Example #1
def test_view_notice_changelog(gazette_app):
    admin, editor_1, editor_2, editor_3, publisher = login_users(gazette_app)

    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 10:00"):
        manage = editor_1.get('/notices/drafted/new-notice')
        manage.form['title'] = "Erneuerungswahlen"
        manage.form['organization'] = '200'
        manage.form['category'] = '11'
        manage.form['issues'] = ['2017-44', '2017-45']
        manage.form['text'] = "1. Oktober 2017"
        manage.form['author_place'] = 'Govikon'
        manage.form['author_name'] = 'State Chancellerist'
        manage.form['author_date'] = '2019-01-01'

    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 11:02"):
        submit_notice(editor_1, 'erneuerungswahlen')

    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 11:30"):
        reject_notice(publisher, 'erneuerungswahlen')

    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 11:45"):
        edit_notice(editor_2, 'erneuerungswahlen', organization='300')

    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 11:48"):
        submit_notice(editor_2, 'erneuerungswahlen')

    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 15:00"):
        accept_notice(publisher, 'erneuerungswahlen')

    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 16:00"):
        publish_issue(publisher, '2017-44')

    view = editor_1.get('/notice/erneuerungswahlen')

    changes = [
        ''.join(i.strip() for i in td.itertext())
        for td in view.pyquery('table.changes td')
    changes = sorted([(changes[4 * i + 0], changes[4 * i + 1],
                       changes[4 * i + 2], changes[4 * i + 3])
                      for i in range(len(changes) // 4)])

    assert changes == [
        ('01.11.2017 11:00', 'First Editor', 'TestGroup', 'erstellt'),
        ('01.11.2017 12:02', 'First Editor', 'TestGroup', 'eingereicht'),
        ('01.11.2017 12:30', 'Publisher', '', 'zurückgewiesenXYZ'),
        ('01.11.2017 12:45', 'Second Editor', 'TestGroup', 'bearbeitet'),
        ('01.11.2017 12:48', 'Second Editor', 'TestGroup', 'eingereicht'),
        ('01.11.2017 16:00', 'Publisher', '', 'Druck beauftragt'),
        ('01.11.2017 16:00', 'Publisher', '', 'angenommen'),
        ('01.11.2017 17:00', 'Publisher', '', 'veröffentlicht')
Example #2
def test_view_notices_index(gazette_app):
    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 11:00"):

        client = Client(gazette_app)

        # new notice
        manage = client.get('/notices/drafted/new-notice')
        manage.form['title'] = "Erneuerungswahlen"
        manage.form['organization'] = '200'
        manage.form['category'] = '11'
        manage.form['issues'] = ['2017-44', '2017-45']
        manage.form['text'] = "1. Oktober 2017"
        manage.form['author_place'] = 'Govikon'
        manage.form['author_name'] = 'State Chancellerist'
        manage.form['author_date'] = '2019-01-01'

        manage = client.get('/notices/drafted/new-notice')
        manage.form['title'] = "Kantonsratswahlen"
        manage.form['organization'] = '300'
        manage.form['category'] = '12'
        manage.form['issues'] = ['2017-45', '2017-46']
        manage.form['text'] = "10. Oktober 2017"
        manage.form['author_place'] = 'Govikon'
        manage.form['author_name'] = 'State Chancellerist'
        manage.form['author_date'] = '2019-01-01'

        publish_issue(client, '2017-44')
        publish_issue(client, '2017-45')
        publish_issue(client, '2017-46')

        response = client.get('/notices/published/index')
        assert response.headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/pdf'
        assert response.headers['Content-Disposition'] == \
            'inline; filename=amtsblatt-govikon.pdf'

        reader = PdfFileReader(BytesIO(response.body))
        assert [page.extractText() for page in reader.pages
                ] == [('© 2017 Govikon\n1\nAmtsblatt\nStichwortverzeichnis\n'
                       'Civic Community  2017-44-1, 2017-45-2\n'
                       'Municipality  2017-45-3, 2017-46-4\n'),
                      ('Amtsblatt\n© 2017 Govikon\n2\n'
                       'Education  2017-44-1, 2017-45-2\n'
                       'Submissions  2017-45-3, 2017-46-4\n')]
Example #3
def test_view_notice_actions(gazette_app):
    # Check if the actions are displayed correctly in the detail view

    admin, editor_1, editor_2, editor_3, publisher = login_users(gazette_app)

