Example #1
def onnx2trt(
    onnx_model: onnx.ModelProto,
    shapes: Dict[str, ShapeSpec],
    max_workspace_size: int,
    max_batch_size: int,
    model_precision: str,
) -> "trt.ICudaEngine":
    Converts onnx model to TensorRT ICudaEngine
        onnx_model: onnx.Model to convert
        shapes: dictionary containing min shape, max shape, opt shape for each input name
        max_workspace_size: The maximum GPU temporary memory which the CudaEngine can use at execution time.
        max_batch_size: The maximum batch size which can be used at execution time,
                        and also the batch size for which the CudaEngine will be optimized.
        model_precision: precision of kernels (possible values: fp16, fp32)

    Returns: TensorRT ICudaEngine
    # Whether or not 16-bit kernels are permitted.
    # During :class:`ICudaEngine` build fp16 kernels will also be tried when this mode is enabled.
    fp16_mode = "16" in model_precision

    builder = trt.Builder(TRT_LOGGER)
    builder.fp16_mode = fp16_mode
    builder.max_batch_size = max_batch_size
    builder.max_workspace_size = max_workspace_size

    # In TensorRT 7.0, the ONNX parser only supports full-dimensions mode,
    # meaning that your network definition must be created with the explicitBatch flag set.
    # For more information, see
    # https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/tensorrt/developer-guide/index.html#work_dynamic_shapes
    flags = 1 << int(trt.NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag.EXPLICIT_BATCH)
    network = builder.create_network(flags)

    with trt.OnnxParser(network, TRT_LOGGER) as parser:
        # onnx model parsing
        if not parser.parse(onnx_model.SerializeToString()):
            for i in range(parser.num_errors):
                    f"OnnxParser error {i}/{parser.num_errors}: {parser.get_error(i)}"
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Error during parsing ONNX model (see logs for details)")

        # optimization
        config = builder.create_builder_config()
        config.flags |= bool(fp16_mode) << int(trt.BuilderFlag.FP16)
        config.max_workspace_size = max_workspace_size

        profile = builder.create_optimization_profile()
        for name, spec in shapes.items():
            profile.set_shape(name, **spec._asdict())

        engine = builder.build_engine(network, config=config)

    return engine
Example #2
def import_onnx_model(model: onnx.ModelProto) -> Model:
    model_byte_string = model.SerializeToString()
    ie = Core()
    func = ie.read_model(bytes(model_byte_string),
                         Tensor(type=np.uint8, shape=[]))

    return func
Example #3
    def __generate_onnx_model(onnx_model: ModelProto, out_file: Path) -> None:
        """Generate onnx model to file.

      onnx_model: onnx model.
      out_file: output model file.
        with out_file.open('wb') as o_file:
Example #4
def save_model(model: onnx.ModelProto, f=None):
    fb = model.SerializeToString()
    if f is not None:
        if hasattr(f, 'write'):
            with open(f, "wb") as f:
    return fb
Example #5
def import_onnx_model(model: onnx.ModelProto) -> Function:
    model_byte_string = model.SerializeToString()

    ie = IECore()
    ie_network = ie.read_network(model=model_byte_string, weights=b"", init_from_buffer=True)

    ng_function = ng.function_from_cnn(ie_network)
    return ng_function
Example #6
def import_onnx_model(model: onnx.ModelProto) -> Function:
    model_byte_string = model.SerializeToString()

    ie = Core()
    ie_network = ie.read_network(bytes(model_byte_string),
                                 Blob(TensorDesc("U8", [], "C")))

    ng_function = ie_network.get_function()
    return ng_function
def get_cpu_output(onnx_model: ModelProto,
                   data: Dict[AnyStr, numpy.ndarray]) -> List[numpy.ndarray]:
    Run inference with CPUExecutionProvider
    # pylint: disable=no-member
    sess = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(
    output = sess.run(None, data)
    return output
Example #8
 def test_version_exists(self):
     model = ModelProto()
     # When we create it, graph should not have a version string.
     # We should touch the version so it is annotated with the current
     # ir version of the running ONNX
     model.ir_version = IR_VERSION
     model_string = model.SerializeToString()
     # Check if the version is correct.
     self.assertEqual(model.ir_version, IR_VERSION)
Example #9
def convert_version(model: ModelProto, target_version: int) -> ModelProto:
    if not isinstance(model, ModelProto):
        raise ValueError(
            'VersionConverter only accepts ModelProto as model, incorrect type: {}'
    if not isinstance(target_version, int):
        raise ValueError(
            'VersionConverter only accepts int as target_version, incorrect type: {}'
    model_str = model.SerializeToString()
    converted_model_str = C.convert_version(model_str, target_version)
    return onnx.load_from_string(converted_model_str)
Example #10
def onnx_inference(image: np.ndarray, onnx_model: onnx.ModelProto):
    test onnx model with onnx runtime
    :param image:           input image, a numpy array
    :param onnx_model:      onnx model
    assert os.path.isfile(image_path)
    sess = ort.InferenceSession(onnx_model.SerializeToString())
    assert len(sess.get_outputs()) == 1 and len(sess.get_inputs()) <= 1
    ipt_dict = OrderedDict()
    for ipt in sess.get_inputs():
        ipt_dict[ipt.name] = image
    onnx_res = sess.run([], ipt_dict)[0]
    return onnx_res
Example #11
def main():
    args = parse_arguments()

