def test_grouping_laziness(self): """ Energy system `groups` should be fully lazy. `Node`s added to an energy system should only be tested for and put into their respective groups right before the `groups` property of an energy system is accessed. """ group = "Group" g = Nodes(key=group, filter=lambda n: getattr(n, "group", False)) = es.EnergySystem(groupings=[g]) buses = [Bus("Grouped"), Bus("Ungrouped one"), Bus("Ungrouped two")][0]) buses[0].group = True*buses[1:]) ok_( group in, "\nExpected to find\n\n `{!r}`\n\nin `es.groups`.\nGot:\n\n `{}`" .format( group, "\n ".join(pformat(set("\n")), ), ) ok_( buses[0] in[group], "\nExpected\n\n `{}`\n\nin `es.groups['{}']`:\n\n `{}`".format( "\n ".join(pformat(buses[0]).split("\n")), group, "\n ".join(pformat([group]).split("\n"))), )
def test_flows(self): key = object() ensys = es.EnergySystem(groupings=[Flows(key)]) Node.registry = ensys flows = (object(), object()) bus = Bus(label="A Bus") Node(label="A Node", inputs={bus: flows[0]}, outputs={bus: flows[1]}) eq_(ensys.groups[key], set(flows))
def test_flows_with_nodes(self): key = object() ensys = es.EnergySystem(groupings=[FWNs(key)]) Node.registry = ensys flows = (object(), object()) bus = Bus(label="A Bus") node = Node(label="A Node", inputs={bus: flows[0]}, outputs={bus: flows[1]}) eq_(ensys.groups[key], {(bus, node, flows[0]), (node, bus, flows[1])})
def test_grouping_filter_parameter(self): g1 = Grouping(key=lambda e: "The Special One", filter=lambda e: "special" in str(e)) g2 = Nodes(key=lambda e: "A Subset", filter=lambda e: "subset" in str(e)) ensys = es.EnergySystem(groupings=[g1, g2]) special = Node(label="special") subset = set(Node(label="subset: {}".format(i)) for i in range(10)) others = set(Node(label="other: {}".format(i)) for i in range(10)) ensys.add(special, *subset) ensys.add(*others) eq_(ensys.groups["The Special One"], special) eq_(ensys.groups["A Subset"], subset)
def test_non_callable_group_keys(self): collect_everything = Nodes(key="everything") g1 = Grouping(key="The Special One", filter=lambda e: "special" in e.label) g2 = Nodes(key="A Subset", filter=lambda e: "subset" in e.label) ensys = es.EnergySystem(groupings=[g1, g2, collect_everything]) special = Node(label="special") subset = set(Node(label="subset: {}".format(i)) for i in range(2)) others = set(Node(label="other: {}".format(i)) for i in range(2)) everything = subset.union(others) everything.add(special) ensys.add(*everything) eq_(ensys.groups["The Special One"], special) eq_(ensys.groups["A Subset"], subset) eq_(ensys.groups["everything"], everything)
def test_proper_filtering(self): """ `Grouping.filter` should not be "all or nothing". There was a bug where, if `Grouping.filter` returned `False` only for some elements of `Grouping.value(e)`, those elements where actually retained. This test makes sure that the bug doesn't resurface again. """ g = Nodes(key="group", value=lambda _: {1, 2, 3, 4}, filter=lambda x: x % 2 == 0) ensys = es.EnergySystem(groupings=[g]) special = Node(label="object") ensys.add(special) eq_(ensys.groups["group"], {2, 4})
def test_constant_group_keys(self): """ Callable keys passed in as `constant_key` should not be called. The `constant_key` parameter can be used to specify callable group keys without having to worry about `Grouping`s trying to call them. This test makes sure that the parameter is handled correctly. """ def everything(): return "everything" collect_everything = Nodes(constant_key=everything) ensys = es.EnergySystem(groupings=[collect_everything]) Node.registry = ensys node = Node(label="A Node") ok_("everything" not in ensys.groups) ok_(everything in ensys.groups) eq_(ensys.groups[everything], {node})
def test_defining_multiple_groupings_with_one_function(self): def assign_to_multiple_groups_in_one_go(n): g1 = n.label[-1] g2 = n.label[0:3] return [g1, g2] ensy = es.EnergySystem(groupings=[assign_to_multiple_groups_in_one_go]) Node.registry = ensy [ Node(label=("Foo: " if i % 2 == 0 else "Bar: ") + "{}".format(i) + ("A" if i < 5 else "B")) for i in range(10) ] for group in ["Foo", "Bar", "A", "B"]: eq_(len(ensy.groups[group]), 5, ("\n Failed testing length of group '{}'." + "\n Expected: 5" + "\n Got : {}" + "\n Group : {}").format( group, len(ensy.groups[group]), sorted([e.label for e in ensy.groups[group]])))
def test_that_none_is_not_a_valid_group(self): def by_uid(n): if "Not in 'Group'" in n.uid: return None else: return "Group" ensys = es.EnergySystem(groupings=[by_uid]) ungrouped = [ Entity(uid="Not in 'Group': {}".format(i)) for i in range(10) ] grouped = [Entity(uid="In 'Group': {}".format(i)) for i in range(10)] ok_(None not in ensys.groups) for g in ensys.groups.values(): for e in ungrouped: if isinstance(g, Iterable) and not isinstance(g, str): ok_(e not in g) for e in grouped: if isinstance(g, Iterable) and not isinstance(g, str): ok_(e in g)
def test_entity_grouping_on_construction(self): bus = Bus(label="test bus") ensys = es.EnergySystem(entities=[bus]) ok_(ensys.groups[bus.label] is bus)
def setup(self): = es.EnergySystem() Node.registry =