def adv_question(dep_graph: DependencyGraph, oia_graph: OIAGraph,
                 context: UD2OIAContext):

    :param dep_graph:
    :param oia_graph:

    pattern = DependencyGraph()

    question_node = pattern.create_node(
    verb_node = pattern.create_node(UPOS="VERB|AUX")
    # subj_node = pattern.create_node()

    pattern.add_dependency(verb_node, question_node, "advmod|amod")
    # pattern.add_dependency(verb_node, subj_node, r"\w*subj")

    for match in list(dep_graph.match(pattern)):

        dep_question_node, dep_verb_node = \
            [match[x] for x in (question_node, verb_node)]

        #        if not dep_question_node.LOC < dep_subj_node.LOC:
        #            # not a question
        #            continue

        oia_question_node = oia_graph.add_words(dep_question_node.position)
        oia_verb_node = oia_graph.add_words(dep_verb_node.position)

        oia_graph.remove_relation(oia_verb_node, oia_question_node)

        for parent, rel in list(oia_graph.parents(oia_verb_node)):

            if rel.mod:

            oia_graph.remove_relation(parent, oia_verb_node)
            oia_graph.add_relation(parent, oia_question_node, rel)

        oia_graph.add_function(oia_question_node, oia_verb_node)
def general_question(dep_graph: DependencyGraph, oia_graph: OIAGraph,
                     context: UD2OIAContext):

    :param dep_graph:
    :param oia_graph:

    for verb in dep_graph.nodes(filter=lambda n: n.UPOS == "VERB"):

        if any(
                any(x in n.LEMMA
                    for x in {"what", "how", "why", "when", "where"})
                for n in dep_graph.offsprings(verb)):

        parents = [n for n, _ in dep_graph.parents(verb)]

        # if not(len(parents) == 1 and parents[0].ID == "0"):
        #    continue
        # check subj and aux

        subj = None
        aux = None
        for child, rel in dep_graph.children(verb):
            if "subj" in rel:
                subj = child
            if "aux" in rel:
                aux = child

        is_be_verb = False

        if not isinstance(verb, DependencyGraphSuperNode):
            is_be_verb = verb.LEMMA == "be"
            assert isinstance(verb, DependencyGraphSuperNode)
            assert aux is None
            for n in verb.nodes:
                if isinstance(n, DependencyGraphNode):
                    if n.LEMMA == "be":
                        is_be_verb = True
                        # print('verb.nodes:', str(" ".join(str(xx.LEMMA) for xx in verb.nodes)))
                        # print('is_be_verb222:', is_be_verb)
                    if n.UPOS == "AUX":
                        aux = n
        # print('is_be_verb:', is_be_verb)
        if aux is None and not is_be_verb:
            # cannot be a general question

        expl_child = [n for n, l in dep_graph.children(verb) if l == "expl"]
        if expl_child:
            assert len(expl_child) == 1
            subj = expl_child[0]

        if subj is None:
                "subject is none, cannot decide whether it is a question")
        #        print('subj.LOC:', subj.LOC)
        #        print('subj.LOC type:', type(subj.LOC))
        oia_verb_node = oia_graph.add_words(verb.position)

        is_there_be_verb = is_be_verb and ("there" in verb.LEMMA.split(' ')
                                           or "here" in verb.LEMMA.split(' '))

        is_question = False

        if is_there_be_verb:

            assert isinstance(verb, DependencyGraphSuperNode)
            be_node = [n for n in verb.nodes if n.LEMMA == "be"][0]
            there_node = [
                n for n in verb.nodes
                if n.LEMMA == "there" or n.LEMMA == "here"
            # print('there_node:', there_node)
            if be_node.LOC < there_node.LOC:
                is_question = True

        elif (is_be_verb and verb.LOC < subj.LOC):

            is_question = True

        elif (aux is not None and aux.LOC < subj.LOC):

            is_question = True

        if is_question:
            # if aux is not None and aux.LEMMA == "do":
            #    oia_question_node = oia_graph.add_word_with_head(aux.LOC)
            # else:

            oia_question_node = oia_graph.add_aux("WHETHER")

            oia_graph.add_function(oia_question_node, oia_verb_node)
Example #3
def simple_clause(dep_graph: DependencyGraph, oia_graph: OIAGraph,
                  context: UD2OIAContext):
    :TODO badcase  Attached is a new link
    :param dep_graph:
    :param oia_graph:
    # for node in dep_graph.nodes():
    #     print('node:',node)
    for pred_node in dep_graph.nodes(
            filter=lambda x: x.UPOS in {"VERB", "ADJ", "NOUN", "AUX", "ADV"}):
        # ADJ is for "With the demand so high,"
        # NOUN is for "X the best for Y"
        # AUX is for have in "I have a cat"
        # print('pred_node', pred_node)
        expl = None
        nsubj = None
        subj = None
        objs = []

