Example #1
    def v_qspectrum(cls, analysis_object, x, y, viewer_option=0):
        """Implement support for qspectrum URL requests for the viewer"""
        #Get the h5py dataset with the peak_cube data
        data = None
        customMZ = None
        if viewer_option == 0:
            from omsi.shared.data_selection import selection_string_to_object

            pl = analysis_object['npg_peaks_labels']
            ll = analysis_object['npg_labels_list']
            pai = analysis_object['npg_peaks_ArrayIndex']
            pints = analysis_object['npg_peaks_Intensities']
            x_select = selection_string_to_object(selection_string=x)
            y_select = selection_string_to_object(selection_string=y)
            dataset = cls.getnpgspec(pl, ll, pai, pints, x_select, y_select)

                return dataset[:]
                print "NPG spectrum selection failed"
                return None

            #Return the spectra and indicate that no customMZ data values (i.e. None) are needed
            return data, None
        elif viewer_option > 0:
            return super(omsi_npg, cls).v_qspectrum(analysis_object, x, y, viewer_option - 1)

        return data, customMZ
Example #2
    def v_qspectrum(cls, analysis_object, x, y, viewer_option=0):
        """Implement support for qspectrum URL requests for the viewer"""
        # Get the h5py dataset with the peak_cube data
        data = None
        customMZ = None
        if viewer_option == 0:
            from omsi.shared.data_selection import check_selection_string, selection_type, \

            dataset = analysis_object['npg_peak_cube_mz']
            x_select = selection_string_to_object(selection_string=x)
            y_select = selection_string_to_object(selection_string=y)
            if (check_selection_string(x) == selection_type['indexlist']) and (
                    check_selection_string(y) == selection_type['indexlist']):
                #The peak-cube data is usually small enough. To handle the multiple list selection case
                #we here just load the full data cube and use numpy to do the subselection. Note, this
                #version would work for all selection types but we would like to avoid loading the
                #full data if we don't have to.
                data = dataset[:][x_select, y_select, :]
                data = dataset[x_select, y_select, :]
            #Return the spectra and indicate that no customMZ data values (i.e. None) are needed
            return data, None
        elif viewer_option > 0:
            return super(omsi_peakcube,
                         cls).v_qspectrum(analysis_object, x, y,
                                          viewer_option - 1)

        return data, customMZ
Example #3
    def v_qspectrum(cls,
        Get from which 3D analysis spectra in x/y should be extracted for presentation in the OMSI viewer

        Developer Note: h5py currently supports only a single index list. If the user provides an index-list for both
                       x and y, then we need to construct the proper merged list and load the data manually, or if
                       the data is small enough, one can load the full data into a numpy array which supports
                       mulitple lists in the selection.

        :param analysis_object: The omsi_file_analysis object for which slicing should be performed
        :param x: x selection string
        :param y: y selection string
        :param viewer_option: If multiple default viewer behaviors are available for a given analysis then
            this option is used to switch between them.

        :returns: The following two elemnts are expected to be returned by this function :

            1) 1D, 2D or 3D numpy array of the requested spectra. NOTE: The mass (m/z) axis must be the last \
                axis. For index selection x=1,y=1 a 1D array is usually expected. For indexList selections x=[0]&y=[1] \
                usually a 2D array is expected. For ragne selections x=0:1&y=1:2 we one usually expects a 3D array.
            2) None in case that the spectra axis returned by v_qmz are valid for the returned spectrum. Otherwise, \
                return a 1D numpy array with the m/z values for the spectrum (i.e., if custom m/z values are needed \
                for interpretation of the returned spectrum).This may be needed, e.g., in cases where a per-spectrum \
                peak analysis is performed and the peaks for each spectrum appear at different m/z values.

