def cargaRadar(inputfile, delim, id_radar, connstr, tableoutput): # Abrir conexion para insertar valores ogr.UseExceptions() try: conn = ogr.Open(connstr) print "Conexion exitosa..." except: print '[ ERROR ]: Error de conexion' return #sys.exit( 1 ) # Abrir archivo de texto try: file = open(inputfile) print 'Archivo leido exitosamente...' except: print '[ ERROR ]: Error al leer el archivo' return #sys.exit(1) line = file.readline() line = file.readline() # Insertar registros en la tabla aux = 1 fecha_anterior = '1900-01-01' # TODO: eliminar el limte de registros antes de empaquetar limite = 100 while (line != "" and aux <= limite): Line = line.split(delim) fecha = Line[0] x = Line[1] y = Line[2] deformacion = Line[3] if fecha != fecha_anterior: print "Cargando fecha '%s'..." % (str(fecha)) fecha_anterior = fecha sql = "INSERT INTO %s VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s');" % ( tableoutput, fecha, id_radar, x, y, deformacion) try: conn.ExecuteSQL(sql) except Exception, e: print '[ ERROR ]: Error al cargar los datos \n Mensaje %s' % (e) return #sys.exit(1) # TODO: eliminar este print de control if aux == 1 or aux == 10 or aux == 100 or aux == 1000 or aux == 10000: print 'insertando registro ' + str(aux) + '...' aux = aux + 1 line = file.readline()
def __return_a_list_of_fc(self, fgdb_full_path): # The file geodatabase will be read and each feature class will be added to the feature_class_list. feature_class_list = [] # Append each feature class in the Esri File Geodatabase to the feature_class_list. # REF:| # "Get all layers in an Esri File GeoDataBase" ogr.UseExceptions() driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("OpenFileGDB") gdb = driver.Open(fgdb_full_path) for feature_class_idx in range(gdb.GetLayerCount()): feature_class = gdb.GetLayerByIndex(feature_class_idx) feature_class_list.append(feature_class.GetName()) return feature_class_list
def __init__(self,shapefile,fieldnames=[], fields={},srs_wkt=None,update=False): ''' Open the shapefile for writing or appending. @type shapefile: C{gdal.Dataset} @param shapefile: Dataset object @type fields: C{list} @param fields: L{Fields order list} @type fields: C{dict} @param fields: L{Fields dict<formats.fields>} @type srs_wkt: C{str} @param srs_wkt: Spatial reference system WKT @type update: C{boolean} @param update: Update or overwrite existing shapefile @note: Field names can only be <= 10 characters long. Longer names will be silently truncated. This may result in non-unique column names, which will definitely cause problems later. Field names can not contain spaces or special characters, except underscores. Starting with version 1.7, the OGR Shapefile driver tries to generate unique field names. Successive duplicate field names, including those created by truncation to 10 characters, will be truncated to 8 characters and appended with a serial number from 1 to 99. @see: U{} ''' gdal.ErrorReset() ogr.UseExceptions() self.driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile') self.srs=osr.SpatialReference() self.filename=shapefile self.srs_wkt=srs_wkt self.fieldsnames=[]#Truncated fields names self.shpfieldsnames=[] self.fields={} self.shpfields={} if fieldnames == None:fieldnames=sorted(self.fields.keys()) for fieldname in fieldnames: if fieldname[0:10] not in self.fieldsnames: self.fieldsnames.append(fieldname[0:10]) self.fields[fieldname[0:10]]=fields[fieldname] #print fieldname[0:10],':',self.fields[fieldname[0:10]] try: if update and os.path.exists(shapefile): print 'EDIT shape mode' self.shape=self.__openshapefile__() else: print 'CREATE shape mode' self.shape=self.__createshapefile__() except Exception, err: self.__error__(err)
def open(self): try: ogr.UseExceptions() if self.ds == None: self.ds = self.driver.Open(self.file, 0) except Exception as ex: no_extension = self.conf_param["logsText"][ 'cannot_open_file'].copy() initial_err = self.activ_cod + "|" + self.splitroot( self.root, self.activ_cod ) + "|" + self.layer + "|" + self.logFile.getCatValue( self.conf_param['VectorFormats'][ self.type]) + "|" + self.logFile.getIssueValue( self.conf_param['VectorFormats'][ self.type]) + "|" + ex.args[0] + ' ' no_extension.insert(0, initial_err) self.logFile.writelogs(no_extension, self.conf_param["root_path"]) finally: return self.ds != None
def new_layer(self, abs_dest, name, t): ogr.UseExceptions() driver = ogr.GetDriverByName(self.driver_name) ds = driver.CreateDataSource(abs_dest) if ds is None: raise ExtractError( "Failed to create data source for driver '{}' at dest '{}'" .format( self.driver_name, abs_dest)) srs = ogr.osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromEPSG(self.epsg) # Gotcha! You can't create a layer with a unicode layername! # layer = ds.CreateLayer(name.encode('utf-8'), srs, self.geo_map[t]) return ds, layer
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- """Geodatabase class representing a file geodatabase object.""" import ogr ogr.UseExceptions() ######################################################################## class Geodatabase(object): """File geodatabase object.""" # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, path): """Initialize Geodatabase class with basic properties.""" self.path = path self.ds = None return # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_items(self): """Get list of tables and feature classes inside a file gdb.""" ds = ogr.Open(self.path, 0) return list({ ds.GetLayerByIndex(i).GetName() for i in range(0, ds.GetLayerCount()) }) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_schemas(self): """Get all tables and feature classes inside a file gdb.
