Example #1
async def sub_order_demo():
    acc = Account(demo_args['account'], demo_args['OT_KEY'], demo_args['OT_SECRET'])
    await acc.cancel_all()
    async def on_order(order):
        print('order snapshot arriving', order)
    await acc.subscribe_orders(on_order)
    await asyncio.sleep(2) # sleep for a while, waiting for websocket connected.
    res, err = await acc.place_order(demo_args['contract'], 10000, 'b', 1)
    print('place order success', res, err)
    await asyncio.sleep(999)
Example #2
 def setUpClass(cls):
     cls.api_key, cls.api_secret, cls.account = load_api_key_secret(
     if cls.api_key is None or cls.api_secret is None:
         cls.api_key, cls.api_secret, cls.account = input_api_key_secret()
     cls.acc = Account(cls.account,
     cls.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
     cls.exchange, cls.name = cls.account.split('/', 1)
     cls.order1 = {
         'con': cls.exchange + '/eth.usdt',
         'bs': 's',
         'price': 100000,
         'amount': 0.05
     cls.order2 = {
         'con': cls.exchange + '/iost.usdt',
         'bs': 's',
         'price': 10000,
         'amount': 0.0001
     print('initializing account {}'.format(cls.account))
Example #3
async def main():
    ot_key, ot_secret = load_api_key_secret()
    account = demo_args['account']
    if ot_key is None or ot_secret is None:
        file_path = '~/.onetoken/config.yml'
            config = yaml.load(open(os.path.expanduser(file_path)).read())
            if 'ot_key' in config:
                ot_key = config['ot_key']
                ot_secret = config['ot_secret']
                account = demo_args['account']
                ot_key = config['api_key']
                ot_secret = config['api_secret']
                account = demo_args['account']
            print('file not found: ', os.path.expanduser(file_path))
            print('input manually:')
            ot_key = input('ot-key: ')
            ot_secret = input('ot-secret: ')
            account = input('account: ')
    log.info('new account', account, ot_key[:5], ot_secret[:5])
    acc = Account(account, ot_key, ot_secret)
    log.info('Initialized account {}'.format(account))

    # 获取账号 info
    info, err = await acc.get_info()
    if err:
        log.warning('Get info failed.', err)
        log.info(f'Account info: {info.data}')

    # 根据 pos_symbol 获取账号持仓数量
    # 现货类似 btc, bch
    # 期货类似 btc.usd.q
    pos_symbol = 'btc'
    amount = info.get_total_amount(pos_symbol)
    log.info(f'Amount: {amount} {pos_symbol}')

    #测试用交易对,命名规则为 平台标识符/交易对(contract)
    contract_symbol_1 = 'huobip/btc.usdt'
    contract_symbol_2 = 'huobip/eth.usdt'

    # 下单
    order_1, err = await acc.place_order(con=contract_symbol_1, price=20000, bs='s', amount=0.01)
    if err:
        log.warning('Place order failed.', err)
        log.info(f'New order: {order_1}')

    client_oid = util.rand_client_oid(contract_symbol_2)  # client oid 为预设下单 id,方便策略后期跟踪
    log.info(f'Random client_oid: {client_oid}')

    order_2, err = await acc.place_order(con=contract_symbol_2, price=10000, bs='s', amount=1.3, client_oid=client_oid)
    if err:
        log.warning('Place order failed.', err)
        log.info(f'New order: {order_2}')

    # 根据contract和state获取订单列表, 此处获取的是active状态的订单列表
    o_list, err = await acc.get_order_list(contract=contract_symbol_1, state='active')
    if err:
        log.warning('Get active order list failed.', err)
        log.info(f'Active order list: {o_list}')

    # 用get_pending_list方法可以更快捷地获取active状态的订单列表
    p_list, err = await acc.get_pending_list(contract=contract_symbol_2)
    if err:
        log.warning('Get pending list failed.', err)
        log.info(f'Pending list: {p_list}')

    exchange_oid_1 = order_1['exchange_oid']
    exchange_oid_2 = order_2['exchange_oid']

    # 通过exchange_oid获取order_1的订单详情
    o_info_1, err = await acc.get_order_use_exchange_oid(exchange_oid_1)
    if err:
        log.warning('Get order info by exchange_oid failed.', err)
        log.info(f'Order info by exchange_oid: {o_info_1}')

