Example #1
    def _get_localdict(self):
        worked_days_dict = {
            line.code: line
            for line in self.worked_days_line_ids if line.code
        inputs_dict = {
            line.code: line
            for line in self.input_line_ids if line.code

        employee = self.employee_id
        contract = self.contract_id

        localdict = {
                'categories': BrowsableObject(employee.id, {}, self.env),
                'rules': BrowsableObject(employee.id, {}, self.env),
                'payslip': Payslips(employee.id, self, self.env),
                'worked_days': WorkedDays(employee.id, worked_days_dict, self.env),
                'inputs': InputLine(employee.id, inputs_dict, self.env),
                'employee': employee,
                'contract': contract,
                'result_rules': ResultRules(employee.id, {}, self.env)
        return localdict
Example #2
    def _get_payslip_lines(self):
        def _sum_salary_rule_category(localdict, category, amount):
            if category.parent_id:
                localdict = _sum_salary_rule_category(localdict, category.parent_id, amount)
            localdict['categories'].dict[category.code] = localdict['categories'].dict.get(category.code, 0) + amount
            return localdict

        result = {}
        rules_dict = {}
        worked_days_dict = {line.code: line for line in self.worked_days_line_ids if line.code}
        inputs_dict = {line.code: line for line in self.input_line_ids if line.code}

        employee = self.employee_id
        contract = self.contract_id

        localdict = {
                'categories': BrowsableObject(employee.id, {}, self.env),
                'rules': BrowsableObject(employee.id, rules_dict, self.env),
                'payslip': Payslips(employee.id, self, self.env),
                'worked_days': WorkedDays(employee.id, worked_days_dict, self.env),
                'inputs': InputLine(employee.id, inputs_dict, self.env),
                'employee': employee,
                'contract': contract
        for rule in sorted(self.struct_id.rule_ids, key=lambda x: x.sequence):
                'result': None,
                'result_qty': 1.0,
                'result_rate': 100})
            if rule._satisfy_condition(localdict):
                amount, qty, rate = rule._compute_rule(localdict)
                #check if there is already a rule computed with that code
                previous_amount = rule.code in localdict and localdict[rule.code] or 0.0
                #set/overwrite the amount computed for this rule in the localdict
                tot_rule = amount * qty * rate / 100.0
                localdict[rule.code] = tot_rule
                rules_dict[rule.code] = rule
                # sum the amount for its salary category
                localdict = _sum_salary_rule_category(localdict, rule.category_id, tot_rule - previous_amount)
                # create/overwrite the rule in the temporary results
                result[rule.code] = {
                    'sequence': rule.sequence,
                    'code': rule.code,
                    'name': rule.name,
                    'note': rule.note,
                    'salary_rule_id': rule.id,
                    'contract_id': contract.id,
                    'employee_id': employee.id,
                    'amount': amount,
                    'quantity': qty,
                    'rate': rate,
                    'slip_id': self.id,
        return result.values()
Example #3
    def _get_payslip_lines(self, contracts):
        # YTI TODO: Move into browsable_object.py ?
        def _sum_salary_rule_category(localdict, category, amount):
            if category.parent_id:
                localdict = _sum_salary_rule_category(localdict,
                category.code] = category.code in localdict[
                    'categories'].dict and localdict['categories'].dict[
                        category.code] + amount or amount
            return localdict

        #we keep a dict with the result because a value can be overwritten by another rule with the same code
        result_dict = {}
        rules_dict = {}
        worked_days_dict = {}
        inputs_dict = {}
        blacklist = []

        for code in self.worked_days_line_ids.mapped('code'):
            worked_days_dict[code] = self.worked_days_line_ids.filtered(
                lambda l: l.code == code)
        for code in self.input_line_ids.mapped('code'):
            inputs_dict[code] = self.input_line_ids.filtered(
                lambda l: l.code == code)

        categories = BrowsableObject(self.employee_id.id, {}, self.env)
        inputs = InputLine(self.employee_id.id, inputs_dict, self.env)
        worked_days = WorkedDays(self.employee_id.id, worked_days_dict,
        payslips = Payslips(self.employee_id.id, self, self.env)
        rules = BrowsableObject(self.employee_id.id, rules_dict, self.env)

        baselocaldict = {
                'categories': categories,
                'rules': rules,
                'payslip': payslips,
                'worked_days': worked_days,
                'inputs': inputs
        #get the ids of the structures on the contracts and their parent id as well
        if len(contracts) == 1 and self.struct_id:
            structures = self.struct_id._get_parent_structure()
            structures = contracts.get_all_structures()
        #get the rules of the structure and thier children
        rule_ids = structures.get_all_rules()
        #run the rules by sequence
        sorted_rule_ids = [
            id for id, sequence in sorted(rule_ids, key=lambda x: x[1])
        sorted_rules = self.env['hr.salary.rule'].browse(sorted_rule_ids)

        for contract in contracts:
            employee = contract.employee_id
            localdict = dict(baselocaldict,
            for rule in sorted_rules:
                key = rule.code + '-' + str(contract.id)
                localdict['result'] = None
                localdict['result_qty'] = 1.0
                localdict['result_rate'] = 100
                #check if the rule can be applied
                if rule._satisfy_condition(
                        localdict) and rule.id not in blacklist:
                    #compute the amount of the rule
                    amount, qty, rate = rule._compute_rule(localdict)
                    #check if there is already a rule computed with that code
                    previous_amount = rule.code in localdict and localdict[
                        rule.code] or 0.0
                    #set/overwrite the amount computed for this rule in the localdict
                    tot_rule = amount * qty * rate / 100.0
                    localdict[rule.code] = tot_rule
                    rules_dict[rule.code] = rule
                    #sum the amount for its salary category
                    localdict = _sum_salary_rule_category(
                        localdict, rule.category_id,
                        tot_rule - previous_amount)
                    #create/overwrite the rule in the temporary results
                    result_dict[key] = {
                        'sequence': rule.sequence,
                        'code': rule.code,
                        'name': rule.name,
                        'note': rule.note,
                        'salary_rule_id': rule.id,
                        'contract_id': contract.id,
                        'employee_id': contract.employee_id.id,
                        'amount': amount,
                        'quantity': qty,
                        'rate': rate,
                    #blacklist this rule and its children
                    blacklist += [
                        id for id, seq in rule._recursive_search_of_rules()

        return list(result_dict.values())