coord_end ='\'', new_data) #compose a string with found pattern and coordinates in brackets geomStr = + new_data[:coord_end.start()] except AttributeError: print (searchPattern + ' pattern is not found!!') geomStr = 'NONE' return geomStr # In[ ]: #url path for retriving data for each feature #the name of the feature should be appended url = "" ogr.UseExceptions() # Enable errors file_csv = 'Mars_short.csv' if (len(sys.argv) > 1): file_csv = sys.argv[1] # In[ ]: # no headers should be present in a csv file # the first two values must be featureID and feature_name # JSON file is written with utf8 due to unicode standard of publications with open(file_csv, mode='r') as fin,'features.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fout: reader = csv.reader(fin, delimiter=',') for rows in reader:
def simplify_polygon(path_shp, para, path_output): gdal.UseExceptions() ogr.UseExceptions() def addPolygon(simplePolygon, dst_layer, index): featureDefn = dst_layer.GetLayerDefn() polygon = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkb(simplePolygon) dst_feat = ogr.Feature(featureDefn) dst_feat.SetGeometry(polygon) geom = dst_feat.GetGeometryRef() dst_feat.SetField('id', index) dst_feat.SetField('area', geom.Area()) dst_layer.CreateFeature(dst_feat) dst_layer.SyncToDisk() def multipoly2poly(src_lyr, para, dst_layer): count = 0 for src_feat in src_lyr: if src_feat.GetField(0) > 0: count = count + 1 geom = src_feat.GetGeometryRef() if geom.GetGeometryName() == 'MULTIPOLYGON': for geom_part in geom: x = geom_part.SimplifyPreserveTopology(para) addPolygon(x.ExportToWkb(), dst_layer, count) else: x = geom.SimplifyPreserveTopology(para) addPolygon(x.ExportToWkb(), dst_layer, count) else: continue # Reading source shp drv = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile') src_ds = drv.Open(path_shp, 0) src_lyr = src_ds.GetLayer() # Reading source coordinate system src_srs = osr.SpatialReference() # from Layer spatialRef = src_lyr.GetSpatialRef() # from Geometry feature = src_lyr.GetNextFeature() geom = feature.GetGeometryRef() spatialRef = geom.GetSpatialReference() src_srs.ImportFromWkt(spatialRef.ExportToWkt()) # Creating destination shp dst_ds = drv.CreateDataSource(path_output) dst_layer = dst_ds.GetLayerByName(path_output) dst_layer = dst_ds.CreateLayer(path_output, geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon, srs=src_srs) # Add an ID and area field idField = ogr.FieldDefn('id', ogr.OFTInteger) areaField = ogr.FieldDefn('area', ogr.OFTReal) dst_layer.CreateField(idField) dst_layer.CreateField(areaField) # Simplification of polygons multipoly2poly(src_lyr, para, dst_layer)
def run_check(self, condition, parameter_name, parameter_value, fail_response, other_values=None): """ The run_check utility function is used to store all of the checks done within the command classes. There are many types of checks that are performed on the command parameter values before a command can be run. Initially, the GeoProcessor was designed in a way that the checks for each command class (including messages and recommendations) were within each command class. This new design allows for all of the messages and recommendations (quite clunky and ugly code) to be pulled away from the command class and placed in this utility function. A benefit to this design is that popular checks that are called on many commands (for example: is the CRS_code, the coordinate reference code, valid) are only written out once. Then the same check can be called from however many command classes necessary. If the message and recommendation strings are changed for a given check, those messages only have to be changed once here in this utility command rather than in multiple command classes. Each check has a name called the condition. The checks are alphabetized below by their condition statement. In the developer documentation there is explanation for each available check. This way, when there are additional parameters required (entered by the other_values parameter), the developer knows exactly what the check requires. Before utilizing a check in the command class, it is highly recommended that the developer documentation for that check if read. Each check condition statement is written in a way that answers YES (or TRUE) if the check passes. This makes it easy for checks to be written and standardized by multiple developers. Args: self: the class object of the command being checked condition: the condition statement (or name) of the check that is to be run parameter_name: the command parameter being checked (the name, not the value) parameter_value: the command parameter value being checked (the value, not the name) fail_response: the action that occurs if the check fails. The available options are as follows: (1) FAIL: a FAIL message is logged and the function returns FALSE for run_the_command Boolean (2) WARN: a WARN message is logged and the function returns TRUE for run_the_command Boolean (3) WARNBUTDONOTRUN: a WARN message is logged and the function returns FALSE for run_the_command Boolean other_values: an optional argument that allows the checks to take in more than one parameter_value for the check refer to the developer documentation for each individual check to determine if the other_values argument is used for that check. Returns: run_the_command: Boolean. If True, the check has determined that it is ok for the command to run. If False, the check has determined that it is not ok for the command to run. """ # Boolean to determine if the check failed. Set to FALSE until the check FAILS. check_failed = False # Check if the attributes in a list exist in a GeoLayer based off of its attribute name. if condition.upper() == "DOATTRIBUTESEXIST": geolayer_id = other_values[0] # Get the GeoLayer. input_geolayer = self.command_processor.get_geolayer(geolayer_id) # Get the existing attribute names of the input GeoLayer. list_of_existing_attributes = input_geolayer.get_attribute_field_names( ) # Create a list of invalid input attribute names. An invalid attribute name is an input attribute name # that is not matching any of the existing attribute names of the GeoLayer. invalid_attrs = [] for attr in parameter_value: if attr not in list_of_existing_attributes: invalid_attrs.append(attr) # The message is dependent on the invalid_attrs varaible. Assign message AFTER invalid_attrs variable has been # created. message = "The following attributes ({}) of the {} parameter do" \ " not exist within the GeoLayer ({}).".format(invalid_attrs, parameter_name, geolayer_id) recommendation = "Specify valid attribute names." # If there are invalid attributes, the check failed. if invalid_attrs: check_failed = True # Check if the parameter value (absolute file path) has a valid and existing folder. elif condition.upper() == "DOESFILEPATHHAVEAVALIDFOLDER": message = 'The folder of the {} ({}) is not a valid folder.'.format( parameter_name, parameter_value) recommendation = "Specify a valid folder for the {} parameter.".format( parameter_name) output_folder = os.path.dirname(parameter_value) if not os.path.isdir(output_folder): check_failed = True # Check if the GeoLayer of the parameter value (GeoLayer ID) has the correct geometry type. elif condition.upper() == "DOESGEOLAYERIDHAVECORRECTGEOMETRY": desired_geom_type_list = [item.upper() for item in other_values[0]] message = 'The {} ({}) does not have geometry in the correct ' \ 'format ({}).'.format(parameter_name, parameter_value, desired_geom_type_list) recommendation = 'Specify a GeoLayerID of a GeoLayer with geometry in' \ ' correct format ({}).'.format(desired_geom_type_list) if not self.command_processor.get_geolayer( parameter_value).get_geometry().upper( ) in desired_geom_type_list: check_failed = True # Check if the GeoLayer of the parameter value (GeoLayer ID) has a different CRS than another GeoLayer (referenced # by its GeoLayer ID) elif condition.upper() == "DOGEOLAYERIDSHAVEMATCHINGCRS": second_parameter_name = other_values[0] second_parameter_value = other_values[1] message = 'The {} ({}) and the {} ({}) do not have the same coordinate reference' \ ' system.'.format(parameter_name, parameter_value, second_parameter_name, second_parameter_value) recommendation = 'Specify GeoLayers that have the same coordinate reference system.' input_crs = self.command_processor.get_geolayer( parameter_value).get_crs() second_crs = self.command_processor.get_geolayer( second_parameter_value).get_crs() if not input_crs == second_crs: check_failed = True # Check if the parameter value (crs code)is a valid CRS code usable in the QGIS environment. elif condition.upper() == "ISCRSCODEVALID": message = 'The {} ({}) is not a valid CRS code.'.format( parameter_name, parameter_value) recommendation = 'Specify a valid CRS code (EPSG codes are an approved format).' if qgis_util.get_qgscoordinatereferencesystem_obj( parameter_value) is None: check_failed = True # Check if the parameter value (DataStoreID) is an existing DataStoreID. elif condition.upper() == "ISDATASTOREIDEXISTING": message = 'The {} ({}) is not a valid DataStore ID.'.format( parameter_name, parameter_value) recommendation = 'Specify a valid DataStore ID.' if not self.command_processor.get_datastore(parameter_value): check_failed = True # Check if the parameter value (DataStore ID) is a unique DataStoreID. elif condition.upper() == "ISDATASTOREIDUNIQUE": message = 'The {} ({}) value is already in use as a DataStore ID.'.format( parameter_name, parameter_value) recommendation = 'Specify a new {}.'.format(parameter_name) if self.command_processor.get_geolayer(parameter_value): check_failed = True pv_IfDataStoreIDExists = self.get_parameter_value( "IfDataStoreIDExists", default_value="Replace") if pv_IfDataStoreIDExists.upper() == "REPLACEANDWARN": fail_response = "WARN" elif pv_IfDataStoreIDExists.upper() == "WARN": fail_response = "WARNBUTDONOTRUN" elif pv_IfDataStoreIDExists.upper() == "FAIL": fail_response = "FAIL" elif pv_IfDataStoreIDExists.upper() == "OPEN": check_failed = False elif pv_IfDataStoreIDExists.upper() == "REPLACE": check_failed = False # Check if the parameter value (Table Name) is unique within the DataStore. elif condition.upper() == "ISDATASTORETABLEUNIQUE": data_store_id = other_values[0] message = "The {} ({}) value is already an existing table in the {} DataStore.".format( parameter_name, parameter_value, data_store_id) recommendation = "Specify a unique {} value.".format(parameter_name) data_store_obj = self.command_processor.get_datastore(data_store_id) list_of_tables = data_store_obj.return_table_names() if parameter_value in list_of_tables: check_failed = True # Check if the parameter value (column name) is a valid column name of a delimited file. elif condition.upper() == "ISDELIMITEDFILECOLUMNNAMEVALID": delimited_file_abs = other_values[0] delimiter = other_values[1] message = "The {} ({}) is not a valid column name in the delimited file ({}).".format( parameter_name, parameter_value, delimited_file_abs) recommendation = "Specify an existing and valid {}.".format( parameter_name) if parameter_value not in io_util.get_col_names_from_delimited_file( delimited_file_abs, delimiter): check_failed = True # Check if the paramter value (sheet name) is a valid sheet name of an excel file. elif condition.upper() == "ISEXCELSHEETNAMEVALID": excel_file_abs = other_values[0] message = "The {} ({}) is not a valid excel worksheet name in the excel file ({}).".format( parameter_name, parameter_value, excel_file_abs) recommendation = "Specify an existing and valid {}.".format( parameter_name) excel_workbook_obj = pandas_util.create_excel_workbook_obj( excel_file_abs) excel_worksheet_list = excel_workbook_obj.sheet_names if parameter_value not in excel_worksheet_list: check_failed = True # Check if the parameter value (feature class) is within a file geodatabase. elif condition.upper() == "ISFEATURECLASSINFGDB": file_gdb_path_abs = other_values[0] message = "The {} ({}) is not a valid feature class in the file geodatabase ({}).".format( parameter_name, parameter_value, file_gdb_path_abs) recommendation = "Specify an existing and valid {}.".format( parameter_name) ogr.UseExceptions() driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("OpenFileGDB") gdb = driver.Open(file_gdb_path_abs) feature_class_list = [] for feature_class_idx in range(gdb.GetLayerCount()): feature_class = gdb.GetLayerByIndex(feature_class_idx) feature_class_list.append(feature_class.GetName()) if parameter_value not in feature_class_list: check_failed = True # Check if the parameter value (absolute file path) is a valid and existing file. elif condition.upper() == "ISFILEPATHVALID": message = "The {} ({}) is not a valid file.".format( parameter_name, parameter_value) recommendation = "Specify a valid file for the {} parameter.".format( parameter_name) if not os.path.isfile(parameter_value): check_failed = True # Check if the parameter value (absolute folder path) is a valid file geodatabase. elif condition.upper() == "ISFOLDERAFGDB": message = "The {} ({}) is not a valid file geodatabase.".format( parameter_name, parameter_value) recommendation = "Specify a valid file geodatabase for the {} parameter.".format( parameter_name) ogr.UseExceptions() driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("OpenFileGDB") if driver.Open(parameter_value) is None: check_failed = True # Check if the parameter value (absolute folder path) is a valid and existing folder. elif condition.upper() == "ISFOLDERPATHVALID": message = "The {} ({}) is not a valid folder.".format( parameter_name, parameter_value) recommendation = "Specify a valid folder for the {} parameter.".format( parameter_name) if not os.path.isdir(parameter_value): check_failed = True # Check if the parameter value (GeoLayerID) is an existing GeoLayerID. elif condition.upper() == "ISGEOLAYERIDEXISTING": message = 'The {} ({}) is not a valid GeoLayer ID.'