    # 可以输入多个exchange_oid并且用逗号分割,以实现批量查询
    o_info_bulk, err = await acc.get_order_use_exchange_oid(','.join([exchange_oid_1, exchange_oid_2]))
    if err:
        log.warning('Get order info by exchange_oid failed.', err)
        log.info(f'Order info by exchange_oid: {o_info_bulk}')

    # 通过client_oid获取order_2的订单详情
    o_info_2, err = await acc.get_order_use_client_oid(client_oid)
    if err:
        log.warning('Get order info by client_oid failed.', err)
        log.info(f'Order info by client_oid: {o_info_2}')

    # 通过exchange_oid撤单
    res, err = await acc.cancel_use_exchange_oid(exchange_oid_1)
    if err:
        log.warning('Cancel order by exchange_oid failed.', err)
        log.info(f'Canceled order by exchange_oid: {res}')

    # 通过client_oid撤单
    res, err = await acc.cancel_use_client_oid(client_oid)
    if err:
        log.warning('Cancel order by client_oid failed.', err)
        log.info(f'Canceled order by client_oid: {res}')

    # 根据contract和state获取历史订单列表
    o_list, err = await acc.get_order_list(contract=contract_symbol_1, state='end')
    if err:
        log.warning('Get order history failed.', err)
        log.info(f'Order history: {o_list}')
    o_list, err = await acc.get_order_list(contract=contract_symbol_2, state='end')
    if err:
        log.warning('Get order history failed.', err)
        log.info(f'Order history: {o_list}')

    # 继续下单
    order_more, err = await acc.place_order(con=contract_symbol_1, price=20000, bs='s', amount=0.1)
    if err:
        log.warning('Place order failed.', err)
        log.info(f'New order: {order_more}')

    # 下单收到返回后撤单
    res, err = await acc.place_and_cancel(con=contract_symbol_1, price=20000, bs='s', amount=0.01, sleep=2)
    if err:
        log.warning('Place and cancel order failed.', err)
        log.info(f'Place and cancel order result: {res}')

    # 撤掉指定contract的所有订单
    res, err = await acc.cancel_all(contract=contract_symbol_1)
    if err:
        log.warning('Cancel all orders failed.', err)
        log.info(f'Cancel all orders result: {res}')

    res, err = await acc.cancel_all(contract=contract_symbol_2)
    if err:
        log.warning('Cancel all orders failed.', err)
        log.info(f'Cancel all orders result: {res}')

    # 从交易所获取指定contract的成交单 dealt transactions
    res, err = await acc.get_dealt_trans(con=contract_symbol_1)
    if err:
        log.warning('Get dealt trans list failed.', err)
        log.info(f'Dealt trans list  result: {res}')

    # 获取指定contract的历史成交单 trans_list
    res, err = await acc.get_dealt_trans_from_db(con=contract_symbol_1)
    if err:
        log.warning('Get dealt trans list from db failed.', err)
        log.info(f'Dealt trans list from db result: {res}')

    # 根据contract和state获取历史订单列表
    o_list, err = await acc.get_order_list_from_db(contract=contract_symbol_1, state='end')
    if err:
        log.warning('Get order history from db failed.', err)
        log.info(f'Order history from db: {o_list}')
    o_list, err = await acc.get_order_list_from_db(contract=contract_symbol_2, state='end')
    if err:
        log.warning('Get order history from db failed.', err)
        log.info(f'Order history from db: {o_list}')

Example #4
current_ask_future = 0
current_bid_future = 0
current_ask_volume_future = 0
current_bid_volume_future = 0

future_long_watermark = 0.96  #期货价格太低,买多价格
future_long_win = 0.98  #期货买多平仓价格

future_short_watermart = 0.985  #期货价格太高,卖空价格
future_short_win = 0.975  #期货卖空平仓价格
dist = [0 for i in range(14400)]

eos_spot_num = 0
usdt_spot_num = 0
eos_index = 0
okex = Account("okex/bind-okdeep")
okef = Account("okef/bind-okdeep")
log_fd = open(os.getcwd() + "\\" + "qixian_log", "ab")

def my_print(log_fd, log):
    tm = time.time()
    time_str = time.strftime('%Y:%m:%d:%H:%M:%S ', time.localtime(float(tm)))
    print((time_str + "  " + log + "\n").encode())
    log_fd.write((time_str + "  " + log + "\n").encode())

