class ProductTemplate(models.Model): _inherit = 'product.template' division_nprod = fields.Char(string=u'División') factory_nprod = fields.Char(string=u'Fabrica') world_nprod = fields.Char(string=u'Mundo') gif_card_nprod = fields.Boolean(string='Es una tarjeta de ragalo', default=False, help='') unid_size_nprod = fields.Char(string=u'Unidades de medida') unid_size_buy_nprod = fields.Char(string=u'Unidad de medida de compra') warrant_prod_sales = fields.Integer(string=u'Garantía') term_prod_cli_sales = fields.Integer(string=u'Plazo de entrega al cliente') web_cliente_info = fields.Char(string=u'Pagina web del fabricante', required=True) vid_nprod_info = fields.Char( string=u'Enlace a video de desmostración del producto(Youtube,etc)', required=True) available_pdv_sales = fields.Boolean(string=u'Disponible en el Pdv') category_pdv_sales = fields.Selection([('EUR', 'EUR'), ('USD', 'USD'), ('BS', 'BS')], string=u'Moneda del proveedor') for_weight_balance_sales = fields.Boolean(string=u'Para pesar con balamza') type_nprod = fields.selection([('1', '1'), ('2', '2'), ('3', '3'), ('4', '4'), ('5', '5'), ('6', '6'), ('7', '7'), ('8', '8'), ('9', '9'), ('10', '10')], string=u'Communication Skills')
class ZooCage(models.Model): _name = "zoo.cage" _description = "Cage of animal in the zoo" name = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='product.product', string="Meal name") volume = fields.Float('Volume', required=True) meals = fields.selection([ ('breakfast', 'Breakfast'), ('lunch', 'Lunch'), ('dinner', 'Dinner'), ('super', ' Super') ], string='meals', default ='breakfast', required=True)
class res_partner(models.Model): _inherit = "res.partner" _columns = { # RUC: Registro Unico del Contribuyente (Panama) 'ruc': fields.char('RUC', size=45, required=True), # DV: Digito verificador 'dv': fields.char('DV', size=2, required=True), # TIPO_PERSONA # 1=NATURAL # 2=JURIDICO # 3=OTROS # 4=EXTRANJERO 'tipo_persona': fields.selection([('1','NATURAL'),('2','JURIDICO'),('3','OTROS'),('4','EXTRANJERO')],'Tipo Persona',required=True), # Concepto Varios a Uno #'concepto' : fields.many2one('', 'concepto','Anexo Concepto', store=True, readonly=False) #'concepto' : fields.many2many('','res_partner_anexos_conceptos_pa_rel','partner_id', 'concepto','Concepto de Anexo', store=True, readonly=False) }
class HrChildren(model.Model): """Class to add object of childrens to employee """ _name = "hr.children" _order = 'name' _columns = { 'name': fields.char('Name', size=64, required=True), 'date_of_birth':'Date of birth'), 'schooling': fields.selection([('elementary', 'Elementary'), ('high_school', 'High School'), ('preparatory', 'Preparatory'), ('university', 'University')], 'Schooling'), 'employee_id': fields.many2one('hr.employee', 'Employee') }
class ProductProductWebServer(models.Model): """ Model name: ProductProductWebServer """ _inherit = 'product.product.web.server' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utility: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @api.model def get_existence_for_product(self, product): """ Return real existence for web site """ stock_quantity = int(product.mx_net_mrp_qty - product.mx_mrp_b_locked) # TODO manage q x pack? # q_x_pack = product.q_x_pack or 1 # stock_quantity //= q_x_pack if stock_quantity < 0: return 0 return stock_quantity @api.model def get_category_block_for_publish(self, item, lang): """ Get category block for data record WP """ categories = [] for category in item.wordpress_categ_ids: wp_id = eval('category.wp_%s_id' % lang) wp_parent_id = eval('category.parent_id.wp_%s_id' % lang) if not wp_id: continue categories.append({'id': wp_id}) if category.connector_id.wp_all_category and category.parent_id: categories.append({'id': wp_parent_id}) return categories # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Button event: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @api.multi def open_image_list_product(self): """ """ model_pool = self.env[''] view_id = model_pool.get_object_reference( 'wordpress_connector', 'view_product_product_web_server_form')[1] return { 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'name': _('Image detail'), 'view_type': 'form', 'view_mode': 'form,form', 'res_id': self[0].id, 'res_model': 'product.product.web.server', 'view_id': view_id, # False 'views': [(view_id, 'form'), (False, 'tree')], 'domain': [], 'context': self.env.context, 'target': 'new', 'nodestroy': False, } @api.model def wp_clean_code(self, default_code, destination='wp'): """ Return default code for Wordpress """ if destination == 'wp': return default_code.replace(' ', ' ') else: # odoo return default_code.replace(' ', ' ') @api.model def get_wp_price(self, line): """ Extract price depend on force, discount and VAT """ product = line.product_id if line.force_price: price = line.force_price else: price = product.lst_price * (100.0 - / 100.0 price += line.connector_id.add_vat * price / 100.0 if price < line.connector_id.min_price: price = line.connector_id.min_price # ADD approx? return price @api.multi def publish_now(self): """ Publish now button Used also for more than one elements (not only button click) Note all product must be published on the same web server! """ default_lang = 'it' log_excel = self.env.context.get('log_excel', False) first_proxy = self[0] if not first_proxy.connector_id.wordpress: _logger.warning('Not a wordpress proxy, call other') return