        # Convert the x,y selection to a python selection
        from omsi.shared.data_selection import selection_string_to_object
        x_select = selection_string_to_object(x)  # Convert the selection string to a python selection
        y_select = selection_string_to_object(y)  # Convert the selection string to a python selection

        """EDIT_ME Specify the number of custom viewer_options you are going to provide for qslice"""
        num_custom_viewer_options = 0
        # Expose the qslice viewer functionality of any data dependencies
        if viewer_option >= num_custom_viewer_options:
            return super(omsi_cx, cls).v_qspectrum(analysis_object,


           Define your custom qspectrum viewer options. Here you need to handle all the different
           behaviors that are custom to your analysis. Note, this function is expected to return
           two object: i) The data for the spectrum and ii) the m/z axis information for the spectrum
           or None, in case that the m/z data is identical to what the v_qmz function returns.
           Below a simple example.

           if viewer_option == 0 :
               dataset = anaObj[ 'my_output_data' ] #This is e.g, an output dataset of your analysis
               data = dataset[ x_select , y_select, : ]
               return data, None
           elif viewer_option == 1 :
        return None, None
Example #4
    def v_qspectrum(cls, analysis_object, x, y, viewer_option=0):
        """Implement support for qspectrum URL requests for the viewer"""
        # Get the h5py dataset with the peak_cube data
        data = None
        customMZ = None
        if viewer_option == 0:
            from omsi.shared.data_selection import check_selection_string, selection_type, \

            dataset = analysis_object['npg_peak_cube_mz']
            x_select = selection_string_to_object(selection_string=x)
            y_select = selection_string_to_object(selection_string=y)
            if (check_selection_string(x) == selection_type['indexlist']) and (
                check_selection_string(y) == selection_type['indexlist']):
                #The peak-cube data is usually small enough. To handle the multiple list selection case
                #we here just load the full data cube and use numpy to do the subselection. Note, this
                #version would work for all selection types but we would like to avoid loading the
                #full data if we don't have to.
                data = dataset[:][x_select, y_select, :]
                data = dataset[x_select, y_select, :]
            #Return the spectra and indicate that no customMZ data values (i.e. None) are needed
            return data, None
        elif viewer_option > 0:
            return super(omsi_peakcube, cls).v_qspectrum(analysis_object, x, y, viewer_option - 1)

        return data, customMZ
Example #5
    def v_qspectrum(cls,
        """Get from which 3D analysis spectra in x/y should be extracted for presentation in the OMSI viewer

           Developer Note: h5py currently supports only a single index list. If the user provides an index-list for both
                           x and y, then we need to construct the proper merged list and load the data manually, or if
                           the data is small enough, one can load the full data into a numpy array which supports
                           multiple lists in the selection.

           :param analysis_object: The omsi_file_analysis object for which slicing should be performed
           :param x: x selection string
           :param y: y selection string
           :param viewer_option: If multiple default viewer behaviors are available for a given analysis then
                                this option is used to switch between them.

           :returns: The following two elements are expected to be returned by this function :

                1) 1D, 2D or 3D numpy array of the requested spectra. NOTE: The mass (m/z) axis must be the last \
                  axis. For index selection x=1,y=1 a 1D array is usually expected. For indexList selections \
                  x=[0]&y=[1] usually a 2D array is expected. For ragne selections x=0:1&y=1:2 we one usually \
                 expects a 3D array/
                2) None in case that the spectra axis returned by v_qmz are valid for the returned spectrum. \
                 Otherwise, return a 1D numpy array with the m/z values for the spectrum (i.e., if custom m/z \
                 values are needed for interpretation of the returned spectrum).This may be needed, e.g., in \
                 cases where a per-spectrum peak analysis is performed and the peaks for each spectrum appear \
                 at different m/z values.

