def initialise():
    # if we are not to initialise the index, stop here
    if not app.config.get("INITIALISE_INDEX", False):

    # create the index itself if it needs creating
    conn = esprit.raw.Connection(app.config['ELASTIC_SEARCH_HOST'], app.config['ELASTIC_SEARCH_INDEX'])
    if not esprit.raw.index_exists(conn):
        print "Creating ES Index; host:" + str( + " port:" + str(conn.port) + " db:" + str(conn.index)
        print "ES Index Already Exists; host:" + str( + " port:" + str(conn.port) + " db:" + str(conn.index)

    # get the list of classes which carry the mappings to be loaded
    mapping_daos = app.config.get("ELASTIC_SEARCH_MAPPINGS", [])

    # load each class and execute the "mappings" function to get the mappings
    # that need to be imported
    for cname in mapping_daos:
        klazz = plugin.load_class_raw(cname)
        mappings = klazz.mappings()

        # for each mapping (a class may supply multiple), create them in the index
        for key, mapping in mappings.iteritems():
            if not esprit.raw.has_mapping(conn, key):
                r = esprit.raw.put_mapping(conn, key, mapping)
                print "Creating ES mapping for", key, "; status:", r.status_code
                print "ES Mapping already exists for ", key
def initialise():
    # if we are not to initialise the index, stop here
    if not app.config.get("INITIALISE_INDEX", False):

    # create the index itself if it needs creating
    conn = esprit.raw.Connection(app.config['ELASTIC_SEARCH_HOST'],
    if not esprit.raw.index_exists(conn):
        print "Creating ES Index; host:" + str( + " port:" + str(
            conn.port) + " db:" + str(conn.index)
        print "ES Index Already Exists; host:" + str(
   + " port:" + str(conn.port) + " db:" + str(conn.index)

    # get the list of classes which carry the mappings to be loaded
    mapping_daos = app.config.get("ELASTIC_SEARCH_MAPPINGS", [])

    # load each class and execute the "mappings" function to get the mappings
    # that need to be imported
    for cname in mapping_daos:
        klazz = plugin.load_class_raw(cname)
        mappings = klazz.mappings()

        # for each mapping (a class may supply multiple), create them in the index
        for key, mapping in mappings.iteritems():
            if not esprit.raw.has_mapping(conn, key):
                r = esprit.raw.put_mapping(conn, key, mapping)
                print "Creating ES mapping for", key, "; status:", r.status_code
                print "ES Mapping already exists for ", key
def initialise():
    # if we are not to initialise the index, stop here
    if not app.config.get("INITIALISE_INDEX", False):

    # create the index itself if it needs creating
    conn = esprit.raw.Connection(app.config['ELASTIC_SEARCH_HOST'], app.config['ELASTIC_SEARCH_INDEX'])
    if not esprit.raw.index_exists(conn):
        print "Creating ES Index; host:" + str( + " port:" + str(conn.port) + " db:" + str(conn.index)
        default_mapping = _default_mapping()
        if default_mapping is not None:
            print "Applying default mapping to index"
        esprit.raw.create_index(conn, mapping=default_mapping)
        print "ES Index Already Exists; host:" + str( + " port:" + str(conn.port) + " db:" + str(conn.index)

    # get the list of classes which carry the type-specific mappings to be loaded
    mapping_daos = app.config.get("ELASTIC_SEARCH_MAPPINGS", [])

    # get the ES version that we're working with
    es_version = app.config.get("ELASTIC_SEARCH_VERSION", "0.90.13")

    # load each class and execute the "mappings" function to get the mappings
    # that need to be imported
    for cname in mapping_daos:
        klazz = plugin.load_class_raw(cname)
        mappings = klazz.mappings()
        # for each mapping (a class may supply multiple), create them in the index
        for key, mapping in mappings.iteritems():
            if not esprit.raw.type_exists(conn, key, es_version=es_version):
                r = esprit.raw.put_mapping(conn, key, mapping, es_version=es_version)
                print "Creating ES Type+Mapping for", key, "; status:", r.status_code
                print "ES Type+Mapping already exists for", key

