Example #1
def marshal_images(conn,
    ''' Marshals images

        @param conn OMERO gateway.
        @type conn L{omero.gateway.BlitzGateway}
        @param plate_id The Plate ID to filter by.
        @type plate_id L{long}
        @param mapann_value The Map annotation value to filter by.
        @type mapann_value L{string}
        @param query Flag allowing to search for value patters.
        @type query L{boolean}
        @param mapann_ns The Map annotation namespace to filter by.
        @type mapann_ns L{string}
        @param mapann_names The Map annotation names to filter by.
        @type mapann_names L{string}
        @param load_pixels Whether to load the X,Y,Z dimensions
        @type load_pixels Boolean
        @param group_id The Group ID to filter by or -1 for all groups,
        defaults to -1
        @type group_id L{long}
        @param experimenter_id The Experimenter (user) ID to filter by
        or -1 for all experimenters
        @type experimenter_id L{long}
        @param page Page number of results to get. `None` or 0 for no paging
        defaults to 1
        @type page L{long}
        @param limit The limit of results per page to get
        defaults to the value set in settings.PAGE
        @type page L{long}
    images = []

    # early exit
    if (parent_id is None or not isinstance(parent_id, long)) or not parent:
        return images

    params, where_clause = _set_parameters(mapann_ns=mapann_ns,

    service_opts = deepcopy(conn.SERVICE_OPTS)

    # Set the desired group context
    if group_id is None:
        group_id = -1

    from_join_clauses = []

    qs = conn.getQueryService()

    extra_values = []
    if load_pixels:
            pix.sizeX as sizeX,
            pix.sizeY as sizeY,
            pix.sizeZ as sizeZ

    if date:
            image.details.creationEvent.time as date,
            image.acquisitionDate as acqDate

    q = """
        select new map(image.id as id,
            image.name as name,
            image.details.owner.id as ownerId,
            image as image_details_permissions,
            image.fileset.id as filesetId %s)
        from Image image
        """ % "".join(extra_values)

    if load_pixels:
        # We use 'left outer join', since we still want images if no pixels
        q += ' left outer join image.pixels pix '

    q += """
        where image.id in (

    if parent == 'plate':
            ImageAnnotationLink ial
            join ial.child a
            join a.mapValue mv
            join ial.parent image
            join image.wellSamples ws join ws.well well
            join well.plate plate
        params.addLong("pid", parent_id)
        where_clause.append('plate.id = :pid')
    if parent == 'dataset':
            ImageAnnotationLink ial
            join ial.child a
            join a.mapValue mv
            join ial.parent image
            join image.datasetLinks dil join dil.parent dataset
        params.addLong("did", parent_id)
        where_clause.append('dataset.id = :did')

    q += """
        %s %s
        order by lower(image.name))
        """ % (' select image.id from ' + ' '.join(from_join_clauses),
               build_clause(where_clause, 'where', 'and'))

    logger.debug("HQL QUERY: %s\nPARAMS: %r" % (q, params))
    for e in qs.projection(q, params, service_opts):
        e = unwrap(e)[0]
        d = [
            e["id"], e["name"], e["ownerId"], e["image_details_permissions"],
        kwargs = {'conn': conn, 'row': d[0:5]}
        if load_pixels:
            d = [e["sizeX"], e["sizeY"], e["sizeZ"]]
            kwargs['row_pixels'] = d
        if date:
            kwargs['acqDate'] = e['acqDate']
            kwargs['date'] = e['date']

        im = _marshal_image(**kwargs)

    # Load thumbnails separately
    # We want version of most recent thumbnail (max thumbId) owned by user
    if thumb_version and len(images) > 0:
        user_id = conn.getUserId()
        iids = [i['id'] for i in images]
        params = omero.sys.ParametersI()
        params.add('thumbOwner', wrap(user_id))
        q = """select image.id, thumbs.version from Image image
            join image.pixels pix join pix.thumbnails thumbs
            where image.id in (:ids)
            and thumbs.id = (
                select max(t.id)
                from Thumbnail t
                where t.pixels = pix.id
                and t.details.owner.id = :thumbOwner
        thumb_versions = {}
        logger.debug("HQL QUERY: %s\nPARAMS: %r" % (q, params))
        for t in qs.projection(q, params, service_opts):
            iid, tv = unwrap(t)
            thumb_versions[iid] = tv
        # For all images, set thumb version if we have it...
        for i in images:
            if i['id'] in thumb_versions:
                i['thumbVersion'] = thumb_versions[i['id']]

    return images
Example #2
def _marshal_image(conn, row, tags_on_images):
    image = tree._marshal_image(conn, row[0:5])
    image['clientPath'] = unwrap(row[5])
    image['tags'] = tags_on_images.get(image['id']) or []
    return image
def marshal_images(conn, parent, parent_id,
                   mapann_value, query=False,
                   mapann_ns=[], mapann_names=[],
                   group_id=-1, experimenter_id=-1,
                   page=1, date=False, thumb_version=False,

