Example #1
    def __init__(self, space):
        """Initialize an instance.

        space : `TensorSpace`
            The domain of the operator.
        if not isinstance(space, LinearSpace):
            raise TypeError('`space` {!r} not a `LinearSpace`'.format(space))

        if nargin == 1:
            domain = space0 = space
            dtypes = [space.dtype]
        elif nargin == len(space) == 2 and isinstance(space, ProductSpace):
            domain = space
            space0 = space[0]
            dtypes = [space[0].dtype, space[1].dtype]
            domain = ProductSpace(space, nargin)
            space0 = space
            dtypes = [space.dtype, space.dtype]

        dts_out = dtypes_out(name, dtypes)

        if nargout == 1:
            range = space0.astype(dts_out[0])
            range = ProductSpace(space0.astype(dts_out[0]),

        linear = name in LINEAR_UFUNCS
        Operator.__init__(self, domain=domain, range=range, linear=linear)
Example #2
    def __init__(self, space):
        """Initialize an instance.

        space : `FnBase`
            The domain of the operator.
        if not isinstance(space, LinearSpace):
            raise TypeError('`space` {!r} not a `LinearSpace`'.format(space))

        if _is_integer_only_ufunc(name) and not is_int_dtype(space.dtype):
            raise ValueError("ufunc '{}' only defined with integral dtype"

        if nargin == 1:
            domain = space
            domain = ProductSpace(space, nargin)

        if nargout == 1:
            range = space
            range = ProductSpace(space, nargout)

        linear = name in LINEAR_UFUNCS
        Operator.__init__(self, domain=domain, range=range, linear=linear)
        def fitting_kernel(space, kernel):

            kspace = ProductSpace(space, self.dim)

            # Create the array of kernel values on the grid points
            discretized_kernel = kspace.element(
                [space.element(kernel) for _ in range(self.dim)])
            return discretized_kernel
def IntegrateTemplateEvol(template,zeta,k0,k1):
    series_image_space_integration = ProductSpace(template.space,N+1)
    for i in range(k0,k1):
        I[i+1]=I[i]+ inv_N * zeta[i]
    return I
def ShootTemplateFromVectorFields(vector_field_list, template):
    series_image_space_integration = ProductSpace(template.space,N+1)
    for i in range(0,N):
                               -inv_N * vector_field_list[i])).copy()
    return I
    def __init__(self, N, kernel, space):
        self.N = N
        self.kernel = kernel
        self.space = space
        self.dim = space.ndim
        from odl.space import ProductSpace

        # Compute the FT of kernel in fitting term
        def fitting_kernel(space, kernel):

            kspace = ProductSpace(space, self.dim)

            # Create the array of kernel values on the grid points
            discretized_kernel = kspace.element(
                [space.element(kernel) for _ in range(self.dim)])
            return discretized_kernel

        def padded_ft_op(space, padded_size):
            """Create zero-padding fft setting
            space : the space needs to do FT
            padding_size : the percent for zero padding
            padded_op = ResizingOperator(
                space, ran_shp=[padded_size for _ in range(space.ndim)])
            shifts = [not s % 2 for s in space.shape]
            ft_op = FourierTransform(padded_op.range,

            return ft_op * padded_op

        # FFT setting for data matching term, 1 means 100% padding
        padded_size = 2 * space.shape[0]
        padded_ft_fit_op = padded_ft_op(space, padded_size)
        vectorial_ft_fit_op = DiagonalOperator(*([padded_ft_fit_op] *

        discretized_kernel = fitting_kernel(space, kernel)
        ft_kernel_fitting = vectorial_ft_fit_op(discretized_kernel)

        self.vectorial_ft_fit_op = vectorial_ft_fit_op
        self.ft_kernel_fitting = ft_kernel_fitting

            domain=ProductSpace(space, 2),
            range=ProductSpace(ProductSpace(space, self.N + 1),
                               ProductSpace(space, self.N + 1),
                               ProductSpace(space.tangent_bundle, self.N + 1)),
def ShootSourceTermBackwardlist(vector_field_list, zeta):
    series_image_space_integration = ProductSpace(zeta[0].space,N+1)
    for i in range(0,N+1):
        for j in range(i):
                               inv_N * vector_field_list[i-1-j])).copy()
    return zeta_transp
Example #8
    def __pow__(self, shape):
        """Return ``self ** shape``.

        This can be overridden by subclasses in order to give better memory
        coherence or otherwise a better interface.

        Create simple power space:

        >>> r2 = odl.rn(2)
        >>> r2 ** 4
        ProductSpace(rn(2), 4)

        Multiple powers work as expected:

        >>> r2 ** (4, 2)
        ProductSpace(ProductSpace(rn(2), 4), 2)
        from odl.space import ProductSpace

            shape = (int(shape),)
        except TypeError:
            shape = tuple(shape)

        pspace = self
        for n in shape:
            pspace = ProductSpace(pspace, n)

        return pspace
Example #9
    def __init__(self, space, a, b):
        """Initialize a new instance.

        space : `LinearSpace`
            Space of elements which the operator is acting on.
        a, b : ``space.field`` elements
            Scalars to multiply ``x[0]`` and ``x[1]`` with, respectively.

        >>> r3 = odl.rn(3)
        >>> r3xr3 = odl.ProductSpace(r3, r3)
        >>> xy = r3xr3.element([[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]])
        >>> z = r3.element()
        >>> op = LinCombOperator(r3, 1.0, 1.0)
        >>> op(xy, out=z)  # Returns z
        rn(3).element([ 2.,  4.,  6.])
        >>> z
        rn(3).element([ 2.,  4.,  6.])
        domain = ProductSpace(space, space)
        super(LinCombOperator, self).__init__(domain, space, linear=True)
        self.a = a
        self.b = b
Example #10
    def __init__(self, alphas, control_points, discr_space, ft_kernel):
        """Initialize a new instance.

        alphas : `ProductSpaceElement`
            Displacement parameters in which the derivative is evaluated
        control_points : `TensorGrid` or `array-like`
            The points ``x_j`` controlling the deformation. They can
            be given either as a tensor grid or as a point array. In
            the latter case, its shape must be ``(N, n)``, where
            ``n`` is the dimension of the template space, and ``N``
            the number of ``alpha_j``, i.e. the size of (each
            component of) ``par_space``.
        discr_space : `DiscreteSpace`
            Space of the image grid of the template.
        kernel : `callable`
            Function to determine the kernel at the control points ``K(y_j)``
            The function must accept a real variable and return a real number.

