Example #1
class RFA(clcsv.SheetWrapper):

    COERCE = {
        "Constituency Name": dataobj.to_unicode(),
        "Region": dataobj.to_unicode(),
        "Country": dataobj.to_unicode(),
        "Constituency ID": dataobj.to_unicode(),
        "Constituency Type": dataobj.to_unicode()

    DEFAULT_COERCE = [dataobj.to_int()]
 def add_identifier(self, id, type):
     if id is None or type is None:
     uc = dataobj.to_unicode()
     obj = {"id" : self._coerce(id, uc), "type" : self._coerce(type, uc)}
     self._delete_from_list("metadata.identifier", matchsub=obj, prune=False)
     self._add_to_list("metadata.identifier", obj)
 def add_identifier(self, id, type):
     if id is None or type is None:
     uc = dataobj.to_unicode()
     obj = {"id" : self._coerce(id, uc), "type" : self._coerce(type, uc)}
     self._delete_from_list("metadata.identifier", matchsub=obj, prune=False)
     self._add_to_list("metadata.identifier", obj)
Example #4
class WDI(clcsv.SheetWrapper):

    HEADERS = {
        "Country Name": "country",
        "Country Code": "cc",
        "Indicator Name": "indicator",
        "Indicator Code": "ic"

    COERCE = {
        "country": dataobj.to_unicode(),
        "cc": dataobj.to_unicode(),
        "indicator": dataobj.to_unicode(),
        "ic": dataobj.to_unicode()

    DEFAULT_COERCE = [dataobj.to_float()]
    def license(self, obj):
        # validate the object structure quickly
        allowed = ["title", "type", "url", "version"]
        for k in obj.keys():
            if k not in allowed:
                raise dataobj.DataSchemaException("License object must only contain the following keys: {x}".format(x=", ".join(allowed)))

        # coerce the values of the keys
        uc = dataobj.to_unicode()
        for k in allowed:
            if k in obj:
                obj[k] = self._coerce(obj[k], uc)

        # finally write it
        self._set_single("metadata.license_ref", obj)
    def license(self, obj):
        # validate the object structure quickly
        allowed = ["title", "type", "url", "version"]
        for k in obj.keys():
            if k not in allowed:
                raise dataobj.DataSchemaException("License object must only contain the following keys: {x}".format(x=", ".join(allowed)))

        # coerce the values of the keys
        uc = dataobj.to_unicode()
        for k in allowed:
            if k in obj:
                obj[k] = self._coerce(obj[k], uc)

        # finally write it
        self._set_single("metadata.license_ref", obj)
    def projects(self, objlist):
        # validate the object structure quickly
        allowed = ["name", "grant_number", "identifier"]
        for obj in objlist:
            for k in obj.keys():
                if k not in allowed:
                    raise dataobj.DataSchemaException("Project object must only contain the following keys: {x}".format(x=", ".join(allowed)))

            # coerce the values of some of the keys
            uc = dataobj.to_unicode()
            for k in ["name", "grant_number"]:
                if k in obj:
                    obj[k] = self._coerce(obj[k], uc)

        # finally write it
        self._set_list("metadata.project", objlist)
    def projects(self, objlist):
        # validate the object structure quickly
        allowed = ["name", "grant_number", "identifier"]
        for obj in objlist:
            for k in obj.keys():
                if k not in allowed:
                    raise dataobj.DataSchemaException("Project object must only contain the following keys: {x}".format(x=", ".join(allowed)))

            # coerce the values of some of the keys
            uc = dataobj.to_unicode()
            for k in ["name", "grant_number"]:
                if k in obj:
                    obj[k] = self._coerce(obj[k], uc)

        # finally write it
        self._set_list("metadata.project", objlist)
Example #9
class SpeciesSheet(clcsv.SheetWrapper):

    HEADERS = {
        # main identifying field
        u'Species ID': u'species_id',

