def test_is_gate_active():
    request = factory.get('/')

    assert not is_gate_active(request, 'foo')

    request.version = 'v2'

    assert is_gate_active(request, 'foo')
Example #2
def test_is_gate_active():
    request = factory.get('/')

    assert not is_gate_active(request, 'foo')

    request.version = 'v2'

    assert is_gate_active(request, 'foo')
Example #3
 def to_representation(self, instance):
     data = super().to_representation(instance)
     request = self.context.get('request', None)
     if request and is_gate_active(request,
         data.pop('is_custom', None)
     if request and is_gate_active(request, 'del-version-license-slug'):
         data.pop('slug', None)
     return data
Example #4
 def to_representation(self, obj):
     data = super().to_representation(obj)
     request = self.context.get('request', None)
     if request and not is_gate_active(request, 'platform-shim'):
         data.pop('platform', None)
     if request and not is_gate_active(request, 'is-restart-required-shim'):
         data.pop('is_restart_required', None)
     if request and not is_gate_active(request, 'is-webextension-shim'):
         data.pop('is_webextension', None)
     return data
Example #5
    def to_representation(self, obj):
        data = super(AddonSerializer, self).to_representation(obj)
        request = self.context.get('request', None)

        if request and is_gate_active(request, 'del-addons-created-field'):
            data.pop('created', None)
        if request and not is_gate_active(request, 'is-source-public-shim'):
            data.pop('is_source_public', None)
        if request and not is_gate_active(request, 'is-featured-addon-shim'):
            data.pop('is_featured', None)
        return data
Example #6
def test_is_gate_active_explicit_upgrades():
    # Test that we're not implicitly upgrading feature gates
    request = factory.get('/')

    assert not is_gate_active(request, 'baa')

    request.version = 'v2'

    assert not is_gate_active(request, 'baa')

    request.version = 'v3'

    assert is_gate_active(request, 'baa')
def test_is_gate_active_explicit_upgrades():
    # Test that we're not implicitly upgrading feature gates
    request = factory.get('/')

    assert not is_gate_active(request, 'baa')

    request.version = 'v2'

    assert not is_gate_active(request, 'baa')

    request.version = 'v3'

    assert is_gate_active(request, 'baa')
    def to_representation(self, obj):
        data = super(AddonSerializer, self).to_representation(obj)
        request = self.context.get('request', None)

        if ('request' in self.context
                and 'wrap_outgoing_links' in self.context['request'].GET):
            for key in ('homepage', 'support_url', 'contributions_url'):
                if key in data:
                    data[key] = self.outgoingify(data[key])
        if request and is_gate_active(request, 'del-addons-created-field'):
            data.pop('created', None)
        if request and not is_gate_active(request, 'is-source-public-shim'):
            data.pop('is_source_public', None)
        return data
Example #9
 def get_serializer_class(self):
     if (self.action == 'list' and self.request and not is_gate_active(
             self.request, 'keep-license-text-in-version-list')):
         serializer_class = VersionListSerializer
         serializer_class = VersionSerializer
     return serializer_class
Example #10
 def to_representation(self, instance):
     request = self.context.get('request')
     out = super(
         CollectionAddonSerializer, self).to_representation(instance)
     if request and is_gate_active(request, 'collections-downloads-shim'):
         out['downloads'] = 0
     return out
Example #11
 def to_representation(self, instance):
     request = self.context.get('request')
     out = super(CollectionAddonSerializer,
     if request and is_gate_active(request, 'collections-downloads-shim'):
         out['downloads'] = 0
     return out
Example #12
 def to_representation(self, obj):
     data = super(ESAddonSerializer, self).to_representation(obj)
     request = self.context.get('request')
     if request and '_score' in data and not is_gate_active(
             request, 'addons-search-_score-field'):
     return data
Example #13
 def to_representation(self, instance):
     data = super(LicenseSerializer, self).to_representation(instance)
     request = self.context.get('request', None)
     if request and is_gate_active(
             request, 'del-version-license-is-custom'):
         data.pop('is_custom', None)
     return data
Example #14
 def to_representation(self, instance):
     out = super(BaseRatingSerializer, self).to_representation(instance)
     if self.request and is_gate_active(self.request, 'ratings-title-shim'):
         out['title'] = None
     if not self.context['view'].should_include_flags():
         out.pop('flags', None)
     return out
Example #15
    def to_representation(self, value):
        data = super().to_representation(value)
        request = self.context.get('request', None)