async def on_update_2(tk: Tick):
    global current_bid_spot
    global current_ask_spot
future_long_watermark = 0.96  #期货价格太低,买多价格
future_long_win = 0.98  #期货买多平仓价格

future_short_watermart = 0.985  #期货价格太高,卖空价格
future_short_win = 0.975  #期货卖空平仓价格
dist = [0 for i in range(14400)]

time_sec = 0.0
index = 0
eos_spot_num = 0
usdt_spot_num = 0
eos_index = 0
begin = 0
eos_buy_num = 0
okex = Account("okex/bind-okdeep", "F7hmPjjL-IWRlX6LB-hXzokGYo-bbpmMqWH",
okef = Account("okef/bind-okdeep", "F7hmPjjL-IWRlX6LB-hXzokGYo-bbpmMqWH",
log_fd = open(os.getcwd() + "\\" + "qixian_mul_log", "ab")

def my_print(log_fd, log):
    tm = time.time()
    time_str = time.strftime('%Y:%m:%d:%H:%M:%S ', time.localtime(float(tm)))
    ms = (tm - int(tm)) * 1000
    print((time_str + "  " + log + "\n").encode())
    log_fd.write((time_str + ":" + str(ms) + "  " + log + "\n").encode())

async def buy_future(future_num):
Example #6
async def main():
    api_key, api_secret, account = load_api_key_secret()
    if api_key is None or api_secret is None:
        file_path = '~/.onetoken/config.yml'
            config = yaml.load(open(os.path.expanduser(file_path)).read())
            api_key = config['api_key']
            api_secret = config['api_secret']
            account = config['account']
            print('file not found: ', os.path.expanduser(file_path))
            print('input manually:')
            api_key = input('api_key: ')
            api_secret = input('api_secret: ')
            account = input('account: ')
    acc = Account(account, api_key=api_key, api_secret=api_secret)
    await asyncio.sleep(5)
    log.info('Initialized account {}'.format(account))

    # 获取账号 info
    info, err = await acc.get_info()
    if err:
        log.warning('Get info failed...', err)
        log.info(f'Account info: {info.data}')

    # 根据 pos symbol 获取账号 amount
    # 现货类似 btc, bch
    # 期货类似 btc.usd.q
    currency = 'btc'
    amount = info.get_total_amount(currency)
    log.info(f'Amount: {amount} {currency}')

    # 获取当前开放的 orders
    p_list, err = await acc.get_order_list()
    if err:
        log.warning('Get pending list failed...', err)
        log.info(f'Pending list: {p_list}')
    # # 获取指定 order 的 info
    # o_info_2, err = await acc.get_order_use_exchange_oid('huobip/qtum.usdt-1786556131')
    # if err:
    #     log.warning('Get order info failed...', err)
    # else:
    #     log.info(f'Order information by exchange_oid: {o_info_2}')
    # await asyncio.sleep(5)
    # # 下单
    # contract_symbol = 'huobip/btc.usdt'
    # contract_symbol_2 = 'huobip/iost.usdt'
    # coid = util.rand_client_oid(contract_symbol)  # client oid 为预设下单 id,方便策略后期跟踪
    # order_1, err = await acc.place_order(con=contract_symbol, price=20000, bs='s', amount=0.01)
    # if err:
    #     log.warning('Place order failed...', err)
    # else:
    #     log.info(f'New order: {order_1}')
    # await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
    # order_2, err = await acc.place_order(con=contract_symbol_2, price=10000, bs='s', amount=1.3)
    # if err:
    #     log.warning('Place order failed...', err)
    # else:
    #     log.info(f'New order: {order_2}')
    # await asyncio.sleep(3)
    # # 获取指定 order 的 info
    # o_info_1, err = await acc.get_order_use_client_oid(order_1['client_oid'])
    # if err:
    #     log.warning('Get order info failed...', err)
    # else:
    #     log.info(f'Order information by client_oid: {o_info_1}')
    # o_info_2, err = await acc.get_order_use_exchange_oid(order_2['exchange_oid'])
    # if err:
    #     log.warning('Get order info failed...', err)
    # else:
    #     log.info(f'Order information by exchange_oid: {o_info_2}')
    # # 获取当前开放的 orders
    # p_list, err = await acc.get_order_list()
    # if err:
    #     log.warning('Get pending list failed...', err)
    # else:
    #     log.info(f'Pending list: {p_list}')
    # # 撤单
    # res, err = await acc.cancel_use_client_oid(order_1['client_oid'])
    # if err:
    #     log.warning('cancel order failed...', err)
    # else:
    #     log.info(f'Canceled order: {res}')
    # res, err = await acc.cancel_use_exchange_oid(order_2['exchange_oid'])
    # if err:
    #     log.warning('cancel order failed...', err)
    # else:
    #     log.info(f'Canceled order: {res}')
    # # add more orders
    # order_more, err = await acc.place_order(con=contract_symbol, price=20000, bs='s', amount=0.1)
    # if err:
    #     log.warning('Place order failed...', err)
    # else:
    #     log.info(f'New order: {order_more}')
    # order_more, err = await acc.place_order(con=contract_symbol_2, price=20000, bs='s', amount=1.2)
    # if err:
    #     log.warning('Place order failed...', err)
    # else:
    #     log.info(f'New order: {order_more}')