    # get the list of classes which will give us example docs to load
    example_daos = app.config.get("ELASTIC_SEARCH_EXAMPLE_DOCS", [])

    for cname in example_daos:
        klazz = plugin.load_class_raw(cname)
        example = klazz.example()
        type = klazz.get_write_type()
        put_example(type, example)

        if not esprit.raw.type_exists(conn, type, es_version=es_version):
            print "Initialising ES Type+Mapping from document for", type
            print "Not Initialising from document - ES Type+Mapping already exists for", type

    self_inits = app.config.get("ELASTIC_SEARCH_SELF_INIT", [])

    for cname in self_inits:
        klazz = plugin.load_class_raw(cname)
Example #4
def initialise():
    # if we are not to initialise the index, stop here
    if not app.config.get("INITIALISE_INDEX", False):

    # create the index itself if it needs creating
    conn = esprit.raw.Connection(app.config['ELASTIC_SEARCH_HOST'],
    if not esprit.raw.index_exists(conn):
        print "Creating ES Index; host:" + str( + " port:" + str(
            conn.port) + " db:" + str(conn.index)
        default_mapping = _default_mapping()
        if default_mapping is not None:
            print "Applying default mapping to index"
        esprit.raw.create_index(conn, mapping=default_mapping)
        print "ES Index Already Exists; host:" + str(
   + " port:" + str(conn.port) + " db:" + str(conn.index)

    # get the list of classes which carry the type-specific mappings to be loaded
    mapping_daos = app.config.get("ELASTIC_SEARCH_MAPPINGS", [])

    # get the ES version that we're working with
    es_version = app.config.get("ELASTIC_SEARCH_VERSION", "0.90.13")

    # load each class and execute the "mappings" function to get the mappings
    # that need to be imported
    for cname in mapping_daos:
        klazz = plugin.load_class_raw(cname)
        mappings = klazz.mappings()
        # for each mapping (a class may supply multiple), create them in the index
        for key, mapping in mappings.iteritems():
            if not esprit.raw.type_exists(conn, key, es_version=es_version):
                r = esprit.raw.put_mapping(conn, key, mapping, es_version=es_version)
                print "Creating ES Type+Mapping for", key, "; status:", r.status_code
                print "ES Type+Mapping already exists for", key

    # get the list of classes which will give us example docs to load
    example_daos = app.config.get("ELASTIC_SEARCH_EXAMPLE_DOCS", [])

    for cname in example_daos:
        klazz = plugin.load_class_raw(cname)
        example = klazz.example()
        type = klazz.get_write_type()
        put_example(type, example)
        if not esprit.raw.type_exists(conn, type, es_version=es_version):
            print "Initialising ES Type+Mapping from document for", type
            print "Not Initialising from document - ES Type+Mapping already exists for", type

    self_inits = app.config.get("ELASTIC_SEARCH_SELF_INIT", [])

    for cname in self_inits:
        klazz = plugin.load_class_raw(cname)
Example #5
        if lower is not None and upper is not None:
            return lower + " to " + upper
        elif lower is not None and upper is None:
            return "less than " + lower
        elif lower is None and upper is not None:
            return "greater than " + upper
    return ""

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-k", "--klazz", help="class to document")
    parser.add_argument("-o", "--out", help="output file")
    parser.add_argument("-f", "--fields", help="field descriptions table")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    descriptions = {}
    with as f:
        fds =
    lines = fds.split("\n")
    for line in lines:
        sep = line.find(":")
        descriptions[line[:sep]] = line[sep + 1:].strip()

    k = plugin.load_class_raw(args.klazz)
    example, fields = document(k, descriptions)
    doc = format(k, example, fields)

    with, "wb") as f: