Example #1
class RdirClient(Client):
    def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs):
        super(RdirClient, self).__init__(conf, **kwargs)
        self.directory = DirectoryAPI(self.ns, self.endpoint, **kwargs)
        self._addr_cache = dict()

    def assign_all_rawx(self):
        Find a rdir service for all rawx that don't have one already.
        cs = ConscienceClient(self.conf)
        all_rawx = cs.all_services("rawx")
        all_rdir = cs.all_services("rdir", True)
        by_id = {_make_id(self.ns, "rdir", x["addr"]): x for x in all_rdir}
        for rawx in all_rawx:
                # Verify that there is no rdir linked
                resp = self.directory.get(RDIR_ACCT, rawx["addr"], service_type="rdir")
                rawx["rdir"] = by_id[_make_id(self.ns, "rdir", self._lookup_rdir_host(resp))]
            except (NotFound, ClientException):
                rdir = self._smart_link_rdir(rawx["addr"], cs, all_rdir)
                n_bases = by_id[rdir]["tags"].get("stat.opened_db_count", 0)
                by_id[rdir]["tags"]["stat.opened_db_count"] = n_bases + 1
                rawx["rdir"] = by_id[rdir]
        return all_rawx

    def _smart_link_rdir(self, volume_id, cs=None, all_rdir=None):
        Force the load balancer to avoid services that already host more
        bases than the average while selecting rdir services.
        if not cs:
            cs = ConscienceClient(self.conf)
        if not all_rdir:
            all_rdir = cs.all_services("rdir", True)
        avail_base_count = [x["tags"]["stat.opened_db_count"] for x in all_rdir if x["score"] > 0]
        mean = sum(avail_base_count) / float(len(avail_base_count))
        avoids = [
            _make_id(self.ns, "rdir", x["addr"])
            for x in all_rdir
            if x["score"] > 0 and x["tags"]["stat.opened_db_count"] > mean
        known = [_make_id(self.ns, "rawx", volume_id)]
            polled = cs.poll("rdir", avoid=avoids, known=known)[0]
        except ClientException as exc:
            if exc.status != 481:
            # Retry without `avoids`, hoping the next iteration will rebalance
            polled = cs.poll("rdir", known=known)[0]
        forced = {"host": polled["addr"], "type": "rdir", "seq": 1, "args": "", "id": polled["id"]}
        self.directory.force(RDIR_ACCT, volume_id, "rdir", forced, autocreate=True)
        return polled["id"]

    def _link_rdir(self, volume_id, smart=True):
        if not smart:
            self.directory.link(RDIR_ACCT, volume_id, "rdir", autocreate=True)
        return self.directory.get(RDIR_ACCT, volume_id, service_type="rdir")

    def _lookup_rdir_host(self, resp):
        host = None
        for srv in resp.get("srv", {}):
            if srv["type"] == "rdir":
                host = srv["host"]
        if not host:
            raise ClientException("No rdir service found")
        return host

    def _get_rdir_addr(self, volume_id, create=False, nocache=False):
        if not nocache and volume_id in self._addr_cache:
            return self._addr_cache[volume_id]
        resp = {}
            resp = self.directory.get(RDIR_ACCT, volume_id, service_type="rdir")
        except NotFound:
            if not create:
                raise VolumeException("No such volume %s" % volume_id)

            host = self._lookup_rdir_host(resp)
        except ClientException:
            # Reference exists but no rdir linked
            if not create:
            resp = self._link_rdir(volume_id)
            host = self._lookup_rdir_host(resp)
        self._addr_cache[volume_id] = host
        return host

    def _make_uri(self, action, volume_id, create=False, nocache=False):
        rdir_host = self._get_rdir_addr(volume_id, create=create, nocache=nocache)
        uri = "http://%s/v1/%s" % (rdir_host, action)
        return uri

    def _rdir_request(self, volume, method, action, create=False, **kwargs):
        params = {"vol": volume}
        if create:
            params["create"] = "1"
        uri = self._make_uri(action, volume, create=create)
            resp, body = self._direct_request(method, uri, params=params, **kwargs)
        except NotFound:
            uri = self._make_uri(action, volume, create=create, nocache=True)
            resp, body = self._direct_request(method, uri, params=params, **kwargs)
        return resp, body

    def chunk_push(self, volume_id, container_id, content_id, chunk_id, **data):
        """Reference a chunk in the reverse directory"""
        body = {"container_id": container_id, "content_id": content_id, "chunk_id": chunk_id}

        for key, value in data.iteritems():
            body[key] = value

        headers = {}

        self._rdir_request(volume_id, "POST", "rdir/push", create=True, json=body, headers=headers)

    def chunk_delete(self, volume_id, container_id, content_id, chunk_id):
        """Unreference a chunk from the reverse directory"""
        body = {"container_id": container_id, "content_id": content_id, "chunk_id": chunk_id}

        self._rdir_request(volume_id, "DELETE", "rdir/delete", json=body)

    def chunk_fetch(self, volume, limit=100, rebuild=False):
        """Fetch the list of chunks belonging to the specified volume"""
        req_body = {"limit": limit}
        if rebuild:
            req_body["rebuild"] = True

        while True:
            resp, resp_body = self._rdir_request(volume, "POST", "rdir/fetch", json=req_body)
            if len(resp_body) == 0:
            for (key, value) in resp_body:
                container, content, chunk = key.split("|")
                yield container, content, chunk, value
            req_body["start_after"] = key

    def admin_incident_set(self, volume, date):
        body = {"date": int(float(date))}
        self._rdir_request(volume, "POST", "rdir/admin/incident", json=body)

    def admin_incident_get(self, volume):
        resp, resp_body = self._rdir_request(volume, "GET", "rdir/admin/incident")
        return resp_body.get("date")

    def admin_lock(self, volume, who):
        body = {"who": who}

        self._rdir_request(volume, "POST", "rdir/admin/lock", json=body)

    def admin_unlock(self, volume):
        self._rdir_request(volume, "POST", "rdir/admin/unlock")

    def admin_show(self, volume):
        resp, resp_body = self._rdir_request(volume, "GET", "rdir/admin/show")
        return resp_body

    def admin_clear(self, volume, clear_all=False):
        body = {"all": clear_all}
        resp, resp_body = self._rdir_request(volume, "POST", "rdir/admin/clear", json=body)
        return resp_body

    def status(self, volume):
        resp, resp_body = self._rdir_request(volume, "GET", "rdir/status")
        return resp_body