Example #1
def __test_logging():
    fl = create_file_logger("test_file_logger", 'logtest.out')
    sl = create_stream_logger("test_stream_logger")
    nl = create_null_logger("test_null_logger")
    fl.info("This should go to the file")
    sl.info("This should go to the standard output")
    nl.info("This should go nowhere")
Example #2
 def __init__(self, endpoint, logger=None, key=None):
     self._endpoint = endpoint
     self._key = key
     self._http = httplib2.Http()
     self.sets = {} #Keep a dict of element sets keyed by name
     self.elements = {} #Dict of elements keyed by name then set-id
     self.collections = {} #Dict of collections keyed by Title
     self.vocabs = {} #Dict of vocabularies keyed by namespace prefix
     self.relation_properties = {} # Dict of Item Relations Properties keyed by vocab id, then name
     self.dublinCoreID = self.getSetId("Dublin Core")
     self.omekaMetadataID = self.getSetId("Omeka Metadata")
     if logger is None:
         self.logger = create_null_logger("OmekaClient")
         self.logger = logger
     self.types = {} # Dict of item_types
Example #3
    def __init__(self, endpoint, logger=None, key=None):
        self._endpoint = endpoint

        self._key = key
        self._http = httplib2.Http()
        self.sets = {}  #Keep a dict of element sets keyed by name
        self.elements = {}  #Dict of elements keyed by name then set-id
        self.collections = {}  #Dict of collections keyed by Title
        self.collections_by_dc_identifier = {
        }  #Dict of collections keyed by dc:Identifier
        self.item_ids_by_dc_identifier = {}  #Dict of item IDs
        self.vocabs = {}  #Dict of vocabularies keyed by namespace prefix
        self.relation_properties = {
        }  # Dict of Item Relations Properties keyed by vocab id, then Label
        self.relation_properties_local_part = {
        }  # Dict of Item Relations Properties keyed by vocab id, then local_part
        self.dublinCoreID = self.getSetId("Dublin Core")
        self.omekaMetadataID = self.getSetId("Omeka Metadata")
        if logger is None:
            self.logger = create_null_logger("OmekaClient")
            self.logger = logger

        self.types = {}  # Dict of item_types