [xcubedim, ycubedim, zcubedim
             ] = cubedim = proj.datasetcfg.getCubeDims()[self.resolution]
            [xoffset, yoffset,
             zoffset] = proj.datasetcfg.getOffset()[self.resolution]

            if ch.getChannelType() in TIMESERIES_CHANNELS and (
                    starttime == 0 and endtime == 0):
                print "Timeseries Data cannot have timerange (0,0)"

            # Get a list of the files in the directories
            for timestamp in range(starttime, endtime + 1):
                for slice_number in range(zoffset, zimagesz + 1, zcubedim):
                    slab = np.zeros([zcubedim, yimagesz, ximagesz],
                    # fetch 16 slices at a time
                    if ch.getChannelType() in TIMESERIES_CHANNELS:
                        time_value = timestamp
                        time_value = None
                        range(slice_number, slice_number +
                              zcubedim) if slice_number + zcubedim <= zimagesz
                        else range(slice_number, zimagesz),
                    for b in range(zcubedim):
                        if (slice_number + b <= zimagesz):
                                # reading the raw data
                                file_name = "{}{}".format(
                                    self.generateFileName(slice_number + b))
                                print "Open filename {}".format(file_name)
                                slab[b, :, :] = np.asarray(
                                    Image.open(file_name, 'r'))
                            except IOError, e:
                                print e
                                slab[b, :, :] = np.zeros((yimagesz, ximagesz),

                    for y in range(0, yimagesz + 1, ycubedim):
                        for x in range(0, ximagesz + 1, xcubedim):

                            # Getting a Cube id and ingesting the data one cube at a time
                            zidx = ocplib.XYZMorton([
                                x / xcubedim, y / ycubedim,
                                (slice_number - zoffset) / zcubedim
                            cube = Cube.getCube(cubedim, ch.getChannelType(),

                            xmin, ymin = x, y
                            xmax = min(ximagesz, x + xcubedim)
                            ymax = min(yimagesz, y + ycubedim)
                            zmin = 0
                            zmax = min(slice_number + zcubedim, zimagesz + 1)

                            cube.data[0:zmax - zmin, 0:ymax - ymin,
                                      0:xmax - xmin] = slab[zmin:zmax,
                            if cube.isNotZeros():
                                if ch.getChannelType(
                                ) not in TIMESERIES_CHANNELS:

                    # clean up the slices fetched
                        range(slice_number, slice_number +
                              zcubedim) if slice_number + zcubedim <= zimagesz
                        else range(slice_number, zimagesz))
Example #4
def buildAnnoStack ( proj, ch, res=None ):
  """Build the hierarchy for annotations"""
  with closing(ocpcadb.OCPCADB (proj)) as db:

    # pick a resolution
    if res is None:
      res = 1
    high_res = proj.datasetcfg.scalinglevels
    scaling = proj.datasetcfg.scalingoption
    for cur_res in range(res, high_res+1):

      # Get the source database sizes
      [[ximagesz, yimagesz, zimagesz], timerange] = proj.datasetcfg.imageSize(cur_res-1)
      [xcubedim, ycubedim, zcubedim] = cubedim = proj.datasetcfg.getCubeDims()[cur_res-1]

      # Set the limits for iteration on the number of cubes in each dimension
      xlimit = (ximagesz-1) / xcubedim + 1
      ylimit = (yimagesz-1) / ycubedim + 1
      zlimit = (zimagesz-1) / zcubedim + 1

      #  Choose constants that work for all resolutions. recall that cube size changes from 128x128x16 to 64*64*64
      if scaling == ZSLICES:
        outdata = np.zeros ( [ zcubedim*4, ycubedim*2, xcubedim*2 ], dtype=OCP_dtypetonp.get(ch.getDataType()))
      elif scaling == ISOTROPIC:
        outdata = np.zeros ( [ zcubedim*2,  ycubedim*2, xcubedim*2 ], dtype=OCP_dtypetonp.get(ch.getDataType()))
        logger.error ( "Invalid scaling option in project = {}".format(scaling) )
        raise OCPCAError ( "Invalid scaling option in project = {}".format(scaling)) 

      # Round up to the top of the range
      lastzindex = (ocplib.XYZMorton([xlimit,ylimit,zlimit])/64+1)*64

      # Iterate over the cubes in morton order
      for mortonidx in range(0, lastzindex, 64): 

        # call the range query
        cuboids = db.getCubes(ch, range(mortonidx,mortonidx+64), cur_res-1)
        cube = Cube.getCube(cubedim, ch.getChannelType(), ch.getDataType())

