Example #1
def populate_shape(o, set_unit_attributes=True):
    o.fillColor = rint(0xffffffff)
    o.fillRule = rstring('solid')
    o.fontFamily = rstring('cursive')
    if set_unit_attributes:
        o.fontSize = LengthI(12, UnitsLength.POINT)
    o.fontStyle = rstring('italic')
    o.locked = rbool(False)
    o.strokeColor = rint(0xffff0000)
    o.strokeDashArray = rstring('inherit')
    if SCHEMA_VERSION == '2015-01':
        o.visibility = rbool(True)
        o.strokeLineCap = rstring('round')
    if set_unit_attributes:
        o.strokeWidth = LengthI(4, UnitsLength.PIXEL)
    o.textValue = rstring('the_text')
    o.theC = rint(1)
    o.theT = rint(2)
    o.theZ = rint(3)
    t = identity_transform()
    if SCHEMA_VERSION == '2015-01':
        o.transform = t.svg_transform
        o.transform = t
    return o
Example #2
 def make_well_sample(x_pos=None, y_pos=None):
     ws = WellSampleI()
     image = itest.new_image(name=itest.uuid())
     ws.image = image
     if x_pos is not None:
         ws.posX = LengthI(x_pos, UnitsLength.REFERENCEFRAME)
     if y_pos is not None:
         ws.posY = LengthI(y_pos, UnitsLength.REFERENCEFRAME)
     return ws
def emissionWave_channel(image_channel_factory):
    channels = list()
    emission_waves = (LengthI(123.0, 'NANOMETER'), LengthI(456.0, 'NANOMETER'))
    for emission_wave in emission_waves:
        channel = ChannelI()
        lchannel = LogicalChannelI()
        lchannel.emissionWave = emission_wave
        channel.logicalChannel = lchannel
    return image_channel_factory(channels)
Example #4
def screen_with_plates(screen):
    for plate_id in range(5, 7):
        o = PlateI()
        o.id = rlong(plate_id)
        o.name = rstring('plate_name_%d' % plate_id)
        o.description = rstring('plate_description_%d' % plate_id)
        o.columnNamingConvention = rstring('number')
        o.rowNamingConvention = rstring('letter')
        o.columns = rint(12)
        o.rows = rint(8)
        o.defaultSample = rint(0)
        o.externalIdentifier = rstring('external_identifier_%d' % plate_id)
        o.status = rstring('status_%d' % plate_id)
        o.wellOriginX = LengthI(0.1, UnitsLength.REFERENCEFRAME)
        o.wellOriginY = LengthI(1.1, UnitsLength.REFERENCEFRAME)
        for well_id in range(7, 9):
            well = WellI()
            well.id = rlong(well_id)
            well.column = rint(2)
            well.row = rint(1)
            well.externalDescription = \
                rstring('external_description_%d' % well_id)
            well.externalIdentifier = \
                rstring('external_identifier_%d' % well_id)
            well.type = rstring('the_type')
            well.alpha = rint(0)
            well.red = rint(255)
            well.green = rint(0)
            well.blue = rint(0)
            well.status = rstring('the_status')
            plateacquisition = PlateAcquisitionI()
            plateacquisition.id = rlong(well_id)
            plateacquisition.name = rstring(
                'plateacquisition_name_%d' % well_id)
            plateacquisition.description = rstring(
                'plateacquisition_description_%d' % well_id)
            plateacquisition.maximumFieldCount = rint(1)
            plateacquisition.startTime = rtime(1L)
            plateacquisition.endTime = rtime(2L)
            for wellsample_id in range(9, 11):
                wellsample = WellSampleI()
                wellsample.id = rlong(wellsample_id)
                wellsample.posX = LengthI(1.0, UnitsLength.REFERENCEFRAME)
                wellsample.posY = LengthI(2.0, UnitsLength.REFERENCEFRAME)
                wellsample.timepoint = rtime(1L)
                wellsample.image = create_image(1L)

    return screen
Example #5
def get_length_units():
    # Create a dict we can use for scalebar unit conversions
    unit_symbols = {}
    for name in LengthI.SYMBOLS.keys():
        if name in ("PIXEL", "REFERENCEFRAME"):
        klass = getattr(UnitsLength, name)
        unit = LengthI(1, klass)
        to_microns = LengthI(unit, UnitsLength.MICROMETER)
        unit_symbols[name] = {
            'symbol': unit.getSymbol(),
            'microns': to_microns.getValue()
    return unit_symbols
    def create_plate_wells(self, user1, rows, cols, plateacquisitions=1):
        """Return Plate with Wells."""
        updateService = get_update_service(user1)
        plate = PlateI()
        plate.name = rstring('plate')
        plate = updateService.saveAndReturnObject(plate)