        super().__init__(alphas, control_points, discr_space, ft_kernel)

        # Switch domain and range
        self.discr_space = discr_space
        self.range_space = ProductSpace(self.discr_space,
        Operator.__init__(self, self.range_space, alphas.space, linear=True)
Example #11
def _vectorized_kernel(space, kernel):
    """Compute the vectorized discrete kernel ``K``.
    space : the space used to define kernel ``K``.
    kernel : the used kernel function for data fitting term.
    discretized_kernel : `ProductSpaceElement`
        The vectorized discrete kernel with the space dimension
    kspace = ProductSpace(space, space.ndim)

    # Create the array of kernel values on the grid points
    discretized_kernel = kspace.element(
        [space.element(kernel) for _ in range(space.ndim)])
    return discretized_kernel
    def ComputeMetamorphosisListInt(self,vector_field_list,zeta_list):
        zeta_transp=ShootSourceTermBackwardlist(vector_field_list, zeta_list).copy()
        # We build for each j image_list[j]= template_t_j \circ \phi_{t_j}^-1
        for k in range(self.N +1):

        return image_list
    def _call(self, X):
        """ Shooting equations and Integration
        Args: X = [I0, p] with I0 template image and p scalarvalued momentum
                I: deformed Image over time (N+1 timesteps)
                M: vectorvalued momentum in eulerian coordinates over time
                V: vectorfields over time
        template = X[0]
        P0 = X[1]

        series_image_space_integration = ProductSpace(template.space,
                                                      self.N + 1)
        series_vector_space_integration = ProductSpace(
            template.space.tangent_bundle, self.N + 1)

        inv_N = 1 / self.N
        I = series_image_space_integration.element()
        I[0] = template.copy()
        P = series_image_space_integration.element()
        P[0] = P0.copy()
        U = series_vector_space_integration.element()

        # Create the gradient op
        grad_op = Gradient(domain=self.space,
        # Create the divergence op
        div_op = -grad_op.adjoint

        for i in range(self.N):
            # compute vectorvalued momentum from scalarvalued momentum
            gradI = grad_op(I[i])
            m = self.space.tangent_bundle.element(-P[i] * gradI)

            # Kernel convolution to obtain velocity fields from momentum
            # u = K*m
            U[i] = (2 * np.pi)**(
                self.dim / 2.0) * self.vectorial_ft_fit_op.inverse(
                    self.vectorial_ft_fit_op(m) * self.ft_kernel_fitting)

            # Integration step
            dtI = -sum(gradI * U[i])
            dtP = -div_op(P[i] * U[i])

            I[i + 1] = I[i] + inv_N * dtI
            P[i + 1] = P[i] + inv_N * dtP
        U[self.N] = (2 * np.pi)**(
            self.dim / 2.0) * self.vectorial_ft_fit_op.inverse(
                    self.space.tangent_bundle.element(-P[self.N] * gradI)) *

        return I, P, U
Example #14
 def __init__(self, Shooting, forwardOp, norm, data, space, kernel, reg_param):
     self.Shooting = Shooting
     self.forwardOp = forwardOp
     self.norm = norm
     self.data = data
     self.space = space
     self.kernel = kernel
     self.reg_param = reg_param
     self.attach = self.norm*(self.data - self.forwardOp)
     super().__init__(domain=ProductSpace(self.space, self.space.tangent_bundle),
Example #15
    def __init__(self, sspace, vecfield, vfspace=None, weighting=None):
        """Initialize a new instance.

        sspace : `LinearSpace`
            "Scalar" space on which the operator acts
        vecfield : `range` `element-like`
            Vector field of the point-wise inner product operator
        vfspace : `ProductSpace`, optional
            Space of vector fields to which the operator maps. It must
            be a power space with ``sspace`` as base space.
            This option is intended to enforce an operator range
            with a certain weighting.
            Default: ``ProductSpace(space, len(vecfield),
        weighting : `array-like` or float, optional
            Weighting array or constant of the inner product operator.
            If an array is given, its length must be equal to
            By default, the weights are is taken from
            ``range.weighting`` if applicable. Note that this excludes
            unusual weightings with custom inner product, norm or dist.
        if vfspace is None:
            vfspace = ProductSpace(sspace, len(vecfield), weighting=weighting)
            if not isinstance(vfspace, ProductSpace):
                raise TypeError('`vfspace` {!r} is not a '
                                'ProductSpace instance'.format(vfspace))
            if vfspace[0] != sspace:
                raise ValueError('base space of the range is different from '
                                 'the given scalar space ({!r} != {!r})'
                                 ''.format(vfspace[0], sspace))

        # Get weighting from range
        if hasattr(self.range.weighting, 'array'):
            self.__ran_weights = self.range.weighting.array
        elif hasattr(self.range.weighting, 'const'):
            self.__ran_weights = (self.range.weighting.const *
            raise ValueError('weighting scheme {!r} of the range does '
                             'not define a weighting array or constant'
    def ComputeMetamorphosisFromZetaTransp(self,vector_field_list,zeta_transp):
        # We build for each j image_list[j]= template_t_j \circ \phi_{t_j}^-1
        for j in range(self.nb_data):
                delta0=(self.data_time_points[j] -((self.k_j_list[j])/self.N))
                        -delta0 * vector_field_list[self.k_j_list[j]])).copy()
                #image_t_j_k_j= template_t_j \circ \phi_{\tau_k_j}^-1
                        -delta0 * vector_field_list[self.k_j_list[j]])).copy()

        return image_list
Example #17
    def __init__(self, par_space, control_points, discr_space, ft_kernel):
        """Initialize a new instance.

        par_space : `ProductSpace` or `Rn`
            Space of the parameters. For one-dimensional deformations,
            `Rn` can be used. Otherwise, a `ProductSpace` with ``n``
            components is expected.
        control_points : `TensorGrid` or `array-like`
            The points ``x_j`` controlling the deformation. They can
            be given either as a tensor grid or as a point array. In
            the latter case, its shape must be ``(N, n)``, where
            ``n`` is the dimension of the template space, and ``N``
            the number of ``alpha_j``, i.e. the size of (each
            component of) ``par_space``.
        discr_space : `DiscreteSpace`
            Space of the image grid of the template.
        ft_kernel : `callable`
            Function to determine the FT of kernel at the control points ``K(y_j)``
            The function must accept a real variable and return a real number.