        # fields in the species sheet
        u'Kingdom': u'kingdom',
        u'Phylum': u'phylum',
        u'Class': u'species_class',
        u'Order': u'order',
        u'Family': u'family',
        u'Genus': u'genus',
        u'Species': u'species',
        u'Authority': u'authority',
        u'Infraspecific rank': u'infraspecific_rank',
        u'Infraspecific name': u'infraspecific_name',
        u'Infraspecific authority': u'infraspecific_authority',
        u'Stock/subpopulation': u'subpopulation',
        u'Synonyms': u'synonyms',
        u'Common names (Eng)': u'common_names_eng',
        u'Common names (Fre)': u'common_names_fre',
        u'Common names (Spa)': u'common_names_spa',
        u'Red List status': u'red_list_status_code',
        u'Red List criteria': u'red_list_criteria',
        u'Red List criteria version': u'red_list_criteria_version',
        u'Year assessed': u'year_assessed',
        u'Population trend': u'population_trend',
        u'Petitioned': u'petitioned',

    COERCE = {
        "synonyms": synonym,
        "common_names_eng": common_name,
        "red_list_criteria_version": dataobj.to_float(),
        "year_assessed": dataobj.to_int(),
        "petitioned": petition,

    DEFAULT_COERCE = [dataobj.to_unicode()]



    def __init__(self, path):
        super(SpeciesSheet, self).__init__(path)
 def source_name(self, val):
     self._set_single("metadata.source.name", val, coerce=dataobj.to_unicode())
 def set_license(self, type, url):
     uc = dataobj.to_unicode()
     type = self._coerce(type, uc)
     url = self._coerce(url, uc)
     obj = {"title" : type, "type" : type, "url" : url}
     self._set_single("metadata.license_ref", obj)
 def id(self):
     return self._get_single("id", coerce=dataobj.to_unicode())
 def publisher(self):
     return self._get_single("metadata.publisher", coerce=dataobj.to_unicode())
 def add_subject(self, kw):
     self._add_to_list("metadata.subject", kw, coerce=dataobj.to_unicode(), unique=True)
 def publisher(self, val):
     self._set_single("metadata.publisher", val, coerce=dataobj.to_unicode(), allow_none=False, ignore_none=True)
 def source_name(self, val):
     self._set_single("metadata.source.name", val, coerce=dataobj.to_unicode())
 def packaging_format(self):
     return self._get_single("content.packaging_format", dataobj.to_unicode())
    def test_02_construct(self):
        struct = {
            "fields" : {
                "one" : {"coerce" : "unicode"}
            "objects" : [
                "three", "four", "five"
            "lists" : {
                "six" : {"contains" : "whatever"},
                "seven" : {"contains" : "field", "coerce" : "integer"},
                "eight" : {"contains" : "object"},
                "nine" : {"contains" : "object"}
            "required" : ["one"],
            "structs" : {
                # Note there's no structure for three, so it can be anything
                "four" : {
                    "fields" : {
                        "alpha" : {"coerce" : "integer"}
                "nine" : {
                    "fields" : {
                        "beta" : {"coerce" : "integer"}

        coerce = {
            "unicode" : dataobj.to_unicode(),
            "integer" : dataobj.to_int()

        obj = { "one" : "hello" }
        new = dataobj.construct(obj, struct, coerce)
        assert new["one"] == u"hello"
        assert isinstance(new["one"], unicode)

        # try adding a disallowed field
        obj["two"]  = "world"

        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
                new = dataobj.construct(obj, struct, coerce)
            except dataobj.DataStructureException as e:
                print e.message
                raise e

        # try not providing a required field
        obj = {}
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
                new = dataobj.construct(obj, struct, coerce)
            except dataobj.DataStructureException as e:
                print e.message
                raise e

        # try an unvalidated sub-object
        obj = {"one" : "hello"}
        obj["three"] = {"something" : "here"}
        new = dataobj.construct(obj, struct, coerce)
        assert new["three"]["something"] == "here"

        # and a validated sub-object
        obj["four"] = {"alpha" : "4"}
        new = dataobj.construct(obj, struct, coerce)
        assert new["four"]["alpha"] == 4

