Example #1
 def _partner_use_in(self, aggr_ids, models):
     """ Check if there is no occurence of this group of partner in the selected model
         :param aggr_ids : stringified list of partner ids separated with a comma (sql array_agg)
         :param models : dict mapping a model name with its foreign key with res_partner table
     return any(self.env[model].search_count([(field, 'in', aggr_ids)])
                for model, field in models.items())
Example #2
 def _partner_use_in(self, aggr_ids, models):
     """ Check if there is no occurence of this group of partner in the selected model
         :param aggr_ids : stringified list of partner ids separated with a comma (sql array_agg)
         :param models : dict mapping a model name with its foreign key with res_partner table
     return any(
         self.env[model].search_count([(field, 'in', aggr_ids)])
         for model, field in models.items()
Example #3
    def process_data(self):

      if not self.env['enotif.settings'].get('process_notifications'):
      models = {}
      type_by_id = {}                  
      records = self.search([], order='priority,type_id,item_id desc', limit=MAX_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_TO_PROCESS)
      for r in records:      
        models.setdefault(r.type_id.model_id.model, []).append({'type_id': r.type_id.id, 'item_id': r.item_id})
        type_by_id[r.type_id.id] = r.type_id.type
      start_time = time.time()
      for m_name, items in models.items():
        Model = self.env[m_name]
        types = {}
        for item in items:
          types.setdefault(item['type_id'], []).append(item['item_id'])              
        for type_id, item_ids in types.items():
          notification_type = type_by_id[type_id]
          end_time = time.time()
          if end_time - start_time > MAX_EXECUTION_TIME:           
            processed_ids = Model.process_notifications(notification_type, item_ids)
            self.delete_processed_notifications(type_id, processed_ids);
          except Exception as e:
            _logger.error("ERROR: External Notifications module cannot pocess notifications for type: %s \n item_ids: %s  \n error text: %s", notification_type, item_ids, format_exception_only(type(e), e))