        # PlateAcquisitions for plate
        plate_acqs = []
        for p in range(plateacquisitions):
            plate_acq = PlateAcquisitionI()
            plate_acq.name = rstring('plateacquisition_%s' % p)
            plate_acq.description = rstring('plateacquisition_description')
            plate_acq.maximumFieldCount = rint(3)
            plate_acq.startTime = rtime(1)
            plate_acq.endTime = rtime(2)
            plate_acq.plate = PlateI(plate.id.val, False)
            plate_acq = updateService.saveAndReturnObject(plate_acq)

        # Create Wells for plate
        ref_frame = UnitsLength.REFERENCEFRAME
        for row in range(rows):
            for col in range(cols):
                # create Well
                well = WellI()
                well.column = rint(col)
                well.row = rint(row)
                well.plate = PlateI(plate.id.val, False)
                # Only wells in first Column have well-samples etc.
                if col == 0:
                    # Have 3 images/well-samples per plateacquisition
                    # (if no plateacquisitions, create 3 well-samples without)
                    for p in range(max(1, plateacquisitions)):
                        for i in range(3):
                            image = self.create_test_image(
                                size_x=5, size_y=5,
                            ws = WellSampleI()
                            ws.image = ImageI(image.id, False)
                            ws.well = well
                            ws.posX = LengthI(i * 10, ref_frame)
                            ws.posY = LengthI(i, ref_frame)
                            if p < len(plate_acqs):
        return plate
Example #7
 def setStrokeSettings(self, colour, width=1):
     warnings.warn("This module is deprecated as of OMERO 5.3.0",
     self.strokeColour = rint(colour)
     self.strokeWidth = LengthI()
Example #8
def populate_shape(o):
    o.fillColor = rint(0xffffffff)
    o.fillRule = rstring('solid')
    o.fontFamily = rstring('cursive')
    o.fontSize = LengthI(12, UnitsLength.POINT)
    o.fontStyle = rstring('italic')
    o.locked = rbool(False)
    o.strokeColor = rint(0xffff0000)
    o.strokeDashArray = rstring('inherit')
    o.strokeLineCap = rstring('round')
    o.strokeWidth = LengthI(4, UnitsLength.PIXEL)
    o.textValue = rstring('the_text')
    o.theC = rint(1)
    o.theT = rint(2)
    o.theZ = rint(3)
    o.visibility = rbool(True)
    return o
def _set_shape_properties(shape, name=None,
                          fill_color=(10, 10, 10, 255),
                          stroke_color=(255, 255, 255, 255),
                          stroke_width=1, ):
    if name:
    shape.setStrokeWidth(LengthI(stroke_width, enums.UnitsLength.PIXEL))
    def shapes(self):
        """Create a bunch of unsaved Shapes."""
        rect = RectangleI()
        rect.x = rdouble(10)
        rect.y = rdouble(20)
        rect.width = rdouble(30)
        rect.height = rdouble(40)
        # Only save theT, not theZ
        rect.theT = rint(0)
        rect.textValue = rstring("test-Rectangle")
        rect.fillColor = rint(rgba_to_int(255, 255, 255, 255))
        rect.strokeColor = rint(rgba_to_int(255, 255, 0, 255))

