Example #1
    def _get_asset_content(self, xmlid, options):
        options = dict(self.env.context)
            inherit_branding=False, inherit_branding_auto=False,
            edit_translations=False, translatable=False,

        env = self.env(context=options)

        # TODO: This helper can be used by any template that wants to embedd the backend.
        #       It is currently necessary because the ir.ui.view bundle inheritance does not
        #       match the module dependency graph.
        def get_modules_order():
            if request:
                from odoo.addons.web.controllers.main import module_boot
                return json.dumps(module_boot())
            return '[]'
        template = env['ir.qweb'].render(xmlid, {"get_modules_order": get_modules_order})

        files = []
        remains = []
        for el in html.fragments_fromstring(template):
            if isinstance(el, basestring):
            elif isinstance(el, html.HtmlElement):
                href = el.get('href', '')
                src = el.get('src', '')
                atype = el.get('type')
                media = el.get('media')

                can_aggregate = not urlparse(href).netloc and not href.startswith('/web/content')
                if el.tag == 'style' or (el.tag == 'link' and el.get('rel') == 'stylesheet' and can_aggregate):
                    if href.endswith('.sass'):
                        atype = 'text/sass'
                    elif href.endswith('.less'):
                        atype = 'text/less'
                    if atype not in ('text/less', 'text/sass'):
                        atype = 'text/css'
                    path = filter(None, href.split('/'))
                    filename = get_resource_path(*path)
                    files.append({'atype': atype, 'url': href, 'filename': filename, 'content': el.text, 'media': media})
                elif el.tag == 'script':
                    atype = 'text/javascript'
                    if src:
                        path = filter(None, src.split('/'))
                        filename = get_resource_path(*path)
                        filename = None
                    files.append({'atype': atype, 'url': src, 'filename': filename, 'content': el.text, 'media': media})
                except Exception:
                    # notYETimplementederror
                    raise NotImplementedError

        return (files, remains)
Example #2
    def _get_asset_content(self, xmlid, options):
        options = dict(options,
            inherit_branding=False, inherit_branding_auto=False,
            edit_translations=False, translatable=False,

        options['website_id'] = self.env.context.get('website_id')
        IrQweb = self.env['ir.qweb'].with_context(options)

        def can_aggregate(url):
            return not urls.url_parse(url).scheme and not urls.url_parse(url).netloc and not url.startswith('/web/content')

        # TODO: This helper can be used by any template that wants to embedd the backend.
        #       It is currently necessary because the ir.ui.view bundle inheritance does not
        #       match the module dependency graph.
        def get_modules_order():
            if request:
                from odoo.addons.web.controllers.main import module_boot
                return json.dumps(module_boot())
            return '[]'
        template = IrQweb.render(xmlid, {"get_modules_order": get_modules_order})

        files = []
        remains = []
        for el in html.fragments_fromstring(template):
            if isinstance(el, html.HtmlElement):
                href = el.get('href', '')
                src = el.get('src', '')
                atype = el.get('type')
                media = el.get('media')

                if can_aggregate(href) and (el.tag == 'style' or (el.tag == 'link' and el.get('rel') == 'stylesheet')):
                    if href.endswith('.sass'):
                        atype = 'text/sass'
                    elif href.endswith('.scss'):
                        atype = 'text/scss'
                    elif href.endswith('.less'):
                        atype = 'text/less'
                    if atype not in ('text/less', 'text/scss', 'text/sass'):
                        atype = 'text/css'
                    path = [segment for segment in href.split('/') if segment]
                    filename = get_resource_path(*path) if path else None
                    files.append({'atype': atype, 'url': href, 'filename': filename, 'content': el.text, 'media': media})
                elif can_aggregate(src) and el.tag == 'script':
                    atype = 'text/javascript'
                    path = [segment for segment in src.split('/') if segment]
                    filename = get_resource_path(*path) if path else None
                    files.append({'atype': atype, 'url': src, 'filename': filename, 'content': el.text, 'media': media})
                    remains.append((el.tag, OrderedDict(el.attrib), el.text))
                # the other cases are ignored

        return (files, remains)
Example #3
    def compile_css(self, cmd, source, atype):
        """Sanitizes @import rules, remove duplicates @import rules, then compile"""
        imports = []
        def handle_compile_error(e, source):
            error = self.get_preprocessor_error(e, source=source)
            return ''
        def sanitize(matchobj):
            ref = matchobj.group(2)
            line = '@import "%s"%s' % (ref, matchobj.group(3))
            if '.' not in ref and line not in imports and not ref.startswith(('.', '/', '~')):
                return line
            if atype == ScssStylesheetAsset:
                msg = "Local import '%s' is forbidden for security reasons. Please remove all @import \"your_file.scss\" imports in your custom sass files. In Odoo you have to import all sass files in the assets, and not through the @import statement." % ref
                msg = "Local import '%s' is forbidden for security reasons. Please remove all @import \"your_file.less\" imports in your custom less files. In Odoo you have to import all less files in the assets, and not through the @import statement." % ref
            return ''
        source = re.sub(self.rx_preprocess_imports, sanitize, source)

        if atype == ScssStylesheetAsset:
                path_to_bs = get_resource_path('web', 'static', 'lib', 'bootstrap', 'scss')
                path_to_bs_components = get_resource_path('web', 'static', 'lib', 'bootstrap', 'scss', 'bootstrap')
                result = sass.compile(
                    include_paths=[path_to_bs, path_to_bs_components],
                compiled = result.strip()
            except sass.CompileError as e:
                return handle_compile_error(e, source=source)
                compiler = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
            except Exception:
                msg = "Could not execute command %r" % cmd[0]
                return ''
            result = compiler.communicate(input=source.encode('utf-8'))
            if compiler.returncode:
                cmd_output = ''.join(misc.ustr(result))
                if not cmd_output:
                    cmd_output = "Process exited with return code %d\n" % compiler.returncode
                return handle_compile_error(cmd_output, source=source)
            compiled = result[0].strip().decode('utf8')
        return compiled
Example #4
    def test_01_debug_mode_assets(self):
        """ Checks that the ir.attachments records created for compiled less assets in debug mode
        are correctly invalidated.
        # Compile for the first time
        self._bundle(self._get_asset(), True, False)

        # Compile a second time, without changes
        self._bundle(self._get_asset(), False, False)

        # Touch the file and compile a third time
        path = get_resource_path('test_assetsbundle', 'static', 'src', 'less', 'test_lessfile1.less')
        t = time.time() + 5
        asset = self._get_asset()
        _touch(path, asset, t=t)
        self._bundle(asset, True, True)

        # Because we are in the same transaction since the beginning of the test, the first asset
        # created and the second one have the same write_date, but the file's last modified date
        # has really been modified. If we do not update the write_date to a posterior date, we are
        # not able to reproduce the case where we compile this bundle again without changing
        # anything.
        self.cr.execute("update ir_attachment set write_date=clock_timestamp() + interval '10 seconds' where id = (select max(id) from ir_attachment)")

        # Compile a fourth time, without changes
        self._bundle(self._get_asset(), False, False)
Example #5
    def _binary_ir_attachment_redirect_content(cls, record, default_mimetype='application/octet-stream'):
        # mainly used for theme images attachemnts
        status = content = filename = filehash = None
        mimetype = getattr(record, 'mimetype', False)
        if record.type == 'url' and record.url:
            # if url in in the form /somehint server locally
            url_match = re.match("^/(\w+)/(.+)$", record.url)
            if url_match:
                module = url_match.group(1)
                module_path = get_module_path(module)
                module_resource_path = get_resource_path(module, url_match.group(2))

                if module_path and module_resource_path:
                    module_path = os.path.join(os.path.normpath(module_path), '')  # join ensures the path ends with '/'
                    module_resource_path = os.path.normpath(module_resource_path)
                    if module_resource_path.startswith(module_path):
                        with open(module_resource_path, 'rb') as f:
                            content = base64.b64encode(f.read())
                        status = 200
                        filename = os.path.basename(module_resource_path)
                        mimetype = guess_mimetype(base64.b64decode(content), default=default_mimetype)
                        filehash = '"%s"' % hashlib.md5(pycompat.to_text(content).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
                status = 301
                content = record.url

        return status, content, filename, mimetype, filehash
Example #6
File: main.py Project: Vauxoo/odoo
    def load_drivers(self):
        subprocess.check_call("sudo mount -o remount,rw /", shell=True)
        subprocess.check_call("sudo mount -o remount,rw /root_bypass_ramdisks", shell=True)

        mac = subprocess.check_output("/sbin/ifconfig eth0 |grep -Eo ..\(\:..\){5}", shell=True).decode('utf-8').split('\n')[0]

        #response = requests.get(url, auth=(username, db_uuid.split('\n')[0]), stream=True)
        server = get_odoo_server_url()
        if server:
            pm = urllib3.PoolManager(cert_reqs='CERT_NONE')
            resp = False
            server = server + '/iot/get_drivers'
                resp = pm.request('POST',
                                   fields={'mac': mac})
            except Exception as e:
                _logger.error('Could not reach configured server')
                _logger.error('A error encountered : %s ' % e)
            if resp and resp.data:
                zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(resp.data))
                zip_file.extractall(get_resource_path('hw_drivers', 'drivers'))
        subprocess.check_call("sudo service odoo restart", shell=True)
        subprocess.check_call("sudo mount -o remount,ro /", shell=True)
        subprocess.check_call("sudo mount -o remount,ro /root_bypass_ramdisks", shell=True)

        return "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='20; url=http://" + get_ip() + ":8069/list_drivers'>"
Example #7
 def _compute_rating_image(self):
     for rating in self:
             image_path = get_resource_path('rating', 'static/src/img', 'rating_%s.png' % (int(rating.rating),))
             rating.rating_image = base64.b64encode(open(image_path, 'rb').read())
         except (IOError, OSError):
             rating.rating_image = False
    def test_account_bank_statement_def(self):
        """  In order to test Bank Statement feature of account I create a bank statement line
             and confirm it and check it's move created  """

        tools.convert_file(self.cr, 'account',
                           get_resource_path('account', 'test', 'account_minimal_test.xml'),
                           {}, 'init', False, 'test', self.registry._assertion_report)

        # Select the period and journal for the bank statement
        journal = self.env['account.bank.statement'].with_context({
            'lang': u'en_US',
            'tz': False,
            'active_model': 'ir.ui.menu',
            'journal_type': 'bank',
            'date': time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d")
        self.assertTrue(journal, 'Journal has not been selected')

        # Create a bank statement with Opening and Closing balance 0
        account_statement = self.env['account.bank.statement'].create({
            'balance_end_real': 0.0,
            'balance_start': 0.0,
            'date': time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),
            'company_id': self.ref('base.main_company'),
            'journal_id': journal.id,

        # Create Account bank statement line
        account_bank_statement_line = self.env['account.bank.statement.line'].create({
            'amount': 1000,
            'date': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
            'partner_id': self.ref('base.res_partner_4'),
            'name': 'EXT001',
            'statement_id': account_statement.id,

        # Create a Account for bank statement line process
        account = self.env['account.account'].create({
            'name': 'toto',
            'code': 'bidule',
            'user_type_id': self.ref('account.data_account_type_fixed_assets'),

        # Process the bank statement line
            'credit': 1000,
            'debit': 0,
            'name': 'toto',
            'account_id': account.id,

        # Modify the bank statement and set the Closing Balance 1000.
        account_statement.write({'balance_end_real': 1000.00})

        # Confirm the bank statement using Confirm button

        # Check bank statement state should be confirm
        self.assertEquals(account_statement.state, 'confirm')
Example #9
File: main.py Project: Vauxoo/odoo
 def step_by_step_configure(self, token, iotname, essid, password, persistent=False):
     if token:
         url = token.split('|')[0]
         token = token.split('|')[1]
         url = ''
     subprocess.check_call([get_resource_path('point_of_sale', 'tools/posbox/configuration/connect_to_server_wifi.sh'), url, iotname, token, essid, password, persistent])
     return url
Example #10
File: main.py Project: Vauxoo/odoo
 def list_drivers(self):
     drivers_list = []
     for driver in os.listdir(get_resource_path('hw_drivers', 'drivers')):
         if driver != '__pycache__':
     return driver_list_template.render({
         'title': "Odoo's IoT Box - Drivers list",
         'breadcrumb': 'Drivers list',
         'drivers_list': drivers_list,
Example #11
    def _get_files(self):
        def get_scripts(path):
            if not path:
                return {}
            return {
                version: glob.glob1(opj(path, version), '*.py')
                for version in os.listdir(path)
                if os.path.isdir(opj(path, version))

        for pkg in self.graph:
            if not (hasattr(pkg, 'update') or pkg.state == 'to upgrade' or
                    getattr(pkg, 'load_state', None) == 'to upgrade'):

            self.migrations[pkg.name] = {
                'module': get_scripts(get_resource_path(pkg.name, 'migrations')),
                'maintenance': get_scripts(get_resource_path('base', 'maintenance', 'migrations', pkg.name)),
Example #12
 def get_command(self):
         if os.name == 'nt':
             lessc = misc.find_in_path('lessc.cmd')
             lessc = misc.find_in_path('lessc')
     except IOError:
         lessc = 'lessc'
     lesspath = get_resource_path('web', 'static', 'lib', 'bootstrap', 'less')
     return [lessc, '-', '--no-js', '--no-color', '--include-path=%s' % lesspath]
Example #13
 def connect_box(self, token):
     This route is called when we want that a IoT Box will be connected to a Odoo DB
     token is a base 64 encoded string and have 2 argument separate by |
     1 - url of odoo DB
     2 - token. This token will be compared to the token of Odoo. He have 1 hour lifetime
     server = get_odoo_server_url()
     image = get_resource_path('hw_drivers', 'static/img', 'False.jpg')
     if server == '':
         token = b64decode(token).decode('utf-8')
         url, token = token.split('|')
             subprocess.check_call([get_resource_path('point_of_sale', 'tools/posbox/configuration/connect_to_server.sh'), url, '', token, 'noreboot'])
             image = get_resource_path('hw_drivers', 'static/img', 'True.jpg')
         except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
             _logger.error('A error encountered : %s ' % e.output)
     if os.path.isfile(image):
         with open(image, 'rb') as f:
             return f.read()
Example #14
 def stat(self):
     if not (self.inline or self._filename or self._ir_attach):
         path = (segment for segment in self.url.split('/') if segment)
         self._filename = get_resource_path(*path)
         if self._filename:
             # Test url against ir.attachments
             attach = self.bundle.env['ir.attachment'].sudo().get_serve_attachment(self.url)
             self._ir_attach = attach[0]
         except Exception:
             raise AssetNotFound("Could not find %s" % self.name)
Example #15
 def load_drivers(self):
     This method loads local files: 'odoo/addons/hw_drivers/drivers'
     And execute these python drivers
     path = get_resource_path('hw_drivers', 'drivers')
     driversList = os.listdir(path)
     for driver in driversList:
         path_file = os.path.join(path, driver)
         spec = util.spec_from_file_location(driver, path_file)
         if spec:
             module = util.module_from_spec(spec)
Example #16
 def stat(self):
     if not (self.inline or self._filename or self._ir_attach):
         path = filter(None, self.url.split('/'))
         self._filename = get_resource_path(*path)
         if self._filename:
             # Test url against ir.attachments
             fields = ['__last_update', 'datas', 'mimetype']
             domain = [('type', '=', 'binary'), ('url', '=', self.url)]
             attach = self.bundle.env['ir.attachment'].sudo().search_read(domain, fields)
             self._ir_attach = attach[0]
         except Exception:
             raise AssetNotFound("Could not find %s" % self.name)
Example #17
    def test_product_margin(self):
        ''' In order to test the product_margin module '''

        # load account_minimal_test.xml file for chart of account in configuration
            self.cr, 'product_margin',
            get_resource_path('account', 'test', 'account_minimal_test.xml'),
            {}, 'init', False, 'test', self.registry._assertion_report)

        supplier = self.env['res.partner'].create({'name': 'Supplier'})
        customer = self.env['res.partner'].create({'name': 'Customer'})
        ipad = self.env.ref("product.product_product_4")

        # Create supplier invoice and customer invoice to test product margin.
        # Define supplier invoices
        self.create_account_invoice('in_invoice', supplier, ipad, 10.0, 300.00)
        self.create_account_invoice('in_invoice', supplier, ipad, 4.0, 450.00)
        # Define Customer Invoices
        self.create_account_invoice('out_invoice', customer, ipad, 20.0,
        self.create_account_invoice('out_invoice', customer, ipad, 10.0,

        result = ipad._compute_product_margin_fields_values()

        # Sale turnover ( Quantity * Price Subtotal / Quantity)
        sale_turnover = ((20.0 * 750.00) + (10.0 * 550.00))

        # Expected sale (Total quantity * Sale price)
        sale_expected = (750.00 * 30.0)

        # Purchase total cost (Quantity * Unit price)
        purchase_total_cost = ((10.0 * 300.00) + (4.0 * 450.00))

        # Purchase normal cost ( Total quantity * Cost price)
        purchase_normal_cost = (14.0 * 500.00)

        total_margin = sale_turnover - purchase_total_cost
        expected_margin = sale_expected - purchase_normal_cost

        # Check total margin
        self.assertEqual(result[ipad.id]['total_margin'], total_margin,
                         "Wrong Total Margin.")

        # Check expected margin
        self.assertEqual(result[ipad.id]['expected_margin'], expected_margin,
                         "Wrong Expected Margin.")
Example #18
    def _get_asset_content(self, bundle, options, nodeAttrs=None):
        options = dict(options,
            inherit_branding=False, inherit_branding_auto=False,
            edit_translations=False, translatable=False,

        options['website_id'] = self.env.context.get('website_id')

        asset_paths = self.env['ir.asset']._get_asset_paths(bundle=bundle, css=True, js=True)

        files = []
        remains = []
        for path, *_ in asset_paths:
            ext = path.split('.')[-1]
            is_js = ext in SCRIPT_EXTENSIONS
            is_css = ext in STYLE_EXTENSIONS
            if not is_js and not is_css:

            mimetype = 'text/javascript' if is_js else 'text/%s' % ext
            if can_aggregate(path):
                segments = [segment for segment in path.split('/') if segment]
                    'atype': mimetype,
                    'url': path,
                    'filename': get_resource_path(*segments) if segments else None,
                    'content': '',
                    'media': nodeAttrs and nodeAttrs.get('media'),
                if is_js:
                    tag = 'script'
                    attributes = {
                        "type": mimetype,
                        "src": path,
                    tag = 'link'
                    attributes = {
                        "type": mimetype,
                        "rel": "stylesheet",
                        "href": path,
                        'media': nodeAttrs and nodeAttrs.get('media'),
                remains.append((tag, attributes, ''))

        return (files, remains)
Example #19
    def test_eslint(self):
        """ Test that there are no eslint errors in javascript files """

        files_to_check = [
            p for p in self.iter_module_files('**/static/**/*.js')
            if not re.match('.*/libs?/.*', p)  # don't check libraries
        eslintrc_path = get_resource_path('test_lint', 'tests', 'eslintrc')

        _logger.info('Testing %s js files', len(files_to_check))
        # https://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/command-line-interface
        cmd = [eslint, '--no-eslintrc', '-c', eslintrc_path] + files_to_check
        process = subprocess.run(cmd,
        self.assertEqual(process.returncode, 0, msg=process.stdout.decode())
Example #20
    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls.doc_type_unknown = cls.env.ref('edi.document_type_unknown')

        # Locate test file directory corresponding to the class (which
        # may be a derived class in a different module).
        module_file = sys.modules[cls.__module__].__file__
        module = get_resource_from_path(module_file)[0]
        path = get_resource_path(module, 'tests', 'files')
        if path:
            cls.files = pathlib.Path(path)

        # Delete any document types corresponding to non-existent
        # models, to avoid failures in edi.document.type.autocreate()
        EdiDocumentType = cls.env['edi.document.type']
            []).filtered(lambda x: x.model_id.model not in cls.env).unlink()
Example #21
    def print_inventory_commands(self):
        if not request.env.user.has_group('stock.group_stock_user'):
            return request.not_found()

        barcode_pdfs = []

        # get fixed command barcodes
        file_path = get_resource_path('stock_barcode', 'static/img',
        commands_file = open(file_path, 'rb')

        # make sure we use the selected company if possible
        allowed_company_ids = self._get_allowed_company_ids()

        # same domain conditions for picking types and locations
        domain = [('active', '=', 'True'), ('barcode', '!=', ''),
                  ('company_id', 'in', allowed_company_ids)]

        # get picking types barcodes
        picking_type_ids = request.env['stock.picking.type'].search(domain)
        picking_report = request.env.ref(
            'stock.action_report_picking_type_label', raise_if_not_found=True)
        picking_types_pdf, _ = picking_report._render_qweb_pdf(
        if picking_types_pdf:

        # get locations barcodes
        if request.env.user.has_group('stock.group_stock_multi_locations'):
            locations_ids = request.env['stock.location'].search(domain)
            locations_report = request.env.ref(
            locations_pdf, _ = locations_report._render_qweb_pdf(
            if locations_pdf:

        merged_pdf = pdf.merge_pdf(barcode_pdfs)

        pdfhttpheaders = [('Content-Type', 'application/pdf'),
                          ('Content-Length', len(merged_pdf))]

        return request.make_response(merged_pdf, headers=pdfhttpheaders)
Example #22
    def background_shape(self, module, filename, **kwargs):
        Returns a color-customized background-shape.
        shape_path = get_resource_path(module, 'static', 'shapes', filename)
        if shape_path:
            svg = open(shape_path, 'r').read()
            # Fallback to attachments for future migrations
            attachment = request.env['ir.attachment'].search(
                [('url', '=like', request.httprequest.path)], limit=1)
            if not attachment:
                raise werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound()
            svg = b64decode(attachment.datas).decode('utf-8')

        user_colors = []
        for key, color in kwargs.items():
            match = re.match('^c([12345])$', key)
            if match:
                user_colors.append([tools.html_escape(color), match.group(1)])

        default_palette = {
            '1': '#3AADAA',
            '2': '#7C6576',
            '3': '#F6F6F6',
            '4': '#FFFFFF',
            '5': '#383E45',
        color_mapping = {
            default_palette[palette_number]: color
            for color, palette_number in user_colors
        # create a case-insensitive regex to match all the colors to replace, eg: '(?i)(#3AADAA)|(#7C6576)'
        regex = '(?i)%s' % '|'.join('(%s)' % color
                                    for color in color_mapping.keys())

        def subber(match):
            key = match.group().upper()
            return color_mapping[key] if key in color_mapping else key

        svg = re.sub(regex, subber, svg)

        return request.make_response(svg, [
            ('Content-type', 'image/svg+xml'),
            ('Cache-control', 'max-age=%s' % http.STATIC_CACHE_LONG),
Example #23
 def connect_to_server(self, token, iotname):
     credential = token.split('|')
     url = credential[0]
     token = credential[1]
     if len(credential) > 2:
         # IoT Box send token with db_uuid and enterprise_code only since V13
         db_uuid = credential[2]
         enterprise_code = credential[3]
         helpers.add_credential(db_uuid, enterprise_code)
     reboot = 'reboot'
             'tools/posbox/configuration/connect_to_server.sh'), url,
         iotname, token, reboot
     return 'http://' + helpers.get_ip() + ':8069'
Example #24
    def get_asset_content(self, url, url_info=None, custom_attachments=None):
        Fetch the content of an asset (scss / js) file. That content is either
        the one of the related file on the disk or the one of the corresponding
        custom ir.attachment record.