        if request and is_gate_active(request, 'wrap-outgoing-parameter'):
            if data and 'wrap_outgoing_links' in request.GET:
                if isinstance(data, str):
                    return get_outgoing_url(data)
                elif isinstance(data, dict):
                    return {
                        key: get_outgoing_url(value) if value else None
                        for key, value in data.items()
            # None or empty string... don't bother.
            return data

        if not data:
            return None
        if isinstance(data, dict):
            outgoing = {
                key: value if key == '_default' else
                get_outgoing_url(value) if value else None
                for key, value in data.items()
            outgoing = get_outgoing_url(str(data))
        return {'url': data, 'outgoing': outgoing}
Example #16
 def to_representation(self, obj):
     data = super(ESAddonSerializer, self).to_representation(obj)
     request = self.context.get('request')
     if request and '_score' in data and not is_gate_active(
             request, 'addons-search-_score-field'):
     return data
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(RatingSerializer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     request = kwargs.get('context', {}).get('request')
     if request and is_gate_active(request, 'ratings-rating-shim'):
         score_field = self.fields.pop('score')
         score_field.source = None  # drf complains if we specifiy source.
         self.fields['rating'] = score_field
Example #18
 def to_representation(self, instance):
     out = super().to_representation(instance)
     if self.request and is_gate_active(self.request, 'ratings-title-shim'):
         out['title'] = None
     if not self.context['view'].should_include_flags():
         out.pop('flags', None)
     return out
Example #19
    def to_representation(self, obj):
        data = super().to_representation(obj)
        request = self.context.get('request', None)

        if request and is_gate_active(request, 'del-accounts-fxa-edit-email-url'):
            data.pop('fxa_edit_email_url', None)
        return data
Example #20
 def to_representation(self, instance):
     repr = super().to_representation(instance)
     request = self.context.get('request', None)
     if 'file' in repr and request and is_gate_active(request, 'version-files'):
         # In v3/v4 files is expected to be a list but now we only have one file.
         repr['files'] = [repr.pop('file')]
     return repr
Example #21
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(RatingSerializer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     request = kwargs.get('context', {}).get('request')
     if request and is_gate_active(request, 'ratings-rating-shim'):
         score_field = self.fields.pop('score')
         score_field.source = None  # drf complains if we specifiy source.
         self.fields['rating'] = score_field
Example #22
 def filter_queryset(self, qs):
     if self.action == 'list':
         addon_identifier = self.request.GET.get('addon')
         user_identifier = self.request.GET.get('user')
         version_identifier = self.request.GET.get('version')
         score_filter = (
             if is_gate_active(self.request, 'ratings-score-filter')
             else None)
         exclude_ratings = self.request.GET.get('exclude_ratings')
         if addon_identifier:
             qs = qs.filter(addon=self.get_addon_object())
         if user_identifier:
                 user_identifier = int(user_identifier)
             except ValueError:
                 raise ParseError('user parameter should be an integer.')
             qs = qs.filter(user=user_identifier)
         if version_identifier:
                 version_identifier = int(version_identifier)
             except ValueError:
                 raise ParseError('version parameter should be an integer.')
             qs = qs.filter(version=version_identifier)
         elif addon_identifier:
             # When filtering on addon but not on version, only return the
             # latest rating posted by each user.
             qs = qs.filter(is_latest=True)
         if not addon_identifier and not user_identifier:
             # Don't allow listing ratings without filtering by add-on or
             # user.
             raise ParseError('Need an addon or user parameter')
         if user_identifier and addon_identifier and version_identifier:
             # When user, addon and version identifiers are set, we are
             # effectively only looking for one or zero objects. Fake
             # pagination in that case, avoiding all count() calls and
             # therefore related cache-machine invalidation issues. Needed
             # because the frontend wants to call this before and after
             # having posted a new rating, and needs accurate results.
             self.pagination_class = OneOrZeroPageNumberPagination
         if score_filter:
                 scores = [int(score) for score in score_filter.split(',')]
             except ValueError:
                 raise ParseError(
                     'score parameter should be an integer or a list of '
                     'integers (separated by a comma).')
             qs = qs.filter(rating__in=scores)
         if exclude_ratings:
                 exclude_ratings = [
                     int(rating) for rating in exclude_ratings.split(',')
             except ValueError:
                 raise ParseError('exclude_ratings parameter should be an '
                                  'integer or a list of integers '
                                  '(separated by a comma).')
             qs = qs.exclude(pk__in=exclude_ratings)
     return super(RatingViewSet, self).filter_queryset(qs)
Example #23
    def to_representation(self, obj):
        data = super(UserProfileSerializer, self).to_representation(obj)
        request = self.context.get('request', None)