        # Convert the x,y selection to a python selection
        from omsi.shared.data_selection import selection_string_to_object
        x_select = selection_string_to_object(x)  # Convert the selection string to a python selection
        y_select = selection_string_to_object(y)  # Convert the selection string to a python selection

        num_custom_viewer_options = 1
        # Expose the qslice viewer functionality of any data dependencies
        if viewer_option >= num_custom_viewer_options:
            return super(omsi_tic_norm, cls).v_qspectrum(analysis_object,
        elif viewer_option == 0:
            dataset = analysis_object['norm_msidata']
            # h5py supports only one indexlist as part of a selection. We have to work-around this
            # by retrieving the spectra we want one-at-a-time if the user provides two index lists
            if isinstance(x_select, list) and isinstance(y_select, list):
                xsize = len(x_select)
                ysize = len(y_select)
                if xsize != ysize:
                    raise ValueError("x and y selection size do not match")
                data = np.zeros(shape=(xsize, dataset.shape[2]), dtype=dataset.dtype)
                for i in xrange(0, xsize):
                    data[i, :] = dataset[x_select[i], y_select[i], :]
                data = dataset[x_select, y_select, :]
            return data, None
        return None, None
Example #6
    def v_qspectrum(cls, analysis_object, x, y, viewer_option=0):
        Get from which 3D analysis spectra in x/y should be extracted for presentation in the OMSI viewer

        Developer Note: h5py currently supports only a single index list. If the user provides an index-list for both
                       x and y, then we need to construct the proper merged list and load the data manually, or if
                       the data is small enough, one can load the full data into a numpy array which supports
                       mulitple lists in the selection.

        :param analysis_object: The omsi_file_analysis object for which slicing should be performed
        :param x: x selection string
        :param y: y selection string
        :param viewer_option: If multiple default viewer behaviors are available for a given analysis then
            this option is used to switch between them.

        :returns: The following two elemnts are expected to be returned by this function :

            1) 1D, 2D or 3D numpy array of the requested spectra. NOTE: The mass (m/z) axis must be the last \
                axis. For index selection x=1,y=1 a 1D array is usually expected. For indexList selections x=[0]&y=[1] \
                usually a 2D array is expected. For ragne selections x=0:1&y=1:2 we one usually expects a 3D array.
            2) None in case that the spectra axis returned by v_qmz are valid for the returned spectrum. Otherwise, \
                return a 1D numpy array with the m/z values for the spectrum (i.e., if custom m/z values are needed \
                for interpretation of the returned spectrum).This may be needed, e.g., in cases where a per-spectrum \
                peak analysis is performed and the peaks for each spectrum appear at different m/z values.

        # Convert the x,y selection to a python selection
        from omsi.shared.data_selection import selection_string_to_object
        x_select = selection_string_to_object(
            x)  # Convert the selection string to a python selection
        y_select = selection_string_to_object(
            y)  # Convert the selection string to a python selection
        """EDIT_ME Specify the number of custom viewer_options you are going to provide for qslice"""
        num_custom_viewer_options = 0
        # Expose the qslice viewer functionality of any data dependencies
        if viewer_option >= num_custom_viewer_options:
            return super(omsi_cx, cls).v_qspectrum(
                analysis_object, x, y, viewer_option=num_custom_viewer_options)

           Define your custom qspectrum viewer options. Here you need to handle all the different
           behaviors that are custom to your analysis. Note, this function is expected to return
           two object: i) The data for the spectrum and ii) the m/z axis information for the spectrum
           or None, in case that the m/z data is identical to what the v_qmz function returns.
           Below a simple example.

           if viewer_option == 0 :
               dataset = anaObj[ 'my_output_data' ] #This is e.g, an output dataset of your analysis
               data = dataset[ x_select , y_select, : ]
               return data, None
           elif viewer_option == 1 :
        return None, None
Example #7
    def v_qslice(cls, analysis_object, z, viewer_option=0):
        Get 3D analysis dataset for which z-slices should be extracted for presentation in the OMSI viewer

        :param analysis_object: The omsi_file_analysis object for which slicing should be performed
        :param z: Selection string indicting which z values should be selected.
        :param viewer_option: If multiple default viewer behaviors are available for
            a given analysis then this option is used to switch between them.