    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 11:00"):
        # create a notice for each editor
        for count, user in enumerate(
            (editor_1, editor_2, editor_3, publisher)):
            manage = user.get('/notices/drafted/new-notice')
            manage.form['title'] = 'Titel {}'.format(count + 1)
            manage.form['organization'] = '200'
            manage.form['category'] = '11'
            manage.form['issues'] = ['2017-44']
            manage.form['text'] = "1. Oktober 2017"
            manage.form['author_place'] = 'Govikon'
            manage.form['author_name'] = 'State Chancellerist'
            manage.form['author_date'] = '2019-01-01'

        # check the actions
        actions = {
            'p': 'action-preview',
            't': 'action-attachments',
            'c': 'action-copy',
            'e': 'action-edit',
            'd': 'action-delete',
            's': 'action-submit',
            'a': 'action-accept',
            'r': 'action-reject'

        def check(values):
            for user, slug, can in values:
                view = user.get('/notice/{}'.format(slug))
                cannot = [x for x in actions.keys() if x not in can]
                assert all((actions[action] in view for action in can))
                assert all((actions[action] not in view for action in cannot))

        # ... when drafted
            (admin, 'titel-1', 'pteds'),
            (admin, 'titel-2', 'pteds'),
            (admin, 'titel-3', 'pteds'),
            (admin, 'titel-4', 'pteds'),
            (publisher, 'titel-1', 'pteds'),
            (publisher, 'titel-2', 'pteds'),
            (publisher, 'titel-3', 'pteds'),
            (publisher, 'titel-4', 'pteds'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-1', 'peds'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-2', 'peds'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-3', 'p'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-4', 'p'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-1', 'peds'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-2', 'peds'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-3', 'p'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-4', 'p'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-1', 'p'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-2', 'p'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-3', 'peds'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-4', 'p'),

        # ... when submitted
        submit_notice(editor_1, 'titel-1')
        submit_notice(editor_2, 'titel-2')
        submit_notice(editor_3, 'titel-3')
        submit_notice(publisher, 'titel-4')

            (admin, 'titel-1', 'ptedar'),
            (admin, 'titel-2', 'ptedar'),
            (admin, 'titel-3', 'ptedar'),
            (admin, 'titel-4', 'ptedar'),
            (publisher, 'titel-1', 'ptear'),
            (publisher, 'titel-2', 'ptear'),
            (publisher, 'titel-3', 'ptear'),
            (publisher, 'titel-4', 'ptear'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-1', 'p'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-2', 'p'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-3', 'p'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-4', 'p'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-1', 'p'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-2', 'p'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-3', 'p'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-4', 'p'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-1', 'p'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-2', 'p'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-3', 'p'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-4', 'p'),

        # ... when rejected
        reject_notice(publisher, 'titel-1')
        reject_notice(publisher, 'titel-2')
        reject_notice(publisher, 'titel-3')
        reject_notice(publisher, 'titel-4')

            (admin, 'titel-1', 'pteds'),
            (admin, 'titel-2', 'pteds'),
            (admin, 'titel-3', 'pteds'),
            (admin, 'titel-4', 'pteds'),
            (publisher, 'titel-1', 'pteds'),
            (publisher, 'titel-2', 'pteds'),
            (publisher, 'titel-3', 'pteds'),
            (publisher, 'titel-4', 'pteds'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-1', 'peds'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-2', 'peds'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-3', 'p'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-4', 'p'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-1', 'peds'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-2', 'peds'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-3', 'p'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-4', 'p'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-1', 'p'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-2', 'p'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-3', 'peds'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-4', 'p'),

        # ... when accepted
        submit_notice(editor_1, 'titel-1')
        submit_notice(editor_2, 'titel-2')
        submit_notice(editor_3, 'titel-3')
        submit_notice(publisher, 'titel-4')
        accept_notice(publisher, 'titel-1')
        accept_notice(publisher, 'titel-2')
        accept_notice(publisher, 'titel-3')
        accept_notice(publisher, 'titel-4')

