def test_serialize_deserialize(self):
        # Create a layer object that sets all of its config options.
        layer = mat_mul_with_margin.MatMulWithMargin()

        # Create another layer object from the first object's config.
        new_layer = mat_mul_with_margin.MatMulWithMargin.from_config(

        # If the serialization was successful, the new config should match the old.
        self.assertAllEqual(layer.get_config(), new_layer.get_config())
    def test_layer_invocation(self):
        """Validate that the Keras object can be created and invoked."""
        input_width = 512
        test_layer = mat_mul_with_margin.MatMulWithMargin()
        # Create a 2-dimensional input (the first dimension is implicit).
        left_encoded = tf.keras.Input(shape=(input_width, ), dtype=tf.float32)
        right_encoded = tf.keras.Input(shape=(input_width, ), dtype=tf.float32)
        left_logits, right_logits = test_layer(left_encoded, right_encoded)

        # Validate that the outputs are of the expected shape.
        expected_output_shape = [None, None]
        self.assertEqual(expected_output_shape, left_logits.shape.as_list())
        self.assertEqual(expected_output_shape, right_logits.shape.as_list())