def process(self, ligand, port): try: charged_ligand = None # Ligand sanitation ligand = oeommutils.sanitizeOEMolecule(ligand) if not oechem.OEHasPartialCharges(ligand): # Charge the ligand charged_ligand = ff_utils.assignELF10charges( ligand, self.opt['max_conformers'], strictStereo=True) # If the ligand has been charged then transfer the computed # charges to the starting ligand if charged_ligand: map_charges = { at.GetIdx(): at.GetPartialCharge() for at in charged_ligand.GetAtoms() } for at in ligand.GetAtoms(): at.SetPartialCharge(map_charges[at.GetIdx()]) self.success.emit(ligand) except Exception as e: # Attach error message to the molecule that failed self.log.error(traceback.format_exc()) ligand.SetData('error', str(e)) # Return failed mol self.failure.emit(ligand) return
def process(self, initialRecord, port): try: if not initialRecord.has_value(Fields.primary_molecule): raise ValueError("Missing Primary Molecule field") ligand = initialRecord.get_value(Fields.primary_molecule) # place the entire initial record as a sub-record, to be restored when conformer runs are gathered record = OERecord() record.set_value(Fields.ligInit_rec, initialRecord) if oechem.OECalculateMolecularWeight(ligand) > 1500.0: # Units are in Dalton raise ValueError("[{}] The molecule {} seems to have a large molecular weight for a " "ligand: {:.2f} Da)".format(self.title, ligand.GetTitle(), oechem.OECalculateMolecularWeight(ligand))) # Removing Interaction Hint Container, Style and PDB Data oechem.OEDeleteInteractionsHintSerializationData(ligand) oechem.OEDeleteInteractionsHintSerializationIds(ligand) oechem.OEClearStyle(ligand) oechem.OEClearPDBData(ligand) # Ligand sanitation ligand = oeommutils.sanitizeOEMolecule(ligand) lig_title = ligand.GetTitle() if lig_title == "": lig_title = 'LIG' record.set_value(Fields.ligand_name, lig_title) for at in ligand.GetAtoms(): residue = oechem.OEAtomGetResidue(at) residue.SetName(self.args.lig_res_name) oechem.OEAtomSetResidue(at, residue) record.set_value(Fields.primary_molecule, ligand) record.set_value(Fields.ligid, self.ligand_count) self.success.emit(record) self.ligand_count += 1 self.max_runs += ligand.NumConfs() except Exception as e: print("Failed to complete", str(e), flush=True) self.opt['Logger'].info('Exception {} {}'.format(str(e), self.title)) self.log.error(traceback.format_exc()) self.failure.emit(initialRecord)
def applyffExcipients(excipients, opt): """ This function applies the selected force field to the excipients Parameters: ----------- excipients: OEMol molecule The excipients molecules to parametrize opt: python dictionary The options used to parametrize the excipients Return: ------- excipient_structure: Parmed structure instance The parametrized excipient parmed structure """ # OpenMM topology and positions from OEMol topology, positions = oeommutils.oemol_to_openmmTop(excipients) # Try to apply the selected FF on the excipients forcefield = app.ForceField(opt['protein_forcefield']) # List of the unrecognized excipients unmatched_res_list = forcefield.getUnmatchedResidues(topology) # Unique unrecognized excipient names templates = set() for res in unmatched_res_list: templates.add( if templates: # Some excipients are not recognized oechem.OEThrow.Info("The following excipients are not recognized " "by the protein FF: {}" "\nThey will be parametrized by using the FF: {}".format(templates, opt['other_forcefield'])) # Create a bit vector mask used to split recognized from un-recognize excipients bv = oechem.OEBitVector(excipients.GetMaxAtomIdx()) bv.NegateBits() # Dictionary containing the name and the parmed structures of the unrecognized excipients unrc_excipient_structures = {} # Dictionary used to skip already selected unrecognized excipients and count them unmatched_excp = {} # Ordered list of the unrecognized excipients unmatched_res_order = [] for r_name in templates: unmatched_excp[r_name] = 0 hv = oechem.OEHierView(excipients) for chain in hv.GetChains(): for frag in