            (admin, 'titel-1', 'ptedc'),
            (admin, 'titel-2', 'ptedc'),
            (admin, 'titel-3', 'ptedc'),
            (admin, 'titel-4', 'ptedc'),
            (publisher, 'titel-1', 'pedc'),
            (publisher, 'titel-2', 'pedc'),
            (publisher, 'titel-3', 'pedc'),
            (publisher, 'titel-4', 'pedc'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-1', 'pc'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-2', 'pc'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-3', 'pc'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-4', 'pc'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-1', 'pc'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-2', 'pc'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-3', 'pc'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-4', 'pc'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-1', 'pc'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-2', 'pc'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-3', 'pc'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-4', 'pc'),

        # ... when published
        publish_issue(publisher, '2017-44')
            (admin, 'titel-1', 'ptec'),
            (admin, 'titel-2', 'ptec'),
            (admin, 'titel-3', 'ptec'),
            (admin, 'titel-4', 'ptec'),
            (publisher, 'titel-1', 'pec'),
            (publisher, 'titel-2', 'pec'),
            (publisher, 'titel-3', 'pec'),
            (publisher, 'titel-4', 'pec'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-1', 'pc'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-2', 'pc'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-3', 'pc'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-4', 'pc'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-1', 'pc'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-2', 'pc'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-3', 'pc'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-4', 'pc'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-1', 'pc'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-2', 'pc'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-3', 'pc'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-4', 'pc'),

        # ... when imported
        session = gazette_app.session()
        notice = session.query(GazetteNotice).filter_by(name='titel-1').one()
        notice.user = None
        notice.group = None
        notice.source = 'source'
        notice.state = 'imported'
        import transaction

            (admin, 'titel-1', 'pda'),
            (publisher, 'titel-1', 'pad'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-1', 'p'),
Example #4
def test_view_notice_delete(gazette_app):
    admin, editor_1, editor_2, editor_3, publisher = login_users(gazette_app)

    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 11:00"):
        # delete a drafted notice
        for user in (editor_1, publisher):
            manage = editor_1.get('/notices/drafted/new-notice')
            manage.form['title'] = "Erneuerungswahlen"
            manage.form['organization'] = '200'
            manage.form['category'] = '11'
            manage.form['issues'] = ['2017-44', '2017-45']
            manage.form['text'] = "1. Oktober 2017"
            manage.form['author_place'] = 'Govikon'
            manage.form['author_name'] = 'State Chancellerist'
            manage.form['author_date'] = '2019-01-01'

            manage = user.get('/notice/erneuerungswahlen/delete')
            manage = manage.form.submit().maybe_follow()
            assert "Meldung gelöscht." in manage

        # delete a submitted notice
        for user in (editor_1, publisher):
            manage = editor_1.get('/notices/drafted/new-notice')
            manage.form['title'] = "Erneuerungswahlen"
            manage.form['organization'] = '200'
            manage.form['category'] = '11'
            manage.form['issues'] = ['2017-44', '2017-45']
            manage.form['text'] = "1. Oktober 2017"
            manage.form['author_place'] = 'Govikon'
            manage.form['author_name'] = 'State Chancellerist'
            manage.form['author_date'] = '2019-01-01'

            submit_notice(user, 'erneuerungswahlen')

            manage = user.get('/notice/erneuerungswahlen/delete')
            assert manage.forms == {}

            manage = admin.get('/notice/erneuerungswahlen/delete')

        # delete a rejected notice
        for user in (editor_1, publisher):
            manage = editor_1.get('/notices/drafted/new-notice')
            manage.form['title'] = "Erneuerungswahlen"
            manage.form['organization'] = '200'
            manage.form['category'] = '11'
            manage.form['issues'] = ['2017-44', '2017-45']
            manage.form['text'] = "1. Oktober 2017"
            manage.form['author_place'] = 'Govikon'
            manage.form['author_name'] = 'State Chancellerist'
            manage.form['author_date'] = '2019-01-01'

            submit_notice(user, 'erneuerungswahlen')
            reject_notice(publisher, 'erneuerungswahlen')

            manage = user.get('/notice/erneuerungswahlen/delete')
            manage = manage.form.submit().maybe_follow()
            assert "Meldung gelöscht." in manage