.format( parameter_name, parameter_value) recommendation = 'Specify a valid GeoLayer ID.' if not self.command_processor.get_geolayer(parameter_value): check_failed = True # Check if the parameter value (GeoLayer ID) is a unique GeoLayerID. elif condition.upper() == "ISGEOLAYERIDUNIQUE": message = 'The {} ({}) value is already in use as a GeoLayer ID.'.format( parameter_name, parameter_value) recommendation = 'Specify a new {}.'.format(parameter_name) if self.command_processor.get_geolayer(parameter_value): check_failed = True pv_IfGeoLayerIDExists = self.get_parameter_value( "IfGeoLayerIDExists", default_value="Replace") if pv_IfGeoLayerIDExists.upper() == "REPLACEANDWARN": fail_response = "WARN" elif pv_IfGeoLayerIDExists.upper() == "WARN": fail_response = "WARNBUTDONOTRUN" elif pv_IfGeoLayerIDExists.upper() == "FAIL": fail_response = "FAIL" else: check_failed = False # Check if the parameter value (integer) is between or at two values/numbers. elif condition.upper() == "ISINTBETWEENRANGE": int_min = other_values[0] int_max = other_values[1] message = 'The {} ({}) must be at or between {} & {}'.format( parameter_name, parameter_value, int_min, int_max) recommendation = 'Specify a valid {} value.'.format(parameter_name) if not validate_int_in_range(parameter_value, int_min, int_max, False, False): check_failed = True # Check if the length of a list is correct. elif condition.upper() == "ISLISTLENGTHCORRECT": delimiter = other_values[0] correct_length = other_values[1] message = 'The {} ({}) must have {} number of items.'.format( parameter_name, parameter_value, correct_length) recommendation = 'Specify a list of {} items for the {} parameter.'.format( correct_length, parameter_name) # Convert the string into a list. list_of_strings = string_util.delimited_string_to_list( parameter_value, delimiter) if len(list_of_strings) != correct_length: check_failed = True # Check if the property name is a unique property name elif condition.upper() == "ISPROPERTYUNIQUE": message = 'The {} ({}) value is already in use.'.format( parameter_name, parameter_value) recommendation = 'Specify a new {}.'.format(parameter_name) if self.command_processor.get_property(parameter_value): check_failed = True pv_IfPropertyExists = self.get_parameter_value( "IfPropertyExists", default_value="Replace") if pv_IfPropertyExists.upper() == "REPLACEANDWARN": fail_response = "WARN" elif pv_IfPropertyExists.upper() == "WARN": fail_response = "WARNBUTDONOTRUN" elif pv_IfPropertyExists.upper() == "FAIL": fail_response = "FAIL" else: check_failed = False # Check if the input string is a valid QGSExpression. elif condition.upper() == "ISQGSEXPRESSIONVALID": message = "{} ({}) is not a valid QgsExpression.".format( parameter_name, parameter_value) recommendation = "Specify a valid QgsExpression for {}.".format( parameter_name) if qgis_util.get_qgsexpression_obj(parameter_value) is None: check_failed = True # Check if the input string is the correct length. elif condition.upper() == "ISSTRINGLENGTHCORRECT": correct_length = other_values[0] message = 'The {} ({}) must have exactly {} character(s).'.format( parameter_name, parameter_value, correct_length) recommendation = 'Specify a string with {} characters for the {} parameter.'.format( correct_length, parameter_name) # Convert the string into a list. if len(parameter_value) != correct_length: check_failed = True # Check if the parameter value (Table ID) is an existing Table ID. elif condition.upper() == "ISTABLEIDEXISTING": message = 'The {} ({}) is not a valid Table ID.'.format( parameter_name, parameter_value) recommendation = 'Specify a valid Table ID.' if not self.command_processor.get_table(parameter_value): check_failed = True # Check if the parameter value (Table ID) is a unique TableID. elif condition.upper() == "ISTABLEIDUNIQUE": message = 'The {} ({}) value is already in use as a Table ID.'.format( parameter_name, parameter_value) recommendation = 'Specify a new {}.'.format(parameter_name) if self.command_processor.get_table(parameter_value): check_failed = True pv_IfTableIDExists = self.get_parameter_value( "IfTableIDExists", default_value="Replace") if pv_IfTableIDExists.upper() == "REPLACEANDWARN": fail_response = "WARN" elif pv_IfTableIDExists.upper() == "WARN": fail_response = "WARNBUTDONOTRUN" elif pv_IfTableIDExists.upper() == "FAIL": fail_response = "FAIL" else: check_failed = False # Check if the parameter value (Table Name) is a table within the DataStore. elif condition.upper() == "ISTABLEINDATASTORE": data_store_id = other_values[0] message = "{} ({}) is not an existing table in the {} DataStore.".format( parameter_name, parameter_value, data_store_id) recommendation = "Specify a valid {} value.".format(parameter_name) data_store_obj = self.command_processor.get_datastore(data_store_id) list_of_tables = data_store_obj.return_table_names() if parameter_value not in list_of_tables: check_failed = True # Check if the file is a valid tar file. elif condition.upper() == "ISTARFILE": message = "{} ({}) is not a valid TAR file.".format( parameter_name, parameter_value) recommendation = "Specify a valid TAR file for {}.".format( parameter_name) if not zip_util.is_tar_file(parameter_value): check_failed = True # Check if the input string is a valid URL. elif condition.upper() == "ISURLVALID": message = "{} ({}) is not a valid URL.".format(parameter_name, parameter_value) recommendation = "Specify a valid URL for {}.".format(parameter_name) try: urlopen(parameter_value) except: check_failed = True # Check if the file is a valid zip file. elif condition.upper() == "ISZIPFILE": message = "{} ({}) is not a valid ZIP file.".format( parameter_name, parameter_value) recommendation = "Specify a valid ZIP file for {}.".format( parameter_name) if not zip_util.is_zip_file(parameter_value): check_failed = True else: message = "Check {} is not a valid check in the validators library.".format( condition) recommendation = "Contact the maintainers of the GeoProcessor software." check_failed = True fail_response = "FAIL" # If the check failed, increase the warning count of the command instance by one. if check_failed: self.warning_count += 1 # If configured, log a FAILURE message about the failed check. Set the run_the_command boolean to False. if fail_response.upper() == "FAIL": self.logger.error(message) self.command_status.add_to_log( CommandPhaseType.RUN, CommandLogRecord(CommandStatusType.FAILURE, message, recommendation)) run_the_command = False # If configured, log a WARNING message about the failed check. Set the run_the_command boolean to True. elif fail_response.upper() == "WARN": self.logger.warning(message) self.command_status.add_to_log( CommandPhaseType.RUN, CommandLogRecord(CommandStatusType.WARNING, message, recommendation)) run_the_command = True # If configured, log a WARNING message about the failed check. Set the run_the_command boolean to False. elif fail_response.upper() == "WARNBUTDONOTRUN": self.logger.warning(message) self.command_status.add_to_log( CommandPhaseType.RUN, CommandLogRecord(CommandStatusType.WARNING, message, recommendation)) run_the_command = False # If the check passed, set the run_the_command boolean to True. else: run_the_command = True # Return the run_the_command boolean. return run_the_command