        # get the first cube
        for idx, datastring in cuboids:

          xyz = ocplib.MortonXYZ(idx)

          if scaling == ZSLICES:

            # Compute the offset in the output data cube 
            #  we are placing 4x4x4 input blocks into a 2x2x4 cube 
            offset = [(xyz[0]%4)*(xcubedim/2), (xyz[1]%4)*(ycubedim/2), (xyz[2]%4)*zcubedim]
            # add the contribution of the cube in the hierarchy
            ocplib.addDataToZSliceStack_ctype(cube, outdata, offset)

          elif scaling == ISOTROPIC:

            # Compute the offset in the output data cube 
            #  we are placing 4x4x4 input blocks into a 2x2x2 cube 
            offset = [(xyz[0]%4)*(xcubedim/2), (xyz[1]%4)*(ycubedim/2), (xyz[2]%4)*(zcubedim/2)]

            # use python version for debugging
            ocplib.addDataToIsotropicStack_ctype(cube, outdata, offset)

        #  Get the base location of this batch
        xyzout = ocplib.MortonXYZ (mortonidx)

        # adjust to output corner for scale.
        if scaling == ZSLICES:
          outcorner = [ xyzout[0]*xcubedim/2, xyzout[1]*ycubedim/2, xyzout[2]*zcubedim ]
        elif scaling == ISOTROPIC:
          outcorner = [ xyzout[0]*xcubedim/2, xyzout[1]*ycubedim/2, xyzout[2]*zcubedim/2 ]

        #  Data stored in z,y,x order dims in x,y,z
        outdim = outdata.shape[::-1]

        # Preserve annotations made at the specified level
        # KL check that the P option preserves annotations?  RB changed from O
        db.annotateDense(ch, outcorner, cur_res, outdata, 'O')
        # zero the output buffer
        outdata = np.zeros ([zcubedim*4, ycubedim*2, xcubedim*2], dtype=OCP_dtypetonp.get(ch.getDataType()))
Example #5
  def ingestImageStack(self):
    """Ingest a TIF image stack"""

    # Load a database
    with closing (ocpcaproj.OCPCAProjectsDB()) as projdb:
      proj = projdb.loadToken(self.token)

    with closing (ocpcadb.OCPCADB(proj)) as db:

      ch = proj.getChannelObj(self.channel)
      # get the dataset configuration
      [[ximagesz, yimagesz, zimagesz],(starttime,endtime)] = proj.datasetcfg.imageSize(self.resolution)
      [xcubedim, ycubedim, zcubedim] = cubedim = proj.datasetcfg.getCubeDims()[self.resolution]
      [xoffset, yoffset, zoffset] = proj.datasetcfg.getOffset()[self.resolution]
      if ch.getChannelType() in TIMESERIES_CHANNELS and (starttime == 0 and endtime == 0):
        logger.error("Timeseries Data cannot have timerange (0,0)")
        raise OCPCAError("Timeseries Data cannot have timerange (0,0)")

      # Get a list of the files in the directories
      for timestamp in range(starttime, endtime+1):
        for slice_number in range (zoffset, zimagesz, zcubedim):
          slab = np.zeros([zcubedim, yimagesz, ximagesz ], dtype=OCP_dtypetonp.get(ch.getDataType()))
          # fetch 16 slices at a time
          if ch.getChannelType() in TIMESERIES_CHANNELS:
            time_value = timestamp
            time_value = None
          self.fetchData(range(slice_number,slice_number+zcubedim) if slice_number+zcubedim<=zimagesz else range(slice_number,zimagesz), time_value=time_value)
          for b in range(zcubedim):
            if (slice_number + b < zimagesz):
                # reading the raw data
                file_name = "{}{}".format(self.path, self.generateFileName(slice_number+b))
                print "Open filename {}".format(file_name)
                logger.info("Open filename {}".format(file_name))
                if ch.getDataType() in [UINT8, UINT16] and ch.getChannelType() in IMAGE_CHANNELS + TIMESERIES_CHANNELS:
                  image_data = np.asarray(Image.open(file_name, 'r'))
                  slab[b,:,:] = image_data
                elif ch.getDataType() in [UINT32] and ch.getChannelType() in IMAGE_CHANNELS + TIMESERIES_CHANNELS:
                  image_data = np.asarray(Image.open(file_name, 'r').convert('RGBA'))
                  slab[b,:,:] = np.left_shift(image_data[:,:,3], 24, dtype=np.uint32) | np.left_shift(image_data[:,:,2], 16, dtype=np.uint32) | np.left_shift(image_data[:,:,1], 8, dtype=np.uint32) | np.uint32(image_data[:,:,0])
                elif ch.getChannelType() in ANNOTATION_CHANNELS:
                  image_data = np.asarray(Image.open(file_name, 'r'))
                  slab[b,:,:] = image_data
                  logger.error("Cannot ingest this data yet")
                  raise OCPCAError("Cannot ingest this data yet")
              except IOError, e:
                logger.warning("IOError {}.".format(e))
                slab[b,:,:] = np.zeros((yimagesz, ximagesz), dtype=np.uint32)
          for y in range ( 0, yimagesz+1, ycubedim ):
            for x in range ( 0, ximagesz+1, xcubedim ):

