Example #1
def grade_submission(env, **kwargs):
    """Grades submision on a `Job` layer.

       This `Handler` aggregetes score from graded groups and gets
       submission status from tests results.

       Used ``environ`` keys:
           * ``group_results``
           * ``test_results``
           * ``score_aggregator``

       Produced ``environ`` keys:
           * ``status``
           * ``score``

    # TODO: let score_aggregator handle compilation errors

    if env.get("compilation_result", "OK") != "OK":
        env["score"] = None
        env["status"] = "CE"
        return env

    fun = get_object_by_dotted_name(env.get("score_aggregator") or DEFAULT_SCORE_AGGREGATOR)
    group_results = dict(filter(lambda (name, res): res["kind"] == "NORMAL", env["group_results"].iteritems()))
    score, status = fun(group_results)
    assert isinstance(score, (types.NoneType, ScoreValue))
    env["score"] = score and score.serialize()
    env["status"] = status
    return env
Example #2
    def create_env(self, request, contest, form, path, package,
            existing_problem=None, original_filename=None):
        """Creates an environment which will be later passed to
        backend_name = self.choose_backend(path, original_filename)
        backend = get_object_by_dotted_name(backend_name)()
        if package.problem:
            package.problem_name = package.problem.short_name
            package.problem_name = backend.get_short_name(path,
        env = {}
        env['post_upload_handlers'] = \
        env['backend_name'] = backend_name
        env['package_id'] = package.id
        env['round_id'] = form.cleaned_data.get('round_id', None)
        if contest:
            env['contest_id'] = contest.id
        env['author'] = request.user.username
        if existing_problem:
            env['is_reupload'] = True
            env['is_reupload'] = False

        return env
Example #3
def grade_submission(env, kind='NORMAL', **kwargs):
    """Grades submision on a `Job` layer.

       This `Handler` aggregetes score from graded groups and gets
       submission status from tests results.

       Used ``environ`` keys:
           * ``group_results``
           * ``test_results``
           * ``score_aggregator``

       Produced ``environ`` keys:
           * ``status``
           * ``score``

    # TODO: let score_aggregator handle compilation errors

    if env.get('compilation_result', 'OK') != 'OK':
        env['score'] = None
        env['status'] = 'CE'
        return env

    fun = get_object_by_dotted_name(env.get('score_aggregator')
    group_results = dict(filter(lambda (name, res): res['kind'] == kind,
    score, status = fun(group_results)
    assert isinstance(score, (types.NoneType, ScoreValue))
    env['score'] = score and score.serialize()
    env['status'] = status
    return env
Example #4
def get_client():
    """Constructs a Filetracker client.

       Needs a ``FILETRACKER_CLIENT_FACTORY`` entry in ``settings.py``, which
       should contain a :term:`dotted name` of a function which returns a
       :class:`filetracker.Client` instance. A good candidate is

       The constructed client is cached.
    factory = settings.FILETRACKER_CLIENT_FACTORY
    if isinstance(factory, basestring):
        factory = get_object_by_dotted_name(factory)
    if not callable(factory):
        raise ImproperlyConfigured('The FILETRACKER_CLIENT_FACTORY setting '
                'refers to non-callable: %r' % (factory,))
    client = factory()
    if not isinstance(client, filetracker.Client):
        raise ImproperlyConfigured('The factory pointed by '
                'FILETRACKER_CLIENT_FACTORY returned non-filetracker.Client: '
                '%r' % (client,))

    # Needed for oioioi.sioworkers.backends.LocalBackend so that both Django
    # and sioworkers use the same Filetracker client
    import sio.workers.ft

    return client
Example #5
def grade_tests(env, **kwargs):
    """Grades tests using a scoring function.

       The ``env['test_scorer']``, which is used by this ``Handler``,
       should be a path to a function which gets test definition (e.g.  a
       ``env['tests'][test_name]`` dict) and test run result (e.g.  a
       ``env['test_results'][test_name]`` dict) and returns a score
       (instance of some subclass of
       :class:`~oioioi.contests.scores.ScoreValue`) and a status.