            url (str): the URL of the asset (scss / js) file/ir.attachment

            url_info (dict, optional):
                the related url info (see get_asset_info) (allows to optimize
                some code which already have the info and do not want this
                function to re-get it)

            custom_attachments (ir.attachment(), optional):
                the related custom ir.attachment records the function might need
                to search into (allows to optimize some code which already have
                that info and do not want this function to re-get it)

            utf-8 encoded content of the asset (scss / js)
        if url_info is None:
            url_info = self.get_asset_info(url)

        if url_info["customized"]:
            # If the file is already customized, the content is found in the
            # corresponding attachment
            attachment = None
            if custom_attachments is None:
                attachment = self._get_custom_attachment(url)
                attachment = custom_attachments.filtered(lambda r: r.url == url)
            return attachment and base64.b64decode(attachment.datas) or False

        # If the file is not yet customized, the content is found by reading
        # the local scss file
        module = url_info["module"]
        module_path = get_module_path(module)
        module_resource_path = get_resource_path(module, url_info["resource_path"])
        if module_path and module_resource_path:
            module_path = os.path.join(os.path.normpath(module_path), '')  # join ensures the path ends with '/'
            module_resource_path = os.path.normpath(module_resource_path)
            if module_resource_path.startswith(module_path):
                with open(module_resource_path, "rb") as f:
                    return f.read()
Example #25
def load_iot_handlers():
    This method loads local files: 'odoo/addons/hw_drivers/iot_handlers/drivers' and
    And execute these python drivers and interfaces
    for directory in ['interfaces', 'drivers']:
        path = get_resource_path('hw_drivers', 'iot_handlers', directory)
        filesList = os.listdir(path)
        for file in filesList:
            path_file = os.path.join(path, file)
            spec = util.spec_from_file_location(file, path_file)
            if spec:
                module = util.module_from_spec(spec)
    http.addons_manifest = {}
    http.root = http.Root()
Example #26
    def get_asset_content(self, url, url_info=None, custom_attachments=None):
        Fetch the content of an asset (scss / js) file. That content is either
        the one of the related file on the disk or the one of the corresponding
        custom ir.attachment record.

            url (str): the URL of the asset (scss / js) file/ir.attachment

            url_info (dict, optional):
                the related url info (see get_asset_info) (allows to optimize
                some code which already have the info and do not want this
                function to re-get it)

            custom_attachments (ir.attachment(), optional):
                the related custom ir.attachment records the function might need
                to search into (allows to optimize some code which already have
                that info and do not want this function to re-get it)

            utf-8 encoded content of the asset (scss / js)
        if url_info is None:
            url_info = self.get_asset_info(url)

        if url_info["customized"]:
            # If the file is already customized, the content is found in the
            # corresponding attachment
            attachment = None
            if custom_attachments is None:
                attachment = self._get_custom_attachment(url)
                attachment = custom_attachments.filtered(lambda r: r.url == url)
            return attachment and base64.b64decode(attachment.datas) or False

        # If the file is not yet customized, the content is found by reading
        # the local scss file
        module = url_info["module"]
        module_path = get_module_path(module)
        module_resource_path = get_resource_path(module, url_info["resource_path"])
        if module_path and module_resource_path:
            module_path = os.path.join(os.path.normpath(module_path), '')  # join ensures the path ends with '/'
            module_resource_path = os.path.normpath(module_resource_path)
            if module_resource_path.startswith(module_path):
                with open(module_resource_path, "rb") as f:
                    return f.read()
Example #27
 def load_drivers(self):
     This method loads local files: 'odoo/addons/hw_drivers/drivers'
     And execute these python drivers
     path = get_resource_path('hw_drivers', 'drivers')
     driversList = os.listdir(path)
     self.devices = {}
     for driver in driversList:
         path_file = os.path.join(path, driver)
         spec = util.spec_from_file_location(driver, path_file)
         if spec:
             module = util.module_from_spec(spec)
     http.addons_manifest = {}
     http.root = http.Root()
Example #28
    def test_17_css_bundle_date_invalidation(self):
        """ Checks that both css bundles are invalidated when one of its assets' modification date is changed
        # Assets access for en_US language
        ltr_bundle0 = self._get_asset(self.cssbundle_xmlid)
        ltr_last_modified0 = ltr_bundle0.last_modified
        ltr_version0 = ltr_bundle0.version

        # Assets access for ar_SY language
        rtl_bundle0 = self._get_asset(self.cssbundle_xmlid, env=self.env(context={'lang': 'ar_SY'}))
        rtl_last_modified0 = rtl_bundle0.last_modified
        rtl_version0 = rtl_bundle0.version

        # Touch test_cssfile1.css
        # Note: No lang specific context given while calling _get_asset so it will load assets for en_US
        path = get_resource_path('test_assetsbundle', 'static', 'src', 'css', 'test_cssfile1.css')
        ltr_bundle1 = self._get_asset(self.cssbundle_xmlid)

        with self._touch(path):
            ltr_last_modified1 = ltr_bundle1.last_modified
            ltr_version1 = ltr_bundle1.version
            ltr_ira1 = self._any_ira_for_bundle('css')
            self.assertNotEquals(ltr_last_modified0, ltr_last_modified1)
            self.assertNotEquals(ltr_version0, ltr_version1)

            rtl_bundle1 = self._get_asset(self.cssbundle_xmlid, env=self.env(context={'lang': 'ar_SY'}))

            rtl_last_modified1 = rtl_bundle1.last_modified
            rtl_version1 = rtl_bundle1.version
            rtl_ira1 = self._any_ira_for_bundle('css', lang='ar_SY')
            self.assertNotEquals(rtl_last_modified0, rtl_last_modified1)
            self.assertNotEquals(rtl_version0, rtl_version1)

            # Checks rtl and ltr bundles are different
            self.assertNotEquals(ltr_ira1.id, rtl_ira1.id)

            # check if the previous attachment is correctly cleaned
            css_bundles = self.env['ir.attachment'].search([
                ('url', '=like', '/web/content/%-%/{0}%.{1}'.format(self.cssbundle_xmlid, 'css'))
            self.assertEquals(len(css_bundles), 2)
Example #29
    def test_17_css_bundle_date_invalidation(self):
        """ Checks that both css bundles are invalidated when one of its assets' modification date is changed
        # Assets access for en_US language
        ltr_bundle0 = self._get_asset(self.cssbundle_xmlid)
        ltr_last_modified0 = ltr_bundle0.last_modified
        ltr_version0 = ltr_bundle0.version

        # Assets access for ar_SY language
        rtl_bundle0 = self._get_asset(self.cssbundle_xmlid, env=self.env(context={'lang': 'ar_SY'}))
        rtl_last_modified0 = rtl_bundle0.last_modified
        rtl_version0 = rtl_bundle0.version