        :returns: numpy array with the data to be displayed in the image slice viewer.
            Slicing will be performed typically like [:,:,zmin:zmax].


        # Convert the z selection to a python selection
        from omsi.shared.data_selection import selection_string_to_object
        zselect = selection_string_to_object(
            z)  # Convert the selection string to a python selection

        num_custom_viewer_options = 1

        # Expose the qslice viewer functionality of any data dependencies
        if viewer_option >= num_custom_viewer_options:
            return super(omsi_mz_rebin, cls).v_qslice(
                viewer_option=viewer_option - num_custom_viewer_options)

        #Define your custom qslice viewer options. Here you need to handle all the different
        #behaviors that are custom to your analysis. Below a simple example.
        if viewer_option == 0:
            dataset = analysis_object['new_msidata']
            return dataset[:, :, zselect]

        return None
Example #8
    def v_qslice(cls, analysis_object, z, viewer_option=0):
        Get 3D analysis dataset for which z-slices should be extracted for presentation in the OMSI viewer

        :param analysis_object: The omsi_file_analysis object for which slicing should be performed
        :param z: Selection string indicting which z values should be selected.
        :param viewer_option: If multiple default viewer behaviors are available for a given analysis
            then this option is used to switch between them.

        :returns: numpy array with the data to be displayed in the image slice viewer. Slicing will
            be performed typically like [:,:,zmin:zmax].

        # Convert the z selection to a python selection
        from omsi.shared.data_selection import selection_string_to_object
        z_select = selection_string_to_object(
            z)  # Convert the selection string to a python selection
        """EDIT_ME Specify the number of custom  viewer_options you are going to provide for qslice"""
        current_objective_dimension = analysis_object['objectiveDim'][0]
        if current_objective_dimension == cls.dimension_index['imageDim']:
            num_custom_viewer_options = 1
            num_custom_viewer_options = 2

        # Expose the qslice viewer functionality of any data dependencies
        if viewer_option >= num_custom_viewer_options:
            return super(omsi_cx, cls).v_qslice(analysis_object,
                                                viewer_option=viewer_option -
        elif viewer_option == 0 and current_objective_dimension == cls.dimension_index[
            informative_indices = analysis_object['infIndices'][z_select]
            cx_analysis_object = omsi_cx()
            return cx_analysis_object['msidata'][:, :, informative_indices]
        elif viewer_option == 0 and current_objective_dimension == cls.dimension_index[
            return analysis_object['levScores'][:]
        elif viewer_option == 1 and current_objective_dimension == cls.dimension_index[
            return analysis_object['infIndices'][:]

           Define your custom qslice viewer options. Here you need to handle all the different
           behaviors that are custom to your analysis. Below a simple example.

           if viewer_option == 0 :
               dataset = anaObj[ 'my_output_data' ] #This is e.g, an output dataset of your analysis
               return dataset[ : , :, z_select ]
           elif viewer_option == 1 :
        return None
Example #9
    def v_qslice(cls,
        Get 3D analysis dataset for which z-slices should be extracted for presentation in the OMSI viewer

        :param analysis_object: The omsi_file_analysis object for which slicing should be performed
        :param z: Selection string indicting which z values should be selected.
        :param viewer_option: If multiple default viewer behaviors are available for a given analysis
            then this option is used to switch between them.

        :returns: numpy array with the data to be displayed in the image slice viewer. Slicing will
            be performed typically like [:,:,zmin:zmax].