        if request and is_gate_active(request,
            data.pop('fxa_edit_email_url', None)
        return data
Example #24
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(RatingSerializer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     score_to_rating = (self.request and is_gate_active(
         self.request, 'ratings-rating-shim'))
     if score_to_rating:
         score_field = self.fields.pop('score')
         score_field.source = None  # drf complains if we specifiy source.
         self.fields['rating'] = score_field
Example #25
 def to_representation(self, instance):
     data = super().to_representation(instance)
     request = self.context.get('request', None)
     if request and not is_gate_active(
             request, 'disco-heading-and-description-shim'):
         data.pop('heading', None)
         data.pop('description', None)
     return data
Example #26
 def get_attribute(self, obj):
     # For l10n_flat_input_output, make sure to always return a string as before.
     attribute = super().get_attribute(obj)
     if attribute is None:
         request = self.context.get('request', None)
         if is_gate_active(request, 'l10n_flat_input_output'):
             attribute = ''
     return attribute
Example #27
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(RatingSerializer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     score_to_rating = (
         self.request and
         is_gate_active(self.request, 'ratings-rating-shim'))
     if score_to_rating:
         score_field = self.fields.pop('score')
         score_field.source = None  # drf complains if we specify source.
         self.fields['rating'] = score_field
Example #28
 def get_requested_language(self):
     # For l10n_flat_input_output, if the request didn't specify a `lang=xx` then
     # fake it as `lang=en-US` so we get a single (flat) result.
     requested = super().get_requested_language()
     if not requested:
         request = self.context.get('request', None)
         if is_gate_active(request, 'l10n_flat_input_output'):
             requested = settings.LANGUAGE_CODE
     return requested
 def filter_queryset(self, qs):
     if self.action == 'list':
         addon_identifier = self.request.GET.get('addon')
         user_identifier = self.request.GET.get('user')
         version_identifier = self.request.GET.get('version')
         score_filter = (self.request.GET.get('score') if is_gate_active(
             self.request, 'ratings-score-filter') else None)
         exclude_ratings = self.request.GET.get('exclude_ratings')
         if addon_identifier:
             qs = qs.filter(addon=self.get_addon_object())
         if user_identifier:
                 user_identifier = int(user_identifier)
             except ValueError:
                 raise ParseError('user parameter should be an integer.')
             qs = qs.filter(user=user_identifier)
         if version_identifier:
                 version_identifier = int(version_identifier)
             except ValueError:
                 raise ParseError('version parameter should be an integer.')
             qs = qs.filter(version=version_identifier)
         elif addon_identifier:
             # When filtering on addon but not on version, only return the
             # latest rating posted by each user.
             qs = qs.filter(is_latest=True)
         if not addon_identifier and not user_identifier:
             # Don't allow listing ratings without filtering by add-on or
             # user.
             raise ParseError('Need an addon or user parameter')
         if user_identifier and addon_identifier and version_identifier:
             # When user, addon and version identifiers are set, we are
             # effectively only looking for one or zero objects. Fake
             # pagination in that case, avoiding all count() calls and
             # therefore related cache-machine invalidation issues. Needed
             # because the frontend wants to call this before and after
             # having posted a new rating, and needs accurate results.
             self.pagination_class = OneOrZeroPageNumberPagination
         if score_filter:
                 scores = [int(score) for score in score_filter.split(',')]
             except ValueError:
                 raise ParseError(
                     'score parameter should be an integer or a list of '
                     'integers (separated by a comma).')
             qs = qs.filter(rating__in=scores)
         if exclude_ratings:
                 exclude_ratings = [
                     int(rating) for rating in exclude_ratings.split(',')
             except ValueError:
                 raise ParseError('exclude_ratings parameter should be an '
                                  'integer or a list of integers '
                                  '(separated by a comma).')
             qs = qs.exclude(pk__in=exclude_ratings)
     return super(RatingViewSet, self).filter_queryset(qs)
Example #30
 def get_requested_language(self):
     # For l10n_flat_input_output, if the request didn't specify a `lang=xx` then
     # fake it with the current locale so we get a single (flat) result.
     requested = super().get_requested_language()
     if not requested:
         request = self.context.get('request', None)
         if is_gate_active(request, 'l10n_flat_input_output'):
             requested = get_language()
     return requested
Example #31
 def to_representation(self, obj):
     data = super(LanguageToolsSerializer, self).to_representation(obj)
     request = self.context['request']
     if (AddonAppVersionQueryParam.query_param not in request.GET and
             'current_compatible_version' in data):
     if request and is_gate_active(
             request, 'addons-locale_disambiguation-shim'):
         data['locale_disambiguation'] = None
     return data
Example #32
 def to_representation(self, obj):
     data = super(LanguageToolsSerializer, self).to_representation(obj)
     request = self.context['request']
     if (AddonAppVersionQueryParam.query_param not in request.GET
             and 'current_compatible_version' in data):
     if request and is_gate_active(request,
         data['locale_disambiguation'] = None
     return data
Example #33
    def get_user(self, obj):
        """Return minimal user information from ActivityLog.