              # Getting a Cube id and ingesting the data one cube at a time
              zidx = ocplib.XYZMorton ( [x/xcubedim, y/ycubedim, (slice_number-zoffset)/zcubedim] )
              cube = Cube.getCube(cubedim, ch.getChannelType(), ch.getDataType())

              xmin,ymin = x,y
              xmax = min ( ximagesz, x+xcubedim )
              ymax = min ( yimagesz, y+ycubedim )
              zmin = 0
              zmax = min(slice_number+zcubedim, zimagesz+1)

              cube.data[0:zmax-zmin,0:ymax-ymin,0:xmax-xmin] = slab[zmin:zmax, ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax]
              if cube.isNotZeros():
                if ch.getChannelType() in IMAGE_CHANNELS:
                  db.putCube(ch, zidx, self.resolution, cube, update=True)
                elif ch.getChannelType() in TIMESERIES_CHANNELS:
                  db.putTimeCube(ch, zidx, timestamp, self.resolution, cube, update=True)
                elif ch.getChannelType() in ANNOTATION_CHANNELS:
                  corner = map(sub, [x,y,slice_number], [xoffset,yoffset,zoffset])
                  db.annotateDense(ch, corner, self.resolution, cube.data, 'O')
                  logger.error("Channel type {} not supported".format(ch.getChannelType()))
                  raise OCPCAError("Channel type {} not supported".format(ch.getChannelType()))
          # clean up the slices fetched
          self.cleanData(range(slice_number,slice_number+zcubedim) if slice_number+zcubedim<=zimagesz else range(slice_number,zimagesz))
  def ingestImageStack(self):
    """Ingest a TIF image stack"""

    # Load a database
    with closing (ocpcaproj.OCPCAProjectsDB()) as projdb:
      proj = projdb.loadToken(self.token)

    with closing (ocpcadb.OCPCADB(proj)) as db:

      ch = proj.getChannelObj(self.channel)
      # get the dataset configuration
      [[ximagesz, yimagesz, zimagesz],(starttime,endtime)] = proj.datasetcfg.imageSize(self.resolution)
      [xcubedim, ycubedim, zcubedim] = cubedim = proj.datasetcfg.getCubeDims()[self.resolution]
      [xoffset, yoffset, zoffset] = proj.datasetcfg.getOffset()[self.resolution]
      if ch.getChannelType() in TIMESERIES_CHANNELS and (starttime == 0 and endtime == 0):
        print "Timeseries Data cannot have timerange (0,0)"

      # Get a list of the files in the directories
      for timestamp in range(starttime, endtime+1):
        for slice_number in range (zoffset, zimagesz+1, zcubedim):
          slab = np.zeros([zcubedim, yimagesz, ximagesz ], dtype=OCP_dtypetonp.get(ch.getDataType()))
          # fetch 16 slices at a time
          if ch.getChannelType() in TIMESERIES_CHANNELS:
            time_value = timestamp
            time_value = None
          self.fetchData(range(slice_number,slice_number+zcubedim) if slice_number+zcubedim<=zimagesz else range(slice_number,zimagesz), time_value=time_value)
          for b in range(zcubedim):
            if (slice_number + b <= zimagesz):
                # reading the raw data
                file_name = "{}{}".format(self.path, self.generateFileName(slice_number+b))
                print "Open filename {}".format(file_name)
                slab[b,:,:] = np.asarray(Image.open(file_name, 'r'))
              except IOError, e:
                print e
                slab[b,:,:] = np.zeros((yimagesz, ximagesz), dtype=np.uint32)
          for y in range ( 0, yimagesz+1, ycubedim ):
            for x in range ( 0, ximagesz+1, xcubedim ):