        if par_space.size != discr_space.ndim:
            raise ValueError('dimensions of product space and image grid space'
                             ' do not match ({} != {})'
                             ''.format(par_space.size, discr_space.ndim))

        self.discr_space = discr_space
        self.range_space = ProductSpace(self.discr_space,

        super().__init__(par_space, self.range_space, linear=True)

        self.ft_kernel = ft_kernel

        if not isinstance(control_points, RectGrid):
            self._control_pts = np.asarray(control_points)
            if self._control_pts.shape != (self.num_contr_pts, self.ndim):
                raise ValueError(
                    'expected control point array of shape {}, got {}.'
                    ''.format((self.num_contr_pts, self.ndim),
            self._control_pts = control_points
Example #18
 def __init__(self, operator):
     self.operator = operator
     # Kernel convolution v = K*m is done through Fouriertransform
     def fitting_kernel(space, kernel):
         kspace = ProductSpace(space, dim)
         # Create the array of kernel values on the grid points
         discretized_kernel = kspace.element(
             [space.element(kernel) for _ in range(dim)])
         return discretized_kernel  
     def padded_ft_op(space, padded_size):
         """Create zero-padding fft setting
         space : the space needs to do FT
         padding_size : the percent for zero padding
         padded_op = ResizingOperator(
             space, ran_shp=[padded_size for _ in range(space.ndim)])
         shifts = [not s % 2 for s in space.shape]
         ft_op = FourierTransform(
             padded_op.range, halfcomplex=False, shift=shifts)
         return ft_op * padded_op
      # FFT setting for data matching term, 1 means 100% padding
     dim = 2
     padded_size = 2 * operator.space.shape[0]
     padded_ft_fit_op = padded_ft_op(operator.space, padded_size)
     vectorial_ft_fit_op = DiagonalOperator(*([padded_ft_fit_op] * dim))
     discretized_kernel = fitting_kernel(operator.space, operator.kernel)
     ft_kernel_fitting = vectorial_ft_fit_op(discretized_kernel)
     self.vectorial_ft_fit_op = vectorial_ft_fit_op
     self.ft_kernel_fitting = ft_kernel_fitting
     super().__init__(domain=ProductSpace(operator.space, operator.space.tangent_bundle),
Example #19
    def __mul__(self, other):
        """Return ``self * other``.

        This can be overridden by subclasses in order to give better memory
        coherence or otherwise a better interface.

        Create simple product space:

        >>> r2 = odl.rn(2)
        >>> r3 = odl.rn(3)
        >>> r2 * r3
        ProductSpace(rn(2), rn(3))
        from odl.space import ProductSpace

        if not isinstance(other, LinearSpace):
            raise TypeError('Can only multiply with `LinearSpace`, got {!r}'

        return ProductSpace(self, other)
Example #20
def LDDMM_gradient_descent_solver_spatiotemporal(forward_op,
    Solver for spatiotemporal image reconstruction using LDDMM.

    The model is:
        .. math:: \min_{v} \lambda * \int_0^1 \|v(t)\|_V^2 dt + \|T(\phi_1.I) - g\|_2^2,

    where :math:`\phi_1.I := |D\phi_1^{-1}| I(\phi_1^{-1})` is for
    mass-preserving deformation, instead, :math:`\phi_1.I := I(\phi_1^{-1})`
    is for geometric deformation. :math:`\phi_1^{-1}` is the inverse of
    the solution at :math:`t=1` of flow of doffeomorphisms.
    :math:`|D\phi_1^{-1}|` is the Jacobian determinant of :math:`\phi_1^{-1}`.
    :math:`T` is the forward operator. If :math:`T` is an identity operator,
    the above model reduces to image matching. If :math:`T` is a non-identity
    forward operator, the above model is for shape-based image reconstrction.  
    :math:`g` is the detected data, `data_elem`. :math:`I` is the `template`.
    :math:`v(t)` is the velocity vector. :math:`V` is a reproducing kernel
    Hilbert space for velocity vector. :math:`lamb` is the regularization

    forward_op : `Operator`
        The forward operator of imaging.
    data_elem : `DiscreteLpElement`
        The given data.
    template : `DiscreteLpElement`
        Fixed template deformed by the deformation.
    time_pts : `int`
        The number of time intervals
    iter : `int`
        The given maximum iteration number.
    eps : `float`
        The given step size.
    lamb : `float`
        The given regularization parameter. It's a weighted value on the
        regularization-term side.
    kernel : `function`
        Kernel function in reproducing kernel Hilbert space.
    impl1 : {'geom', 'mp'}, optional
        The given implementation method for group action.
        The impl1 chooses 'mp' or 'geom', where 'mp' means using
        mass-preserving method, and 'geom' means using
        non-mass-preserving geometric method. Its defalt choice is 'geom'.
    impl2 : {'least square'}, optional
        The given implementation method for data matching term.
        Here the implementation only supports the case of least square.    
    callback : `class`, optional
        Show the intermediate results of iteration.

    image_N0 : `ProductSpaceElement`
        The series of images produced by template and velocity field.
    mp_deformed_image_N0 : `ProductSpaceElement`
        The series of mass-preserving images produced by template
        and velocity field.
    E : `numpy.array`
        Storage of the energy values for iterations.

    # Max index of discretized points
    N = gate_pts

    # Discretized degree
    M = discr_deg

    # Compute the max index of discretized points
    MN = M * N
    MN1 = MN + 1

    # Get the inverse of the number of discretized points
    inv_MN = 1.0 / MN

    N1 = N + 1
    N2 = 2. / N
    ss1 = stepsize1 * N2
    ss2 = stepsize2 * N2
    ss3 = stepsize1 * mu_1

    # Create the gradient operator for the squared L2 functional
    if impl2 == 'least_square':
        gradS = [forward_op[0].adjoint *
                 (forward_op[0] - noise_proj_data[0])] * N1
        for i in range(N):
            j = i + 1
            gradS[j] = forward_op[j].adjoint * (forward_op[j] -
        raise NotImplementedError('now only support least square')

    # Create the space of images
    image_space = template.space

    # Get the dimension of the space of images
    dim = image_space.ndim

    # Fourier transform setting for data matching term
    # The padded_size is the size of the padded domain
    padded_size = 2 * image_space.shape[0]
    # The pad_ft_op is the operator of Fourier transform
    # composing with padded operator
    pad_ft_op = padded_ft_op(image_space, padded_size)
    # The vectorial_ft_op is a vectorial Fourier transform operator,
    # which constructs the diagnal element of a matrix.
    vectorial_ft_op = DiagonalOperator(*([pad_ft_op] * dim))