        id, username and url are present for backwards-compatibility in v3 API
        data = {
        request = self.context.get('request')
        if request and is_gate_active(request, 'activity-user-shim'):
            data.update({'id': None, 'username': None, 'url': None})
        return data
Example #34
    def to_representation(self, obj):
        data = super().to_representation(obj)
        request = self.context.get('request', None)
        # when 'wrap-outgoing-parameter' is on url is a flat string already
        is_flat_url = request and is_gate_active(request,

        url = data.get('url')
        if not url:
            if obj.endpoint == Shelf.Endpoints.SEARCH:
                query_string = '&'.join(
                    for key, value in obj.get_param_dict().items())
                fallback = absolutify(
            elif obj.endpoint == Shelf.Endpoints.RANDOM_TAG:
                tag_page_url = reverse('tags.detail',
                                       kwargs={'tag_name': obj.tag})
                query_string = '&'.join(
                    for key, value in obj.get_param_dict().items()
                    if key != 'tag')
                fallback = absolutify(f'{tag_page_url}?{query_string}')
            elif obj.endpoint == Shelf.Endpoints.COLLECTIONS:
                fallback = absolutify(
                            'user_id': str(settings.TASK_USER_ID),
                            'slug': obj.criteria,
                # shouldn't happen
                fallback = None
            url = ({
                'url': fallback,
                'outgoing': fallback
            } if not is_flat_url else fallback)
        # text = data.get('text')