        # Convert the z selection to a python selection
        from omsi.shared.data_selection import selection_string_to_object
        z_select = selection_string_to_object(z)  # Convert the selection string to a python selection

        """EDIT_ME Specify the number of custom  viewer_options you are going to provide for qslice"""
        current_objective_dimension = analysis_object['objectiveDim'][0]
        if current_objective_dimension == cls.dimension_index['imageDim']:
            num_custom_viewer_options = 1
            num_custom_viewer_options = 2

        # Expose the qslice viewer functionality of any data dependencies
        if viewer_option >= num_custom_viewer_options:
            return super(omsi_cx, cls).v_qslice(analysis_object,
        elif viewer_option == 0 and current_objective_dimension == cls.dimension_index['imageDim']:
            informative_indices = analysis_object['infIndices'][z_select]
            cx_analysis_object = omsi_cx()
            return cx_analysis_object['msidata'][:, :, informative_indices]
        elif viewer_option == 0 and current_objective_dimension == cls.dimension_index['pixelDim']:
            return analysis_object['levScores'][:]
        elif viewer_option == 1 and current_objective_dimension == cls.dimension_index['pixelDim']:
            return analysis_object['infIndices'][:]


           Define your custom qslice viewer options. Here you need to handle all the different
           behaviors that are custom to your analysis. Below a simple example.

           if viewer_option == 0 :
               dataset = anaObj[ 'my_output_data' ] #This is e.g, an output dataset of your analysis
               return dataset[ : , :, z_select ]
           elif viewer_option == 1 :
        return None
Example #10
 def v_qslice(cls, analysis_object, z, viewer_option=0):
     """Implement support for qslice URL requests for the viewer"""
     from omsi.shared.data_selection import selection_string_to_object
     if viewer_option == 0:
         dataset = analysis_object['ho']
         z_select = selection_string_to_object(selection_string=z)
         data = dataset[:, :, z_select]
         return data
     elif viewer_option > 0:
         return super(omsi_nmf, cls).v_qslice(analysis_object, z, viewer_option-1)
Example #11
 def v_qslice(cls, analysis_object, z, viewer_option=0):
     """Implement support for qslice URL requests for the viewer"""
     from omsi.shared.data_selection import selection_string_to_object
     if viewer_option == 0:
         dataset = analysis_object['ho']
         z_select = selection_string_to_object(selection_string=z)
         data = dataset[:, :, z_select]
         return data
     elif viewer_option > 0:
         return super(omsi_nmf, cls).v_qslice(analysis_object, z,
                                              viewer_option - 1)
Example #12
    def v_qspectrum(cls, analysis_object, x, y, viewer_option=0):
        """Implement support for qspectrum URL requests for the viewer"""
        from omsi.shared.data_selection import selection_string_to_object
        data = None
        custom_mz = None
        if viewer_option == 0:  # Loadings
            dataset = analysis_object['ho']
            x_select = selection_string_to_object(selection_string=x)
            y_select = selection_string_to_object(selection_string=y)
            if isinstance(x_select, list) and isinstance(y_select, list):
                # Load the full data if multiple lists are given for
                # the selection and let numpy handle the sub-selection
                data = dataset[:][x_select, y_select, :]
                data = dataset[x_select, y_select, :]
            custom_mz = None
        elif viewer_option > 0:
            return super(omsi_nmf, cls).v_qspectrum(analysis_object, x, y, viewer_option-1)

        return data, custom_mz
Example #13
    def v_qspectrum(cls, analysis_object, x, y, viewer_option=0):
        """Implement support for qspectrum URL requests for the viewer"""
        from omsi.shared.data_selection import selection_string_to_object
        data = None
        custom_mz = None
        if viewer_option == 0:  # Loadings
            dataset = analysis_object['ho']
            x_select = selection_string_to_object(selection_string=x)
            y_select = selection_string_to_object(selection_string=y)
            if isinstance(x_select, list) and isinstance(y_select, list):
                # Load the full data if multiple lists are given for
                # the selection and let numpy handle the sub-selection
                data = dataset[:][x_select, y_select, :]
                data = dataset[x_select, y_select, :]
            custom_mz = None
        elif viewer_option > 0:
            return super(omsi_nmf, cls).v_qspectrum(analysis_object, x, y,
                                                    viewer_option - 1)

