Example #1
    def reverse_anonymize_database(self):
        """Set the 'clear' state to defined fields"""
        IrModelFieldsAnonymization = self.env['ir.model.fields.anonymization']

        # check that all the defined fields are in the 'anonymized' state
        state = IrModelFieldsAnonymization._get_global_state()
        if state == 'clear':
            raise UserError(_("The database is not currently anonymized, you cannot reverse the anonymization."))
        elif state == 'unstable':
            raise UserError(_("The database anonymization is currently in an unstable state. Some fields are anonymized,"
                              " while some fields are not anonymized. You should try to solve this problem before trying to do anything."))

        if not self.file_import:
            raise UserError('%s: %s' % (_('Error !'), _("It is not possible to reverse the anonymization process without supplying the anonymization export file.")))

        # reverse the anonymization:
        # load the pickle file content into a data structure:
        data = pickle.loads(base64.decodestring(self.file_import))

        fixes = self.env['ir.model.fields.anonymization.migration.fix'].search_read([
            ('target_version', '=', '.'.join(str(v) for v in version_info[:2]))
        ], ['model_name', 'field_name', 'query', 'query_type', 'sequence'])
        fixes = group(fixes, ('model_name', 'field_name'))

        for line in data:
            queries = []
            table_name = self.env[line['model_id']]._table if line['model_id'] in self.env else None

            # check if custom sql exists:
            key = (line['model_id'], line['field_id'])
            custom_updates = fixes.get(key)
            if custom_updates:
                queries = [(record['query'], record['query_type']) for record in custom_updates if record['query_type']]
            elif table_name:
                queries = [('update "%(table)s" set "%(field)s" = %%(value)s where id = %%(id)s' % {
                    'table': table_name,
                    'field': line['field_id'],
                }, 'sql')]

            for query in queries:
                if query[1] == 'sql':
                    self.env.cr.execute(query[0], {
                        'value': line['value'],
                        'id': line['id']
                elif query[1] == 'python':
                    safe_eval(query[0] % line)
                    raise Exception("Unknown query type '%s'. Valid types are: sql, python." % (query['query_type'], ))

        # update the anonymization fields:
        ano_fields = IrModelFieldsAnonymization.search([('state', '!=', 'not_existing')])
        ano_fields.write({'state': 'clear'})

        # add a result message in the wizard:
        self.msg = '\n'.join(["Successfully reversed the anonymization.", ""])

        # create a new history record:
        history = self.env['ir.model.fields.anonymization.history'].create({
            'date': fields.Datetime.now(),
            'field_ids': [[6, 0, ano_fields.ids]],
            'msg': self.msg,
            'filepath': False,
            'direction': 'anonymized -> clear',
            'state': 'done'

        return {
            'res_id': self.id,
            'view_id': self.env.ref('anonymization.view_ir_model_fields_anonymize_wizard_form').ids,
            'view_type': 'form',
            "view_mode": 'form',
            'res_model': 'ir.model.fields.anonymize.wizard',
            'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
            'context': {'step': 'just_desanonymized'},
            'target': 'new'
    def reverse_anonymize_database(self):
        """Set the 'clear' state to defined fields"""
        IrModelFieldsAnonymization = self.env['ir.model.fields.anonymization']

        # check that all the defined fields are in the 'anonymized' state
        state = IrModelFieldsAnonymization._get_global_state()
        if state == 'clear':
            raise UserError(_("The database is not currently anonymized, you cannot reverse the anonymization."))
        elif state == 'unstable':
            raise UserError(_("The database anonymization is currently in an unstable state. Some fields are anonymized,"
                              " while some fields are not anonymized. You should try to solve this problem before trying to do anything."))

        if not self.file_import:
            raise UserError('%s: %s' % (_('Error !'), _("It is not possible to reverse the anonymization process without supplying the anonymization export file.")))

        # reverse the anonymization:
        # load the pickle file content into a data structure:
        data = pickle.loads(base64.decodestring(self.file_import))

        fixes = self.env['ir.model.fields.anonymization.migration.fix'].search_read([
            ('target_version', '=', '.'.join(map(str, version_info[:2])))
        ], ['model_name', 'field_name', 'query', 'query_type', 'sequence'])
        fixes = group(fixes, ('model_name', 'field_name'))

        for line in data:
            queries = []
            table_name = self.env[line['model_id']]._table if line['model_id'] in self.env else None

            # check if custom sql exists:
            key = (line['model_id'], line['field_id'])
            custom_updates = fixes.get(key)
            if custom_updates:
                queries = [(record['query'], record['query_type']) for record in custom_updates if record['query_type']]
            elif table_name:
                queries = [("update %(table)s set %(field)s = %%(value)s where id = %%(id)s" % {
                    'table': table_name,
                    'field': line['field_id'],
                }, 'sql')]

            for query in queries:
                if query[1] == 'sql':
                    self.env.cr.execute(query[0], {
                        'value': line['value'],
                        'id': line['id']
                elif query[1] == 'python':
                    safe_eval(query[0] % line)
                    raise Exception("Unknown query type '%s'. Valid types are: sql, python." % (query['query_type'], ))

            # update the anonymization fields:
            ano_fields = IrModelFieldsAnonymization.search([('state', '!=', 'not_existing')])
            ano_fields.write({'state': 'clear'})

            # add a result message in the wizard:
            self.msg = '\n'.join(["Successfully reversed the anonymization.", ""])

            # create a new history record:
            history = self.env['ir.model.fields.anonymization.history'].create({
                'date': fields.Datetime.now(),
                'field_ids': [[6, 0, ano_fields.ids]],
                'msg': self.msg,
                'filepath': False,
                'direction': 'anonymized -> clear',
                'state': 'done'

            return {
                'res_id': self.id,
                'view_id': self.env.ref('anonymization.view_ir_model_fields_anonymize_wizard_form').ids,
                'view_type': 'form',
                "view_mode": 'form',
                'res_model': 'ir.model.fields.anonymize.wizard',
                'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
                'context': {'step': 'just_desanonymized'},
                'target': 'new'