    # Compute the FT of kernel in fitting term
    discretized_kernel = fitting_kernel(image_space, kernel)
    ft_kernel_fitting = vectorial_ft_op(discretized_kernel)

    # Create the space for series deformations and series Jacobian determinant
    series_image_space = ProductSpace(image_space, MN1)

    series_backprojection_space = ProductSpace(image_space, N1)
    series_bp_all = [image_space.element()] * N1

    for i in range(N):
        j = i + 1
        series_bp_all[j] = [image_space.element()] * (j * M + 1)

    # Initialize vector fileds at different time points
    vector_fields = vector_fields

    # Initialize two series deformations and series Jacobian determinant
    image_MN0 = series_image_space.element()

    if impl1 == 'geom':
        eta_tt = series_backprojection_space.element()
        raise NotImplementedError('unknown group action')

    for j in range(MN1):
        image_MN0[j] = image_space.element(template)

    eta_tt[0] = gradS[0](image_MN0[0])
    series_bp_all[0] = eta_tt[0]

    for i in range(1, N1):
        iM = i * M
        eta_tt[i] = gradS[i](image_MN0[iM])
        for j in range(iM + 1):
            series_bp_all[i][j] = eta_tt[i]

    # Create the gradient operator
    grad_op = Gradient(domain=image_space,

    # Create the divergence operator, which can be obtained from
    # the adjoint of gradient operator
    # div_op = Divergence(domain=pspace, method='forward', pad_mode='symmetric')
    grad_op_adjoint = grad_op.adjoint
    div_op = -grad_op.adjoint

    # Begin iteration for non-mass-preserving case
    if impl1 == 'geom':
        # Outer iteration
        for k in range(niter):
            print('iter = {!r}'.format(k))

            #%%%Setting for getting a proper initial template

            # Inner iteration for updating template
            if k == 0:
                niter1 = 50
#                niter1 = in_niter1
                niter1 = in_niter1

#%%%Solving TV-L2 by Gradient Descent
# Store energy
            E = []
            E = np.hstack((E, np.zeros(niter1)))

            for k1 in range(niter1):
                image_MN0[0] = template

                # Update partial of template
                grad_template = grad_op(template)
                grad_template_norm = np.sqrt(grad_template[0]**2 +
                                             grad_template[1]**2 + 1.0e-12)

                E[k1] += mu_1 * np.asarray(
                    grad_template_norm).sum() * template.space.cell_volume
                for i in range(1, N1):
                    E[k1] += 1. / N * np.asarray((forward_op[i](image_MN0[i*M]) - noise_proj_data[i])**2).sum() \
                        * noise_proj_data[0].space.cell_volume

                template = template - \
                    ss3 * grad_op_adjoint(grad_template/grad_template_norm)

                for j in range(MN):
                    temp1 = j + 1
                    # Update image_MN0
                    image_MN0[temp1] = image_space.element(
                                       -inv_MN * vector_fields[temp1]))
                    if temp1 % M == 0:
                        temp2 = temp1 // M
                        #                        print(temp1)
                        #                        print(temp2)

                        # Update eta_tt
                        eta_tt[temp2] = gradS[temp2](image_MN0[temp1])
                        #                        eta_tt[temp2].show('eta_tt[{!r}]'.format(temp2))
                        series_bp_all[temp2][temp1] = eta_tt[temp2]
                        # the above two lines can be combined into one
                        # series_bp_all[temp2][temp1] = gradS[temp2](image_MN0[temp1])

                        for l in range(temp1):
                            jacobian_det = image_space.element(
                                1.0 +
                                inv_MN * div_op(vector_fields[temp1 - l - 1]))
                            # Update eta_tau_tnp
                            series_bp_all[temp2][temp1-l-1] = \
                                jacobian_det * image_space.element(
                                        inv_MN * vector_fields[temp1-l-1]))
                        # Update partial of template
                        template = template - \
                            ss1 * series_bp_all[temp2][0]

            for k2 in range(in_inter2):
                image_MN0[0] = template
                series_bp_all[0] = gradS[0](image_MN0[0])

                for j in range(MN):
                    temp1 = j + 1
                    # Update image_MN0
                    image_MN0[temp1] = image_space.element(
                                       -inv_MN * vector_fields[temp1]))
                    if temp1 % M == 0:
                        temp2 = temp1 // M
                        # Update eta_tt
                        eta_tt[temp2] = gradS[temp2](image_MN0[temp1])
                        series_bp_all[temp2][temp1] = eta_tt[temp2]

                        for l in range(temp1):
                            jacobian_det = image_space.element(
                                1.0 +
                                inv_MN * div_op(vector_fields[temp1 - l - 1]))
                            # Update eta_tau_t
                            series_bp_all[temp2][temp1-l-1] = \
                                jacobian_det * image_space.element(
                                        inv_MN * vector_fields[temp1-l-1]))

                for j in range(MN1):
                    tmp1 = grad_op(image_MN0[j])
                    tmp2 = int(np.ceil(j * 1. / M))
                    tmp0 = tmp2 + 1
                    #                    print(tmp2)
                    if tmp2 == 0:
                        tmp3 = image_space.zero()
                        tmp4 = image_space.tangent_bundle.zero()
                        tmp3 = series_bp_all[tmp2][j]
                        tmp4 = vector_fields[j]

                    for i in range(tmp0, N1):
                        tmp3 = tmp3 + series_bp_all[i][j]
                        tmp4 = tmp4 + vector_fields[j]

                    for i in range(dim):
                        tmp1[i] *= tmp3

                    tmp5 = (2 * np.pi)**(dim / 2.0) * vectorial_ft_op.inverse(
                        vectorial_ft_op(tmp1) * ft_kernel_fitting)
                    # Update vector_fields
                    vector_fields[j] = vector_fields[j] + ss2 * (tmp5 -
                                                                 mu_2 * tmp4)

        return template, vector_fields, image_MN0
        raise NotImplementedError('unknown group action')
Example #21
def ufunc_class_factory(name, nargin, nargout, docstring):
    """Create a Ufunc `Operator` from a given specification."""

    assert 0 <= nargin <= 2

    def __init__(self, space):
        """Initialize an instance.