        return data, custom_mz
Example #14
    def v_qslice(cls, analysis_object, z, viewer_option=0):
        """Implement support for qslice URL requests for the viewer"""
        from omsi.shared.data_selection import selection_string_to_object

        if viewer_option == 0:
            dataset = analysis_object['npg_peak_cube_mz']
                z_select = selection_string_to_object(selection_string=z)
                data = dataset[:, :, z_select]
                return data
                print "Global peak selection failed"
                return None
        elif viewer_option >= 0:
            return super(omsi_peakcube, cls).v_qslice(analysis_object, z, viewer_option - 1)
            return None
Example #15
    def v_qslice(cls, analysis_object, z, viewer_option=0):
        """Implement support for qslice URL requests for the viewer"""
        from omsi.shared.data_selection import selection_string_to_object

        if viewer_option == 0:
            dataset = analysis_object['npg_peak_cube_mz']
                z_select = selection_string_to_object(selection_string=z)
                data = dataset[:, :, z_select]
                return data
                print "Global peak selection failed"
                return None
        elif viewer_option >= 0:
            return super(omsi_peakcube, cls).v_qslice(analysis_object, z,
                                                      viewer_option - 1)
            return None
Example #16
    def get_data(self):
        """Get the data associated with the dependency.

           :returns: If a selection is applied and the dependency object supports
                     array data load (e.g., h5py.Dataset, omsi_file_msidata), then
                     the selected data will be loaded and returned as numpy array.
                     Otherwise the ['omsi_object'] is returned.
        # Return preloaded data if available
        if self['_data'] is not None:
            return self['_data']
        # Check if we can access the data object
            # Retrieve the data object
            if self['dataname']:
                data_object = self['omsi_object'][self['dataname']]
                # Ensure that the dependency can actually be resolved. E.g, if the data the dependency points to
                # is not ready yet then we may get a dependency back that points to the same object as we do,
                # which in turn could result in an endless recursion
                if isinstance(data_object, dependency_dict):
                    if data_object['omsi_object'] is self['omsi_object']:
                        return self
                data_object = self['omsi_object']
            # Resolve any data seletions
                if self['selection'] is None:
                    # data = data_object[:]
                    # self['_data'] = data_object
                    return data_object
                    from omsi.shared.data_selection import selection_string_to_object
                    current_selection = selection_string_to_object(self['selection'])
                    if current_selection is not None:
                        dict.__setitem__(self, '_data', data_object[current_selection])
                        raise ValueError('Invalid selection string')
                return self['_data']
                import sys
                log_helper.error(__name__, "Application of data selection failed. " + str(sys.exc_info()))
                return data_object
Example #17
 def v_qslice(cls,
     """Implement support for qslice URL requests for the viewer"""
     from omsi.shared.data_selection import selection_string_to_object
     if viewer_option == 0:
         dataset = analysis_object['peak_cube']
             z_select = selection_string_to_object(selection_string=z)
             data = dataset[:, :, z_select]
             return data
             log_helper.error(__name__, "Global peak selection failed. ")
             return None
     elif viewer_option >= 0:
         return super(omsi_findpeaks_global, cls).v_qslice(analysis_object, z, viewer_option-1)
         return None
Example #18
    def v_qslice(cls,
        Get 3D analysis dataset for which z-slices should be extracted for presentation in the OMSI viewer

        :param analysis_object: The omsi_file_analysis object for which slicing should be performed
        :param z: Selection string indicting which z values should be selected.
        :param viewer_option: If multiple default viewer behaviors are available for
            a given analysis then this option is used to switch between them.

        :returns: numpy array with the data to be displayed in the image slice viewer.
            Slicing will be performed typically like [:,:,zmin:zmax].