        if is_flat_url:
            return {
                'url': url,
            return {
                'url': (url or {}).get('url'),
                'outgoing': (url or {}).get('outgoing'),
Example #35
 def get_queryset(self):
     """Return the right base queryset depending on the situation."""
     requested = self.request.GET.get('filter')
     valid_filters = (
     if requested is not None:
         if self.action != 'list':
             raise serializers.ValidationError(
                 'The "filter" parameter is not valid in this context.'
         elif requested not in valid_filters:
             raise serializers.ValidationError(
                 'Invalid "filter" parameter specified.'
     # When listing, by default we only want to return listed, approved
     # versions, matching frontend needs - this can be overridden by the
     # filter in use. When fetching a single instance however, we use the
     # same queryset as the less restrictive filter, that allows us to see
     # all versions, even deleted ones. In any case permission checks will
     # prevent access if necessary (meaning regular users will never see
     # deleted or unlisted versions regardless of the queryset being used).
     # We start with the <Addon>.versions manager in order to have the
     # `addon` property preloaded on each version we return.
     addon = self.get_addon_object()
     if requested == 'all_with_deleted' or self.action != 'list':
         queryset = addon.versions(manager='unfiltered_for_relations').all()
     elif requested == 'all_with_unlisted':
         queryset = addon.versions.all()
     elif requested == 'all_without_unlisted':
         queryset = addon.versions.filter(channel=amo.RELEASE_CHANNEL_LISTED)
         queryset = addon.versions.filter(
             file__status=amo.STATUS_APPROVED, channel=amo.RELEASE_CHANNEL_LISTED
     # FIXME: we want to prefetch file.webext_permission instances in here
     if (
         self.action == 'list'
         and self.request
         and not is_gate_active(self.request, 'keep-license-text-in-version-list')
         # When listing, we use the transformer_license (it's not active by default)
         # to fetch licenses & their translations in one (two with translations)
         # query regardless of the number of versions.
         # Note that this transformer defers text, which we don't need when listing.
         # This means we can't use it in API versions where the
         # 'keep-license-text-in-version-list' gate is active, so that endpoint
         # doesn't scale as nicely in those versions.
         queryset = queryset.transform(Version.transformer_license)
     return queryset
Example #36
    def get_user(self, obj):
        """Return minimal user information using ActivityLog.author_name to
        avoid revealing actual name of reviewers for their review actions if
        they have set an alias.

        id, username and url are present for backwards-compatibility in v3 API
        data = {
            'name': obj.author_name,
        request = self.context.get('request')
        if request and is_gate_active(request, 'activity-user-shim'):
            data.update({'id': None, 'username': None, 'url': None})
        return data
Example #37
    def to_representation(self, instance):
        data = super().to_representation(instance)
        request = self.context.get('request', None)
        if request and not is_gate_active(
                request, 'disco-heading-and-description-shim'):
            data.pop('heading', None)
            data.pop('description', None)

        # if there wasn't a custom description, swap it out for the addon summary
        addon_summary = data.pop('addon_summary', None)
        if (not data.get('description_text')
                and instance.should_fallback_to_addon_summary
                and addon_summary):
            data['description_text'] = addon_summary

        return data
Example #38
    def get_serializer_class(self):
        use_developer_serializer = getattr(
            self.request, 'user',
            None) and acl.author_or_unlisted_viewer_or_reviewer(
                self.request, self.get_addon_object())

        if (self.action == 'list' and self.request and not is_gate_active(
                self.request, 'keep-license-text-in-version-list')):
            serializer_class = (ListVersionSerializer
                                if not use_developer_serializer else
            serializer_class = (VersionSerializer
                                if not use_developer_serializer else
        return serializer_class
Example #39
    def to_representation(self, obj):
        data = super().to_representation(obj)
        if data.get('url') or data.get('text'):
            request = self.context.get('request', None)

            if request and is_gate_active(request, 'wrap-outgoing-parameter'):
                # when 'wrap-outgoing-parameter' is on url is a flat string already
                return data
                url = data.get('url') or {}
                return {
                    'url': url.get('url'),
                    'outgoing': url.get('outgoing'),
            return None
Example #40
    def get_user(self, obj):
        """Return minimal user information using ActivityLog.author_name to
        avoid revealing actual name of reviewers for their review actions if
        they have set an alias.