        # ellipse without saving theZ & theT
        ellipse = EllipseI()
        ellipse.x = rdouble(33)
        ellipse.y = rdouble(44)
        ellipse.radiusX = rdouble(55)
        ellipse.radiusY = rdouble(66)
        ellipse.textValue = rstring("test-Ellipse")

        line = LineI()
        line.x1 = rdouble(200)
        line.x2 = rdouble(300)
        line.y1 = rdouble(400)
        line.y2 = rdouble(500)
        line.textValue = rstring("test-Line")

        point = PointI()
        point.x = rdouble(1)
        point.y = rdouble(1)
        point.theZ = rint(1)
        point.theT = rint(1)
        point.textValue = rstring("test-Point")

        polygon = PolygonI()
        polygon.theZ = rint(5)
        polygon.theT = rint(5)
        polygon.fillColor = rint(rgba_to_int(255, 0, 255, 50))
        polygon.strokeColor = rint(rgba_to_int(255, 255, 0))
        polygon.strokeWidth = LengthI(10, UnitsLength.PIXEL)
        points = "10,20, 50,150, 200,200, 250,75"
        polygon.points = rstring(points)

        mask = MaskI()

        return [rect, ellipse, line, point, polygon, mask]
def run_processing(conn, script_params):
    message = ""

    image_ids = script_params['IDs']
    for image in conn.getObjects("Image", image_ids):
        if not image:
            message = 'Could not find specified image'
            return message

        print 'size z:', image.getSizeZ()
        physical_z = None
        if (image.getSizeZ() > 1.0):
                physical_z = script_params['Z_Pixel_Size']
                message = 'Looks like you have a z-stack - you should set a non-zero value for Z_Pixel_Size'
                return message

        physical_x = script_params['X_Pixel_Size']
        physical_y = script_params['Y_Pixel_Size']

        if (physical_x == 0.0) or (physical_y == 0.0):
            message = 'You should set a non-zero pixel size for both X and Y'
            return message

        # Get the BlitzGateway wrapped pixels and unwrap it
        pixelsWrapper = image.getPrimaryPixels()
        pixels = pixelsWrapper._obj

        # Update and save
        print "units", UnitsLength
        lx = LengthI(physical_x, UnitsLength.MICROMETER)
        ly = LengthI(physical_y, UnitsLength.MICROMETER)
        if physical_z:
            lz = LengthI(physical_z, UnitsLength.MICROMETER)
        message += 'Successfully set pixel size on image %s' % image.getName()
    return message
Example #12
    def addRoi(self, request, imageid):
        img = self.getImage0(imageid)
        if img is None:
            return None

        data = json.loads(request.body)
        shapes = data['shapes']
        x = y = l = z = t = -1
        for s in shapes:
            for k in s:
                val = s[k]
                if k == "x":
                    x = int(val)
                elif k == "y":
                    y = int(val)
                elif k == "width":
                    l = int(val)
                elif k == "theZ":
                    z = int(val)
                elif k == "theT":
                    t = int(val)
                elif k == "fillColorAsInt":
                    fill = int(val)
                elif k == "strokeColorAsInt":
                    stroke = int(val)
                elif k == "strokeWidth":
                    strokeWidth = int(val)

        if (x < 0 or y < 0 or z < 0 or t < 0 or l <= 0):
            return None

        updateService = self._connection.getUpdateService()
        roi = RoiI()
        rect = RectangleI()
        rect.x = rdouble(x)
        rect.y = rdouble(y)
        rect.width = rdouble(l)
        rect.height = rdouble(l)
        rect.theZ = rint(z)
        rect.theT = rint(t)
        strokeLen = LengthI()

        if (updateService.saveAndReturnObject(roi) is None):
            return None
        return self.get_rois(imageid)
Example #13
 def __init__(self):
     warnings.warn("This module is deprecated as of OMERO 5.3.0",
     self.WHITE = 16777215
     self.BLACK = 0
     self.GREY = 11184810
     self.strokeColour = rint(self.GREY)
     self.strokeWidth = LengthI()
     self.strokeDashArray = rstring('')
     self.fillColour = rint(self.GREY)
     self.fillRule = rstring('')
Example #14
 def __init__(self):
     self.WHITE = 16777215
     self.BLACK = 0
     self.GREY = 11184810
     self.strokeColour = rint(self.GREY)
     self.strokeWidth = LengthI()
     self.strokeDashArray = rstring('')
     self.strokeDashOffset = rint(0)
     self.strokeLineCap = rstring('')
     self.strokeLineJoin = rstring('')
     self.strokeMiterLimit = rint(0)
     self.fillColour = rint(self.GREY)
     self.fillRule = rstring('')
    def shapes(self):
        """Create a bunch of unsaved Shapes."""
        rect = RectangleI()
        rect.x = rdouble(10)
        rect.y = rdouble(20)
        rect.width = rdouble(30)
        rect.height = rdouble(40)
        rect.textValue = rstring("test-Rectangle")
        rect.fillColor = rint(rgba_to_int(255, 255, 255, 255))
        rect.strokeColor = rint(rgba_to_int(255, 255, 0, 255))