        # Convert the z selection to a python selection
        from omsi.shared.data_selection import selection_string_to_object
        zselect = selection_string_to_object(z)  # Convert the selection string to a python selection

        """EDIT_ME Specify the number of custom viewer_options you are going to provide for qslice"""
        num_custom_viewer_options = 0

        # Expose the qslice viewer functionality of any data dependencies
        if viewer_option >= num_custom_viewer_options:
            return super(omsi_filter_by_mask, cls).v_qslice(analysis_object,


        Define your custom qslice viewer options. Here you need to handle all the different
        behaviors that are custom to your analysis. Below a simple example.

        if viewer_option == 0 :
           dataset = anaObj[ 'my_output_data' ] #This is e.g, an output dataset of your analysis
           return dataset[ : , :, zselect ]
        elif viewer_option == 1 :
        return None
Example #19
    def v_qslice(cls, analysis_object, z, viewer_option=0):
        """Implement support for qslice URL requests for the viewer"""
        from omsi.shared.data_selection import selection_string_to_object

        if viewer_option == 0:
            pl = analysis_object['npg_peaks_labels']
            ll = analysis_object['npg_labels_list']
            pai = analysis_object['npg_peaks_ArrayIndex']
            pints = analysis_object['npg_peaks_Intensities']
            z_select = selection_string_to_object(selection_string=z)
            dataset = cls.getnpgimage(pl, ll, pai, pints, z_select)
                return dataset[:, :]
                print "NPG peak selection failed"
                return None
        elif viewer_option >= 0:
            return super(omsi_npg, cls).v_qslice(analysis_object, z, viewer_option - 1)
            return None
Example #20
    def v_qslice(cls, analysis_object, z, viewer_option=0):
        Get 3D analysis dataset for which z-slices should be extracted for presentation in the OMSI viewer

        :param analysis_object: The omsi_file_analysis object for which slicing should be performed
        :param z: Selection string indicting which z values should be selected.
        :param viewer_option: If multiple default viewer behaviors are available for
            a given analysis then this option is used to switch between them.

        :returns: numpy array with the data to be displayed in the image slice viewer.
            Slicing will be performed typically like [:,:,zmin:zmax].


        # Convert the z selection to a python selection
        from omsi.shared.data_selection import selection_string_to_object
        zselect = selection_string_to_object(
            z)  # Convert the selection string to a python selection
        """EDIT_ME Specify the number of custom viewer_options you are going to provide for qslice"""
        num_custom_viewer_options = 0

        # Expose the qslice viewer functionality of any data dependencies
        if viewer_option >= num_custom_viewer_options:
            return super(omsi_filter_by_mask, cls).v_qslice(
                viewer_option=viewer_option - num_custom_viewer_options)

        Define your custom qslice viewer options. Here you need to handle all the different
        behaviors that are custom to your analysis. Below a simple example.

        if viewer_option == 0 :
           dataset = anaObj[ 'my_output_data' ] #This is e.g, an output dataset of your analysis
           return dataset[ : , :, zselect ]
        elif viewer_option == 1 :
        return None
Example #21
    def v_qslice(cls,
        Get 3D analysis dataset for which z-slices should be extracted for presentation in the OMSI viewer

        :param analysis_object: The omsi_file_analysis object for which slicing should be performed
        :param z: Selection string indicting which z values should be selected.
        :param viewer_option: If multiple default viewer behaviors are available for
            a given analysis then this option is used to switch between them.

        :returns: numpy array with the data to be displayed in the image slice viewer.
            Slicing will be performed typically like [:,:,zmin:zmax].


        # Convert the z selection to a python selection
        from omsi.shared.data_selection import selection_string_to_object
        zselect = selection_string_to_object(z)  # Convert the selection string to a python selection

        num_custom_viewer_options = 1

        # Expose the qslice viewer functionality of any data dependencies
        if viewer_option >= num_custom_viewer_options:
            return super(omsi_mz_rebin, cls).v_qslice(analysis_object,

        #Define your custom qslice viewer options. Here you need to handle all the different
        #behaviors that are custom to your analysis. Below a simple example.
        if viewer_option == 0:
            dataset = analysis_object['new_msidata']
            return dataset[:, :, zselect]

        return None