        for child, rel in dep_graph.children(pred_node):
            # print('child node:', child)
            # print('child rel:', rel)
            if ('nsubj' in rel or "csubj" in rel):  # and ":xsubj" not in rel:
                nsubj = child
            elif rel.startswith('obj'):
                objs.append((child, 1))
            elif rel.startswith('iobj'):
                objs.append((child, 0))
            elif 'ccomp' in rel or "xcomp" in rel:  # and child.UPOS == "VERB":
                objs.append((child, 2))
            elif "expl" in rel:
                expl = child

        if nsubj:
            # if pred_node.LOC < nsubj.LOC:
            #     # TODO: in what situation?
            #     objs.insert(0, nsubj)
            # else:
            subj = nsubj

        if expl:  # It VERB subj that    # VERB subj it that
            if expl.LOC < pred_node.LOC:
                subj = expl
                objs.insert(0, (subj, -1))
            else:  # expl.LOC > pred_node.LOC:
                objs.insert(0, (expl, -1))

        if not subj and not objs:

        pred_node = oia_graph.add_words(pred_node.position)

        if not pred_node:

        arg_index = 1

        if subj is not None:
            if not oia_graph.has_relation(pred_node, subj):
                subj_node = oia_graph.add_words(subj.position)
                oia_graph.add_argument(pred_node, subj_node, arg_index)

        arg_index += 1

        objs.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])

        for obj, weight in objs:
            # print('obj:',obj)
            oia_obj_node = oia_graph.add_words(obj.position)

            # def __sconj_node(n):
            #    # that conj is ommited
            #    return (n.UPOS == "SCONJ" and n.LEMMA not in {"that"})

            def __adv_question_node(n):
                return ((n.UPOS == "ADV"
                         and n.LEMMA in {"when", "where", "how", "whether"}))

            # def __pron_question_node(n):
            #     return (n.UPOS == "PRON" and n.LEMMA in {"what", "who", "which"})

            # def __interested_node2(n):
            #     # that conj is ommited
            #     return (n.UPOS == "PART")

            # sconj_nodes = [n for n, l in dep_graph.children(obj,
            #                      filter=lambda n,l: l == "mark" and __sconj_node(n))]
            adv_question_nodes = [
                n for n, l in dep_graph.children(
                    filter=lambda n, l: l == "mark" and __adv_question_node(n))

            # subj_question_nodes = [n for n, l in dep_graph.children(obj,
            #                        filter=lambda n,l: "subj" in l and __pron_question_node(n))]
            # obj_question_nodes = [n for n, l in dep_graph.children(obj,
            #                         filter=lambda n,
            #                                       l: ("obj" in l or "comp") in l and __pron_question_node(
            #                             n))]
            # nodes_of_interests2 = [n for n, l in dep_graph.children(obj,
            #                      filter=lambda n,l: l == "advmod" and __interested_node2(n))]
            # print('nodes_of_interests:', nodes_of_interests)
            # if nodes_of_interests2:
            #     assert len(nodes_of_interests2) == 1
            #     interest_node = nodes_of_interests2[0]
            #     oia_interest_node = oia_graph.add_word_with_head(interest_node.LOC)
            #     oia_graph.add_argument(pred_node, oia_interest_node, arg_index)
            #     # oia_graph.add_function(oia_interest_node, oia_obj_node)
            #     arg_index += 1
            #     oia_graph.add_argument(oia_interest_node, oia_obj_node, arg_index)
            #     arg_index += 1

            if adv_question_nodes:
                assert len(adv_question_nodes) == 1
                interest_node = adv_question_nodes[0]
                oia_interest_node = oia_graph.add_words(interest_node.position)
                oia_graph.add_argument(pred_node, oia_interest_node, arg_index)
                oia_graph.add_function(oia_interest_node, oia_obj_node)

                if not oia_graph.has_relation(pred_node, obj):
                    oia_graph.add_argument(pred_node, oia_obj_node, arg_index)

            arg_index += 1

    pattern = DependencyGraph()
    parent_pred = pattern.create_node()
    child_pred = pattern.create_node()
    question_word = pattern.create_node(LEMMA=r'what|who')

    pattern.add_dependency(parent_pred, child_pred,
    pattern.add_dependency(parent_pred, question_word,
    pattern.add_dependency(child_pred, question_word,

    for match in dep_graph.match(pattern):
        dep_parent_pred, dep_child_pred, dep_question_word = [
            match[x] for x in [parent_pred, child_pred, question_word]

        oia_parent_pred, oia_child_pred, oia_question_word = [
            for x in [dep_parent_pred, dep_child_pred, dep_question_word]

        oia_question_word.is_func = True

        rel = oia_graph.get_edge(oia_child_pred, oia_question_word)

        oia_graph.remove_relation(oia_child_pred, oia_question_word)
        oia_graph.remove_relation(oia_parent_pred, oia_child_pred)

        oia_graph.add_relation(oia_question_word, oia_child_pred,
                               "mod_by:" + rel.label)