        ellipse = EllipseI()
        ellipse.x = rdouble(33)
        ellipse.y = rdouble(44)
        ellipse.radiusX = rdouble(55)
        ellipse.radiusY = rdouble(66)
        ellipse.textValue = rstring("test-Ellipse")

        line = LineI()
        line.x1 = rdouble(20)
        line.x2 = rdouble(30)
        line.y1 = rdouble(40)
        line.y2 = rdouble(50)
        line.textValue = rstring("test-Line")

        point = PointI()
        point.x = rdouble(50)
        point.y = rdouble(50)
        point.textValue = rstring("test-Point")

        polygon = PolygonI()
        polygon.fillColor = rint(rgba_to_int(255, 0, 255, 50))
        polygon.strokeColor = rint(rgba_to_int(255, 255, 0))
        polygon.strokeWidth = LengthI(10, UnitsLength.PIXEL)
        points = "10,20, 50,150, 100,100, 150,75"
        polygon.points = rstring(points)

        polyline = PolylineI()
        polyline.points = rstring(points)

        return [rect, ellipse, line, point, polygon, polyline]
Example #16
 def setStrokeSettings(self, colour, width=1):
     self.strokeColour = rint(colour)
     self.strokeWidth = LengthI()
Example #17
    def test_logical_channel(self):
        name = u'₩€_name_$$'
        ill_val = u'πλζ.test.ζ'
        fluor = u'GFP-₹₹'
        binning_value = u'Φωλ'
        ph_size = 1.11
        ph_units = UnitsLength.MICROMETER
        ex_wave = 3.34
        ex_units = UnitsLength.ANGSTROM
        version = 123
        zoom = 100
        gain = 1010.23
        di_model = u'Model_ 123_àÅÉ'

        obj = LogicalChannelI()
        obj.name = rstring(name)
        obj.pinHoleSize = LengthI(ph_size, ph_units)
        illumination = IlluminationI()
        illumination.value = rstring(ill_val)
        obj.illumination = illumination
        obj.excitationWave = LengthI(ex_wave, ex_units)

        ds = DetectorSettingsI()
        ds.version = rint(version)
        ds.gain = rdouble(gain)
        ds.zoom = rdouble(zoom)
        binning = BinningI()
        binning.value = rstring(binning_value)
        ds.binning = binning
        obj.detectorSettings = ds

        dichroic = DichroicI()
        dichroic.model = rstring(di_model)
        light_path = LightPathI()
        light_path.dichroic = dichroic
        obj.lightPath = light_path

        class MockChannel(LogicalChannelWrapper):
            def __loadedHotSwap__(self):
                # Don't need to load data for getLightPath()

        channel = MockChannel(None, obj)
        assert channel.getName() == name.encode('utf8')
        assert channel.name == name
        assert channel.getPinHoleSize().getValue() == ph_size
        assert channel.getPinHoleSize().getUnit() == ph_units
        assert channel.getPinHoleSize().getSymbol() == 'µm'
        # Illumination is an enumeration
        assert channel.getIllumination().getValue() == ill_val.encode('utf8')
        assert channel.getExcitationWave().getValue() == ex_wave
        assert channel.getExcitationWave().getUnit() == ex_units
        assert channel.getExcitationWave().getSymbol() == 'Å'
        assert channel.getFluor() == fluor
        assert channel.fluor == fluor

        d_settings = channel.getDetectorSettings()
        assert d_settings.getVersion() == version
        assert d_settings.version == version
        assert d_settings.getGain() == gain
        assert d_settings.gain == gain
        assert d_settings.getZoom() == zoom
        assert d_settings.getBinning().getValue() == binning_value
        assert d_settings.getBinning().value == binning_value
        assert channel.getLightPath().getDichroic().getModel() == di_model
Example #18
def create_image(image_id, with_pixels=False):
    image_format = FormatI(1L)
    image_format.value = rstring('PNG')