        # Touch test_cssfile1.css
        # Note: No lang specific context given while calling _get_asset so it will load assets for en_US
        path = get_resource_path('test_assetsbundle', 'static', 'src', 'css', 'test_cssfile1.css')
        ltr_bundle1 = self._get_asset(self.cssbundle_xmlid)
        _touch(path, ltr_bundle1)

        ltr_last_modified1 = ltr_bundle1.last_modified
        ltr_version1 = ltr_bundle1.version
        ltr_ira1 = self._any_ira_for_bundle('css')
        self.assertNotEquals(ltr_last_modified0, ltr_last_modified1)
        self.assertNotEquals(ltr_version0, ltr_version1)

        rtl_bundle1 = self._get_asset(self.cssbundle_xmlid, env=self.env(context={'lang': 'ar_SY'}))

        rtl_last_modified1 = rtl_bundle1.last_modified
        rtl_version1 = rtl_bundle1.version
        rtl_ira1 = self._any_ira_for_bundle('css', lang='ar_SY')
        self.assertNotEquals(rtl_last_modified0, rtl_last_modified1)
        self.assertNotEquals(rtl_version0, rtl_version1)

        # Checks rtl and ltr bundles are different
        self.assertNotEquals(ltr_ira1.id, rtl_ira1.id)

        # check if the previous attachment is correctly cleaned
        css_bundles = self.env['ir.attachment'].search([
            ('url', '=like', '/web/content/%-%/{0}%.{1}'.format(self.cssbundle_xmlid, 'css'))
        self.assertEquals(len(css_bundles), 2)
Example #30
    def connect_to_wifi(self, essid, password, persistent=False):
        if persistent:
                persistent = "1"
                persistent = ""

        subprocess.check_call([get_resource_path('point_of_sale', 'tools/posbox/configuration/connect_to_wifi.sh'), essid, password, persistent])
        server = get_odoo_server_url()
        res_payload = {
            'message': 'Connecting to ' + essid,
        if server:
            res_payload['server'] = {
                'url': server,
                'message': 'Redirect to Odoo Server'

        return json.dumps(res_payload)
Example #31
 def step_by_step_configure(self,
     if token:
         url = token.split('|')[0]
         token = token.split('|')[1]
         url = ''
             'tools/posbox/configuration/connect_to_server_wifi.sh'), url,
         iotname, token, essid, password, persistent
     return url
Example #32
def schema_gantt(arch, **kwargs):
    global _gantt_validator

    if _gantt_validator is None:
        with misc.file_open(
                os.path.join('web_gantt_view', 'views', 'gantt.rng')) as f:
            # gantt.rng needs to include common.rng from the `base/rng/` directory. The idea
            # here is to set the base url of lxml lib in order to load relative file from the
            # `base/rng` directory.
            base_url = os.path.join(get_resource_path('base', 'rng'), '')
            _gantt_validator = etree.RelaxNG(etree.parse(f, base_url=base_url))

    if _gantt_validator.validate(arch):
        return True

    for error in _gantt_validator.error_log:
    return False
Example #33
File: main.py Project: Vauxoo/odoo
    def connect_to_wifi(self, essid, password, persistent=False):
        if persistent:
                persistent = "1"
                persistent = ""

        subprocess.check_call([get_resource_path('point_of_sale', 'tools/posbox/configuration/connect_to_wifi.sh'), essid, password, persistent])
        server = get_odoo_server_url()
        res_payload = {
            'message': 'Connecting to ' + essid,
        if server:
            res_payload['server'] = {
                'url': server,
                'message': 'Redirect to Odoo Server'

        return json.dumps(res_payload)
Example #34
 def _import_hs_codes(self):
     if not xlrd:  # pragma: no cover
         raise exceptions.UserError(_("xlrd library not found."))
     code_obj = self.env["hs.code"]
     path = os.path.join(get_resource_path("l10n_es_intrastat_report"),
                         "data", "NC_20.xls")
     workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(path)
     sheet = workbook.sheet_by_index(0)
     vals_list = []
     parents = []
     prev_level = ""
     for nrow in range(1, sheet.nrows):
         code = sheet.cell_value(nrow, 1).replace(" ", "")
         description = sheet.cell_value(nrow, 5).lstrip("-")
         level = sheet.cell_value(nrow, 4)
         temp = prev_level
         while temp > level and parents:
             del parents[-1]
             temp = temp[:-1]
         if len(code) < 8 and description != description.upper():
         prev_level = level
         if len(code) != 8:  # bypass parent lines
         vals = {
             "local_code": code,
             "description": " /".join(parents + [description]),
         iu = sheet.cell_value(nrow, 6)
         if iu and iu != "-":  # specific unit
             if iu in UOM_MAPPING:
                 iu_unit_id = self.env.ref("intrastat_product.%s" %
                 iu_unit_id = self._get_intrastat_unit(iu)
             if iu_unit_id:
                 vals["intrastat_unit_id"] = iu_unit_id
                 raise exceptions.UserError(_("Unit not found: '%s'") % iu)
         if not code_obj.search([("local_code", "=", code)]):
     if vals_list:
Example #35
 def setUpClass(cls):
     cls.certificate_path = get_resource_path(
     cls.certificate_password = b"794613"
     with open(cls.certificate_path, "rb") as certificate:
         content = certificate.read()
     cls.sii_cert = cls.env["l10n.es.aeat.certificate"].create({
         "Test Certificate",
         "Test folder",
Example #36
 def _compute_rating_image(self):
     # Due to some new widgets, we may have ratings different from 0/1/5/10 (e.g. slide.channel review)
     # Let us have some custom rounding while finding a better solution for images.
     for rating in self:
         rating_for_img = 0
         if rating.rating >= 8:
             rating_for_img = 10
         elif rating.rating > 3:
             rating_for_img = 5
         elif rating.rating >= 1:
             rating_for_img = 1
             image_path = get_resource_path(
                 'rating', 'static/src/img',
                 'rating_%s.png' % rating_for_img)
             rating.rating_image = base64.b64encode(
                 open(image_path, 'rb').read())
         except (IOError, OSError):
             rating.rating_image = False
 def setUpClass(cls):
     module = "account_invoice_inter_company"
         get_resource_path(module, "tests", "inter_company_invoice.xml"),
     cls.module = __name__.split('addons.')[1].split('.')[0]
     cls.account_obj = cls.env['account.account']
     cls.invoice_obj = cls.env['account.invoice']
     cls.company_a = cls.env.ref(cls.module + ".company_a")
     cls.invoice_company_a = cls.env.ref(cls.module +
     cls.user_company_a = cls.env.ref(cls.module + '.user_company_a')
     cls.user_company_b = cls.env.ref(cls.module + '.user_company_b')
     cls.user_child_company_b = cls.env.ref(cls.module +
     cls.invoice_line_a = cls.invoice_company_a.invoice_line_ids[0]
     cls.product_a = cls.invoice_line_a.product_id
     cls.invoice_line_b = cls.env["account.invoice.line"].create({
         "Test second line",
         cls.env.ref(cls.module + ".a_sale_company_a").id,
     cls.chart = cls.env['account.chart.template'].search([], limit=1)
     if not cls.chart:
         raise ValidationError(
             # translation to avoid pylint warnings
             _("No Chart of Account Template has been defined !"))
Example #38
    def test_product_margin(self):
        ''' In order to test the product_margin module '''

        # load account_minimal_test.xml file for chart of account in configuration
        tools.convert_file(self.cr, 'product_margin',
                           get_resource_path('account', 'test', 'account_minimal_test.xml'),
                           {}, 'init', False, 'test', self.registry._assertion_report)

        supplier = self.env['res.partner'].create({'name': 'Supplier', 'supplier': True})
        customer = self.env['res.partner'].create({'name': 'Customer', 'customer': True})
        ipad = self.env.ref("product.product_product_4")