chain.GetFragments(): for hres in frag.GetResidues(): r_name = hres.GetOEResidue().GetName() if r_name not in unmatched_excp: continue else: unmatched_res_order.append(r_name) if unmatched_excp[r_name]: # Test if we have selected the unknown excipient # Set Bit mask atms = hres.GetAtoms() for at in atms: bv.SetBitOff(at.GetIdx()) unmatched_excp[r_name] += 1 else: unmatched_excp[r_name] = 1 # Create AtomBondSet to extract from the whole excipient system # the current selected FF unknown excipient atms = hres.GetAtoms() bond_set = set() for at in atms: bv.SetBitOff(at.GetIdx()) bonds = at.GetBonds() for bond in bonds: bond_set.add(bond) atom_bond_set = oechem.OEAtomBondSet(atms) for bond in bond_set: atom_bond_set.AddBond(bond) # Create the unrecognized excipient OEMol unrc_excp = oechem.OEMol() if not oechem.OESubsetMol(unrc_excp, excipients, atom_bond_set): oechem.OEThrow.Fatal("Is was not possible extract the residue: {}".format(r_name)) # Charge the unrecognized excipient if not oequacpac.OEAssignCharges(unrc_excp, oequacpac.OEAM1BCCCharges(symmetrize=True)): oechem.OEThrow.Fatal("Is was not possible to " "charge the extract residue: {}".format(r_name)) # If GAFF or GAFF2 is selected as FF check for tleap command if opt['other_forcefield'] in ['GAFF', 'GAFF2']: ff_utils.ParamLigStructure(oechem.OEMol(), opt['other_forcefield']).checkTleap if opt['other_forcefield'] == 'SMIRNOFF': unrc_excp = oeommutils.sanitizeOEMolecule(unrc_excp) # Parametrize the unrecognized excipient by using the selected FF pmd = ff_utils.ParamLigStructure(unrc_excp, opt['other_forcefield'], prefix_name=opt['prefix_name']+'_'+r_name) unrc_excp_struc = pmd.parameterize() unrc_excp_struc.residues[0].name = r_name unrc_excipient_structures[r_name] = unrc_excp_struc # Recognized FF excipients pred_rec = oechem.OEAtomIdxSelected(bv) rec_excp = oechem.OEMol() oechem.OESubsetMol(rec_excp, excipients, pred_rec) if rec_excp.NumAtoms() > 0: top_known, pos_known = oeommutils.oemol_to_openmmTop(rec_excp) ff_rec = app.ForceField(opt['protein_forcefield']) try: omm_system = ff_rec.createSystem(top_known, rigidWater=False) rec_struc = parmed.openmm.load_topology(top_known, omm_system, xyz=pos_known) except: oechem.OEThrow.Fatal("Error in the recognised excipient parametrization") # Unrecognized FF excipients bv.NegateBits() pred_unrc = oechem.OEAtomIdxSelected(bv) unrc_excp = oechem.OEMol() oechem.OESubsetMol(unrc_excp, excipients, pred_unrc) # Unrecognized FF excipients coordinates oe_coord_dic = unrc_excp.GetCoords() unrc_coords = np.ndarray(shape=(unrc_excp.NumAtoms(), 3)) for at_idx in oe_coord_dic: unrc_coords[at_idx] = oe_coord_dic[at_idx] # It is important the order used to assemble the structures. In order to # avoid mismatch between the coordinates and the structures, it is convenient # to use the unrecognized residue order unmatched_res_order_count = [] i = 0 while i < len(unmatched_res_order): res_name = unmatched_res_order[i] for j in range(i+1, len(unmatched_res_order)): if unmatched_res_order[j] == res_name: continue else: break if i == (len(unmatched_res_order) - 1): num = 1 unmatched_res_order_count.append((res_name, num)) break else: num = j - i unmatched_res_order_count.append((res_name, num)) i = j # Merge all the unrecognized Parmed structure unrc_struc = parmed.Structure() for pair in unmatched_res_order_count: res_name = pair[0] nums = pair[1] unrc_struc = unrc_struc + nums*unrc_excipient_structures[res_name] # Set the unrecognized coordinates unrc_struc.coordinates = unrc_coords # Set the parmed excipient structure merging # the unrecognized and recognized parmed # structures together if rec_excp.NumAtoms() > 0: excipients_structure = unrc_struc + rec_struc else: excipients_structure = unrc_struc return excipients_structure else: # All the excipients are recognized by the selected FF omm_system = forcefield.createSystem(topology, rigidWater=False) excipients_structure = parmed.openmm.load_topology(topology, omm_system, xyz=positions) return excipients_structure