    exclude_names = set() if args.exclude is None else set(args.exclude.split(';'))

    model = ModelProto()
    with open(args.input, "rb") as input_file:

    convert_initializers(model, exclude_names, args.sparsity_threshold, args.tolerance)

    with open(args.output, "wb") as output_file:
        s = model.SerializeToString()
Example #12
def _forward(
    model: onnx.ModelProto,
    extra_output_nodes: Optional[List[onnx.NodeProto]] = None
) -> OrderedDict[str, np.ndarray]:
    # add outputs of the argument nodes as model outputs.
    if extra_output_nodes is not None:
        model = deepcopy(model)
        for node in extra_output_nodes:
            for output in node.output:
                value_info = onnx.ValueInfoProto(name=output)

    # create ONNX runtime session
    sess_options = onnxrt.SessionOptions()
    sess_options.graph_optimization_level = onnxrt.GraphOptimizationLevel(0)
    sess_options.log_severity_level = 3
    sess = onnxrt.InferenceSession(

    # get names of input nodes that are not initializers
    input_names = set([v.name for v in model.graph.input])
    init_names = set([v.name for v in model.graph.initializer])
    input_names = input_names - init_names

    # generate random inputs
    inputs = {}
    for v in model.graph.input:
        name = v.name
        shape = (d.dim_value for d in v.type.tensor_type.shape.dim)
        dtype = _numpy_dtype(v.type.tensor_type.elem_type)
        if name in input_names:
            inputs[name] = np.random.rand(*shape).astype(dtype)

    output_names = [x.name for x in sess.get_outputs()]
    run_options = onnxrt.RunOptions()
    run_options.log_severity_level = 3
    outputs = sess.run(output_names, inputs, run_options=run_options)

    return OrderedDict(zip(output_names, outputs))
def get_tvm_output(onnx_model: ModelProto, data: Dict[AnyStr, numpy.ndarray],
                   provider_options: Dict[AnyStr, Any]) -> List[numpy.ndarray]:
    Run inference with TVMExecutionProvider
    session_options = onnxruntime.SessionOptions()  # pylint: disable=no-member
    session_options.log_severity_level = 0
    session_options.log_verbosity_level = 0
    # pylint: disable=no-member
    session_options.graph_optimization_level = onnxruntime.GraphOptimizationLevel.ORT_DISABLE_ALL

    sess = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(

    output = sess.run(None, data)
    return output
Example #14
def forward(
        model: onnx.ModelProto,
        inputs: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = None,
        input_shapes: Optional[TensorShapes] = None) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]:
    """Run forward on a model.

        model (onnx.ModelProto): Input ONNX model.
        inputs (Dict[str, np.ndarray], optional): Inputs of the model.
        input_shapes (TensorShapes, optional): Input shapes of the model.

        Dict[str, np.ndarray]: Outputs of the model.
    if input_shapes is None:
        input_shapes = {}
    sess_options = rt.SessionOptions()
    # load custom lib for onnxruntime in mmcv
    ort_custom_op_path = ''
        from mmcv.ops import get_onnxruntime_op_path
        ort_custom_op_path = get_onnxruntime_op_path()
    except ImportError:
    if os.path.exists(ort_custom_op_path):
    sess_options.graph_optimization_level = rt.GraphOptimizationLevel(0)
    sess_options.log_severity_level = 3
    sess = rt.InferenceSession(model.SerializeToString(),
    if inputs is None:
        inputs = generate_rand_input(model, input_shapes=input_shapes)
    outputs = [x.name for x in sess.get_outputs()]
    run_options = rt.RunOptions()
    run_options.log_severity_level = 3
    res = OrderedDict(
        zip(outputs, sess.run(outputs, inputs, run_options=run_options)))
    return res
Example #15
    def test_load(self):
        # Create a model proto.
        model = ModelProto()
        model.ir_version = IR_VERSION
        model_string = model.SerializeToString()

        # Test if input is string
        loaded_model = onnx.load_from_string(model_string)
        self.assertTrue(model == loaded_model)

        # Test if input has a read function
        f = io.BytesIO(model_string)
        loaded_model = onnx.load(f)
        self.assertTrue(model == loaded_model)