        space : `TensorSpace`
            The domain of the operator.
        if not isinstance(space, LinearSpace):
            raise TypeError('`space` {!r} not a `LinearSpace`'.format(space))

        if nargin == 1:
            domain = space0 = space
            dtypes = [space.dtype]
        elif nargin == len(space) == 2 and isinstance(space, ProductSpace):
            domain = space
            space0 = space[0]
            dtypes = [space[0].dtype, space[1].dtype]
            domain = ProductSpace(space, nargin)
            space0 = space
            dtypes = [space.dtype, space.dtype]

        dts_out = dtypes_out(name, dtypes)

        if nargout == 1:
            range = space0.astype(dts_out[0])
            range = ProductSpace(space0.astype(dts_out[0]),

        linear = name in LINEAR_UFUNCS
        Operator.__init__(self, domain=domain, range=range, linear=linear)

    def _call(self, x, out=None):
        """Return ``self(x)``."""
        # TODO: use `__array_ufunc__` when implemented on `ProductSpace`,
        # or try both
        if out is None:
            if nargin == 1:
                return getattr(x.ufuncs, name)()
                return getattr(x[0].ufuncs, name)(*x[1:])
            if nargin == 1:
                return getattr(x.ufuncs, name)(out=out)
                return getattr(x[0].ufuncs, name)(*x[1:], out=out)

    def __repr__(self):
        """Return ``repr(self)``."""
        return '{}({!r})'.format(name, self.domain)

    # Create example (also functions as doctest)
    if 'shift' in name or 'bitwise' in name or name == 'invert':
        dtype = int
        dtype = float

    space = tensor_space(3, dtype=dtype)
    if nargin == 1:
        vec = space.element([-1, 1, 2])
        arg = '{}'.format(vec)
        with np.errstate(all='ignore'):
            result = getattr(vec.ufuncs, name)()
        vec = space.element([-1, 1, 2])
        vec2 = space.element([3, 4, 5])
        arg = '[{}, {}]'.format(vec, vec2)
        with np.errstate(all='ignore'):
            result = getattr(vec.ufuncs, name)(vec2)

    if nargout == 2:
        result_space = ProductSpace(vec.space, 2)
        result = repr(result_space.element(result))

    examples_docstring = RAW_EXAMPLES_DOCSTRING.format(space=space,
    full_docstring = docstring + examples_docstring

    attributes = {
        "__init__": __init__,
        "_call": _call,
        "derivative": derivative_factory(name),
        "__repr__": __repr__,
        "__doc__": full_docstring

    full_name = name + '_op'

    return type(full_name, (Operator, ), attributes)
Example #22
def LDDMM_Beg_solver(template,
    Solver for the shape-based reconstruction using LDDMM_Beg.

    The model is:
        .. math:: \min_{v(t) \in V, \phi_{0,1}^v \in G_v}  \lambda \int_0^1 \|v(t)\|_V^2 dt + \int_\Omega |(\phi_{0,1}^v.I_0) - I_1|^2  dx

    Here :math:`I_0` is the template. :math:`v(t)` is the
    velocity vector. :math:`V` is a reproducing kernel Hilbert space for
    the velocity vector.  :math:`I_1` is the reference. :math:`\lambda` is
    the regularization parameter. :math:`\phi_{0, 1}^v.I 
    := I \circ \phi_{1, 0}^v` is for geometric deformation,
    :math:`\phi_{1, 0}^v` is the inverse of
    :math:`\phi_{0, 1}^v` i.e. the solution at :math:`t=1` of flow of
    diffeomorphisms. :math:`|D\phi_{1, 0}^v|` is the Jacobian determinant
    of :math:`\phi_{1, 0}^v`. 
    template : `DiscreteLpElement`
        Fixed template.
    reference: `DiscreteLpElement`
        Fixed reference.
    time_pts : `int`
        The number of time intervals
    niter : `int`
        The given maximum iteration number.
    eps : `float`
        The given step size.
    lamb : `float`
        The given regularization parameter. It's a weighted value on the
        regularization-term side.
    kernel : `function`
        Kernel function in reproducing kernel Hilbert space.
    callback : `class`, optional
        Show the intermediate results of iteration.

    image_N0 : `ProductSpaceElement`
        The series of images produced by template and velocity field.
    E : `numpy.array`
        Storage of the energy values for iterations.

    # Give the number of time intervals
    N = time_pts

    # Get the inverse of time intervals
    inv_N = 1.0 / N

    # Create the space of images
    image_space = template.space
    #image_space= rec_space

    # Get the dimension of the space of images
    dim = image_space.ndim

    # Fourier transform setting for data matching term
    # The padded_size is the size of the padded domain
    padded_size = 2 * image_space.shape[0]
    # Create operator of Fourier transform composing with padded operator
    pad_ft_op = _padded_ft_op(image_space, padded_size)
    # Create vectorial Fourier transform operator
    # Construct the diagnal element of a matrix operator
    vectorial_ft_op = DiagonalOperator(*([pad_ft_op] * dim))

    # Compute the FT of kernel in fitting term
    discretized_kernel = _vectorized_kernel(image_space, kernel)
    ft_kernel_fitting = vectorial_ft_op(discretized_kernel)

    # Create the space for series deformations and series Jacobian determinant
    pspace = image_space.tangent_bundle
    series_pspace = ProductSpace(pspace, N + 1)
    series_image_space = ProductSpace(image_space, N + 1)

    # Initialize vector fileds at different time points
    vector_fields = series_pspace.zero()

    # Give the initial two series deformations and series Jacobian determinant
    image_N0 = series_image_space.element()
    image_N1 = series_image_space.element()

    detDphi_N1 = series_image_space.element()

    for i in range(N + 1):
        image_N0[i] = image_space.element(template)
        image_N1[i] = image_space.element(reference)

        detDphi_N1[i] = image_space.one()

    # Create the gradient operator
    grad_op = Gradient(domain=image_space,

    # Create the divergence operator, which can be obtained from
    # the adjoint of gradient operator
    # div_op = Divergence(domain=pspace, method='forward', pad_mode='symmetric')
    div_op = -grad_op.adjoint

    # Store energy
    E = []
    kE = len(E)
    E = np.hstack((E, np.zeros(niter)))

    # Begin iteration

    for k in range(niter):
        # Update the velocity field
        for i in range(N + 1):
            #first term
            term1_tmp1 = 2 * np.abs(image_N0[i] -
                                    image_N1[i]) * (detDphi_N1[i])
            term1_tmp = grad_op(image_N0[i])

        for j in range(dim):
            term1_tmp[j] *= term1_tmp1

        tmp3 = (2 * np.pi)**(dim / 2.0) * vectorial_ft_op.inverse(
            vectorial_ft_op(term1_tmp) * ft_kernel_fitting)

        vector_fields[i] = (vector_fields[i] - eps *
                            (lamb * vector_fields[i] - tmp3))