    image = ImageI()
    image.id = rlong(image_id)
    image.acquisitionDate = rtime(1L)
    image.archived = rbool(False)
    image.description = rstring('image_description_%d' % image_id)
    image.name = rstring('image_name_%d' % image_id)
    image.partial = rbool(False)
    image.series = rint(0)
    image.format = image_format
    if not with_pixels:
        return image
    dimension_order = DimensionOrderI(1L)
    dimension_order.value = rstring('XYZCT')
    pixels_type = PixelsTypeI(1L)
    pixels_type.value = 'bit'

    pixels = PixelsI(1L)
    pixels.methodology = rstring('methodology')
    pixels.physicalSizeX = LengthI(1.0, UnitsLength.MICROMETER)
    pixels.physicalSizeY = LengthI(2.0, UnitsLength.MICROMETER)
    pixels.physicalSizeZ = LengthI(3.0, UnitsLength.MICROMETER)
    pixels.sha1 = rstring('61ee8b5601a84d5154387578466c8998848ba089')
    pixels.significantBits = rint(16)
    pixels.sizeX = rint(1)
    pixels.sizeY = rint(2)
    pixels.sizeZ = rint(3)
    pixels.sizeC = rint(4)
    pixels.sizeT = rint(5)
    pixels.timeIncrement = TimeI(1.0, UnitsTime.MILLISECOND)
    pixels.waveIncrement = rdouble(2.0)
    pixels.waveStart = rint(1)
    pixels.dimensionOrder = dimension_order
    pixels.pixelsType = pixels_type

    contrast_method = ContrastMethodI(8L)
    contrast_method.value = rstring('Fluorescence')
    illumination = IlluminationI(1L)
    illumination.value = rstring('Transmitted')
    acquisition_mode = AcquisitionModeI(1L)
    acquisition_mode.value = rstring('WideField')
    photometric_interpretation = PhotometricInterpretationI(1L)
    photometric_interpretation.value = rstring('RGB')

    channel_1 = ChannelI(1L)
    channel_1.alpha = rint(255)
    channel_1.blue = rint(0)
    channel_1.green = rint(255)
    channel_1.red = rint(0)
    channel_1.lookupTable = rstring('rainbow')
    logical_channel_1 = LogicalChannelI(1L)
    logical_channel_1.emissionWave = LengthI(509.0, UnitsLength.NANOMETER)
    logical_channel_1.excitationWave = LengthI(488.0, UnitsLength.NANOMETER)
    logical_channel_1.fluor = rstring('GFP')
    logical_channel_1.name = rstring('GFP/488')
    logical_channel_1.ndFilter = rdouble(1.0)
    logical_channel_1.pinHoleSize = LengthI(1.0, UnitsLength.NANOMETER)
    logical_channel_1.pockelCellSetting = rint(0)
    logical_channel_1.samplesPerPixel = rint(2)
    logical_channel_1.contrastMethod = contrast_method
    logical_channel_1.illumination = illumination
    logical_channel_1.mode = acquisition_mode
    logical_channel_1.photometricInterpretation = photometric_interpretation
    channel_1.logicalChannel = logical_channel_1

    channel_2 = ChannelI(2L)
    channel_2.alpha = rint(255)
    channel_2.blue = rint(255)
    channel_2.green = rint(0)
    channel_2.red = rint(0)
    channel_2.lookupTable = rstring('rainbow')
    logical_channel_2 = LogicalChannelI(2L)
    logical_channel_2.emissionWave = LengthI(470.0, UnitsLength.NANOMETER)
    logical_channel_2.excitationWave = LengthI(405.0, UnitsLength.NANOMETER)
    logical_channel_2.fluor = rstring('DAPI')
    logical_channel_2.name = rstring('DAPI/405')
    logical_channel_2.ndFilter = rdouble(1.0)
    logical_channel_2.pinHoleSize = LengthI(2.0, UnitsLength.NANOMETER)
    logical_channel_2.pockelCellSetting = rint(0)
    logical_channel_2.samplesPerPixel = rint(2)
    logical_channel_2.contrastMethod = contrast_method
    logical_channel_2.illumination = illumination
    logical_channel_2.mode = acquisition_mode
    logical_channel_2.photometricInterpretation = photometric_interpretation
    channel_2.logicalChannel = logical_channel_2