        # Create supplier invoice and customer invoice to test product margin.
        # Define supplier invoices
        self.create_account_invoice('in_invoice', supplier, ipad, 10.0, 300.00)
        self.create_account_invoice('in_invoice', supplier, ipad, 4.0, 450.00)
        # Define Customer Invoices
        self.create_account_invoice('out_invoice', customer, ipad, 20.0, 750.00)
        self.create_account_invoice('out_invoice', customer, ipad, 10.0, 550.00)

        result = ipad._compute_product_margin_fields_values()

        # Sale turnover ( Quantity * Price Subtotal / Quantity)
        sale_turnover = ((20.0 * 750.00) + (10.0 * 550.00))

        # Expected sale (Total quantity * Sale price)
        sale_expected = (750.00 * 30.0)

        # Purchase total cost (Quantity * Unit price)
        purchase_total_cost = ((10.0 * 300.00) + (4.0 * 450.00))

        # Purchase normal cost ( Total quantity * Cost price)
        purchase_normal_cost = (14.0 * 500.00)

        total_margin = sale_turnover - purchase_total_cost
        expected_margin = sale_expected - purchase_normal_cost

        # Check total margin
        self.assertEqual(result[ipad.id]['total_margin'], total_margin, "Wrong Total Margin.")

        # Check expected margin
        self.assertEqual(result[ipad.id]['expected_margin'], expected_margin, "Wrong Expected Margin.")
Example #39
    def _get_asset_content(self, bundle, nodeAttrs=None, defer_load=False, lazy_load=False):
        asset_paths = self.env['ir.asset']._get_asset_paths(bundle=bundle, css=True, js=True)

        files = []
        remains = []
        for path, *_ in asset_paths:
            ext = path.split('.')[-1]
            is_js = ext in SCRIPT_EXTENSIONS
            is_css = ext in STYLE_EXTENSIONS
            if not is_js and not is_css:

            mimetype = 'text/javascript' if is_js else 'text/%s' % ext
            if can_aggregate(path):
                segments = [segment for segment in path.split('/') if segment]
                    'atype': mimetype,
                    'url': path,
                    'filename': get_resource_path(*segments) if segments else None,
                    'content': '',
                    'media': nodeAttrs and nodeAttrs.get('media'),
                if is_js:
                    tag = 'script'
                    attributes = {
                        "type": mimetype,
                    attributes["data-src" if lazy_load else "src"] = path
                    if defer_load or lazy_load:
                        attributes["defer"] = "defer"
                    tag = 'link'
                    attributes = {
                        "type": mimetype,
                        "rel": "stylesheet",
                        "href": path,
                        'media': nodeAttrs and nodeAttrs.get('media'),
                remains.append((tag, attributes, ''))

        return (files, remains)
Example #40
 def _compute_validation_state(self):
     dmfa_schema_file_path = get_resource_path(
     xsd_root = etree.parse(dmfa_schema_file_path)
     schema = etree.XMLSchema(xsd_root)
     for dmfa in self:
         if not dmfa.dmfa_xml:
             dmfa.validation_state = 'normal'
             dmfa.error_message = False
             xml_root = etree.fromstring(base64.b64decode(dmfa.dmfa_xml))
                 dmfa.validation_state = 'done'
             except etree.DocumentInvalid as err:
                 dmfa.validation_state = 'invalid'
                 dmfa.error_message = str(err)
Example #41
    def test_03_date_invalidation(self):
        """ Checks that a bundle is invalidated when one of its assets' modification date is changed.
        bundle0 = self._get_asset(self.jsbundle_xmlid)
        last_modified0 = bundle0.last_modified
        version0 = bundle0.version

        path = get_resource_path('test_assetsbundle', 'static', 'src', 'js', 'test_jsfile1.js')
        bundle1 = self._get_asset(self.jsbundle_xmlid)
        _touch(path, bundle1)

        last_modified1 = bundle1.last_modified
        version1 = bundle1.version
        self.assertNotEquals(last_modified0, last_modified1)
        self.assertNotEquals(version0, version1)

        # check if the previous attachment is correctly cleaned
        self.assertEquals(len(self._any_ira_for_bundle('js')), 1)
Example #42
    def setUpClass(cls):

        # Reset system default printer
        cls.printer_default = cls.env.ref('print.default_printer')
        cls.printer_default.queue = None

        # Locate test file directory corresponding to the class (which
        # may be a derived class in a different module).
        module_file = sys.modules[cls.__module__].__file__
        module = get_resource_from_path(module_file)[0]

        path = get_resource_path(module, 'tests', 'files')
        if path:
            cls.files = pathlib.Path(path)

        cls.safety = "print.default_test_print"
        # Enable default print safety for tests
        config.misc["print"] = {"default_test_print": 1}
Example #43
def download_iot_handlers(auto=True):
    Get the drivers from the configured Odoo server
    server = get_odoo_server_url()
    if server:
        pm = urllib3.PoolManager(cert_reqs='CERT_NONE')
        server = server + '/iot/get_handlers'
            resp = pm.request('POST', server, fields={'mac': get_mac_address(), 'auto': auto})
            if resp.data:
                subprocess.check_call(["sudo", "mount", "-o", "remount,rw", "/"])
                zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(resp.data))
                zip_file.extractall(get_resource_path('hw_drivers', 'iot_handlers'))
                subprocess.check_call(["sudo", "mount", "-o", "remount,ro", "/"])
                subprocess.check_call(["sudo", "mount", "-o", "remount,rw", "/root_bypass_ramdisks/etc/cups"])
        except Exception as e:
            _logger.error('Could not reach configured server')
            _logger.error('A error encountered : %s ' % e)
Example #44
    def test_03_date_invalidation(self):
        """ Checks that a bundle is invalidated when one of its assets' modification date is changed.
        bundle0 = self._get_asset(self.jsbundle_xmlid)
        last_modified0 = bundle0.last_modified
        version0 = bundle0.version

        path = get_resource_path('test_assetsbundle', 'static', 'src', 'js', 'test_jsfile1.js')
        bundle1 = self._get_asset(self.jsbundle_xmlid)
        _touch(path, bundle1)

        last_modified1 = bundle1.last_modified
        version1 = bundle1.version
        self.assertNotEquals(last_modified0, last_modified1)
        self.assertNotEquals(version0, version1)

        # check if the previous attachment is correctly cleaned
        self.assertEquals(len(self._any_ira_for_bundle('js')), 1)
Example #45
    def test_08_json_load(self):
        json_resource = get_resource_path(
        json_file = open(json_resource, 'rb').read()
        res_data = json.loads(json_file.decode())

        api_version = res_data['apiVersion']
        self.assertEqual(api_version, '2.0')

        data_items_list = res_data['data']['items']
        self.assertEqual(len(data_items_list), 2)

        for kvk_item in data_items_list:
            self.assertEqual(kvk_item['kvkNumber'], '69599084')
Example #46
    def test_03_json_load(self):
        json_resource = get_resource_path(
        json_file = open(json_resource, 'rb').read()
        res_data = json.loads(json_file.decode())

        dossiernummer_list = res_data['dossiernummer']
        self.assertEqual(len(dossiernummer_list), 2)

        for kvk_item in dossiernummer_list:
            self.assertEqual(kvk_item['text'], '56048785')
            self.assertEqual(kvk_item['dossiernummer'], '56048785')
            self.assertEqual(kvk_item['handelsnaam'], 'Onestein B.V.')
 def _compare_sii_dict(self,
     """Helper method for creating an invoice according arguments, and
     comparing the expected SII dict with .
     module = module or "l10n_es_aeat_sii_oca"
     vals = {
         "name": "TEST001",
         "partner_id": self.partner.id,
         "invoice_date": "2020-01-01",
         "move_type": inv_type,
         "invoice_line_ids": [],
     for line in lines:
                 "product_id": self.product.id,
                 "account_id": self.account_expense.id,
                 "name": "Test line",
                 "price_unit": line["price_unit"],
                 "quantity": 1,
                 "tax_ids": [(6, 0, line["taxes"].ids)],
     if extra_vals:
     invoice = self.env["account.move"].create(vals)
     result_dict = invoice._get_sii_invoice_dict()
     path = get_resource_path(module, "tests", json_file)
     if not path:
         raise Exception("Incorrect JSON file: %s" % json_file)
     with open(path, "r") as f:
         expected_dict = json.loads(f.read())
     self.assertEqual(expected_dict, result_dict)
     return invoice
Example #48
    def test_png_logo_upload(self):
        with open(
                "%s/static/img/icons/icon-512x512.png" %
                get_resource_path("web_pwa_oca"), "rb") as fi:
            icon_to_send = base64.b64encode(fi.read())