              # Getting a Cube id and ingesting the data one cube at a time
              zidx = ocplib.XYZMorton ( [x/xcubedim, y/ycubedim, (slice_number-zoffset)/zcubedim] )
              cube = Cube.getCube(cubedim, ch.getChannelType(), ch.getDataType())

              xmin,ymin = x,y
              xmax = min ( ximagesz, x+xcubedim )
              ymax = min ( yimagesz, y+ycubedim )
              zmin = 0
              zmax = min(slice_number+zcubedim, zimagesz+1)

              cube.data[0:zmax-zmin,0:ymax-ymin,0:xmax-xmin] = slab[zmin:zmax, ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax]
              if cube.isNotZeros():
                if ch.getChannelType() not in TIMESERIES_CHANNELS:
                  db.putCube(ch, zidx, self.resolution, cube, update=True)
                  db.putTimeCube(ch, zidx, timestamp, self.resolution, cube, update=True)
          # clean up the slices fetched
          self.cleanData(range(slice_number,slice_number+zcubedim) if slice_number+zcubedim<=zimagesz else range(slice_number,zimagesz))
def buildImageStack(proj, ch, res=None):
    """Build the hierarchy of images"""

    with closing(ocpcadb.OCPCADB(proj)) as db:

        # pick a resolution
        if res is None:
            res = 1

        high_res = proj.datasetcfg.scalinglevels
        scaling = proj.datasetcfg.scalingoption

        for cur_res in range(res, high_res + 1):

            # Get the source database sizes
            [[ximagesz, yimagesz, zimagesz],
             timerange] = proj.datasetcfg.imageSize(cur_res)
            [xcubedim, ycubedim,
             zcubedim] = cubedim = proj.datasetcfg.getCubeDims()[cur_res]

            if scaling == ZSLICES:
                (xscale, yscale, zscale) = (2, 2, 1)
            elif scaling == ISOTROPIC:
                (xscale, yscale, zscale) = (2, 2, 2)
                    "Invalid scaling option in project = {}".format(scaling))
                raise OCPCAError(
                    "Invalid scaling option in project = {}".format(scaling))

            biggercubedim = [
                xcubedim * xscale, ycubedim * yscale, zcubedim * zscale

            # Set the limits for iteration on the number of cubes in each dimension
            xlimit = (ximagesz - 1) / xcubedim + 1
            ylimit = (yimagesz - 1) / ycubedim + 1
            zlimit = (zimagesz - 1) / zcubedim + 1

            # Iterating over time
            for ts in range(timerange[0], timerange[1] + 1, 1):
                # Iterating over zslice
                for z in range(zlimit):
                    # Iterating over y
                    for y in range(ylimit):
                        # Iterating over x
                        for x in range(xlimit):

                            # cutout the data at the resolution
                            if ch.getChannelType() not in TIMESERIES_CHANNELS:
                                olddata = db.cutout(ch, [
                                    x * xscale * xcubedim, y * yscale *
                                    ycubedim, z * zscale * zcubedim
                                ], biggercubedim, cur_res - 1).data
                                olddata = db.timecutout(
                                    ch, [
                                        x * xscale * xcubedim, y * yscale *
                                        ycubedim, z * zscale * zcubedim
                                    ], biggercubedim, cur_res - 1,
                                    [ts, ts + 1]).data
                                olddata = olddata[0, :, :, :]

                            #olddata target array for the new data (z,y,x) order
                            newdata = np.zeros([zcubedim, ycubedim, xcubedim],

                            for sl in range(zcubedim):

                                if scaling == ZSLICES:
                                    data = olddata[sl, :, :]
                                elif scaling == ISOTROPIC:
                                    data = ocplib.isotropicBuild_ctype(
                                        olddata[sl * 2, :, :],
                                        olddata[sl * 2 + 1, :, :])

                                # Convert each slice to an image
                                # 8-bit int option
                                if olddata.dtype == np.uint8:
                                    slimage = Image.frombuffer(
                                        'L', (xcubedim * 2, ycubedim * 2),
                                        data.flatten(), 'raw', 'L', 0, 1)
                                # 16-bit int option
                                elif olddata.dtype == np.uint16:
                                    slimage = Image.frombuffer(
                                        'I;16', (xcubedim * 2, ycubedim * 2),
                                        data.flatten(), 'raw', 'I;16', 0, 1)
                                # 32-bit float option
                                elif olddata.dtype == np.float32:
                                    slimage = Image.frombuffer(
                                        'F', (xcubedim * 2, ycubedim * 2),
                                        data.flatten(), 'raw', 'F', 0, 1)
                                # 32 bit RGBA data
                                elif olddata.dtype == np.uint32:
                                    slimage = Image.fromarray(data, "RGBA")
                                # KL TODO Add support for 32bit and 64bit RGBA data