def import_file(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Loads data that has been uploaded into whatever format we need for serving. Expects kwarg "configuration_options" which is a list of dicts, one for each layer to import. each dict must contain "upload_layer_id" referencing the UploadLayer being imported and must contain "index" which is a 0-based index to identify which layer from the file is being referenced. and can contain an optional "layer_name" to assign a custom name. "layer_name" may be ignored if it is already in use. """ filename = self.file self.completed_layers = [] err = GdalErrorHandler() gdal.PushErrorHandler(err.handler) gdal.UseExceptions() ogr.UseExceptions() configuration_options = kwargs.get('configuration_options', [{ 'index': 0 }]) # Configuration options should be a list at this point since the # importer can process multiple layers in a single import if isinstance(configuration_options, dict): configuration_options = [configuration_options] # Ensure that upload_layer_id exists in configuration for each layer nbad_config = 0 for co in configuration_options: if 'upload_layer_id' not in co: nbad_config += 1 if nbad_config > 0: msg = '{} of {} configs missing upload_layer_id'.format( nbad_config, len(configuration_options)) logger.critical(msg) raise Exception(msg) # --- Resolve any disparity between automatically-assigned UploadLayer.layer_name and layer_name in # configuration options. # If layer_name is present in configuration_options either update UploadLayer.layer_name to match if it's unique # or update configuration_options' 'layer_name' to match value in UploadLayer.layer_name if it's not unique. with db.transaction.atomic(): upload_layer_ids = [ co['upload_layer_id'] for co in configuration_options ] upload_layers = UploadLayer.objects.filter(id__in=upload_layer_ids) upload_layers_by_id = { ul for ul in upload_layers} for co in configuration_options: ul = upload_layers_by_id[co['upload_layer_id']] if co.get('layer_name') is None: co['layer_name'] = ul.layer_name elif co['layer_name'] != ul.layer_name: if UploadLayer.objects.filter( layer_name=co['layer_name']).exists(): co['layer_name'] = ul.layer_name else: ul.layer_name = co['layer_name'] data, inspector = self.open_source_datastore(filename, *args, **kwargs) datastore_layers = inspector.describe_fields() if len(datastore_layers) == 0: logger.debug('No Dataset found') layers_info = [] # It looks like this code allowed users to configure a portion of layers in the file by specifying an # index or a 'layer_name' option. I'm not sure if lookups by 'layer_name' are still being used anywhere. # 'layer_name' now specifies the name to give to a layer on import to geonode. If the previous # behavior is needed, add a 'internal_layer_name' value to the configuration options using the name # of the layer the file uses. lookup_fields = ['index', 'internal_layer_name'] for layer_configuration in configuration_options: lookup_found = False for lf in lookup_fields: if lf in layer_configuration: lookup_found = True break if not lookup_found: logger.warn( 'No recognized layer lookup field provided in configuration options, should be one of {}' .format(lookup_fields)) continue for datastore_layer in datastore_layers: for lf in lookup_fields: if (lf in datastore_layer and lf in layer_configuration and datastore_layer.get(lf) == layer_configuration.get(lf)): # This update will overwrite the layer_name passed in configuration_options, stash the # intended name so we can correct it. msg = 'Will configure layer from file {} identifed by field "{}" with value {}'\ .format(self.file, lf, layer_configuration[lf]) intended_layer_name = layer_configuration.get( 'layer_name') layer_configuration.update(datastore_layer) if intended_layer_name: layer_configuration.update( {'layer_name': intended_layer_name}) else: msg = ( 'layer_name not provided in configuration options, will use name provided ' 'by inspector which will likely lead to name collisions' ) logger.warn(msg) layers_info.append(layer_configuration) for layer_options in layers_info: if layer_options['layer_type'] == 'tile' and layer_options.get( 'driver', '').lower() == 'gpkg': # No special processing is needed on import, the only thing needed is a copy of the # file which was made on upload. Config for publishing is done # in handlers.mapproxy.publish_handler.MapProxyGPKGTilePublishHandler self.completed_layers.append( [layer_options['layer_name'], layer_options]) elif layer_options['layer_type'] == 'raster': """ File is a raster, we need to convert into optimized GeoTiff and skip any further testing or loading into target_store """ # Increment filename to make sure target doesn't exists filedir, filebase = os.path.split(filename) outfile = "{}/{}.tif".format( filedir, layer_options['layer_name'].lower()) fileout = increment_filename( os.path.join(RASTER_FILES, outfile)) raster_import(layer_options['path'], fileout) self.completed_layers.append([fileout, layer_options]) elif layer_options['layer_type'] == 'vector': target_file, _ = self.open_target_datastore(self.target_store) target_create_options = [] # Prevent numeric field overflow for shapefiles if target_file.GetDriver().GetName() == 'PostgreSQL': target_create_options.append('PRECISION=NO') os.environ["PGCLIENTENCODING"] = "UTF8" # Hack for CSV ingest into postgres. When using COPY, OGR prepends a bad newline to each feature if data.GetDriver().ShortName.lower() == 'csv': os.environ["PG_USE_COPY"] = "false" else: os.environ["PG_USE_COPY"] = "true" layer_options['encoding'] = 'utf-8' # Read encoding from cpg file if exist cpg_file = "{}.cpg".format(os.path.splitext(filename)[0]) if os.path.isfile(cpg_file): _encoding = open(cpg_file).read() _parts = _encoding.split() if len(_parts) > 1: # attempt to cover a case where encoding # is similar to ANSI 1252 (cp1252) _encoding = "cp{}".format(_parts[-1]) try: codecs.lookup(_encoding) layer_options['encoding'] = _encoding except LookupError: pass logger.debug('attribute encoding: {}'.format( layer_options['encoding'])) if data.GetDriver().ShortName.lower() == 'esri shapefile': os.environ['SHAPE_ENCODING'] = layer_options['encoding'] layer_options['modified_fields'] = {} layer = data.GetLayer(layer_options.get('index')) layer_name = layer_options['layer_name'] layer_geom_type = self.get_layer_type(layer, data) srs = layer.GetSpatialRef() # default the layer to 4326 if a spatial reference is not provided if not srs: srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromEPSG(4326) # pass