Example #1
    def find_top_rpn_proposals(self, rpn_cls_score_list, rpn_bbox_offset_list,
                               anchors_list, im_info):
        prev_nms_top_n = (self.cfg.train_prev_nms_top_n
                          if self.training else self.cfg.test_prev_nms_top_n)
        post_nms_top_n = (self.cfg.train_post_nms_top_n
                          if self.training else self.cfg.test_post_nms_top_n)

        return_rois = []

        for bid in range(im_info.shape[0]):
            batch_proposal_list = []
            batch_score_list = []
            batch_level_list = []
            for l, (rpn_cls_score, rpn_bbox_offset, anchors) in enumerate(
                    zip(rpn_cls_score_list, rpn_bbox_offset_list,
                # get proposals and scores
                offsets = rpn_bbox_offset[bid].transpose(2, 3, 0,
                                                         1).reshape(-1, 4)
                proposals = self.box_coder.decode(anchors, offsets)

                scores = rpn_cls_score[bid].transpose(1, 2, 0).flatten()
                # prev nms top n
                scores, order = F.topk(scores,
                proposals = proposals[order, :]

                batch_level_list.append(F.full_like(scores, l))

            # gather proposals, scores, level
            proposals = F.concat(batch_proposal_list, axis=0)
            scores = F.concat(batch_score_list, axis=0)
            levels = F.concat(batch_level_list, axis=0)

            proposals = layers.get_clipped_boxes(proposals, im_info[bid])
            # filter invalid proposals and apply total level nms
            keep_mask = layers.filter_boxes(proposals)
            _, keep_inds = F.cond_take(keep_mask == 1, keep_mask)
            proposals = proposals[keep_inds, :]
            scores = scores[keep_inds]
            levels = levels[keep_inds]
            nms_keep_inds = layers.batched_nms(proposals, scores, levels,

            # generate rois to rcnn head, rois shape (N, 5), info [batch_id, x1, y1, x2, y2]
            rois = F.concat([proposals, scores.reshape(-1, 1)], axis=1)
            rois = rois[nms_keep_inds]
            batch_inds = F.full((rois.shape[0], 1), bid)
            batch_rois = F.concat([batch_inds, rois[:, :4]], axis=1)

        return_rois = F.concat(return_rois, axis=0)
        return return_rois.detach()
Example #2
    def find_top_rpn_proposals(
        self, rpn_bbox_offsets_list, rpn_cls_prob_list,
        all_anchors_list, im_info
        prev_nms_top_n = self.cfg.train_prev_nms_top_n \
            if self.training else self.cfg.test_prev_nms_top_n
        post_nms_top_n = self.cfg.train_post_nms_top_n \
            if self.training else self.cfg.test_post_nms_top_n

        batch_per_gpu = self.cfg.batch_per_gpu if self.training else 1
        nms_threshold = self.cfg.rpn_nms_threshold

        list_size = len(rpn_bbox_offsets_list)

        return_rois = []

        for bid in range(batch_per_gpu):
            batch_proposals_list = []
            batch_probs_list = []
            batch_level_list = []
            for l in range(list_size):
                # get proposals and probs
                offsets = rpn_bbox_offsets_list[l][bid].dimshuffle(2, 3, 0, 1).reshape(-1, 4)
                all_anchors = all_anchors_list[l]
                proposals = self.box_coder.decode(all_anchors, offsets)

                probs = rpn_cls_prob_list[l][bid, 1].dimshuffle(1, 2, 0).reshape(1, -1)
                # prev nms top n
                probs, order = F.argsort(probs, descending=True)
                num_proposals = F.minimum(probs.shapeof(1), prev_nms_top_n)
                probs = probs.reshape(-1)[:num_proposals]
                order = order.reshape(-1)[:num_proposals]
                proposals = proposals.ai[order, :]

                batch_level_list.append(mge.ones(probs.shapeof(0)) * l)

            proposals = F.concat(batch_proposals_list, axis=0)
            scores = F.concat(batch_probs_list, axis=0)
            level = F.concat(batch_level_list, axis=0)

            proposals = layers.get_clipped_box(proposals, im_info[bid, :])
            # filter empty
            keep_mask = layers.filter_boxes(proposals)
            _, keep_inds = F.cond_take(keep_mask == 1, keep_mask)
            proposals = proposals.ai[keep_inds, :]
            scores = scores.ai[keep_inds]
            level = level.ai[keep_inds]

            # gather the proposals and probs
            # sort nms by scores
            scores, order = F.argsort(scores.reshape(1, -1), descending=True)
            order = order.reshape(-1)
            proposals = proposals.ai[order, :]
            level = level.ai[order]

            # apply total level nms
            rois = F.concat([proposals, scores.reshape(-1, 1)], axis=1)
            keep_inds = batched_nms(proposals, scores, level, nms_threshold, post_nms_top_n)
            rois = rois.ai[keep_inds]

            # rois shape (N, 5), info [batch_id, x1, y1, x2, y2]
            batch_inds = mge.ones((rois.shapeof(0), 1)) * bid
            batch_rois = F.concat([batch_inds, rois[:, :4]], axis=1)

        return F.zero_grad(F.concat(return_rois, axis=0))