       Used ``environ`` keys:
         * ``tests``
         * ``test_results``
         * ``test_scorer``

       Produced ``environ`` keys:
         * `score` and `status` keys in ``env['test_result']``

    fun = get_object_by_dotted_name(env.get('test_scorer')
            or DEFAULT_TEST_SCORER)
    tests = env['tests']

    for test_name, test_result in env['test_results'].iteritems():
        score, status = fun(tests[test_name], test_result)
        assert isinstance(score, (types.NoneType, ScoreValue))
        test_result['score'] = score and score.serialize()
        test_result['status'] = status
    return env
Example #6
def grade_submission(env, **kwargs):
    """Grades submision on a `Job` layer.

       This `Handler` aggregetes score from graded groups and gets
       submission status from tests results.

       Used ``environ`` keys:
           * ``group_results``
           * ``test_results``
           * ``score_aggregator``

       Produced ``environ`` keys:
           * ``status``
           * ``score``

    # TODO: let score_aggregator handle compilation errors

    if env.get('compilation_result', 'OK') != 'OK':
        env['score'] = None
        env['status'] = 'CE'
        return env

    fun = get_object_by_dotted_name(
        env.get('score_aggregator') or DEFAULT_SCORE_AGGREGATOR)
    group_results = dict(
        filter(lambda (name, res): res['kind'] == 'NORMAL',
    score, status = fun(group_results)
    assert isinstance(score, (types.NoneType, ScoreValue))
    env['score'] = score and score.serialize()
    env['status'] = status
    return env
Example #7
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        if len(args) < 2:
            raise CommandError(_("Not enough arguments"))
        if len(args) > 2:
            raise CommandError(_("Too many arguments"))

            problem_id = int(args[0])
        except ValueError:
            raise CommandError(_("Invalid problem id: ") + args[0])

        filename = args[1]
        if not os.path.exists(filename):
            raise CommandError(_("File not found: ") + filename)

            problem = Problem.objects.get(id=problem_id)
        except Problem.DoesNotExist:
            raise CommandError(_("Problem #%d does not exist") % (problem_id,))

            backend = \
        except NoBackend:
            raise CommandError(_("Package format not recognized"))

        problem = backend.simple_unpack(filename, existing_problem=problem)
Example #8
def get_client():
    """Constructs a Filetracker client.

       Needs a ``FILETRACKER_CLIENT_FACTORY`` entry in ``settings.py``, which
       should contain a :term:`dotted name` of a function which returns a
       :class:`filetracker.Client` instance. A good candidate is

       The constructed client is cached.
    factory = settings.FILETRACKER_CLIENT_FACTORY
    if isinstance(factory, basestring):
        factory = get_object_by_dotted_name(factory)
    if not callable(factory):
        raise ImproperlyConfigured('The FILETRACKER_CLIENT_FACTORY setting '
                                   'refers to non-callable: %r' % (factory, ))
    client = factory()
    if not isinstance(client, filetracker.Client):
        raise ImproperlyConfigured(
            'The factory pointed by '
            'FILETRACKER_CLIENT_FACTORY returned non-filetracker.Client: '
            '%r' % (client, ))

    # Needed for oioioi.sioworkers.backends.LocalBackend so that both Django
    # and sioworkers use the same Filetracker client
    import sio.workers.ft

    return client
Example #9
def get_zeus_server(zeus_id):
    """Returns ZeusServer instance for ``zeus_id``."""
    server = settings.ZEUS_INSTANCES[zeus_id]
    # Used to inject mock instances/special handlers
    if server[0] == '__use_object__':
        return get_object_by_dotted_name(server[1])(zeus_id, server[2])
    return ZeusServer(zeus_id, server)
Example #10
def get_zeus_server(zeus_id):
    """Returns ZeusServer instance for ``zeus_id``."""
    server = settings.ZEUS_INSTANCES[zeus_id]
    # Used to inject mock instances/special handlers
    if server[0] == '__use_object__':
        return get_object_by_dotted_name(server[1])(zeus_id, server)
    return ZeusServer(zeus_id, server)
Example #11
def grade_tests(env, **kwargs):
    """Grades tests using a scoring function.

       The ``env['test_scorer']``, which is used by this ``Handler``,
       should be a path to a function which gets test definition (e.g.  a
       ``env['tests'][test_name]`` dict) and test run result (e.g.  a
       ``env['test_results'][test_name]`` dict) and returns a score
       (instance of some subclass of
       :class:`~oioioi.contests.scores.ScoreValue`) and a status.

       Used ``environ`` keys:
         * ``tests``
         * ``test_results``
         * ``test_scorer``

       Produced ``environ`` keys:
         * `score` and `status` keys in ``env['test_result']``

    fun = get_object_by_dotted_name(
        env.get('test_scorer') or DEFAULT_TEST_SCORER)
    tests = env['tests']

    for test_name, test_result in env['test_results'].iteritems():
        score, status = fun(tests[test_name], test_result)
        assert isinstance(score, (types.NoneType, ScoreValue))
        test_result['score'] = score and score.serialize()
        test_result['status'] = status
    return env
Example #12
def unpackmgr_job(env):
    """Creates (or modifies) a :class:`~oioioi.problems.models.Problem`
       instance using a package file represented by a

       Used ``env`` keys:
         ``package_id``: id of the
         :class:`~oioioi.problems.models.ProblemPackage` instance to process

         problem package backend (dotted name) to be used for unpacking

         ``post_upload_handlers``: a list of handler functions to be called
         after the new problem is created

       Before the handlers are called, the following ``env`` keys are produced:

         ``job_id``: the ``Celery`` task id

         ``problem_id``: id of the
         :class:`~oioioi.problems.models.ProblemPackage` instance,
         which was created or modified
        package = ProblemPackage.objects.get(id=env['package_id'])

        with package.save_operation_status():
            env['job_id'] = unpackmgr_job.request.id
            backend = get_object_by_dotted_name(env['backend_name'])()
            env = backend.unpack(env)
            problem = Problem.objects.get(id=env['problem_id'])
            package.celery_task_id = unpackmgr_job.request.id
            package.problem = problem

            for h in env['post_upload_handlers']:
                handler = get_object_by_dotted_name(h)
                env = handler(env)