        # Update image_N0,image_N1 and detDphi_N0 detDphi_N1
        for i in range(N):
            # Update image_N0[i+1] by image_N0[i] and vector_fields[i+1]
            image_N0[i + 1] = image_space.element(
                _linear_deform(image_N0[i], -inv_N * vector_fields[i + 1]))

            # Update image_N1[N-i-1] by image_N1[N-i] and vector_fields[N-i-1]
            image_N1[N - i - 1] = image_space.element(
                _linear_deform(image_N1[N - i],
                               inv_N * vector_fields[N - i - 1]))

            #                # Update detDphi_N1[N-i-1] by detDphi_N1[N-i]
            #                jacobian_det = image_domain.element(
            #                    np.exp(inv_N * div_o  p(vector_fields[N-i-1])))
            jacobian_det = image_space.element(
                1.0 + inv_N * div_op(vector_fields[N - i - 1]))
            detDphi_N1[N - i - 1] = (jacobian_det * image_space.element(
                _linear_deform(detDphi_N1[N - i],
                               inv_N * vector_fields[N - i - 1])))

        # Update the deformed template
        PhiStarI = image_N0[N]

        # Show intermediate result
        if callback is not None:

        # Compute the energy of the data fitting term
        E[k + kE] += np.asarray((PhiStarI - reference)**2).sum()

    return image_N0, E
Example #23
    def __init__(self, operators, domain=None, range=None):
        """Initialize a new instance.

        operators : `array-like`
            An array of `Operator`'s
        domain : `ProductSpace`, optional
            Domain of the operator. If not provided, it is tried to be
            inferred from the operators. This requires each **column**
            to contain at least one operator.
        range : `ProductSpace`, optional
            Range of the operator. If not provided, it is tried to be
            inferred from the operators. This requires each **row**
            to contain at least one operator.

        >>> r3 = odl.rn(3)
        >>> X = odl.ProductSpace(r3, r3)
        >>> I = odl.IdentityOperator(r3)
        >>> x = X.element([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])

        Sum of elements:

        >>> prod_op = ProductSpaceOperator([I, I])
        >>> prod_op(x)
        ProductSpace(rn(3), 1).element([
            [5.0, 7.0, 9.0]

        Diagonal operator -- 0 or ``None`` means ignore, or the implicit
        zero operator:

        >>> prod_op = ProductSpaceOperator([[I, 0], [0, I]])
        >>> prod_op(x)
        ProductSpace(rn(3), 2).element([
            [1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
            [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]

        Complicated combinations:

        >>> prod_op = ProductSpaceOperator([[I, I], [I, 0]])
        >>> prod_op(x)
        ProductSpace(rn(3), 2).element([
            [5.0, 7.0, 9.0],
            [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
        # Lazy import to improve `import odl` time
        import scipy.sparse

        # Validate input data
        if domain is not None:
            if not isinstance(domain, ProductSpace):
                raise TypeError('`domain` {!r} not a ProductSpace instance'
            if domain.is_weighted:
                raise NotImplementedError('weighted spaces not supported')

        if range is not None:
            if not isinstance(range, ProductSpace):
                raise TypeError('`range` {!r} not a ProductSpace instance'
            if range.is_weighted:
                raise NotImplementedError('weighted spaces not supported')

        # Convert ops to sparse representation
        self.ops = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(operators)

        if not all(isinstance(op, Operator) for op in self.ops.data):
            raise TypeError('`operators` {!r} must be a matrix of Operators'

        # Set domain and range (or verify if given)
        if domain is None:
            domains = [None] * self.ops.shape[1]
            domains = domain

        if range is None:
            ranges = [None] * self.ops.shape[0]
            ranges = range

        for row, col, op in zip(self.ops.row, self.ops.col, self.ops.data):
            if domains[col] is None:
                domains[col] = op.domain
            elif domains[col] != op.domain:
                raise ValueError('column {}, has inconsistent domains, '
                                 'got {} and {}'
                                 ''.format(col, domains[col], op.domain))

            if ranges[row] is None:
                ranges[row] = op.range
            elif ranges[row] != op.range:
                raise ValueError('row {}, has inconsistent ranges, '
                                 'got {} and {}'
                                 ''.format(row, ranges[row], op.range))

        if domain is None:
            for col, sub_domain in enumerate(domains):
                if sub_domain is None:
                    raise ValueError('col {} empty, unable to determine '
                                     'domain, please use `domain` parameter'

            domain = ProductSpace(*domains)

        if range is None:
            for row, sub_range in enumerate(ranges):
                if sub_range is None:
                    raise ValueError('row {} empty, unable to determine '
                                     'range, please use `range` parameter'

            range = ProductSpace(*ranges)

        # Set linearity
        linear = all(op.is_linear for op in self.ops.data)

        super(ProductSpaceOperator, self).__init__(
            domain=domain, range=range, linear=linear)
Example #24
    def __init__(self,
        """Initialize a new instance.

        Zero padding is assumed for the adjoint of the `Gradient`
        operator to match negative `Divergence` operator.

        domain : `DiscreteLp`, optional
            Space of elements which the operator acts on.
            This is required if ``range`` is not given.
        range : power space of `DiscreteLp`, optional
            Space of elements to which the operator maps.
            This is required if ``domain`` is not given.
        method : {'forward', 'backward', 'central'}, optional
            Finite difference method to be used.
        pad_mode : string, optional
            The padding mode to use outside the domain.

            ``'constant'``: Fill with ``pad_const``.

            ``'symmetric'``: Reflect at the boundaries, not doubling the
            outmost values.

            ``'periodic'``: Fill in values from the other side, keeping
            the order.

            ``'order0'``: Extend constantly with the outmost values
            (ensures continuity).

            ``'order1'``: Extend with constant slope (ensures continuity of
            the first derivative). This requires at least 2 values along
            each axis where padding is applied.