the srs authority code to handlers if srs.AutoIdentifyEPSG() == 0: layer_options['srs'] = '{0}:{1}'.format( srs.GetAuthorityName(None), srs.GetAuthorityCode(None)) else: # layer_options['srs'] = convert_wkt_to_epsg(srs.ExportToWkt()) layer_ids = [] for configuration_option in configuration_options: layer_ids = [configuration_option['upload_layer_id']] layer_id = layer_ids[0] layer_path = os.path.dirname(filename) original_layer_name = layer.GetName() layer_options['srs'] = reproject_coordinate_system( original_layer_name, layer_name, layer, layer_path) data, inspector = self.open_source_datastore( filename, *args, **kwargs) target_file, _ = self.open_target_datastore( self.target_store) layer = data.GetLayer(layer_options.get('index')) srs = layer.GetSpatialRef()'Creating dataset "{}" from file "{}"'.format( layer_name, target_file)) target_layer, created = self.get_or_create_target_dataset( target_file, str(layer_name), srs, layer_geom_type, options=target_create_options) if not created: # if the layer wasn't created, threre's no need for # further processing lets just return it. This could happen # if the user is retrying a previously failed import self.completed_layers.append( [target_layer.GetName(), layer_options]) return self.completed_layers # adding fields to new layer layer_definition = ogr.Feature(layer.GetLayerDefn()) source_fid = None wkb_field = 0 for i in range(layer_definition.GetFieldCount()): field_def = layer_definition.GetFieldDefnRef(i) field_name = field_def.GetName() try: field_name = field_name.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError as e: logger.error('Error Decoding {} - {}'.format( field_name, str(e))) field_def.SetName( str(field_name.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'))) if field_def.GetName() == target_layer.GetFIDColumn( ) and field_def.GetType() != 0: field_def.SetType(0) if field_def.GetName() != 'wkb_geometry': target_layer.CreateField(field_def) new_name = target_layer.GetLayerDefn().GetFieldDefn( i - wkb_field).GetName() old_name = field_def.GetName() if new_name != old_name: layer_options['modified_fields'][ old_name] = new_name if old_name == target_layer.GetFIDColumn( ) and not layer.GetFIDColumn(): source_fid = i else: wkb_field = 1 if wkb_field is not 0: layer.SetIgnoredFields(['wkb_geometry']) for feature in layer: if feature and feature.geometry(): if not layer.GetFIDColumn(): feature.SetFID(-1) if feature.geometry().GetGeometryType() != target_layer.GetGeomType() and \ target_layer.GetGeomType() in range(4, 7): if target_layer.GetGeomType() == 5: conversion_function = ogr.ForceToMultiLineString elif target_layer.GetGeomType() == 4: conversion_function = ogr.ForceToMultiPoint else: conversion_function = ogr.ForceToMultiPolygon geom = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkb( feature.geometry().ExportToWkb()) feature.SetGeometry(conversion_function(geom)) if source_fid is not None: feature.SetFID(feature.GetField(source_fid)) # Force encoding for all text fields for field in range(0, feature.GetFieldCount()): if feature.GetFieldType(field) == ogr.OFTString: fieldstr = feature.GetField(field) # First try to decode as latin1 (default encoding for shapefiles) try: decodedfield = fieldstr.decode( layer_options['encoding'], errors='strict') except UnicodeDecodeError: decodedfield = fieldstr.decode( errors='ignore') except AttributeError: continue feature.SetField(field, decodedfield) target_layer.CreateFeature(feature) layer.ResetReading() self.completed_layers.append( [target_layer.GetName(), layer_options]) else: msg = 'Unexpected layer type: "{}"'.format( layer_options['layer_type']) logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) return self.completed_layers
def prepare_stream(input_stream_dataset, copy_stream_dataset, stream_id_column, tolerance): ogr.UseExceptions() global printer if not printer: printer = PassPrint() try: printer.msg("Opening dataset..") input_streams_ds = feature_utils.getFeatureDataset( input_stream_dataset) input_streams_layer = input_streams_ds.GetLayer() streams_ds = feature_utils.copyFeatureDatasetAsEmpty( input_streams_ds, output_path=copy_stream_dataset, overwrite=True, new_geom_type=ogr.wkbLineString) streams_layer = streams_ds.GetLayer() streams_defn = streams_layer.GetLayerDefn() # check for stream id column printer.msg("Checking attributes..") input_fields = feature_utils.getFields(input_streams_layer) input_sid_field = None for field in input_fields: if field['name'].lower() == stream_id_column.lower(): input_sid_field = field break if not input_sid_field: printer.warn(" stream ID column not found, creating..") feature_utils.createFieldDefinition(stream_id_column, int) fields = feature_utils.getFields(streams_layer) field_sid = None for f in fields: if f['name'] == stream_id_column: field_sid = f break printer.msg("Copying features..") _copy_feature(input_streams_layer, streams_layer, streams_defn, input_fields, input_sid_field, stream_id_column) input_streams_layer = None input_streams_ds = None # printer.msg("Snapping endpoints..") # new_features = _snap_endpoints(streams_layer, streams_defn, fields) # if len(new_features): # printer.msg(" adding split features..") # streams_ds, streams_layer, streams_defn = _replace_and_update(streams_ds, copy_stream_dataset, new_features) printer.msg("Checking intersections..") new_features = _split_intersections(streams_layer, streams_defn, fields, field_sid) if len(new_features): printer.msg(" adding split features..") streams_ds, streams_layer, streams_defn = _replace_and_update( streams_ds, copy_stream_dataset, new_features) printer.msg("Assigning new stream IDs..") _assign_stream_ids(streams_layer, field_sid) except Exception: input_streams_layer = None input_streams_ds = None streams_layer = None streams_defn = None streams_ds = None raise
def create_ogr_download(sql_url, data, table_metadata, valid_geo_ids, file_ident, out_filename, format): import ogr import osr format_info = supported_formats[format] driver_name = format_info['driver'] ogr.UseExceptions() in_driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("PostgreSQL") host, user, password, database = get_sql_config(sql_url) conn = in_driver.Open("PG: host=%s dbname=%s user=%s password=%s" % (host, database, user, password)) if conn is None: raise Exception("Could not connect to database to generate download.") out_driver = ogr.GetDriverByName(driver_name) out_srs = osr.SpatialReference() out_srs.ImportFromEPSG(4326) out_data = out_driver.CreateDataSource(out_filename) # See out_layer = out_data.CreateLayer(file_ident.encode('utf-8'), srs=out_srs, geom_type=ogr.wkbMultiPolygon) out_layer.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn('geoid', ogr.OFTString)) out_layer.