    except ProblemPackage.DoesNotExist:
        logger.warning("Problem package %s got deleted before it was "
                "processed.", env['package_id'])
Example #13
 def test_get_object_by_dotted_name(self):
         'oioioi.base.tests.TestUtils') is TestUtils)
     with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ImportError, 'object .* not found'):
     with self.assertRaises(ImportError):
Example #14
 def test_get_object_by_dotted_name(self):
         'oioioi.base.tests.TestUtils') is TestUtils)
     with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ImportError, 'object .* not found'):
     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ImportError, 'object .* not found'):
Example #15
def problem_sources(request):
    sources = []
    for name in settings.PROBLEM_SOURCES:
        obj = get_object_by_dotted_name(name)()
        if isinstance(obj, ProblemSource):
            for item in obj:
    sources = [s for s in sources if s.is_available(request)]
    return sources
Example #16
def problem_sources(request):
    sources = []
    for name in settings.PROBLEM_SOURCES:
        obj = get_object_by_dotted_name(name)()
        if isinstance(obj, ProblemSource):
            for item in obj:
    sources = [s for s in sources if s.is_available(request)]
    return sources
Example #17
def backend_for_package(filename, original_filename=None):
    """Finds a backend suitable for unpacking the given package."""
    for backend_name in settings.PROBLEM_PACKAGE_BACKENDS:
            backend = get_object_by_dotted_name(backend_name)()
            if backend.identify(filename, original_filename):
                return backend
        except Exception:
            logger.warning("Backend %s probe failed", backend_name, exc_info=True)
        raise NoBackend("Problem pack format not recognized")
Example #18
 def render(self, context):
     request = context['request']
     registry = self.registry.resolve(context)
     if not registry:
         registry = menu_registry
     if isinstance(registry, basestring):
         registry = get_object_by_dotted_name(registry)
     if not isinstance(registry, MenuRegistry):
         raise TemplateSyntaxError("{%% generate_menu %%} got an "
                 "argument which is not a MenuRegistry: %r" % (registry,))
     context['menu'] = registry.template_context(request)
     return ''
Example #19
def backend_for_package(filename, original_filename=None):
    """Finds a backend suitable for unpacking the given package."""
    for backend_name in settings.PROBLEM_PACKAGE_BACKENDS:
            backend = get_object_by_dotted_name(backend_name)()
            if backend.identify(filename, original_filename):
                return backend
        except Exception:
            logger.warning('Backend %s probe failed',
    raise NoBackend('Problem pack format not recognized')
Example #20
 def render(self, context):
     request = context['request']
     registry = self.registry.resolve(context)
     if not registry:
         registry = menu_registry
     if isinstance(registry, basestring):
         registry = get_object_by_dotted_name(registry)
     if not isinstance(registry, MenuRegistry):
         raise TemplateSyntaxError("{%% generate_menu %%} got an "
                 "argument which is not a MenuRegistry: %r" % (registry,))
     context['menu'] = registry.template_context(request)
     return ''
Example #21
    def validate(self, value, model_instance):
            obj = get_object_by_dotted_name(value)
        except Exception:
            raise ValidationError(_("Object %s not found") % (value,))

        superclass = self._get_superclass()
        if not issubclass(obj, superclass):
            raise ValidationError(_("%(value)s is not a %(class_name)s")
                    % dict(value=value, class_name=superclass.__name__))

        if getattr(obj, 'abstract', False):
            raise ValidationError(_("%s is an abstract class and cannot be "
                "used") % (value,))
Example #22
def grade_groups(env, **kwargs):
    """Grades ungraded groups using a aggregating function.

       The ``group_scorer`` key in ``env`` should contain the path to
       a function which gets a list of test results (wihtout their names) and
       returns an aggregated score (instance of some subclass of

       Used ``environ`` keys:
         * ``tests``
         * ``test_results``
         * ``group_scorer``

       Produced ``environ`` keys:
         * `score`, `max_score` and `status` keys in ``env['group_results']``

    test_results = defaultdict(dict)
    for test_name, test in env['test_results'].iteritems():
        group_name = env['tests'][test_name]['group']
        test_results[group_name][test_name] = test

    env.setdefault('group_results', {})
    for group_name, results in test_results.iteritems():
        if group_name in env['group_results']:
        fun = get_object_by_dotted_name(env.get('group_scorer',
        score, max_score, status = fun(results)
        if not isinstance(score, (types.NoneType, ScoreValue)):
            raise TypeError("Group scorer returned %r as score, "
                    "not None or ScoreValue" % (type(score),))
        if not isinstance(max_score, (types.NoneType, ScoreValue)):
            raise TypeError("Group scorer returned %r as max_score, "
                    "not None or ScoreValue" % (type(max_score),))
        group_result = {}
        group_result['score'] = score and score.serialize()
        group_result['max_score'] = max_score and max_score.serialize()
        group_result['status'] = status
        one_of_tests = env['tests'][results.iterkeys().next()]
        if not all(env['tests'][key]['kind'] == one_of_tests['kind']
                for key in results.iterkeys()):
            raise ValueError("Tests in group '%s' have different kinds. "
                "This is not supported." % (group_name,))
        group_result['kind'] = one_of_tests['kind']
        env['group_results'][group_name] = group_result