    return image
def process_data(conn, image, file_type, file_id, locs, sr_pix_size,
                 srz_pix_size, z_range, nm_per_pixel):
    Run the processing and upload the resultant image
    @param conn:         Blitzgateway connection
    @param image:        we need to get the image where the localisation data is attached --> this should be the raw timelapse data
    @param file_type:    the type of dataset we are dealing with (see FILE_TYPES global)
    @param file_id:      the annotation id of the localisations file
    @param coords:       the coords being histogrammed
    @param sr_pix_size:  the pixel size we want in the new image in nm
    @param z_range:      z range covered in one z-plane (4um for Zeiss 3D)
    @param nm_per_pixel: the size of the pixel in the original image in nm (1 for Zeiss data which is already in nm)

    imageName = image.getName()
    name, ext = os.path.splitext(imageName)
    if 'ome' in name:
        name = name.split('.')[0]
        new_name = name + '_sr_histogram.ome' + ext
        sizeZ = image.getSizeT()
        new_name = name + '_sr_histogram' + ext
        sizeZ = image.getSizeZ()
    parentDataset = image.getParent()
    parentProject = parentDataset.getParent()
    updateService = conn.getUpdateService()

    frame_width = image.getSizeX()
    print 'frame_width', frame_width
    frame_height = image.getSizeY()
    print 'frame_height', frame_height

    stepZ = nm_per_pixel[2]
    print 'sizeZ,stepZ', sizeZ, stepZ
    if 'zeiss2chan2D' in file_type:
        sizeC = 2
        sizeC = 1

    sizeT = 1
    rangex = frame_width * nm_per_pixel[0]
    binsx = rangex / sr_pix_size
    rangey = frame_height * nm_per_pixel[1]
    binsy = rangey / sr_pix_size
    rangez = float(z_range) + (sizeZ - 1) * stepZ
    print 'rangez', rangez
    binsz = int(math.ceil(rangez / srz_pix_size))
    print 'sizeC,binsy,binsx,binsz', sizeC, binsy, binsx, binsz
    hist_data = numpy.zeros((sizeC, binsy, binsx, binsz))
    for c in range(sizeC):
        hist = calc_hist(locs[c], file_type, binsy, binsx, binsz, rangey,
                         rangex, rangez)
        hist_data[c, :, :, :] = hist

    def plane_gen():
        for z in range(binsz):
            for c in range(sizeC):
                for t in range(sizeT):
                    plane = hist_data[c, :, :, z]
                    yield plane

    description = "Created from image:\n  Name: %s\n  File ID: %d" % (
        imageName, file_id)
    newImg = conn.createImageFromNumpySeq(plane_gen(),

    # reload the image (also reloads pixels)
    image = conn.getObject("Image", newImg.getId())

    # Get the BlitzGateway wrapped pixels and unwrap it
    pixelsWrapper = image.getPrimaryPixels()
    pixels = pixelsWrapper._obj

    # Update and save
    pixSize = LengthI(float(sr_pix_size) / 1000, UnitsLength.MICROMETER)
    pixSizeZ = LengthI(float(srz_pix_size) / 1000, UnitsLength.MICROMETER)

    if newImg:
        iid = newImg.getId()
        print "New Image Id = %s" % iid
        # put new images in existing dataset
        dataset = None
        if parentDataset is not None and parentDataset.canLink():
            parentDataset = parentDataset._obj
            parentDataset = None
        parentProject = None  # don't add Dataset to parent.