        # and a field that should be an object but isn't
        obj["five"] = "something here"
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
                new = dataobj.construct(obj, struct, coerce)
            except dataobj.DataStructureException as e:
                print e.message
                raise e

        # a list where the list contains directive is broken
        del obj["five"]
        obj["six"] = ["6"]
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
                new = dataobj.construct(obj, struct, coerce)
            except dataobj.DataStructureException as e:
                print e.message
                raise e

        # successfully coerce a list of field values
        del obj["six"]
        obj["seven"] = ["1", "1", "2", "3"]
        new = dataobj.construct(obj, struct, coerce)
        assert new["seven"] == [1, 1, 2, 3]

        # faile to coerce a list of field values
        obj["seven"] = ["a", "b", "walton-upon-thames"]
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
                new = dataobj.construct(obj, struct, coerce)
            except dataobj.DataStructureException as e:
                print e.message
                raise e

        # list is supposed to contain an object but doesn't
        del obj["seven"]
        obj["eight"]  = ["not an object"]
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
                new = dataobj.construct(obj, struct, coerce)
            except dataobj.DataStructureException as e:
                print e.message
                raise e

        # list contains an object but no validation required on its structure
        obj["eight"] = [{"an" : "object"}]
        new = dataobj.construct(obj, struct, coerce)
        assert new["eight"][0]["an"] == "object"

        # list contains an object which fails to validate
        obj["nine"] = [{"beta" : "whatever"}]
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
                new = dataobj.construct(obj, struct, coerce)
            except dataobj.DataStructureException as e:
                print e.message
                raise e

        # list contains an object that does validate
        obj["nine"] = [{"beta" : 9}]
        new = dataobj.construct(obj, struct, coerce)
        assert new["nine"][0]["beta"] == 9
 def packaging_format(self, val):
     self._set_single("content.packaging_format", val, coerce=dataobj.to_unicode())
 def id(self):
     return self._get_single("id", coerce=dataobj.to_unicode())
 def set_license(self, type, url):
     uc = dataobj.to_unicode()
     type = self._coerce(type, uc)
     url = self._coerce(url, uc)
     obj = {"title" : type, "type" : type, "url" : url}
     self._set_single("metadata.license_ref", obj)
 def source_name(self):
     return self._get_single("metadata.source.name", coerce=dataobj.to_unicode())
 def add_subject(self, kw):
     self._add_to_list("metadata.subject", kw, coerce=dataobj.to_unicode(), unique=True)
 def type(self, val):
     self._set_single("metadata.type", val, coerce=dataobj.to_unicode(), allow_none=False, ignore_none=True)
 def my_title(self, val):
     self._set_single("title", val, coerce=dataobj.to_unicode())
 def publisher(self):
     return self._get_single("metadata.publisher", coerce=dataobj.to_unicode())
 def publisher(self, val):
     self._set_single("metadata.publisher", val, coerce=dataobj.to_unicode(), allow_none=False, ignore_none=True)
 def source_name(self):
     return self._get_single("metadata.source.name", coerce=dataobj.to_unicode())
 def version(self, val):
     self._set_single("metadata.version", val, coerce=dataobj.to_unicode())
 def language(self):
     # Note that in this case we don't coerce to iso language, as it's a slightly costly operation, and all incoming
     # data should already be coerced
     return self._get_single("metadata.language", coerce=dataobj.to_unicode())
Example #31
    def test_02_construct(self):
        struct = {
            "fields": {
                "one": {
                    "coerce": "unicode"
            "objects": ["three", "four", "five"],
            "lists": {
                "six": {
                    "contains": "whatever"
                "seven": {
                    "contains": "field",
                    "coerce": "integer"
                "eight": {
                    "contains": "object"
                "nine": {
                    "contains": "object"
            "required": ["one"],
            "structs": {
                # Note there's no structure for three, so it can be anything
                "four": {
                    "fields": {
                        "alpha": {
                            "coerce": "integer"
                "nine": {
                    "fields": {
                        "beta": {
                            "coerce": "integer"

        coerce = {"unicode": dataobj.to_unicode(), "integer": dataobj.to_int()}

        obj = {"one": "hello"}
        new = dataobj.construct(obj, struct, coerce)
        assert new["one"] == u"hello"
        assert isinstance(new["one"], unicode)