    return env
Example #23
    def validate(self, value, model_instance):
            obj = get_object_by_dotted_name(value)
        except Exception:
            raise ValidationError(_("Object %s not found") % (value, ))

        superclass = self._get_superclass()
        if not issubclass(obj, superclass):
            raise ValidationError(
                _("%(value)s is not a %(class_name)s") %
                dict(value=value, class_name=superclass.__name__))

        if getattr(obj, 'abstract', False):
            raise ValidationError(
                _("%s is an abstract class and cannot be "
                  "used") % (value, ))
Example #24
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        if not args:
            raise CommandError(_("Missing argument (filename)"))
        if len(args) > 1:
            raise CommandError(_("Expected only one argument"))

        filename = args[0]
        if not os.path.exists(filename):
            raise CommandError(_("File not found: ") + filename)
            backend = get_object_by_dotted_name(backend_for_package(filename))()
        except NoBackend:
            raise CommandError(_("Package format not recognized"))

        problem = backend.simple_unpack(filename)
        self.stdout.write("%d\n" % (problem.id,))
Example #25
def grade_groups(env, **kwargs):
    """Grades ungraded groups using a aggregating function.

       The ``group_scorer`` key in ``env`` should contain the path to
       a function which gets a list of test results (wihtout their names) and
       returns an aggregated score (instance of some subclass of

       Used ``environ`` keys:
         * ``tests``
         * ``test_results``
         * ``group_scorer``

       Produced ``environ`` keys:
         * keys containg a status and a score for groups in

    test_results = defaultdict(dict)
    for test_name, test in env['test_results'].iteritems():
        group_name = env['tests'][test_name]['group']
        test_results[group_name][test_name] = test

    env.setdefault('group_results', {})
    for group_name, results in test_results.iteritems():
        if group_name in env['group_results']:
        fun = get_object_by_dotted_name(
            env.get('group_scorer', DEFAULT_GROUP_SCORER))
        score, status = fun(results)
        if not isinstance(score, (types.NoneType, ScoreValue)):
            raise TypeError(
                "Group scorer returned %r, not None or ScoreValue" %
                (type(score), ))
        group_result = {}
        group_result['score'] = score and score.serialize()
        group_result['status'] = status
        one_of_tests = env['tests'][results.iterkeys().next()]
        if not all(env['tests'][key]['kind'] == one_of_tests['kind']
                   for key in results.iterkeys()):
            raise ValueError("Tests in group '%s' have different kinds. "
                             "This is not supported." % (group_name, ))
        group_result['kind'] = one_of_tests['kind']
        env['group_results'][group_name] = group_result

    return env
Example #26
def grade_submission(env, kind='NORMAL', **kwargs):
    """Grades submission with specified kind of tests on a `Job` layer.

       If ``kind`` is None, all tests will be graded.

       This `Handler` aggregates score from graded groups and gets
       submission status from tests results.

       Used ``environ`` keys:
           * ``group_results``
           * ``test_results``
           * ``score_aggregator``

       Produced ``environ`` keys:
           * ``status``
           * ``score``
           * ``max_score``

    # TODO: let score_aggregator handle compilation errors

    if env.get('compilation_result', 'OK') != 'OK':
        env['score'] = None
        env['max_score'] = None
        env['status'] = 'CE'
        return env

    fun = get_object_by_dotted_name(env.get('score_aggregator')

    if kind is None:
        group_results = env['group_results']
        group_results = dict((name, res) for (name, res)
                             in env['group_results'].iteritems()
                             if res['kind'] == kind)

    score, max_score, status = fun(group_results)
    assert isinstance(score, (types.NoneType, ScoreValue))
    assert isinstance(max_score, (types.NoneType, ScoreValue))
    env['score'] = score and score.serialize()
    env['max_score'] = max_score and max_score.serialize()
    env['status'] = status

    return env
Example #27
def grade_tests(env, **kwargs):
    """Grades tests using a scoring function.