super(ProductProductWebServer, self).publish_now() # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # WORDPRESS Publish: # --------------------------------------------------------------------- _logger.warning('Publish all on wordpress:') product_pool = self.env['product.product'] server_pool = self.env['connector.server'] # lang_pool = self.env['product.product.web.server.lang'] wcapi = server_pool.get_wp_connector(first_proxy.connector_id) # Context used here: # TODO manage image with context # context_lang = self.env.context.copy() # Read first element only for setup parameters: connector = first_proxy.connector_id # context_lang['album_id'] = # context['album_id'] = # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Publish image: # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO (save link) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Publish product (lang management) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- translation_lang = {} # First lang = original, second traslate for odoo_lang in ('it_IT', 'en_US'): lang = odoo_lang[:2] # WP lang context_lang['lang'] = odoo_lang # self._lang_db for item in self: # .browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context_lang): # Readability: product = item.product_id default_code = product.default_code or u'' sku = default_code # Description: name = item.force_name or or u'' description = item.force_description or \ product.emotional_description or \ product.large_description or u'' short = product.emotional_short_description or name or u'' price = u'%s' % self.get_wp_price(item) # weight = u'%s' % product.weight status = 'publish' if item.published else 'private' stock_quantity = self.get_existence_for_product(product) wp_id = eval('item.wp_%s_id' % lang) wp_it_id = item.wp_it_id # Default product for language # fabric, type_of_material # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Images block: # ------------------------------------------------------------- images = [] for image in item.wp_dropbox_images_ids: dropbox_link = image.dropbox_link if dropbox_link and dropbox_link.startswith('http'): images.append({ 'src': image.dropbox_link, }) # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Category block: # ------------------------------------------------------------- categories = self.get_category_block_for_publish(item, lang) # Text data (in lang): data = { 'name': name, 'description': description, 'short_description': short, 'sku': self.wp_clean_code(sku), # XXX not needed 'lang': lang, # It doesn't update: 'categories': categories, 'wp_type': item.wp_type, } if images: data['images'] = images if lang == default_lang: # Numeric data: data.update({ 'type': item.wp_type, # 'sku': self.wp_clean_code(sku), 'regular_price': price, # sale_price (discounted) 'stock_quantity': stock_quantity, 'status': status, 'catalog_visibility': 'visible', # catalog search hidden # Forced in variant: # 'weight': weight, # 'dimensions': { # 'width': '%s' % product.width, # 'length': '%s' % product.length, # 'height': '%s' % product.height, # }, }) else: # Other lang (only translation if not wp_it_id: _logger.error('Product %s without default IT [%s]' % (lang, default_code)) continue # Translation: data.update({ 'translations': { 'it': wp_it_id }, }) # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Update: # ------------------------------------------------------------- if wp_id: try: call = 'products/%s' % wp_id reply = wcapi.put(call, data).json() if log_excel != False: log_excel.append(('put', call, u'%s' % (data, ), u'%s' % (reply, ))) if reply.get('code') in ( 'product_invalid_sku', 'woocommerce_rest_product_invalid_id'): pass # TODO Manage this case? # wp_id = False # will be created after else: _logger.warning('Product %s lang %s updated!' % (wp_id, lang)) except: # TODO manage this error if present _logger.error('Not updated ID %s lang %s [%s]!' % (wp_id, lang, data)) # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Create: # ------------------------------------------------------------- if not wp_id: # Create (will update wp_id from now) try: call = 'products' reply =, data).json() if log_excel != False: log_excel.append(('post', call, u'%s' % (data, ), u'%s' % (reply, ))) except: # Timeout on server: _logger.error('Server timeout: %s' % (data, )) continue try: if reply.get('code') == 'product_invalid_sku': wp_id = reply['data']['resource_id'] _logger.error( 'Product %s lang %s duplicated [%s]!' % (wp_id, lang, reply)) else: wp_id = reply['id'] _logger.warning('Product %s lang %s created!' % (wp_id, lang)) except: raise osv.except_osv( _('Error'), _('Reply not managed: %s' % reply), ) continue if wp_id: self.write(cr, uid, [], { 'wp_%s_id' % lang: wp_id, }, context=context) # Save translation of ID (for language product) if default_code not in translation_lang: translation_lang[default_code] = {} translation_lang[default_code][lang] = (wp_id, name) return translation_lang # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Function fields: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_album_images(self, cr, uid, ids, fields, args, context=None): """ Fields function for calculate """ res = {} for current in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): server_album_ids = [ for item in current.connector_id.album_ids ] res[] = [ for image in current.product_id.image_ids \ if in server_album_ids] return res def _get_product_detail_items(self, cr, uid, ids, fields, args, context=None): """ Fields function for calculate """ res = {} for line in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): res[] = {} product = line.product_id model = product.model_package_id if model: res[] = { 'pack_l': float(model.box_width), 'pack_h': float(model.box_height), 'pack_p': float(model.box_depth), 'weight': float(model.gross_weight) / 1000.0, 'weight_net': float(model.net_weight) / 1000.0, 'q_x_pack': float(model.pcs_box), 'lst_price': product.lst_price, # pallet dimension } else: res[] = { 'pack_l': product.pack_l, 'pack_h': product.pack_h, 'pack_p': product.pack_p, 'weight': product.weight, 'weight_net': product.weight_net, 'q_x_pack': product.q_x_pack, 'lst_price': product.lst_price, } return res wp_it_id = fields.Integer('WP it ID') wp_en_id = fields.Integer('WP en ID') wordpress_categ_ids = fields.Many2many('product.public.category', 'product_wp_rel', 'product_id', 'category_id', 'Wordpress category') # wp_dropbox_images_ids = fields.One2many( # 'product.image.file', # compute='_get_album_images', # string='Album images', # ) wordpress = fields.related('connector_id', 'wordpress', type='boolean', string='Wordpress') # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Product related/linked fields: # --------------------------------------------------------------------- model_package_id = fields.Mqny2one('product_id.model_package_id', readonly=True, string='Package model') pack_l = fields.Float( _get_product_detail_items, method=True, readonly=True, type='float', string='L. Pack', multi=True, ) pack_h = fields.Float( _get_product_detail_items, method=True, readonly=True, type='float', string='H. Pack', multi=True, ) pack_p = fields.Float( _get_product_detail_items, method=True, readonly=True, type='float', string='P. Pack', multi=True, ) weight = fields.Float( _get_product_detail_items, method=True, readonly=True, type='float', string='Gross weight', multi=True, ) weight_net = fields.Float( _get_product_detail_items, method=True, readonly=True, type='float', string='NEt weight', multi=True, ) lst_price = fields.Float( _get_product_detail_items, method=True, readonly=True, type='float', string='Pricelist', multi=True, ) q_x_pack = fields.Float( _get_product_detail_items, method=True, readonly=True, type='float', string='Q. x Pack', multi=True, ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Link related to product # --------------------------------------------------------------------- product_pack_l = fields.Float('product_id.pack_l', string='Pack L prod.') product_pack_h = fields.Float('product_id.pack_h', string='Pack H prod.') product_pack_p = fields.Float('product_id.pack_p', string='Pack P prod.') product_weight = fields.Float('product_id.weight', string='New weight prod.') product_weight_net = fields.Float('product_id.weight_net', string='Gross weight prod.') product_lst_price = fields.Float('product_id.lst_price', string='Pricelist') product_q_x_pack = fields.Float('product_id.q_x_pack', string='Q x pack prodotto') # --------------------------------------------------------------------- wp_type = fields.selection([ ('simple', 'Simple product'), ('grouped', 'Grouped product'), ('external', 'External product'), ('variable', 'Variable product'), ], 'Wordpress type')
class WebsiteProposal(models.Model): _name = 'website_proposal.proposal' _rec_name = 'id' def _get_default_company(self): company_id = self.env['res.users']._get_company(context=context) if not company_id: raise UserError(_('Error!'), _('There is no default company for the current user!')) return company_id def _get_res_name(self, name, args): res = {} for r in self.browse(ids): record = self.env[r.res_model].browse(r.res_id) res[] = return res _columns = { 'res_name': fields.function(_get_res_name, string='Name', type='char'), 'access_token': fields.char('Security Token', required=True, copy=False), 'template_id': fields.many2one('website_proposal.template', 'Quote Template', readonly=True), 'head': fields.text('Html head'), 'page_header': fields.text('Page header'), 'website_description': fields.html('Description'), 'page_footer': fields.text('Page footer'), 'res_model': fields.char('Model', readonly=True, help="The database object this is attached to"), 'res_id': fields.integer('Resource ID', readonly=True, help="The record id this is attached to", select=True), 'sign': fields.binary('Singature'), 'sign_date': fields.datetime('Signing Date'), 'signer': fields.binary('Signer'), 'state': fields.selection([ ('draft', 'Draft'), ('rejected', 'Rejected'), ('done', 'Signed'), ]), 'company_id': fields.many2one('', 'Company'), } _defaults = { 'access_token': lambda self, cr, uid, ctx={}: str(uuid.uuid4()), 'company_id': _get_default_company, 'state': 'draft', } def open_proposal(self): return { 'type': 'ir.actions.act_url', 'target': 'self', 'url': '/website_proposal/%s' % (ids[0]) } def edit_proposal(self): return { 'type': 'ir.actions.act_url', 'target': 'self', 'url': '/website_proposal/%s?enable_editor' % (ids[0]) } def create(self, vals): record = self.env[vals.get('res_model']).browse(vals.get('res_id')) mako = mako_template_env.from_string(tools.ustr(vals.get('website_description'))) website_description = mako.render({'record': record}) website_description = website_description.replace('template-only-', '') vals['website_description'] = website_description new_id = super(WebsiteProposal, self).create(vals) return new_id