                                # Resize the image and put in the new cube array
                                if olddata.dtype != np.uint32:
                                    newdata[sl, :, :] = np.asarray(
                                        slimage.resize([xcubedim, ycubedim]))
                                    tempdata = np.asarray(
                                        slimage.resize([xcubedim, ycubedim]))
                                    newdata[sl, :, :] = np.left_shift(
                                        tempdata[:, :, 3], 24,
                                        dtype=np.uint32) | np.left_shift(
                                            tempdata[:, :, 2],
                                            dtype=np.uint32) | np.left_shift(
                                                tempdata[:, :, 1],
                                                dtype=np.uint32) | np.uint32(
                                                    tempdata[:, :, 0])

                            zidx = ocplib.XYZMorton([x, y, z])
                            cube = Cube.getCube(cubedim, ch.getChannelType(),

                            cube.data = newdata
                            if ch.getChannelType() not in TIMESERIES_CHANNELS:
def buildAnnoStack(proj, ch, res=None):
    """Build the hierarchy for annotations"""

    with closing(ocpcadb.OCPCADB(proj)) as db:

        # pick a resolution
        if res is None:
            res = 1

        high_res = proj.datasetcfg.scalinglevels
        scaling = proj.datasetcfg.scalingoption

        for cur_res in range(res, high_res + 1):

            # Get the source database sizes
            [[ximagesz, yimagesz, zimagesz],
             timerange] = proj.datasetcfg.imageSize(cur_res - 1)
            [xcubedim, ycubedim,
             zcubedim] = cubedim = proj.datasetcfg.getCubeDims()[cur_res - 1]

            # Set the limits for iteration on the number of cubes in each dimension
            xlimit = (ximagesz - 1) / xcubedim + 1
            ylimit = (yimagesz - 1) / ycubedim + 1
            zlimit = (zimagesz - 1) / zcubedim + 1

            #  Choose constants that work for all resolutions. recall that cube size changes from 128x128x16 to 64*64*64
            if scaling == ZSLICES:
                outdata = np.zeros([zcubedim * 4, ycubedim * 2, xcubedim * 2],
            elif scaling == ISOTROPIC:
                outdata = np.zeros([zcubedim * 2, ycubedim * 2, xcubedim * 2],
                    "Invalid scaling option in project = {}".format(scaling))
                raise OCPCAError(
                    "Invalid scaling option in project = {}".format(scaling))

            # Round up to the top of the range
            lastzindex = (ocplib.XYZMorton([xlimit, ylimit, zlimit]) / 64 +
                          1) * 64

            # Iterate over the cubes in morton order
            for mortonidx in range(0, lastzindex, 64):

                # call the range query
                cuboids = db.getCubes(ch, range(mortonidx, mortonidx + 64),
                                      cur_res - 1)
                cube = Cube.getCube(cubedim, ch.getChannelType(),

                # get the first cube
                for idx, datastring in cuboids:

                    xyz = ocplib.MortonXYZ(idx)

                    if scaling == ZSLICES:

                        # Compute the offset in the output data cube
                        #  we are placing 4x4x4 input blocks into a 2x2x4 cube
                        offset = [(xyz[0] % 4) * (xcubedim / 2),
                                  (xyz[1] % 4) * (ycubedim / 2),
                                  (xyz[2] % 4) * zcubedim]
                        # add the contribution of the cube in the hierarchy
                            cube, outdata, offset)

                    elif scaling == ISOTROPIC:

                        # Compute the offset in the output data cube
                        #  we are placing 4x4x4 input blocks into a 2x2x2 cube
                        offset = [(xyz[0] % 4) * (xcubedim / 2),
                                  (xyz[1] % 4) * (ycubedim / 2),
                                  (xyz[2] % 4) * (zcubedim / 2)]

                        # use python version for debugging
                            cube, outdata, offset)

                #  Get the base location of this batch
                xyzout = ocplib.MortonXYZ(mortonidx)

                # adjust to output corner for scale.
                if scaling == ZSLICES:
                    outcorner = [
                        xyzout[0] * xcubedim / 2, xyzout[1] * ycubedim / 2,
                        xyzout[2] * zcubedim
                elif scaling == ISOTROPIC:
                    outcorner = [
                        xyzout[0] * xcubedim / 2, xyzout[1] * ycubedim / 2,
                        xyzout[2] * zcubedim / 2

                #  Data stored in z,y,x order dims in x,y,z
                outdim = outdata.shape[::-1]

                # Preserve annotations made at the specified level
                # KL check that the P option preserves annotations?  RB changed from O
                db.annotateDense(ch, outcorner, cur_res, outdata, 'O')

                # zero the output buffer
                outdata = np.zeros([zcubedim * 4, ycubedim * 2, xcubedim * 2],