       The ``env['test_scorer']``, which is used by this ``Handler``,
       should be a path to a function which gets test definition (e.g.  a
       ``env['tests'][test_name]`` dict) and test run result (e.g.  a
       ``env['test_results'][test_name]`` dict) and returns a score
       (instance of some subclass of
       :class:`~oioioi.contests.scores.ScoreValue`) and a status.

       Used ``environ`` keys:
         * ``tests``
         * ``test_results``
         * ``test_scorer``

       Produced ``environ`` keys:
         * `score`, `max_score` and `status` keys in ``env['test_result']``

    fun = get_object_by_dotted_name(env.get('test_scorer')
            or DEFAULT_TEST_SCORER)
    tests = env['tests']
    for test_name, test_result in env['test_results'].iteritems():
        if tests[test_name]['to_judge']:
            score, max_score, status = fun(tests[test_name], test_result)
            assert isinstance(score, (types.NoneType, ScoreValue))
            assert isinstance(max_score, (types.NoneType, ScoreValue))
            test_result['score'] = score and score.serialize()
            test_result['max_score'] = max_score and max_score.serialize()
            test_result['status'] = status
            report = TestReport.objects.get(
            score = report.score
            max_score = IntegerScore(report.test_max_score)
            status = report.status
            time_used = report.time_used
            test_result['score'] = score and score.serialize()
            test_result['max_score'] = max_score and max_score.serialize()
            test_result['status'] = status
            test_result['time_used'] = time_used
            env['test_results'][test_name] = test_result
    return env
Example #28
def _run_phase(env, phase, extra_kwargs={}):
    phaseName = phase[0]
    handlerName = phase[1]
    if len(phase) not in [2, 3]:
        raise TypeError("Receipt element has length neither 2 nor 3: %r" % phase)
    if len(phase) == 2:
        kwargs = {}
    if len(phase) == 3:
        kwargs = phase[2].copy()
    if extra_kwargs:
    handler_func = get_object_by_dotted_name(handlerName)
    env = handler_func(env, **kwargs)
    if env is None:
        raise RuntimeError(
            'Evaluation handler "%s" (%s) ' "forgot to return the environment." % (phaseName, handlerName)
    return env
Example #29
def backend_for_package(filename, original_filename=None):
    """Finds a backend suitable for unpacking the given package and returns
       its dotted name.

       :param filename: a path to the processed problem package

       :param original_filename: the name of the package specified by the
       uploading user.
    for backend_name in settings.PROBLEM_PACKAGE_BACKENDS:
            backend = get_object_by_dotted_name(backend_name)()
            if backend.identify(filename, original_filename):
                return backend_name
        # pylint: disable=broad-except
        except Exception:
            logger.warning("Backend %s probe failed", backend_name, exc_info=True)
    raise NoBackend("Problem pack format not recognized")
Example #30
def _run_phase(env, phase, extra_kwargs={}):
    phaseName = phase[0]
    handlerName = phase[1]
    if len(phase) not in [2, 3]:
        raise TypeError('Receipt element has length neither 2 nor 3: %r' %
    if len(phase) == 2:
        kwargs = {}
    if len(phase) == 3:
        kwargs = phase[2].copy()
    if extra_kwargs:
    handler_func = get_object_by_dotted_name(handlerName)
    env = handler_func(env, **kwargs)
    if env is None:
        raise RuntimeError('Evaluation handler "%s" (%s) '
                           'forgot to return the environment.' %
                           (phaseName, handlerName))
    return env
Example #31
def grade_submission(env, kind='NORMAL', **kwargs):
    """Grades submission with specified kind of tests on a `Job` layer.

       If ``kind`` is None, all tests will be graded.

       This `Handler` aggregates score from graded groups and gets
       submission status from tests results.