        # Set PWA icon in settings
        self.res_config_settings_obj.pwa_icon = icon_to_send

        # Call the manifest controller
        manifest_data = self.url_open("/web_pwa_oca/manifest.webmanifest")
        manifest_content_str = manifest_data.content.decode("utf-8")
        manifest_content = json.loads(manifest_content_str)

        expected_vals = {
            "src": "/web_pwa_oca/icon512x512.png",
            "sizes": "512x512",
            "type": "image/png",
        self.assertTrue(expected_vals in manifest_content["icons"])
Example #49
    def test_10_paginated_css_date_invalidation(self):
        """ Checks that a bundle is invalidated when one of its assets' modification date is changed.
        bundle0 = self._get_asset(self.cssbundle_xmlid, env=self.env(context={'max_css_rules': 1}))
        last_modified0 = bundle0.last_modified
        version0 = bundle0.version

        path = get_resource_path('test_assetsbundle', 'static', 'src', 'css', 'test_cssfile1.css')
        bundle1 = self._get_asset(self.cssbundle_xmlid, env=self.env(context={'max_css_rules': 1}))
        _touch(path, bundle1)

        last_modified1 = bundle1.last_modified
        version1 = bundle1.version

        self.assertNotEquals(last_modified0, last_modified1)
        self.assertNotEquals(version0, version1)

        # check if the previous attachment is correctly cleaned
        self.assertEquals(len(self._any_ira_for_bundle('css')), 3)
Example #50
    def test_10_paginated_css_date_invalidation(self):
        """ Checks that a bundle is invalidated when one of its assets' modification date is changed.
        bundle0 = self._get_asset(self.cssbundle_xmlid, env=self.env(context={'max_css_rules': 1}))
        last_modified0 = bundle0.last_modified
        version0 = bundle0.version

        path = get_resource_path('test_assetsbundle', 'static', 'src', 'css', 'test_cssfile1.css')
        bundle1 = self._get_asset(self.cssbundle_xmlid, env=self.env(context={'max_css_rules': 1}))
        _touch(path, bundle1)

        last_modified1 = bundle1.last_modified
        version1 = bundle1.version

        self.assertNotEquals(last_modified0, last_modified1)
        self.assertNotEquals(version0, version1)

        # check if the previous attachment is correctly cleaned
        self.assertEquals(len(self._any_ira_for_bundle('css')), 3)
    def setUpClass(cls):
        super(TestAccountInvoiceInterCompany, cls).setUpClass()
        module = "account_invoice_inter_company"
            cls.cr, module,
            get_resource_path(module, "tests", "inter_company_invoice.xml"),
            None, 'init', False, 'test', cls.registry._assertion_report,
        cls.account_obj = cls.env['account.account']
        cls.invoice_obj = cls.env['account.invoice']
        cls.invoice_company_a = cls.env.ref(
        cls.user_company_a = cls.env.ref(
        cls.user_company_b = cls.env.ref(

        cls.chart = cls.env['account.chart.template'].search([], limit=1)
        if not cls.chart:
            raise ValidationError(
                # translation to avoid pylint warnings
                _("No Chart of Account Template has been defined !"))
Example #52
 def _get_default_favicon(self, original=False):
     img_path = get_resource_path('web', 'static/src/img/favicon.ico')
     with tools.file_open(img_path, 'rb') as f:
         if original:
             return base64.b64encode(f.read())
         # Modify the source image to change the color of the 'O'.
         # This could seem overkill to modify the pixels 1 by 1, but
         # Pillow doesn't provide an easy way to do it, and this 
         # is acceptable for a 16x16 image.
         color = (randrange(32, 224, 24), randrange(32, 224, 24), randrange(32, 224, 24))
         original = Image.open(f)
         new_image = Image.new('RGBA', original.size)
         for y in range(original.size[1]):
             for x in range(original.size[0]):
                 pixel = original.getpixel((x, y))
                 if pixel[0] == 0 and pixel[1] == 0 and pixel[2] == 0:
                     new_image.putpixel((x, y), (0, 0, 0, 0))
                     new_image.putpixel((x, y), (color[0], color[1], color[2], pixel[3]))
         stream = io.BytesIO()
         new_image.save(stream, format="ICO")
         return base64.b64encode(stream.getvalue())
Example #53
    def download_drivers(self, mac, auto):
        # Check mac is of one of the IoT Boxes
        box = request.env['iot.box'].sudo().search([('identifier', '=', mac)],
        if not box or (auto == 'True' and not box.drivers_auto_update):
            return ''

        zip_list = []
        for module in modules.get_modules():
            for file in modules.get_module_filetree(module, 'drivers').keys():
                if file.startswith('.') or file.startswith('_'):
                # zip it
                    (modules.get_resource_path(module, 'drivers', file), file))
        file_like_object = io.BytesIO()
        zipfile_ob = zipfile.ZipFile(file_like_object, 'w')
        for zip in zip_list:
                             zip[1])  # In order to remove the absolute path
        return file_like_object.getvalue()
Example #54
 def _default_favicon(self):
     img_path = get_resource_path('web', 'static/src/img/favicon.ico')
     with tools.file_open(img_path, 'rb') as f:
         return base64.b64encode(f.read())
Example #55
    def binary_content(cls, xmlid=None, model='ir.attachment', id=None, field='datas', unique=False, filename=None, filename_field='datas_fname', download=False, mimetype=None, default_mimetype='application/octet-stream', env=None):
        """ Get file, attachment or downloadable content

        If the ``xmlid`` and ``id`` parameter is omitted, fetches the default value for the
        binary field (via ``default_get``), otherwise fetches the field for
        that precise record.