    # # # 测试cancel_all 谨慎调用!
    # # await acc.cancel_all()
    # # p_list, err = await acc.get_order_list()
    # # if err:
    # #     log.warning('Get pending list failed...', err)
    # # else:
    # #     log.info(f'Pending list: {p_list}')
    # # 测试place_and_cancel
    # res, err = await acc.place_and_cancel(con=contract_symbol, price=20000, bs='s', amount=0.01, sleep=2)
    # if err:
    #     log.warning('cancel order failed...', err)
    # else:
    #     log.info(f'Placed and canceled order: {res}')
    # # 获取当前开放的 orders
    # p_list, err = await acc.get_order_list()
    # if err:
    #     log.warning('Get pending list failed...', err)
    # else:
    #     log.info(f'Pending list: {p_list}')
    # withdraw_address = ''
    # res, err = await acc.post_withdraw(currency='iost', amount=1.3, address=withdraw_address, fee=None)
    # if err:
    #     log.warning('Post withdraw failed...', err)
    # else:
    #     log.info(f'New withdraw: {res}')
    # res, err = await acc.cancel_withdraw_use_client_wid(res['client_wid'])
    # if err:
    #     log.warning('Cancel withdraw by client_wid failed...', err)
    # else:
    #     log.info(f'Cancel withdraw by client_wid: {res}')
    # res, err = await acc.cancel_withdraw_use_exchange_wid(res['exchange_wid'])
    # if err:
    #     log.warning('Cancel withdraw by exchange_wid failed...', err)
    # else:
    #     log.info(f'Cancel withdraw by exchange_wid: {res}')

    # 提币测试,谨慎调用!
    # wd, err = await acc.post_withdraw('eth', 0.05, '0x0FaC2592D3d26fC5534Ae9a41fD72F10bbDA51B4')
    # if err:
    #     log.warning('Get info failed...', err)
    # else:
    #     log.info(f'Post withdraw: {wd}')
    res, err = await acc.cancel_withdraw_use_exchange_wid('huobip/eth-1495937')
    if err:
        log.warning('Get info failed...', err)
        log.info(f'Cancel withdraw: {res}')

    res, err = await acc.get_withdraw_use_exchange_wid('huobip/eth-1495937')
    if err:
        log.warning('Get info failed...', err)
        log.info(f'Get withdraw: {res}')
    # 未实现的方法
    # status = await acc.get_status()
    # await acc.amend_order_use_client_oid()
    # await acc.amend_order_use_exchange_oid()

Example #7
async def main():
    ot_key, ot_secret, account = load_api_key_secret()
    if ot_key is None or ot_secret is None:
        file_path = '~/.onetoken/config.yml'
            config = yaml.load(open(os.path.expanduser(file_path)).read())
            if 'ot_key' in config:
                ot_key = config['ot_key']
                ot_secret = config['ot_secret']
                account = config['account']
                ot_key = config['api_key']
                ot_secret = config['api_secret']
                account = config['account']
            print('file not found: ', os.path.expanduser(file_path))
            print('input manually:')
            ot_key = input('ot-key: ')
            ot_secret = input('ot-secret: ')
            account = input('account: ')
    acc = Account(account, ot_key, ot_secret)
    await asyncio.sleep(5)
    log.info('Initialized account {}'.format(account))