            ``'order2'``: Extend with second order accuracy (ensures continuity
            of the second derivative). This requires at least 3 values along
            each axis.

        pad_const : float, optional
            For ``pad_mode == 'constant'``, ``f`` assumes
            ``pad_const`` for indices outside the domain of ``f``

        Creating a Gradient operator:

        >>> dom = odl.uniform_discr([0, 0], [1, 1], (10, 20))
        >>> ran = odl.ProductSpace(dom, dom.ndim)  # 2-dimensional
        >>> grad_op = Gradient(dom)
        >>> grad_op.range == ran
        >>> grad_op2 = Gradient(range=ran)
        >>> grad_op2.domain == dom
        >>> grad_op3 = Gradient(domain=dom, range=ran)
        >>> grad_op3.domain == dom
        >>> grad_op3.range == ran

        Calling the operator:

        >>> data = np.array([[ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.],
        ...                  [ 0., 2., 4., 6., 8.]])
        >>> discr = odl.uniform_discr([0, 0], [2, 5], data.shape)
        >>> f = discr.element(data)
        >>> grad = Gradient(discr)
        >>> grad_f = grad(f)
        >>> grad_f[0]
        uniform_discr([ 0.,  0.], [ 2.,  5.], (2, 5)).element(
            [[ 0.,  1.,  2.,  3.,  4.],
             [ 0., -2., -4., -6., -8.]]
        >>> grad_f[1]
        uniform_discr([ 0.,  0.], [ 2.,  5.], (2, 5)).element(
            [[ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1., -4.],
             [ 2.,  2.,  2.,  2., -8.]]

        Verify adjoint:

        >>> g = grad.range.element((data, data ** 2))
        >>> adj_g = grad.adjoint(g)
        >>> adj_g
        uniform_discr([ 0.,  0.], [ 2.,  5.], (2, 5)).element(
            [[  0.,  -2.,  -5.,  -8., -11.],
             [  0.,  -5., -14., -23., -32.]]
        >>> g.inner(grad_f) / f.inner(adj_g)
        if domain is None and range is None:
            raise ValueError('either `domain` or `range` must be specified')

        if domain is None:
                domain = range[0]
            except TypeError:

        if range is None:
            range = ProductSpace(domain, domain.ndim)

        # Check range first since `domain` may end up to be `None` in
        # the case filtered out here (see above)
        if not isinstance(range, ProductSpace):
            raise TypeError('`range` {!r} is not a `ProductSpace` instance'
        elif not range.is_power_space:
            raise ValueError('`range` {!r} is not a power space'

        if not isinstance(domain, DiscreteLp):
            raise TypeError('`domain` {!r} is not a `DiscreteLp` '

        if len(range) != domain.ndim:
            raise ValueError('`range` must be a power space of length n = {},'
                             'with `n == domain.ndim`, got n = {} instead'
                             ''.format(domain.ndim, len(range)))

        linear = not (pad_mode == 'constant' and pad_const != 0)
        super(Gradient, self).__init__(domain,

        self.method, method_in = str(method).lower(), method
        if method not in _SUPPORTED_DIFF_METHODS:
            raise ValueError('`method` {} not understood' ''.format(method_in))

        self.pad_mode, pad_mode_in = str(pad_mode).lower(), pad_mode
        if pad_mode not in _SUPPORTED_PAD_MODES:
            raise ValueError('`pad_mode` {} not understood'

        self.pad_const = domain.field.element(pad_const)
Example #25
    def __init__(self, operators, domain=None, range=None):
        """Initialize a new instance.

        operators : `array-like`
            An array of `Operator`'s, must be 2-dimensional.
        domain : `ProductSpace`, optional
            Domain of the operator. If not provided, it is tried to be
            inferred from the operators. This requires each **column**
            to contain at least one operator.
        range : `ProductSpace`, optional
            Range of the operator. If not provided, it is tried to be
            inferred from the operators. This requires each **row**
            to contain at least one operator.

        >>> r3 = odl.rn(3)
        >>> pspace = odl.ProductSpace(r3, r3)
        >>> I = odl.IdentityOperator(r3)
        >>> x = pspace.element([[1, 2, 3],
        ...                     [4, 5, 6]])

        Create an operator that sums two inputs:

        >>> prod_op = odl.ProductSpaceOperator([[I, I]])
        >>> prod_op(x)
        ProductSpace(rn(3), 1).element([
            [ 5.,  7.,  9.]

        Diagonal operator -- 0 or ``None`` means ignore, or the implicit
        zero operator:

        >>> prod_op = odl.ProductSpaceOperator([[I, 0],
        ...                                     [0, I]])
        >>> prod_op(x)
        ProductSpace(rn(3), 2).element([
            [ 1.,  2.,  3.],
            [ 4.,  5.,  6.]

        If a column is empty, the operator domain must be specified. The
        same holds for an empty row and the range of the operator:

        >>> prod_op = odl.ProductSpaceOperator([[I, 0],
        ...                                     [I, 0]], domain=r3 ** 2)
        >>> prod_op(x)
        ProductSpace(rn(3), 2).element([
            [ 1.,  2.,  3.],
            [ 1.,  2.,  3.]
        >>> prod_op = odl.ProductSpaceOperator([[I, I],
        ...                                     [0, 0]], range=r3 ** 2)
        >>> prod_op(x)
        ProductSpace(rn(3), 2).element([
            [ 5.,  7.,  9.],
            [ 0.,  0.,  0.]
        # Lazy import to improve `import odl` time
        import scipy.sparse

        # Validate input data
        if domain is not None:
            if not isinstance(domain, ProductSpace):
                raise TypeError('`domain` {!r} not a ProductSpace instance'
            if domain.is_weighted:
                raise NotImplementedError('weighted spaces not supported')

        if range is not None:
            if not isinstance(range, ProductSpace):
                raise TypeError('`range` {!r} not a ProductSpace instance'
            if range.is_weighted:
                raise NotImplementedError('weighted spaces not supported')

        if isinstance(operators, scipy.sparse.spmatrix):
            if not all(isinstance(op, Operator) for op in operators.data):
                raise ValueError('sparse matrix `operator` contains non-'
                                 '`Operator` entries')
            self.__ops = operators
            self.__ops = self._convert_to_spmatrix(operators)