        if parentDataset is None:
            link = None
            print "No dataset created or found for new images."\
                " Images will be orphans."
            dsLink = omero.model.DatasetImageLinkI()
            dsLink.parent = omero.model.DatasetI(parentDataset.id.val, False)
            dsLink.child = omero.model.ImageI(iid, False)
            if parentProject and parentProject.canLink():
                # and put it in the   current project
                projectLink = omero.model.ProjectDatasetLinkI()
                projectLink.parent = omero.model.ProjectI(
                    parentProject.getId(), False)
                projectLink.child = omero.model.DatasetI(dataset.id.val, False)
        message = 'Super resolution histogram successfully created'
        message = 'Something went wrong, could not make super resolution histogram'
    return message
Example #20
def process_data(conn,image,file_type,ann_id,locs,nm_per_pixel,sr_pix_size,starts,stops,sizeT):   
    Run the processing and upload the resultant image
    @param conn:         Blitzgateway connection
    @param image:        we need to get the image where the localisation data is attached --> this should be the raw timelapse data
    @param file_type:    the type of dataset we are dealing with (see FILE_TYPES global)
    @param ann_id:      the annotation id of the localisations file
    @param coords:       the coords being histogrammed
    @param nm_per_pixel: the size of the pixel in the original image in nm (1 for Zeiss data which is already in nm)
    @param sr_pix_size:  the pixel size we want in the new image in nm
    @param frames:       the column in the dataset where we will find the first frame assignment
    @param starts:       a list of starting indices for the time-lapse
    @param stops:        a list of stopping indices for the time-lapse
    @param sizeT:        the number of frames in the time-lapse
    #set parameters
    imageName = image.getName()
    name,ext = os.path.splitext(imageName)
    if 'ome' in name:
        name = name.split('.')[0]
        new_name = name + '_sr_timelapse_histogram.ome' + ext
        new_name = name + '_sr_timelapse_histogram' + ext
    parentDataset = image.getParent()
    parentProject = parentDataset.getParent()
    updateService = conn.getUpdateService()
    frame_width = image.getSizeX() 
    frame_height = image.getSizeY()
    frame = file_type['frame']
    print 'frame',frame    
    sizeZ = 1
    if 'zeiss2chan2D' in file_type:
        sizeC = 2
        sizeC = 1
    #calculate histogram
    rangex = frame_width * nm_per_pixel
    binsx = rangex / sr_pix_size
    rangey = frame_height * nm_per_pixel
    binsy = rangey / sr_pix_size
    hist_frames = []
    for c in range(sizeC):
        locs_df = locs[c]
        for t in range(sizeT):
            coords_in_frames = locs_df[(locs_df['time'] >= starts[t]) & (locs_df['time']<= stops[t])]
            hist = calc_hist(coords_in_frames,file_type,binsy,binsx,rangey,rangex)
    def plane_gen():
        for z in range(sizeZ):
            for c in range(sizeC):
                for t in range(sizeT):
                    plane = hist_frames[t]
                    yield plane    
    description = "Created from image:\n  Name: %s\n  Annotation ID: %d\n Frame indices:\n Start:%s\n Stop:%s"\
                  % (imageName, ann_id, str(starts), str(stops))
    newImg = conn.createImageFromNumpySeq(
        plane_gen(), new_name,
        sizeZ=sizeZ, sizeC=sizeC, sizeT=sizeT,
    # reload the image (also reloads pixels)
    image = conn.getObject("Image", newImg.getId())
    # Get the BlitzGateway wrapped pixels and unwrap it
    pixelsWrapper = image.getPrimaryPixels()
    pixels = pixelsWrapper._obj
    # Update and save
    pixSize = LengthI(float(sr_pix_size) / 1000, UnitsLength.MICROMETER)
    pixels.setPhysicalSizeX( pixSize )
    pixels.setPhysicalSizeY( pixSize )

    if newImg:
        iid = newImg.getId()
        print "New Image Id = %s" % iid
        # put new images in existing dataset
        dataset = None
        if parentDataset is not None and parentDataset.canLink():
            parentDataset = parentDataset._obj
            parentDataset = None
        parentProject = None    # don't add Dataset to parent.
        if parentDataset is None:
            link = None
            print "No dataset created or found for new images."\
                " Images will be orphans."
            dsLink = omero.model.DatasetImageLinkI()
            dsLink.parent = omero.model.DatasetI(
                parentDataset.id.val, False)
            dsLink.child = omero.model.ImageI(iid, False)
            if parentProject and parentProject.canLink():
                # and put it in the   current project
                projectLink = omero.model.ProjectDatasetLinkI()
                projectLink.parent = omero.model.ProjectI(
                    parentProject.getId(), False)
                projectLink.child = omero.model.DatasetI(
                    dataset.id.val, False)
        message = 'Super resolution histogram successfully created'
        message = 'Something went wrong, could not make super resolution histogram'
    return message