    ''' Marshals images

        @param conn OMERO gateway.
        @type conn L{omero.gateway.BlitzGateway}
        @param plate_id The Plate ID to filter by.
        @type plate_id L{long}
        @param mapann_value The Map annotation value to filter by.
        @type mapann_value L{string}
        @param query Flag allowing to search for value patters.
        @type query L{boolean}
        @param mapann_ns The Map annotation namespace to filter by.
        @type mapann_ns L{string}
        @param mapann_names The Map annotation names to filter by.
        @type mapann_names L{string}
        @param load_pixels Whether to load the X,Y,Z dimensions
        @type load_pixels Boolean
        @param group_id The Group ID to filter by or -1 for all groups,
        defaults to -1
        @type group_id L{long}
        @param experimenter_id The Experimenter (user) ID to filter by
        or -1 for all experimenters
        @type experimenter_id L{long}
        @param page Page number of results to get. `None` or 0 for no paging
        defaults to 1
        @type page L{long}
        @param limit The limit of results per page to get
        defaults to the value set in settings.PAGE
        @type page L{long}
    images = []

    # early exit
    if (parent_id is None or not isinstance(parent_id, long)) or not parent:
        return images

    params, where_clause = _set_parameters(
        mapann_ns=mapann_ns, mapann_names=mapann_names,
        query=query, mapann_value=mapann_value,
        params=None, experimenter_id=experimenter_id,
        page=page, limit=limit)

    service_opts = deepcopy(conn.SERVICE_OPTS)

    # Set the desired group context
    if group_id is None:
        group_id = -1

    from_join_clauses = []

    qs = conn.getQueryService()

    extra_values = []
    if load_pixels:
            pix.sizeX as sizeX,
            pix.sizeY as sizeY,
            pix.sizeZ as sizeZ

    if date:
            image.details.creationEvent.time as date,
            image.acquisitionDate as acqDate

    q = """
        select new map(image.id as id,
            image.name as name,
            image.details.owner.id as ownerId,
            image as image_details_permissions,
            image.fileset.id as filesetId %s)
        from Image image
        """ % "".join(extra_values)

    if load_pixels:
        # We use 'left outer join', since we still want images if no pixels
        q += ' left outer join image.pixels pix '

    q += """
        where image.id in (

    if parent == 'plate':
            ImageAnnotationLink ial
            join ial.child a
            join a.mapValue mv
            join ial.parent image
            join image.wellSamples ws join ws.well well
            join well.plate plate
        params.addLong("pid", parent_id)
        where_clause.append('plate.id = :pid')
    if parent == 'dataset':
            ImageAnnotationLink ial
            join ial.child a
            join a.mapValue mv
            join ial.parent image
            join image.datasetLinks dil join dil.parent dataset
        params.addLong("did", parent_id)
        where_clause.append('dataset.id = :did')

    q += """
        %s %s
        order by lower(image.name))
        """ % (' select image.id from ' + ' '.join(from_join_clauses),
               build_clause(where_clause, 'where', 'and'))

    logger.debug("HQL QUERY: %s\nPARAMS: %r" % (q, params))
    for e in qs.projection(q, params, service_opts):
        e = unwrap(e)[0]
        d = [e["id"],
        kwargs = {'conn': conn, 'row': d[0:5]}
        if load_pixels:
            d = [e["sizeX"], e["sizeY"], e["sizeZ"]]
            kwargs['row_pixels'] = d
        if date:
            kwargs['acqDate'] = e['acqDate']
            kwargs['date'] = e['date']

        im = _marshal_image(**kwargs)

    # Load thumbnails separately
    # We want version of most recent thumbnail (max thumbId) owned by user
    if thumb_version and len(images) > 0:
        user_id = conn.getUserId()
        iids = [i['id'] for i in images]
        params = omero.sys.ParametersI()
        params.add('thumbOwner', wrap(user_id))
        q = """select image.id, thumbs.version from Image image
            join image.pixels pix join pix.thumbnails thumbs
            where image.id in (:ids)
            and thumbs.id = (
                select max(t.id)
                from Thumbnail t
                where t.pixels = pix.id
                and t.details.owner.id = :thumbOwner
        thumb_versions = {}
        logger.debug("HQL QUERY: %s\nPARAMS: %r" % (q, params))
        for t in qs.projection(q, params, service_opts):
            iid, tv = unwrap(t)
            thumb_versions[iid] = tv
        # For all images, set thumb version if we have it...
        for i in images:
            if i['id'] in thumb_versions:
                i['thumbVersion'] = thumb_versions[i['id']]

    return images
Example #4
def _marshal_image(conn, row, tags_on_images):
    image = tree._marshal_image(conn, row[0:5])
    image['clientPath'] = unwrap(row[5])
    image['tags'] = tags_on_images.get(image['id']) or []
    return image