        # Set domain and range (or verify if given)
        if domain is None:
            domains = [None] * self.__ops.shape[1]
            domains = domain

        if range is None:
            ranges = [None] * self.__ops.shape[0]
            ranges = range

        for row, col, op in zip(self.__ops.row, self.__ops.col,
            if domains[col] is None:
                domains[col] = op.domain
            elif domains[col] != op.domain:
                raise ValueError('column {}, has inconsistent domains, '
                                 'got {} and {}'
                                 ''.format(col, domains[col], op.domain))

            if ranges[row] is None:
                ranges[row] = op.range
            elif ranges[row] != op.range:
                raise ValueError('row {}, has inconsistent ranges, '
                                 'got {} and {}'
                                 ''.format(row, ranges[row], op.range))

        if domain is None:
            for col, sub_domain in enumerate(domains):
                if sub_domain is None:
                    raise ValueError('col {} empty, unable to determine '
                                     'domain, please use `domain` parameter'

            domain = ProductSpace(*domains)

        if range is None:
            for row, sub_range in enumerate(ranges):
                if sub_range is None:
                    raise ValueError('row {} empty, unable to determine '
                                     'range, please use `range` parameter'

            range = ProductSpace(*ranges)

        # Set linearity
        linear = all(op.is_linear for op in self.__ops.data)

        super(ProductSpaceOperator, self).__init__(domain=domain,
Example #26
    def __init__(self,
        """Initialize a new instance.

        Zero padding is assumed for the adjoint of the `Divergence`
        operator to match the negative `Gradient` operator.

        domain : power space of `DiscreteLp`, optional
            Space of elements which the operator acts on.
            This is required if ``range`` is not given.
        range : `DiscreteLp`, optional
            Space of elements to which the operator maps.
            This is required if ``domain`` is not given.
        method : {'central', 'forward', 'backward'}, optional
            Finite difference method to be used
        pad_mode : string, optional
            The padding mode to use outside the domain.

            ``'constant'``: Fill with ``pad_const``.

            ``'symmetric'``: Reflect at the boundaries, not doubling the

            ``'periodic'``: Fill in values from the other side, keeping
            the order.

            ``'order0'``: Extend constantly with the outmost values
            (ensures continuity).

            ``'order1'``: Extend with constant slope (ensures continuity of
            the first derivative). This requires at least 2 values along
            each axis.

            ``'order2'``: Extend with second order accuracy (ensures continuity
            of the second derivative). This requires at least 3 values along
            each axis.

        pad_const : float, optional
            For ``pad_mode == 'constant'``, ``f`` assumes
            ``pad_const`` for indices outside the domain of ``f``

        Initialize a Divergence opeator:

        >>> ran = odl.uniform_discr([0, 0], [3, 5], (3, 5))
        >>> dom = odl.ProductSpace(ran, ran.ndim)  # 2-dimensional
        >>> div = Divergence(dom)
        >>> div.range == ran
        >>> div2 = Divergence(range=ran)
        >>> div2.domain == dom
        >>> div3 = Divergence(domain=dom, range=ran)
        >>> div3.domain == dom
        >>> div3.range == ran

        Call the operator:

        >>> data = np.array([[0., 1., 2., 3., 4.],
        ...                  [1., 2., 3., 4., 5.],
        ...                  [2., 3., 4., 5., 6.]])
        >>> f = div.domain.element([data, data])
        >>> div_f = div(f)
        >>> print(div_f)
        [[2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, -3.0],
         [2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, -4.0],
         [-1.0, -2.0, -3.0, -4.0, -12.0]]

        Verify adjoint:

        >>> g = div.range.element(data ** 2)
        >>> adj_div_g = div.adjoint(g)
        >>> g.inner(div_f) / f.inner(adj_div_g)
        if domain is None and range is None:
            raise ValueError('either `domain` or `range` must be specified')

        if domain is None:
            if not isinstance(range, DiscreteLp):
                raise TypeError('`range` {!r} is not a DiscreteLp instance'
            domain = ProductSpace(range, range.ndim)

        if range is None:
            if not isinstance(domain, ProductSpace):
                raise TypeError('`domain` {!r} is not a ProductSpace instance'
            range = domain[0]

        linear = not (pad_mode == 'constant' and pad_const != 0)
        super(Divergence, self).__init__(domain,

        self.method, method_in = str(method).lower(), method
        if method not in _SUPPORTED_DIFF_METHODS:
            raise ValueError('`method` {} not understood' ''.format(method_in))

        self.pad_mode, pad_mode_in = str(pad_mode).lower(), pad_mode
        if pad_mode not in _SUPPORTED_PAD_MODES:
            raise ValueError('`pad_mode` {} not understood'

        self.pad_const = range.field.element(pad_const)
Example #27
    def _call(self, X):
        """ Shooting equations and Integration
        Args: X = [I0, m] with I0 template image and m vectorvalued momentum
                I: deformed Image over time (N+1 timesteps)
                M: vectorvalued momentum in eulerian coordinates over time
                V: vectorfields over time
        template = X[0].copy()
        m0 = X[1].copy()

        # create spaces for time-dependent Image and vectorfields
        series_image_space_integration = ProductSpace(template.space,
                                                      self.N + 1)
        series_vector_space_integration = ProductSpace(m0.space, self.N + 1)

        inv_N = 1 / self.N
        I = series_image_space_integration.element()
        I[0] = template.copy()
        M = series_vector_space_integration.element()
        M[0] = m0.copy()
        U = series_vector_space_integration.element()

        # Create the gradient op
        grad_op = Gradient(domain=self.space,
        # Create the divergence op
        div_op = -grad_op.adjoint

        for i in range(self.N):
            m = M[i]

            # Kernel convolution to obtain vectorfields from momentum
            # v = K*m
            U[i] = (2 * np.pi)**(
                self.dim / 2.0) * self.vectorial_ft_fit_op.inverse(
                    self.vectorial_ft_fit_op(m) * self.ft_kernel_fitting)
            u = U[i]

            # shooting equation
            # d/dt m = - ad*_v m
            gradu = [grad_op(u[0]), grad_op(u[1])]
            dtM0 = sum(grad_op(m[0]) * u) + sum(
                [gradu[i][0] * m[i]
                 for i in range(self.dim)]) + div_op(u) * m[0]
            dtM1 = sum(grad_op(m[1]) * u) + sum(
                [gradu[i][1] * m[i]
                 for i in range(self.dim)]) + div_op(u) * m[1]

            # Integration step
            M[i + 1] = M[i] - inv_N * m0.space.element([dtM0, dtM1])
            I[i + 1] = odl.deform.linear_deform(I[i], -inv_N * u)

        U[self.N] = (2 * np.pi)**(
            self.dim / 2.0) * self.vectorial_ft_fit_op.inverse(
                self.vectorial_ft_fit_op(M[self.N]) * self.ft_kernel_fitting)

        return I, M, U