        # Test if input is a file name
        f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
        loaded_model = onnx.load(f.name)
        self.assertTrue(model == loaded_model)
Example #16
def check_model(model: onnx.ModelProto, check_runnable: bool = True) -> None:
    Check if model's well-defined and executable on onnxruntime
    # TODO After collecting possible errors,
    #  pass through only if all error messages are "No opset import for domain 'com.microsoft'".
    #  The code below is only to see the first error encountered.
    acceptable_error_msg = [
        "No opset import for domain 'com.microsoft'",
        'No Op registered for LayerNormalization with domain_version of 12'
    except checker.ValidationError as e:
        if str(e).split("==>")[0].rstrip() in acceptable_error_msg:

    if check_runnable:
 def forward(
         model: onnx.ModelProto, inputs: Tensors, custom_lib: Optional[str]=None
 ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]:
     sess_options = rt.SessionOptions()
     if custom_lib is not None:
         if os.path.exists(custom_lib):
             raise ValueError("No such file '{}'".format(custom_lib))
     sess_options.graph_optimization_level = rt.GraphOptimizationLevel(0)
     sess_options.log_severity_level = 3
     sess = rt.InferenceSession(
     outputs = [x.name for x in sess.get_outputs()]
     run_options = rt.RunOptions()
     run_options.log_severity_level = 3
     res = OrderedDict(
         zip(outputs, sess.run(outputs, inputs, run_options=run_options))
     return res
Example #18
def convert_version(model: ModelProto, target_version: int) -> ModelProto:
    """Apply the version conversion on the serialized ModelProto.

        input (ModelProto): model
        target_version (int): target opset version

        return (ModelProto) converted model

    Raises Exceptions:
        RuntimeError when some necessary conversion is not supported

    Supported adapters:
        - Add from Opset 7 to Opset 6
        - Add from Opset 6 to Opset 5
        - Add from Opset 6 to Opset 7
        - Add from Opset 5 to Opset 6
        - Mul from Opset 6 to Opset 7
        - Mul from Opset 7 to Opset 6
        - Mul from Opset 6 to Opset 5
        - Mul from Opset 5 to Opset 6
        - Gemm from Opset 7 to Opset 6
        - Gemm from Opset 6 to Opset 5
        - Gemm from Opset 6 to Opset 7
        - Gemm from Opset 5 to Opset 6
        - Relu from Opset 6 to Opset 5
        - Relu from Opset 5 to Opset 6
        - BatchNorm from Opset 7 to Opset 6
        - BatchNorm from Opset 6 to Opset 7
        - BatchNorm from Opset 6 to Opset 5
        - BatchNorm from Opset 5 to Opset 6
        - Concat from Opset 4 to Opset 3
        - Concat from Opset 3 to Opset 4
        - Reshape from Opset 5 to Opset 4
        - Reshape from Opset 4 to Opset 5
        - Sum from Opset 7 to Opset 8
        - Sum from Opset 8 to Opset 7
        - Sum from Opset 6 to Opset 5
        - Sum from Opset 5 to Opset 6
        - MaxPool from Opset 8 to Opset 7
        - MaxPool from Opset 7 to Opset 8
        - AveragePool from Opset 7 to Opset 6
        - AveragePool from Opset 6 to Opset 7
        - Dropout from Opset 7 to Opset 6
        - Dropout from Opset 6 to Opset 5
        - Dropout from Opset 6 to Opset 7
        - Dropout from Opset 5 to Opset 6
        - RNN from Opset 13 to Opset 14
        - RNN from Opset 14 to Opset 13
        - GRU from Opset 13 to Opset 14
        - GRU from Opset 14 to Opset 13
        - LSTM from Opset 13 to Opset 14
        - LSTM from Opset 14 to Opset 13

