Example #1
def mpi1d_exp_pb(m: int, n: int, f: Expression, ft: Expression,
                 fx: Expression) -> (np.array, np.array):

    # Define mesh and function space.
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(m - 1, n - 1)
    V = dh.create_function_space(mesh, 'periodic')

    # Compute velocity.
    v, k = mpi1d_weak_solution(V, f, ft, fx)

    # Convert back to array and return.
    v = dh.funvec2img_pb(v.vector().get_local(), m, n)
    k = dh.funvec2img_pb(k.vector().get_local(), m, n)
    return v, k
Example #2
File: cm.py Project: lukaslang/ofmc
def cm1d_exp_pb(m: int, n: int, f: Expression, ft: Expression, fx: Expression,
                alpha0: float, alpha1: float) -> np.array:
    """Computes the L2-H1 mass conserving flow for a 1D image sequence with
    periodic boundary.

        m (int): Number of temporal sampling points.
        n (int): Number of spatial sampling points.
        f (Expression): 1D image sequence.
        ft (Expression): Partial derivative of f wrt. time.
        fx (Expression): Partial derivative of f wrt. space.
        alpha0 (float): Spatial regularisation parameter.
        alpha1 (float): Temporal regularisation parameter.

        v (np.array): A velocity array of shape (m, n).
        res (float): The residual.
        func (float): The value of the functional.

    # Define mesh and function space.
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(m - 1, n - 1)
    V = dh.create_function_space(mesh, 'periodic')

    # Compute velocity.
    v, res, fun = cm1d_weak_solution(V, f, ft, fx, alpha0, alpha1)

    # Convert to array and return.
    return dh.funvec2img_pb(v.vector().get_local(), m, n), res, fun
Example #3
File: cm.py Project: lukaslang/ofmc
def cm1d_img_pb(img: np.array,
                alpha0: float,
                alpha1: float,
                deriv='mesh') -> np.array:
    """Computes the L2-H1 mass conserving flow for a 1D image sequence with
    periodic spatial boundary.

    Allows to specify how to approximate partial derivatives of f numerically.

    Note that the last column of img is ignored.

        img (np.array): 1D image sequence of shape (m, n), where m is the
                        number of time steps and n is the number of pixels.
        alpha0 (float): Spatial regularisation parameter.
        alpha1 (float): Temporal regularisation parameter.
        deriv (str): Specifies how to approximate pertial derivatives.
                     When set to 'mesh' it uses FEniCS built in function.

        v (np.array): A velocity array of shape (m, n).
        res (float): The residual.
        func (float): The value of the functional.

    # Check for valid arguments.
    valid = {'mesh'}
    if deriv not in valid:
        raise ValueError("Argument 'deriv' must be one of %r." % valid)

    # Create mesh.
    m, n = img.shape
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(m - 1, n - 1)

    # Define function space.
    V = dh.create_function_space(mesh, 'periodic')

    # Convert array to function.
    f = Function(V)
    f.vector()[:] = dh.img2funvec_pb(img)

    # Compute partial derivatives.
    ft, fx = f.dx(0), f.dx(1)

    # Compute velocity.
    v, res, fun = cm1d_weak_solution(V, f, ft, fx, alpha0, alpha1)

    # Convert to array and return.
    return dh.funvec2img_pb(v.vector().get_local(), m, n), res, fun
Example #4
    def test_funvec2img_pb(self):
        m, n = 10, 20

        # Define mesh.
        mesh = UnitSquareMesh(m - 1, n - 1)

        # Define function spaces
        V = FunctionSpace(mesh,

        class MyUserExpression(UserExpression):
            def eval(self, value, x):
                value[0] = x[0]

            def value_shape(self):
                return (1, )

        f = interpolate(MyUserExpression(element=V.ufl_element()), V)

        v = dh.funvec2img_pb(f.vector().get_local(), m, n)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(v.shape, (m, n))
        np.testing.assert_allclose(v[:, 0], v[:, -1])
Example #5
mesh = UnitSquareMesh(m - 1, n - 1)
V = dh.create_function_space(mesh, 'default')
W = dh.create_function_space(mesh, 'periodic')

# Run experiments with decaying data.
f = f_decay(degree=2)
ft = f_decay_t(degree=1)
fx = f_decay_x(degree=1)
datastr = DecayingData().string()

# Interpolate function.
fa = interpolate(f, V)
fa = dh.funvec2img(fa.vector().get_local(), m, n)

fa_pb = interpolate(f, W)
fa_pb = dh.funvec2img_pb(fa_pb.vector().get_local(), m, n)

v, res, fun = cm1d_exp_pb(m, n, f, ft, fx, alpha0, alpha1)
saveresults(resultpath, 'decay_cm1d_l2h1_exp_pb', 'l2h1', fa_pb, v)

v, k, res, fun, converged = cmscr1d_exp_pb(m, n, f, ft, fx, alpha0, alpha1,
                                           alpha2, alpha3, beta)
saveresults(resultpath, 'decay_cmscr1d_l2h1h1cr_exp_pb', 'l2h1h1cr', fa_pb, v,
            k, (c0 - fa_pb) / tau)

# The next example shows that for the initial concentration used in the
# mechanical models the algorithm picks up the source well.
class f_decay(UserExpression):
    def eval(self, value, x):
        value[0] = 20 - np.sin(10 * np.pi * x[1] +
Example #6
 def test_img2fun_fun2img_pb(self):
     m, n = 7, 13
     img = np.random.rand(m, n)
     v = dh.img2funvec_pb(img)
         dh.funvec2img_pb(v, m, n)[:, 1:], img[:, 1:])