Example #1
def collect_imports(imports: Set[Any], type_: Any) -> None:
    if is_list_annotation(type_):
        collect_imports(imports, get_list_element_type(type_))
        type_ = List
    elif is_dict_annotation(type_):
        kvt = get_dict_key_value_types(type_)
        collect_imports(imports, kvt[0])
        collect_imports(imports, kvt[1])
        type_ = Dict
        is_optional = _resolve_optional(type_)[0]
        if is_optional and type_ is not Any:
            type_ = Optional
Example #2
def is_incompatible(type_: Type[Any]) -> bool:

    opt = _resolve_optional(type_)
    # Unions are not supported (Except Optional)
    if not opt[0] and _is_union(type_):
        return True

    type_ = opt[1]
    if type_ in (type(None), tuple, list, dict):
        return False

        if is_list_annotation(type_):
            lt = get_list_element_type(type_)
            return is_incompatible(lt)
        if is_dict_annotation(type_):
            kvt = get_dict_key_value_types(type_)
            if not issubclass(kvt[0], (str, Enum)):
                return True
            return is_incompatible(kvt[1])
        if is_tuple_annotation(type_):
            for arg in type_.__args__:
                if arg is not ... and is_incompatible(arg):
                    return True
            return False
        if get_origin(type_) is Callable:
            args = get_args(type_)
            for arg in args[0]:
                if arg is not ... and is_incompatible(arg):
                    return True
            if is_incompatible(args[1]):
                return True
            return False

    except ValidationError:
        return True

    if type_ is Any or issubclass(type_, (int, float, str, bool, Enum)):
        return False
    if is_structured_config(type_):
            OmegaConf.structured(type_)  # verify it's actually legal
        except ValidationError as e:
                f"Failed to create DictConfig from ({type_.__name__}) : {e}, flagging as incompatible"
            return True
        return False
    return True
Example #3
def is_type_matching(value: Any, type_: Any) -> bool:
    # Union
    if hasattr(type_, "__origin__") and type_.__origin__ is Union:
        types = list(type_.__args__)
        for idx, t in enumerate(types):
            # for now treat any Dict[X,Y] as dict and any List[X] as list, ignoring element types
            if is_dict_annotation(t):
                t = dict
            elif is_list_annotation(t):
                t = list
            types[idx] = t
        return isinstance(value, tuple(types))
        primitives = (int, float, bool, str)
        if type_ in primitives:
            return type(value) is type_
        if type_ in (Any, inspect.Signature.empty):
            return True
        return isinstance(value, type_)
def check_node_metadata(
    node: Container,
    type_hint: Any,
    key_type: Any,
    elt_type: Any,
    obj_type: Any,
) -> None:
    value_optional, value_ref_type = _resolve_optional(type_hint)
    assert node._metadata.optional == value_optional
    assert node._metadata.ref_type == value_ref_type
    assert node._metadata.key_type == key_type
    assert node._metadata.element_type == elt_type
    assert node._metadata.object_type == obj_type

    if is_dict_annotation(value_ref_type) or is_structured_config(
        assert isinstance(node, DictConfig)
    elif is_list_annotation(value_ref_type):
        assert isinstance(node, ListConfig)
Example #5
def test_is_list_annotation(type_: Any, expected: Any) -> Any:
    assert is_list_annotation(type_=type_) == expected