        # try adding a disallowed field
        obj["two"] = "world"

        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
                new = dataobj.construct(obj, struct, coerce)
            except dataobj.DataStructureException as e:
                print e.message
                raise e

        # try not providing a required field
        obj = {}
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
                new = dataobj.construct(obj, struct, coerce)
            except dataobj.DataStructureException as e:
                print e.message
                raise e

        # try an unvalidated sub-object
        obj = {"one": "hello"}
        obj["three"] = {"something": "here"}
        new = dataobj.construct(obj, struct, coerce)
        assert new["three"]["something"] == "here"

        # and a validated sub-object
        obj["four"] = {"alpha": "4"}
        new = dataobj.construct(obj, struct, coerce)
        assert new["four"]["alpha"] == 4

        # and a field that should be an object but isn't
        obj["five"] = "something here"
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
                new = dataobj.construct(obj, struct, coerce)
            except dataobj.DataStructureException as e:
                print e.message
                raise e

        # a list where the list contains directive is broken
        del obj["five"]
        obj["six"] = ["6"]
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
                new = dataobj.construct(obj, struct, coerce)
            except dataobj.DataStructureException as e:
                print e.message
                raise e

        # successfully coerce a list of field values
        del obj["six"]
        obj["seven"] = ["1", "1", "2", "3"]
        new = dataobj.construct(obj, struct, coerce)
        assert new["seven"] == [1, 1, 2, 3]

        # faile to coerce a list of field values
        obj["seven"] = ["a", "b", "walton-upon-thames"]
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
                new = dataobj.construct(obj, struct, coerce)
            except dataobj.DataStructureException as e:
                print e.message
                raise e

        # list is supposed to contain an object but doesn't
        del obj["seven"]
        obj["eight"] = ["not an object"]
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
                new = dataobj.construct(obj, struct, coerce)
            except dataobj.DataStructureException as e:
                print e.message
                raise e

        # list contains an object but no validation required on its structure
        obj["eight"] = [{"an": "object"}]
        new = dataobj.construct(obj, struct, coerce)
        assert new["eight"][0]["an"] == "object"

        # list contains an object which fails to validate
        obj["nine"] = [{"beta": "whatever"}]
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
                new = dataobj.construct(obj, struct, coerce)
            except dataobj.DataStructureException as e:
                print e.message
                raise e

        # list contains an object that does validate
        obj["nine"] = [{"beta": 9}]
        new = dataobj.construct(obj, struct, coerce)
        assert new["nine"][0]["beta"] == 9
 def type(self, val):
     self._set_single("metadata.type", val, coerce=dataobj.to_unicode(), allow_none=False, ignore_none=True)
 def version(self):
     return self._get_single("metadata.version", coerce=dataobj.to_unicode())
 def type(self):
     return self._get_single("metadata.type", coerce=dataobj.to_unicode())
 def version(self, val):
     self._set_single("metadata.version", val, coerce=dataobj.to_unicode())
 def packaging_format(self, val):
     self._set_single("content.packaging_format", val, coerce=dataobj.to_unicode())
 def type(self):
     return self._get_single("metadata.type", coerce=dataobj.to_unicode())
 def packaging_format(self):
     return self._get_single("content.packaging_format", dataobj.to_unicode())
 def language(self):
     # Note that in this case we don't coerce to iso language, as it's a slightly costly operation, and all incoming
     # data should already be coerced
     return self._get_single("metadata.language", coerce=dataobj.to_unicode())
Example #40
 def my_title(self, val):
     self._set_single("title", val, coerce=dataobj.to_unicode())
 def version(self):
     return self._get_single("metadata.version", coerce=dataobj.to_unicode())