        :param str xmlid: xmlid of the record
        :param str model: name of the model to fetch the binary from
        :param int id: id of the record from which to fetch the binary
        :param str field: binary field
        :param bool unique: add a max-age for the cache control
        :param str filename: choose a filename
        :param str filename_field: if not create an filename with model-id-field
        :param bool download: apply headers to download the file
        :param str mimetype: mintype of the field (for headers)
        :param str default_mimetype: default mintype if no mintype found
        :param Environment env: by default use request.env
        :returns: (status, headers, content)
        env = env or request.env
        # get object and content
        obj = None
        if xmlid:
            obj = env.ref(xmlid, False)
        elif id and model in env.registry:
            obj = env[model].browse(int(id))

        # obj exists
        if not obj or not obj.exists() or field not in obj:
            return (404, [], None)

        # check read access
            last_update = obj['__last_update']
        except AccessError:
            return (403, [], None)

        status, headers, content = None, [], None

        # attachment by url check
        module_resource_path = None
        if model == 'ir.attachment' and obj.type == 'url' and obj.url:
            url_match = re.match("^/(\w+)/(.+)$", obj.url)
            if url_match:
                module = url_match.group(1)
                module_path = get_module_path(module)
                module_resource_path = get_resource_path(module, url_match.group(2))
                if module_path and module_resource_path:
                    module_path = os.path.join(os.path.normpath(module_path), '')  # join ensures the path ends with '/'
                    module_resource_path = os.path.normpath(module_resource_path)
                    if module_resource_path.startswith(module_path):
                        with open(module_resource_path, 'rb') as f:
                            content = base64.b64encode(f.read())
                        last_update = pycompat.text_type(os.path.getmtime(module_resource_path))

            if not module_resource_path:
                module_resource_path = obj.url

            if not content:
                status = 301
                content = module_resource_path
            content = obj[field] or ''

        # filename
        if not filename:
            if filename_field in obj:
                filename = obj[filename_field]
            elif module_resource_path:
                filename = os.path.basename(module_resource_path)
                filename = "%s-%s-%s" % (obj._name, obj.id, field)

        # mimetype
        mimetype = 'mimetype' in obj and obj.mimetype or False
        if not mimetype:
            if filename:
                mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0]
            if not mimetype and getattr(env[model]._fields[field], 'attachment', False):
                # for binary fields, fetch the ir_attachement for mimetype check
                attach_mimetype = env['ir.attachment'].search_read(domain=[('res_model', '=', model), ('res_id', '=', id), ('res_field', '=', field)], fields=['mimetype'], limit=1)
                mimetype = attach_mimetype and attach_mimetype[0]['mimetype']
            if not mimetype:
                mimetype = guess_mimetype(base64.b64decode(content), default=default_mimetype)

        headers += [('Content-Type', mimetype), ('X-Content-Type-Options', 'nosniff')]

        # cache
        etag = bool(request) and request.httprequest.headers.get('If-None-Match')
        retag = '"%s"' % hashlib.md5(last_update.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
        status = status or (304 if etag == retag else 200)
        headers.append(('ETag', retag))
        headers.append(('Cache-Control', 'max-age=%s' % (STATIC_CACHE if unique else 0)))

        # content-disposition default name
        if download:
            headers.append(('Content-Disposition', cls.content_disposition(filename)))
        return (status, headers, content)
Example #56
 def bootstrap_components_path(self):
     return get_resource_path('web', 'static', 'lib', 'bootstrap', 'scss', 'bootstrap')
Example #57
File: main.py Project: Vauxoo/odoo
    def clear_drivers_list(self):
        os.system(get_resource_path('point_of_sale', 'tools/posbox/configuration/clear_drivers_list.sh'))

        return "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0; url=http://" + get_ip() + ":8069/list_drivers'>"
Example #58
 def root(self):
     """Return root directory of repository"""
     default = get_resource_path('runbot', 'static')
     return self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('runbot.root', default)
Example #59
File: main.py Project: 1806933/odoo
    def get_assets_editor_resources(self, key, get_views=True, get_less=True, bundles=False, bundles_restriction=[]):
        # Related views must be fetched if the user wants the views and/or the style
        views = request.env["ir.ui.view"].get_related_views(key, bundles=bundles)
        views = views.read(['name', 'id', 'key', 'xml_id', 'arch', 'active', 'inherit_id'])

        less_files_data_by_bundle = []

        # Load less only if asked by the user
        if get_less:
            # Compile regex outside of the loop
            # This will used to exclude library less files from the result
            excluded_url_matcher = re.compile("^(.+/lib/.+)|(.+import_bootstrap.less)$")

            # Load already customized less files attachments
            custom_attachments = request.env["ir.attachment"].search([("url", "=like", self._make_custom_less_file_url("%%.%%", "%%"))])

            # First check the t-call-assets used in the related views
            url_infos = dict()
            for v in views:
                for asset_call_node in etree.fromstring(v["arch"]).xpath("//t[@t-call-assets]"):
                    if asset_call_node.get("t-css") == "false":
                    asset_name = asset_call_node.get("t-call-assets")

                    # Loop through bundle files to search for LESS file info
                    less_files_data = []
                    for file_info in request.env["ir.qweb"]._get_asset_content(asset_name, {})[0]:
                        if file_info["atype"] != "text/less":
                        url = file_info["url"]

                        # Exclude library files (see regex above)
                        if excluded_url_matcher.match(url):

                        # Check if the file is customized and get bundle/path info
                        less_file_data = self._match_less_file_url(url)
                        if not less_file_data:

                        # Save info (arch will be fetched later)
                        url_infos[url] = less_file_data

                    # Less data is returned sorted by bundle, with the bundles names and xmlids
                    if len(less_files_data):
                        less_files_data_by_bundle.append([dict(xmlid=asset_name, name=request.env.ref(asset_name).name), less_files_data])

            # Filter bundles/files:
            # - A file which appears in multiple bundles only appears in the first one (the first in the DOM)
            # - Only keep bundles with files which appears in the asked bundles and only keep those files
            for i in range(0, len(less_files_data_by_bundle)):
                bundle_1 = less_files_data_by_bundle[i]
                for j in range(0, len(less_files_data_by_bundle)):
                    bundle_2 = less_files_data_by_bundle[j]
                    # In unwanted bundles, keep only the files which are in wanted bundles too (less_helpers)
                    if bundle_1[0]["xmlid"] not in bundles_restriction and bundle_2[0]["xmlid"] in bundles_restriction:
                        bundle_1[1] = [item_1 for item_1 in bundle_1[1] if item_1 in bundle_2[1]]
            for i in range(0, len(less_files_data_by_bundle)):
                bundle_1 = less_files_data_by_bundle[i]
                for j in range(i+1, len(less_files_data_by_bundle)):
                    bundle_2 = less_files_data_by_bundle[j]
                    # In every bundle, keep only the files which were not found in previous bundles
                    bundle_2[1] = [item_2 for item_2 in bundle_2[1] if item_2 not in bundle_1[1]]

            # Only keep bundles which still have files and that were requested
            less_files_data_by_bundle = [
                data for data in less_files_data_by_bundle
                if (len(data[1]) > 0 and (not bundles_restriction or data[0]["xmlid"] in bundles_restriction))

            # Fetch the arch of each kept file, in each bundle
            for bundle_data in less_files_data_by_bundle:
                for i in range(0, len(bundle_data[1])):
                    url = bundle_data[1][i]
                    url_info = url_infos[url]

                    content = None
                    if url_info["customized"]:
                        # If the file is already customized, the content is found in the corresponding attachment
                        content = base64.b64decode(custom_attachments.filtered(lambda a: a.url == url).datas)
                        # If the file is not yet customized, the content is found by reading the local less file
                        module = url_info["module"]
                        module_path = get_module_path(module)
                        module_resource_path = get_resource_path(module, url_info["resource_path"])
                        if module_path and module_resource_path:
                            module_path = os.path.join(os.path.normpath(module_path), '') # join ensures the path ends with '/'
                            module_resource_path = os.path.normpath(module_resource_path)
                            if module_resource_path.startswith(module_path):
                                with open(module_resource_path, "rb") as f:
                                    content = f.read()

                    bundle_data[1][i] = dict(
                        url = "/%s/%s" % (url_info["module"], url_info["resource_path"]),
                        arch = content,
                        customized = url_info["customized"],

        return dict(
            views = get_views and views or [],
            less = get_less and less_files_data_by_bundle or [],
Example #60
File: main.py Project: Vauxoo/odoo
 def connect_to_server(self, token, iotname):
     url = token.split('|')[0]
     token = token.split('|')[1]
     reboot = 'reboot'
     subprocess.check_call([get_resource_path('point_of_sale', 'tools/posbox/configuration/connect_to_server.sh'), url, iotname, token, reboot])
     return 'http://' + get_ip() + ':8069'