       Used ``environ`` keys:
           * ``group_results``
           * ``test_results``
           * ``score_aggregator``

       Produced ``environ`` keys:
           * ``status``
           * ``score``

    # TODO: let score_aggregator handle compilation errors

    if env.get('compilation_result', 'OK') != 'OK':
        env['score'] = None
        env['status'] = 'CE'
        return env

    fun = get_object_by_dotted_name(
        env.get('score_aggregator') or DEFAULT_SCORE_AGGREGATOR)

    if kind is None:
        group_results = env['group_results']
        group_results = dict(
            (name, res) for (name, res) in env['group_results'].iteritems()
            if res['kind'] == kind)

    score, status = fun(group_results)
    assert isinstance(score, (types.NoneType, ScoreValue))
    env['score'] = score and score.serialize()
    env['status'] = status
    return env
Example #32
 def validate(self, value, model_instance):
         obj = get_object_by_dotted_name(value)
     except Exception, e:
         raise ValidationError(_("Object %s not found") % (value, ))
Example #33
 def controller(self):
     return get_object_by_dotted_name(self.controller_name)(self)
Example #34
 def package_backend(self):
     return get_object_by_dotted_name(self.package_backend_name)()
Example #35
def _get_backend():
    return get_object_by_dotted_name(settings.SIOWORKERS_BACKEND)()
Example #36
 def _get_superclass(self):
     if isinstance(self._superclass, basestring):
         self._superclass = get_object_by_dotted_name(self._superclass)
     return self._superclass
Example #37
 def _get_superclass(self):
     if isinstance(self._superclass, basestring):
         self._superclass = get_object_by_dotted_name(self._superclass)
     return self._superclass
Example #38
 def validate(self, value, model_instance):
         obj = get_object_by_dotted_name(value)
     except Exception, e:
         raise ValidationError(_("Object %s not found") % (value,))
Example #39
 def package_backend(self):
     return get_object_by_dotted_name(self.package_backend_name)()
Example #40
 def controller(self):
     return get_object_by_dotted_name(self.controller_name)(self)
Example #41
 def controller(self):
     if not self.controller_name:
         return None
     return get_object_by_dotted_name(self.controller_name)(self)
Example #42
 def controller(self):
     if not self.controller_name:
         return None
     return get_object_by_dotted_name(self.controller_name)(self)
Example #43
def _get_backend():
    return get_object_by_dotted_name(settings.SIOWORKERS_BACKEND)()
Example #44
def import_results(env, kind=None, map_to_kind=None, **kwargs):
    """Imports the results returned by Zeus.

       If ``kind`` is specified, it will only look for results with given kind.
       If ``map_to_kind`` is specified, all matching tests will be imported
       with kind replaced with ``map_to_kind``.

       The ``env['zeus_metadata_decoder']``, which is used by this ``Handler``,
       should be a path to a function which gets Zeus metadata for test
       (e.g.  a ``env['zeus_results'][0]['metadata']`` string) and returns
       a dictionary which will be a base for ``test`` information
       (at least containing keys ``name``, ``group`` and ``max_score``
       defined as below).

       Used ``environ`` keys:
         * ``zeus_results`` - populated by results fetcher

       Produced ``environ`` keys:
          * env['compilation_result'] - may be OK if the file compiled
                                        successfully or CE otherwise.
          * env['compilation_message'] - contains compiler stdout and stderr

          * ``tests`` - a dictionary mapping test names into
            dictionaries with following keys:

              test name
              kind of the test (EXAMPLE, NORMAL)
              group the test belongs to
              maximum score the user can get for this test
              time limit for the test (in ms)
              memory limit for the test (in KiB)
              raw metadata for the test as returned by Zeus