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn('name', ogr.OFTString)) for (table_id, table) in table_metadata.iteritems(): for column_id, column_info in table['columns'].iteritems(): column_name_utf8 = column_id.encode('utf-8') if driver_name == "ESRI Shapefile": # Work around the Shapefile column name length limits out_layer.CreateField( ogr.FieldDefn(column_name_utf8, ogr.OFTReal)) out_layer.CreateField( ogr.FieldDefn(column_name_utf8 + "e", ogr.OFTReal)) else: out_layer.CreateField( ogr.FieldDefn(column_name_utf8, ogr.OFTReal)) out_layer.CreateField( ogr.FieldDefn(column_name_utf8 + ", Error", ogr.OFTReal)) # this SQL echoed in Excel export but no geom so copying instead of factoring out sql = """SELECT geom,full_geoid,display_name FROM tiger2014.census_name_lookup WHERE full_geoid IN (%s) ORDER BY full_geoid""" % ', '.join("'%s'" % g.encode('utf-8') for g in valid_geo_ids) in_layer = conn.ExecuteSQL(sql) in_feat = in_layer.GetNextFeature() while in_feat is not None: out_feat = ogr.Feature(out_layer.GetLayerDefn()) if format in ('shp', 'kml', 'geojson'): out_feat.SetGeometry(in_feat.GetGeometryRef()) geoid = in_feat.GetField('full_geoid') out_feat.SetField('geoid', geoid) out_feat.SetField('name', in_feat.GetField('display_name')) for (table_id, table) in table_metadata.iteritems(): table_estimates = data[geoid][table_id]['estimate'] table_errors = data[geoid][table_id]['error'] for column_id, column_info in table['columns'].iteritems(): column_name_utf8 = column_id.encode('utf-8') if column_id in table_estimates: if format == 'shp': # Work around the Shapefile column name length limits estimate_col_name = column_name_utf8 error_col_name = column_name_utf8 + "e" else: estimate_col_name = column_name_utf8 error_col_name = column_name_utf8 + ", Error" out_feat.SetField(estimate_col_name, table_estimates[column_id]) out_feat.SetField(error_col_name, table_errors[column_id]) out_layer.CreateFeature(out_feat) in_feat.Destroy() in_feat = in_layer.GetNextFeature() out_data.Destroy()
def _nx_to_shp(self, G, out_shp, bool_node): """ This is a re-purposing of the NetworkX write_shp module with some minor changes. :param G: networkx directional graph :param out_dir: directory where output shapefiles will be written """ # easier to debug in python if ogr throws exceptions ogr.UseExceptions() # set spatial reference for output shapefile srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromWkt(self.srs) def netgeometry(key, data): if 'Wkb' in data: geom = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkb(data['Wkb']) elif 'Wkt' in data: geom = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(data['Wkt']) elif type( key[0]).__name__ == 'tuple': # edge keys are packed tuples geom = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLineString) _from, _to = key[0], key[1] try: geom.SetPoint(0, *_from) geom.SetPoint(1, *_to) except TypeError: # assume user used tuple of int and choked ogr _ffrom = [float(x) for x in _from] _fto = [float(x) for x in _to] geom.SetPoint(0, *_ffrom) geom.SetPoint(1, *_fto) else: geom = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint) try: geom.SetPoint(0, *key) except TypeError: # assume user used tuple of int and choked ogr fkey = [float(x) for x in key] geom.SetPoint(0, *fkey) return geom # Create_feature with new optional attributes arg (should be dict type) def create_feature(geometry, lyr, attributes=None): feature = ogr.Feature(lyr.GetLayerDefn()) feature.SetGeometry(g) if attributes != None: # Loop through attributes, assigning data to each field for field, data in attributes.items(): feature.SetField(field, data) lyr.CreateFeature(feature) feature.Destroy() def build_attrb_dict(self, lyr, data, fields): from collections import OrderedDict attributes = OrderedDict() ordered_data = order_attributes(self, data) # Loop through attribute data in edges dictionary for key, data in ordered_data.items(): # Reject spatial data not required for attribute table if (key != 'Json' and key != 'Wkt' and key != 'Wkb' and key != 'ShpName'): # For all edges check/add field and data type to fields dict # if key not in fields: if key not in fields: # Field not in previous edges so add to dict if type(data) in OGRTypes: fields[key] = OGRTypes[type(data)] else: # Data type not supported, default to string (char 80) fields[key] = ogr.OFTString newfield = ogr.FieldDefn(key, fields[key]) lyr.CreateField(newfield) # Store the data from new field to dict for CreateLayer() attributes[key] = data else: # Field already exists, add data to dict for CreateLayer() attributes[key] = data return attributes def order_attributes(self, attrb_dict): # order dictionary attributes into list based on field list from input shapefile from collections import OrderedDict ordered_attrb = OrderedDict() for f in self.fields: for k, v in attrb_dict.iteritems(): if k == f: ordered_attrb.update({k: v}) for k, v, in attrb_dict.iteritems(): if k.startswith('_') and k.endswith('_'): ordered_attrb.update({k: v}) return ordered_attrb # Set up output shapefiles base_name = os.path.basename(out_shp) shp_name = os.path.splitext(base_name)[0] shp_name = shp_name.encode('utf-8') dir_name = os.path.dirname(out_shp) node_name = "{}_nodes".format(shp_name) edge_name = "{}_edges".format(shp_name) drv = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") shpdir = drv.CreateDataSource("{0}".format(dir_name)) # Conversion dict between python and ogr types OGRTypes = { int: ogr.OFTInteger, str: ogr.OFTString, float: ogr.OFTReal } # Write nodes if bool_node: try: shpdir.DeleteLayer(node_name) except: pass nodes = shpdir.CreateLayer(node_name, srs, ogr.wkbPoint) # New edge attribute write support merged into edge loop n_fields = {} # storage for field names and their data types # Node loop for n in G: data = G.node[n] g = netgeometry(n, data) n_attributes = build_attrb_dict(self, nodes, data, n_fields) create_feature(g, nodes, n_attributes) nodes = None # Write edges try: shpdir.DeleteLayer(shp_name) except: pass edges = shpdir.CreateLayer(shp_name, srs, ogr.wkbLineString) # New edge attribute write support merged into edge loop e_fields = {} # storage for field names and their data types # Edge loop for u, v, k, data in G.edges_iter(data=True, keys=True): g = netgeometry(k, data) e_attributes = build_attrb_dict(self, edges, data, e_fields) # Create the feature with geometry, passing new attribute data create_feature(g, edges, e_attributes) edges = None return
