Example #1
def wrap__resource__call_method(modelname, ids, method, method_params,
    """Function to call the model method for records by IDs.

    :param str modelname: The name of the model.
    :param list ids: The record ids of which we want to call method.
    :param str method: The name of the method.
    :param int success_code: The success code.

    :returns: successful response if the method execution did not cause an error
              otherwise error response
    :rtype: werkzeug.wrappers.Response
    model_obj = get_model_for_read(modelname)

    if not hasattr(model_obj, method):
        return error_response(*CODE__invalid_method)

    records = model_obj.browse(ids).exists()
    results = []
    args = method_params.get("args", [])
    kwargs = method_params.get("kwargs", {})
    for record in records or [model_obj]:
        result = getattr(record, method)(*args, **kwargs)

    if len(ids) <= 1 and len(results):
        results = results[0]
    model_obj.flush()  # to recompute fields
    return successful_response(success_code, data=results)
Example #2
def get_dict_from_model(model, spec, id, **kwargs):
    """Fetch dictionary from one record according to spec.

    :param str model: The model against which to validate.
    :param tuple spec: The spec to validate.
    :param int id: The id of the record.
    :param dict kwargs: Keyword arguments.
    :param tuple kwargs['include_fields']: The extra fields.
        This parameter is not implemented on higher level code in order
        to serve as a soft ACL implementation on top of the framework's
        own ACL.
    :param tuple kwargs['exclude_fields']: The excluded fields.

    :returns: The python dictionary of the requested values.
    :rtype: dict
    :raise: werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException if the record does not exist.
    include_fields = kwargs.get(
        ())  # Not actually implemented on higher level (ACL!)
    exclude_fields = kwargs.get("exclude_fields", ())

    model_obj = get_model_for_read(model)

    record = model_obj.browse([id])
    if not record.exists():
        raise werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException(response=error_response(
    return get_dict_from_record(record, spec, include_fields, exclude_fields)
Example #3
def wrap__resource__create_one(modelname, context, data, success_code,
    """Function to create one record.

    :param str model: The name of the model.
    :param dict context: TODO
    :param dict data: Data received from the user.
    :param int success_code: The success code.
    :param tuple out_fields: Canned fields.

    :returns: successful response if the create operation is performed
              otherwise error response
    :rtype: werkzeug.wrappers.Response
    model_obj = get_model_for_read(modelname)
        created_obj = model_obj.with_context(context).create(data)
        test_mode = request.registry.test_cr
        if not test_mode:
            # Somehow don't making a commit here may lead to error
            # "Record does not exist or has been deleted"
            # Probably, Odoo (10.0 at least) uses different cursors
            # to create and to read fields from database
    except Exception as e:
        return error_response(400, type(e).__name__, str(e))

    out_data = get_dict_from_record(created_obj, out_fields, (), ())
    return successful_response(success_code, out_data)