          * ``test_results`` - a dictionary, mapping test names into
            dictionaries with the following keys:

                test status: OK, WA, RE, ...
                detailed supervisor information (for example, where the
                required and returned outputs differ)
                total time used, in milliseconds
                raw result returned by Zeus
    zeus_results = [r for r in env['zeus_results'] if r['report_kind'] == kind]
    # Assuming compilation statuses are consistent
    env['compilation_result'] = \
            'OK' if zeus_results[0].get('compilation_successful') else 'CE'
    env['compilation_message'] = zeus_results[0].get('compilation_message')

    if env['compilation_result'] != 'OK':
        return env

    decoder = get_object_by_dotted_name(env.get('zeus_metadata_decoder')

    tests = env.setdefault('tests', {})
    test_results = env.setdefault('test_results', {})
    for result in zeus_results:
        test = decoder(result['metadata'])
        error = "Not enough data decoded from: %s" % result['metadata']
        assert 'name' in test, error
        assert 'group' in test, error
        assert 'max_score' in test, error
        if test['name'] in test_results:

            'zeus_metadata': result['metadata'],
            'kind': map_to_kind if map_to_kind else result['report_kind'],
            'exec_time_limit': result['time_limit_ms'],
            'exec_memory_limit': result['memory_limit_byte'] / 1024,
        tests[test['name']] = test

        test_result = {
            'result_code': result['status'],
            'result_string': result['result_string'],
            'time_used': result['execution_time_ms'],
            'zeus_test_result': result,

        # Fill in time_used if none given e. g. when timing machinery didn't
        # start yet or failed.
        if test_result['time_used'] is None:
            if result['status'] == 'TLE':
                test_result['time_used'] = test['exec_time_limit']
                test_result['time_used'] = 0

        test_results[test['name']] = test_result

    return env
def import_results(env, kind=None, map_to_kind=None, **kwargs):
    """Imports the results returned by Zeus.

       If ``kind`` is specified, it will only look for results with given kind.
       If ``map_to_kind`` is specified, all matching tests will be imported
       with kind replaced with ``map_to_kind``.

       The ``env['zeus_metadata_decoder']``, which is used by this ``Handler``,
       should be a path to a function which gets Zeus metadata for test
       (e.g.  a ``env['zeus_results'][0]['metadata']`` string) and returns
       a dictionary which will be a base for ``test`` information
       (at least containing keys ``name``, ``group`` and ``max_score``
       defined as below).

       Used ``environ`` keys:
         * ``zeus_results`` - populated by results fetcher

       Produced ``environ`` keys:
          * env['compilation_result'] - may be OK if the file compiled
                                        successfully or CE otherwise.
          * env['compilation_message'] - contains compiler stdout and stderr

          * ``tests`` - a dictionary mapping test names into
            dictionaries with following keys:

              test name
              kind of the test (EXAMPLE, NORMAL)
              group the test belongs to
              maximum score the user can get for this test
              time limit for the test (in ms)
              memory limit for the test (in KiB)
              raw metadata for the test as returned by Zeus

          * ``test_results`` - a dictionary, mapping test names into
            dictionaries with the following keys:

                test status: OK, WA, RE, ...
                detailed supervisor information (for example, where the
                required and returned outputs differ)
                total time used, in milliseconds
                raw result returned by Zeus
    zeus_results = [r for r in env['zeus_results'] if r['report_kind'] == kind]
    # Assuming compilation statuses are consistent
    env['compilation_result'] = \
            'OK' if zeus_results[0].get('compilation_successful') else 'CE'
    env['compilation_message'] = zeus_results[0].get('compilation_message')

    decoder = get_object_by_dotted_name(
        env.get('zeus_metadata_decoder') or DEFAULT_METADATA_DECODER)

    tests = env.setdefault('tests', {})
    test_results = env.setdefault('test_results', {})
    for result in zeus_results:
        test = decoder(result['metadata'])
        assert 'name' in test
        assert 'group' in test
        assert 'max_score' in test
        if test['name'] in test_results:

            map_to_kind if map_to_kind else result['report_kind'],
            result['memory_limit_byte'] / 1024,
        tests[test['name']] = test

        test_results[test['name']] = {
            'result_code': result['status'],
            'result_string': result['result_string'],
            'time_used': result['execution_time_ms'],
            'zeus_test_result': result,

    return env