def getCatchmentFeaturesForReaches(config, outputDir, catchmentFilename, reaches, format=OGR_SHAPEFILE_DRIVER_NAME): """ Get features (in WGS 84) for the drainage area associated with a set of NHD (National Hydrography Dataset) stream reaches. @param config A Python ConfigParser containing the following sections and options: 'PATH_OF_NHDPLUS2_CATCHMENT' (absolute path to NHD catchment shapefile) @param outputDir String representing the absolute/relative path of the directory into which output rasters should be written @param catchmentFilename String representing name of file to save catchment features to. The appropriate extension will be added to the file name @param reaches List representing catchment features to be output @param format String representing OGR driver to use @return String representing the name of the dataset in outputDir created to hold the features @raise ConfigParser.NoSectionError @raise ConfigParser.NoOptionError @raise IOError(errno.ENOTDIR) if outputDir is not a directory @raise IOError(errno.EACCESS) if outputDir is not writable @raise Exception if output format is not known @todo Detect and fix non-closed geometries, e.g. kalisti:archive miles$ ./ -p test -c 10462287 Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 29, in <module> catchmentFilename, comid) File "/Users/miles/Dropbox/EarthCube-Multilayered/RHESSys-workflow/eclipse/EcohydroWorkflowLib/ecohydrolib/nhdplus2/", line 506, in getCatchmentFeaturesForComid outGeom = outGeom.Union( inGeom ) File "/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.5/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/osgeo/", line 4065, in Union return _ogr.Geometry_Union(self, *args) RuntimeError: TopologyException: found non-noded intersection between LINESTRING (-77.9145 37.0768, -77.9147 37.0768) and LINESTRING (-77.9147 37.0768, -77.9145 37.0768) at -77.914621661942761 37.076822779115943 """ catchmentFeatureDBPath = config.get('NHDPLUS2', 'PATH_OF_NHDPLUS2_CATCHMENT') if not os.access(catchmentFeatureDBPath, os.R_OK): raise IOError( errno.EACCES, "The catchment feature DB at %s is not readable" % catchmentFeatureDBPath) catchmentFeatureDBPath = os.path.abspath(catchmentFeatureDBPath) if not os.path.isdir(outputDir): raise IOError(errno.ENOTDIR, "Output directory %s is not a directory" % (outputDir, )) if not os.access(outputDir, os.W_OK): raise IOError( errno.EACCES, "Not allowed to write to output directory %s" % (outputDir, )) outputDir = os.path.abspath(outputDir) if not format in list(OGR_DRIVERS.keys()): raise Exception("Output format '%s' is not known" % (format, )) catchmentFilename = "%s%s%s" % (catchmentFilename, os.extsep, OGR_DRIVERS[format]) catchmentFilepath = os.path.join(outputDir, catchmentFilename) # Open input layer ogr.UseExceptions() poDS = ogr.Open(catchmentFeatureDBPath, OGR_UPDATE_MODE) if not poDS: raise Exception("Unable to open catchment feature database %s" ( catchmentFeatureDBPath, )) assert (poDS.GetLayerCount() > 0) poLayer = poDS.GetLayer(0) assert (poLayer) # Create output data source poDriver = ogr.GetDriverByName(format) assert (poDriver) poODS = poDriver.CreateDataSource(catchmentFilepath) assert (poODS != None) # poOLayer = poODS.CreateLayer("catchment", poLayer.GetSpatialRef(), poLayer.GetGeomType()) poOLayer = poODS.CreateLayer("catchment", poLayer.GetSpatialRef(), ogr.wkbMultiPolygon) # poOLayer = poODS.CreateLayer("catchment", poLayer.GetSpatialRef(), ogr.wkbPolygon ) # Create fields in output layer layerDefn = poLayer.GetLayerDefn() i = 0 fieldCount = layerDefn.GetFieldCount() while i < fieldCount: fieldDefn = layerDefn.GetFieldDefn(i) poOLayer.CreateField(fieldDefn) i = i + 1 # Create single geometry to hold catchment polygon in output shapefile outGeom = ogr.Geometry(poOLayer.GetGeomType()) # polygon = Polygon() # Copy features, unioning them as we go numReaches = len(reaches) # Copy features in batches of UPSTREAM_SEARCH_THRESHOLD to overcome limit in # OGR driver for input layer start = 0 end = UPSTREAM_SEARCH_THRESHOLD while end < numReaches: whereFilter = "featureid=%s" % (reaches[start], ) for reach in reaches[start + 1:end]: whereFilter = whereFilter + " OR featureid=%s" % (reach, ) # Copy features assert (poLayer.SetAttributeFilter(whereFilter) == 0) inFeature = poLayer.GetNextFeature() # Union geometry of input feature to output feature while inFeature: # inGeom = inFeature.GetGeometryRef().SimplifyPreserveTopology(0.0001) inGeom = inFeature.GetGeometryRef() outGeom = outGeom.Union(inGeom) # polygon = polygon.union( loads( inGeom.ExportToWkb() ) ) # polygon = cascaded_union( [polygon, loads( inGeom.ExportToWkb() )] ) inFeature.Destroy() inFeature = poLayer.GetNextFeature() start = end end = end + UPSTREAM_SEARCH_THRESHOLD # Copy remaining features whereFilter = "featureid=%s" % (reaches[start], ) for reach in reaches[start + 1:end]: whereFilter = whereFilter + " OR featureid=%s" % (reach, ) # Copy features poLayer.SetAttributeFilter(whereFilter) assert (poLayer.SetAttributeFilter(whereFilter) == 0) inFeature = poLayer.GetNextFeature() while inFeature: # inGeom = inFeature.GetGeometryRef().SimplifyPreserveTopology(0.0001) inGeom = inFeature.GetGeometryRef() outGeom = outGeom.Union(inGeom) # polygon = polygon.union( loads( inGeom.ExportToWkb() ) ) # polygon = cascaded_union( [polygon, loads( inGeom.ExportToWkb() )] ) inFeature.Destroy() inFeature = poLayer.GetNextFeature() # Create a new polygon that only contains exterior points outGeom = ogr.ForceToPolygon(outGeom) polygon = loads(outGeom.ExportToWkb()) if polygon.exterior: coords = polygon.exterior.coords newPolygon = Polygon(coords) else: newPolygon = Polygon() # Write new feature to output feature data source outFeat = ogr.Feature(poOLayer.GetLayerDefn()) outFeat.SetGeometry(ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkb(dumps(newPolygon))) poOLayer.CreateFeature(outFeat) return catchmentFilename
def checkgeometry(self, layers): try: if self.ds == None: return layers """ layerGeometry = self._getLayerGeometry() gt = self.ds.GetLayer().GetGeomType() if layerGeometry: if not ( (layerGeometry== "P" and gt ==1) or (layerGeometry== "L" and gt ==2) or (layerGeometry== "A" and gt ==3)): #check fature by feature self.__checkGeometryByFeature(layerGeometry) """ #check if the layer is within the AOI # Create a Polygon from the extent of the layer aoi_geometry = None for layer_object in layers['AOI']['LayerObject']: layer_object aoi_geometry = shapely.wkt.loads( layer_object.geometry().ExportToIsoWkt()) ogr.UseExceptions() #aoi_extent = self.extent_calculation(aoi['AOI']['GeometryObject'].GetLayer().GetExtent()) for key in layers: #layer_extent = self.extent_calculation(aoi[key]['GeometryObject'] feature_out = 0 for layer_object in layers[key]['LayerObject']: lyr_shapely = shapely.wkt.loads( layer_object.geometry().ExportToIsoWkt()) if not lyr_shapely.within(aoi_geometry): feature_out += 1 if feature_out > 100: break if feature_out > 0: #print(key) err = self.conf_param["logsText"]["GDB"]["geometryName"][ "not_in_AOI"].copy() initial_err = self.activ_code + "|" + CommonFunctions.split_root( self, self.root, self.activ_code ) + "|" + key + "|" + self.logFile.getCatValue( self.conf_param['VectorFormats'][self.type] ['not_equal_AOI']) + "|" + self.logFile.getIssueValue( self.conf_param['VectorFormats'][ self.type]['not_equal_AOI']) + "|" err.insert(0, initial_err) err.insert(2, key) numFeat = str(feature_out) if (feature_out > 100): numFeat = " MORE THAN 100 " err.insert(4, str(numFeat) + " ") self.logFile.writelogs(err) except Exception as ex: print(ex) """