        # delete an accepted notice
        manage = editor_1.get('/notices/drafted/new-notice')
        manage.form['title'] = "Erneuerungswahlen"
        manage.form['organization'] = '200'
        manage.form['category'] = '11'
        manage.form['issues'] = ['2017-44', '2017-45']
        manage.form['text'] = "1. Oktober 2017"
        manage.form['author_place'] = 'Govikon'
        manage.form['author_name'] = 'State Chancellerist'
        manage.form['author_date'] = '2019-01-01'

        submit_notice(editor_1, 'erneuerungswahlen')
        accept_notice(publisher, 'erneuerungswahlen')

        manage = editor_1.get('/notice/erneuerungswahlen/delete')
        assert manage.forms == {}

        manage = publisher.get('/notice/erneuerungswahlen/delete')
        assert "Diese Meldung wurde bereits angenommen!" in manage

        # delete a published notice
        manage = editor_1.get('/notices/drafted/new-notice')
        manage.form['title'] = "Erneuerungswahlen"
        manage.form['organization'] = '200'
        manage.form['category'] = '11'
        manage.form['issues'] = ['2017-44', '2017-45']
        manage.form['text'] = "1. Oktober 2017"
        manage.form['author_place'] = 'Govikon'
        manage.form['author_name'] = 'State Chancellerist'
        manage.form['author_date'] = '2019-01-01'

        submit_notice(editor_1, 'erneuerungswahlen')
        accept_notice(publisher, 'erneuerungswahlen')
        publish_issue(publisher, '2017-44')

        for user in (admin, editor_1, publisher):
            manage = user.get('/notice/erneuerungswahlen/delete')
            assert manage.forms == {}
Example #5
def test_view_notice(gazette_app):
    # Check if the details of the notice is displayed correctly in the
    # display view (that is: organization, owner, group etc).

    admin, editor_1, editor_2, editor_3, publisher = login_users(gazette_app)

    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 11:00"):
        # create a notice for each editor
        for count, user in enumerate((editor_1, editor_2, editor_3)):
            manage = user.get('/notices/drafted/new-notice')
            manage.form['title'] = 'Titel {}'.format(count + 1)
            manage.form['organization'] = '200'
            manage.form['category'] = '11'
            manage.form['billing_address'] = 'someone\nstreet\r\nplace'
            manage.form['issues'] = ['2017-44', '2017-45']
            manage.form['text'] = "1. Oktober 2017"
            manage.form['author_place'] = 'Govikon'
            manage.form['author_name'] = 'State Chancellerist'
            manage.form['author_date'] = '2019-01-01'

        # check if the notices are displayed correctly
        for number, owner, group in (
            (1, 'First', True),
            (2, 'Second', True),
            (3, 'Third', False),
            for user in (editor_1, editor_2, editor_3, publisher):
                view = user.get(f'/notice/titel-{number}')
                assert f"Titel {number}" in view
                assert "1. Oktober 2017" in view
                assert "Govikon, 1. Januar 2019" in view
                assert "State Chancellerist" in view
                assert "Civic Community" in view
                assert "Education" in view
                assert "<dd>Ja</dd>" in view
                assert "someone<br>street<br>place" in view
                assert f"{owner} Editor" in view
                assert f"+4141511227{number}" in view
                assert f"<br>editor{number}@example.org" in view
                if group:
                    assert "TestGroup" in view
                    assert "TestGroup" not in view
                assert "Nr. 44, 03.11.2017" in view
                assert "Nr. 45, 10.11.2017" in view
                assert "in Arbeit" in view
                assert "erstellt" in view

        # Check if the publication numbers are displayed
        submit_notice(editor_1, 'titel-1')
        submit_notice(editor_2, 'titel-2')
        submit_notice(editor_3, 'titel-3')
        accept_notice(publisher, 'titel-1')
        accept_notice(publisher, 'titel-2')
        accept_notice(publisher, 'titel-3')
        publish_issue(publisher, '2017-44')
        publish_issue(publisher, '2017-45')

        for number in range(1, 4):
            for user in (editor_1, editor_2, editor_3, publisher):
                view = user.get('/notice/titel-{}'.format(number))
                assert "Nr. 44, 03.11.2017 / {}".format(number) in view
                assert "Nr. 45, 10.11.2017 / {}".format(number + 3) in view