        id, username and url are present for backwards-compatibility in v3 API
        data = {
            'name': obj.author_name,
        request = self.context.get('request')
        if request and is_gate_active(request, 'activity-user-shim'):
                'id': None,
                'username': None,
                'url': None
        return data
Example #41
 def should_include_flags(self):
     if not hasattr(self, '_should_include_flags'):
         request = self.request
         self._should_include_flags = (
             'show_flags_for' in request.GET
             and not is_gate_active(request, 'del-ratings-flags'))
         if self._should_include_flags:
             # Check the parameter was sent correctly
                 show_flags_for = serializers.IntegerField(
                 if show_flags_for !=
                     raise serializers.ValidationError
             except serializers.ValidationError:
                 raise ParseError(
                     'show_flags_for parameter value should be equal to '
                     'the user id of the authenticated user')
     return self._should_include_flags
Example #42
 def should_include_flags(self):
     if not hasattr(self, '_should_include_flags'):
         request = self.request
         self._should_include_flags = (
             'show_flags_for' in request.GET and
             not is_gate_active(request, 'del-ratings-flags')
         if self._should_include_flags:
             # Check the parameter was sent correctly
                 show_flags_for = (
                 if show_flags_for !=
                     raise serializers.ValidationError
             except serializers.ValidationError:
                 raise ParseError(
                     'show_flags_for parameter value should be equal to '
                     'the user id of the authenticated user')
     return self._should_include_flags
Example #43
 def get_paginated_response(self, data):
     request = self.request
     extra_data = {}
     if 'show_grouped_ratings' in request.GET:
             show_grouped_ratings = serializers.BooleanField().to_internal_value(
         except serializers.ValidationError:
             raise ParseError('show_grouped_ratings parameter should be a boolean')
         if show_grouped_ratings and self.get_addon_object():
             extra_data['grouped_ratings'] = dict(
     if 'show_permissions_for' in request.GET and is_gate_active(
         self.request, 'ratings-can_reply'
         if 'addon' not in request.GET:
             raise ParseError(
                 'show_permissions_for parameter is only valid if the '
                 'addon parameter is also present'
             show_permissions_for = serializers.IntegerField().to_internal_value(
             if show_permissions_for !=
                 raise serializers.ValidationError
         except serializers.ValidationError:
             raise ParseError(
                 'show_permissions_for parameter value should be equal to '
                 'the user id of the authenticated user'
         extra_data['can_reply'] = self.check_can_reply_permission_for_ratings_list()
     # Call this here so the validation checks on the `show_flags_for` are
     # carried out even when there are no results to serialize.
     response = super(RatingViewSet, self).get_paginated_response(data)
     if extra_data:
     return response
Example #44
 def get_paginated_response(self, data):
     request = self.request
     extra_data = {}
     if 'show_grouped_ratings' in request.GET:
             show_grouped_ratings = (
         except serializers.ValidationError:
             raise ParseError(
                 'show_grouped_ratings parameter should be a boolean')
         if show_grouped_ratings and self.get_addon_object():
             extra_data['grouped_ratings'] = dict(GroupedRating.get(
     if ('show_permissions_for' in request.GET and
             is_gate_active(self.request, 'ratings-can_reply')):
         if 'addon' not in request.GET:
             raise ParseError(
                 'show_permissions_for parameter is only valid if the '
                 'addon parameter is also present')
             show_permissions_for = (
             if show_permissions_for !=
                 raise serializers.ValidationError
         except serializers.ValidationError:
             raise ParseError(
                 'show_permissions_for parameter value should be equal to '
                 'the user id of the authenticated user')
         extra_data['can_reply'] = (
     # Call this here so the validation checks on the `show_flags_for` are
     # carried out even when there are no results to serialize.
     response = super(RatingViewSet, self).get_paginated_response(data)
     if extra_data:
     return response
Example #45
    def to_representation(self, obj):
        data = super(AddonSerializer, self).to_representation(obj)
        request = self.context.get('request', None)

        if 'theme_data' in data and data['theme_data'] is None:
        if ('request' in self.context and
                'wrap_outgoing_links' in self.context['request'].GET):
            for key in ('homepage', 'support_url', 'contributions_url'):
                if key in data:
                    data[key] = self.outgoingify(data[key])
        if obj.type == amo.ADDON_PERSONA:
            if 'weekly_downloads' in data:
                # weekly_downloads don't make sense for lightweight themes.

            if ('average_daily_users' in data and
                    not self.is_broken_persona(obj)):
                # In addition, their average_daily_users number must come from
                # the popularity field of the attached Persona.
                data['average_daily_users'] = obj.persona.popularity
        if request and is_gate_active(request, 'del-addons-created-field'):
            data.pop('created', None)
        return data
Example #46
 def to_representation(self, instance):
     out = super(BaseRatingSerializer, self).to_representation(instance)
     if self.request and is_gate_active(self.request, 'ratings-title-shim'):
         out['title'] = None
     return out
Example #47
 def flat(self):
     request = self.context.get('request', None)
     return is_gate_active(request, 'l10n_flat_input_output')