    # 获取账号 info
    info, err = await acc.get_info()
    if err:
        log.warning('Get info failed...', err)
        log.info(f'Account info: {info.data}')

    # 根据 pos symbol 获取账号 amount
    # 现货类似 btc, bch
    # 期货类似 btc.usd.q
    currency = 'btc'
    amount = info.get_total_amount(currency)
    log.info(f'Amount: {amount} {currency}')

    # 获取当前开放的 orders
    p_list, err = await acc.get_order_list()
    if err:
        log.warning('Get pending list failed...', err)
        log.info(f'Pending list: {p_list}')
    # # 获取指定 order 的 info
    # o_info_2, err = await acc.get_order_use_exchange_oid('huobip/qtum.usdt-1786556131')
    # if err:
    #     log.warning('Get order info failed...', err)
    # else:
    #     log.info(f'Order information by exchange_oid: {o_info_2}')
    # await asyncio.sleep(5)
    # # 下单
    # contract_symbol = 'huobip/btc.usdt'
    # contract_symbol_2 = 'huobip/iost.usdt'
    # coid = util.rand_client_oid(contract_symbol)  # client oid 为预设下单 id,方便策略后期跟踪
    # order_1, err = await acc.place_order(con=contract_symbol, price=20000, bs='s', amount=0.01)
    # if err:
    #     log.warning('Place order failed...', err)
    # else:
    #     log.info(f'New order: {order_1}')
    # await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
    # order_2, err = await acc.place_order(con=contract_symbol_2, price=10000, bs='s', amount=1.3)
    # if err:
    #     log.warning('Place order failed...', err)
    # else:
    #     log.info(f'New order: {order_2}')
    # await asyncio.sleep(3)
    # # 获取指定 order 的 info
    # o_info_1, err = await acc.get_order_use_client_oid(order_1['client_oid'])
    # if err:
    #     log.warning('Get order info failed...', err)
    # else:
    #     log.info(f'Order information by client_oid: {o_info_1}')
    # o_info_2, err = await acc.get_order_use_exchange_oid(order_2['exchange_oid'])
    # if err:
    #     log.warning('Get order info failed...', err)
    # else:
    #     log.info(f'Order information by exchange_oid: {o_info_2}')
    # # 获取当前开放的 orders
    # p_list, err = await acc.get_order_list()
    # if err:
    #     log.warning('Get pending list failed...', err)
    # else:
    #     log.info(f'Pending list: {p_list}')
    # # 撤单
    # res, err = await acc.cancel_use_client_oid(order_1['client_oid'])
    # if err:
    #     log.warning('cancel order failed...', err)
    # else:
    #     log.info(f'Canceled order: {res}')
    # res, err = await acc.cancel_use_exchange_oid(order_2['exchange_oid'])
    # if err:
    #     log.warning('cancel order failed...', err)
    # else:
    #     log.info(f'Canceled order: {res}')
    # # add more orders
    # order_more, err = await acc.place_order(con=contract_symbol, price=20000, bs='s', amount=0.1)
    # if err:
    #     log.warning('Place order failed...', err)
    # else:
    #     log.info(f'New order: {order_more}')
    # order_more, err = await acc.place_order(con=contract_symbol_2, price=20000, bs='s', amount=1.2)
    # if err:
    #     log.warning('Place order failed...', err)
    # else:
    #     log.info(f'New order: {order_more}')

    # # # 测试cancel_all 谨慎调用!
    # # await acc.cancel_all()
    # # p_list, err = await acc.get_order_list()
    # # if err:
    # #     log.warning('Get pending list failed...', err)
    # # else:
    # #     log.info(f'Pending list: {p_list}')
    # # 测试place_and_cancel
    # res, err = await acc.place_and_cancel(con=contract_symbol, price=20000, bs='s', amount=0.01, sleep=2)
    # if err:
    #     log.warning('cancel order failed...', err)
    # else:
    #     log.info(f'Placed and canceled order: {res}')
    # # 获取当前开放的 orders
    # p_list, err = await acc.get_order_list()
    # if err:
    #     log.warning('Get pending list failed...', err)
    # else:
    #     log.info(f'Pending list: {p_list}')