    Unsupported adapters:
        - Min from Opset 8 to Opset 7
        - Min from Opset 7 to Opset 8
        - Min from Opset 6 to Opset 5
        - Min from Opset 5 to Opset 6
        - Mean from Opset 8 to Opset 7
        - Mean from Opset 7 to Opset 8
        - Mean from Opset 6 to Opset 5
        - Mean from Opset 5 to Opset 6
        - Max from Opset 8 to Opset 7
        - Max from Opset 7 to Opset 8
        - Max from Opset 6 to Opset 5
        - Max from Opset 5 to Opset 6
        - Xor from Opset 6 to Opset 7
        - Xor from Opset 7 to Opset 6
        - Upsample from Opset 6 to Opset 7
        - Upsample from Opset 7 to Opset 6
        - Sub from Opset 6 to Opset 7
        - Sub from Opset 7 to Opset 6
        - Sub from Opset 6 to Opset 5
        - Sub from Opset 5 to Opset 6
        - RNN from Opset 6 to Opset 7
        - RNN from Opset 7 to Opset 6
        - Pow from Opset 6 to Opset 7
        - Pow from Opset 7 to Opset 6
        - PRelu from Opset 6 to Opset 7
        - PRelu from Opset 7 to Opset 6
        - PRelu from Opset 6 to Opset 5
        - PRelu from Opset 5 to Opset 6
        - Or from Opset 6 to Opset 7
        - Or from Opset 7 to Opset 6
        - Less from Opset 6 to Opset 7
        - Less from Opset 7 to Opset 6
        - LSTM from Opset 6 to Opset 7
        - LSTM from Opset 7 to Opset 6
        - Greater from Opset 6 to Opset 7
        - Greater from Opset 7 to Opset 6
        - GRU from Opset 6 to Opset 7
        - GRU from Opset 7 to Opset 6
        - GRU from Opset 3 to Opset 2
        - GRU from Opset 2 to Opset 3
        - Equal from Opset 6 to Opset 7
        - Equal from Opset 7 to Opset 6
        - Div from Opset 6 to Opset 7
        - Div from Opset 7 to Opset 6
        - Div from Opset 6 to Opset 5
        - Div from Opset 5 to Opset 6
        - And from Opset 6 to Opset 7
        - And from Opset 7 to Opset 6
        - And from Opset 6 to Opset 5
        - And from Opset 5 to Opset 6
        - Tile from Opset 6 to Opset 5
        - Tile from Opset 5 to Opset 6
        - Sqrt from Opset 6 to Opset 5
        - Sqrt from Opset 5 to Opset 6
        - Sigmoid from opset 6 to opset 5
        - Sigmoid from opset 5 to opset 6
        - Selu from opset 6 to opset 5
        - Selu from opset 5 to opset 6
        - Reciprocal from opset 6 to opset 5
        - Reciprocal from opset 5 to opset 6
        - Neg from opset 6 to opset 5
        - Neg from opset 5 to opset 6
        - Log from opset 6 to opset 5
        - Log from opset 5 to opset 6
        - LeakyRelu from opset 6 to opset 5
        - LeakyRelu from opset 5 to opset 6
        - InstanceNormalization from opset 6 to opset 5
        - InstanceNormalization from opset 5 to opset 6
        - HardSigmoid from opset 6 to opset 5
        - HardSigmoid from opset 5 to opset 6
        - Floor from opset 6 to opset 5
        - Floor from opset 5 to opset 6
        - Exp from opset 6 to opset 5
        - Exp from opset 5 to opset 6
        - Elu from opset 6 to opset 5
        - Elu from opset 5 to opset 6
        - Clip from opset 6 to opset 5
        - Clip from opset 5 to opset 6
        - Ceil from opset 6 to opset 5
        - Ceil from opset 5 to opset 6
        - Cast from opset 6 to opset 5
        - Cast from opset 5 to opset 6
        - Abs from opset 6 to opset 5
        - Abs from opset 5 to opset 6
        - Split from opset 2 to opset 1
        - Split from opset 1 to opset 2
        - Pad from opset 2 to opset 1
        - Pad from opset 1 to opset 2
        - LpPool from opset 2 to opset 1
        - LpPool from opset 1 to opset 2
        - GlobalLpPool from opset 2 to opset 1
        - GlobalLpPool from opset 1 to opset 2
    if not isinstance(model, ModelProto):
        raise ValueError(f'VersionConverter only accepts ModelProto as model, incorrect type: {type(model)}')
    if not isinstance(target_version, int):
        raise ValueError(f'VersionConverter only accepts int as target_version, incorrect type: {type(target_version)}')
    model_str = model.SerializeToString()
    converted_model_str = C.convert_version(model_str, target_version)
    return load_from_string(converted_model_str)
Example #19
def get_input_tensors(model: onnx.ModelProto) -> List[str]:
    sess = ort.InferenceSession(model.SerializeToString())
    input_tensors = [inp.name for inp in sess.get_inputs()]

    return input_tensors
Example #20
def collect_scales_of_features(model: onnx.ModelProto,
                               image_dir: str,
                               features: List[str] = None,
                               show_cls=False) -> None:
    Collect infos of features by running model in onnxruntime
    :param model: the model
    :param image_dir: the directory of images
    :param features: names of features that need to collect, None for all features
    :param batch_size: batch size for net forward
    :param num_workers: number of thread fetching and preprocessing images
    from queue import Queue
    import threading
    import glob

    q = Queue()

    def worker(paths):
        def read_img(path, norm=True):
            import cv2
            a = cv2.imread(path)
            a = cv2.resize(a, (224, 224))
            a = a.astype(np.float32)
            a = cv2.cvtColor(a, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
            if norm:
                a /= 255
                # mean and std for RGB images
                a -= [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
                a /= [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
            a = np.moveaxis(a, -1, 0)
            return a

        for i in range(0, len(paths), batch_size):
            xs = np.stack(
                list(map(lambda x: read_img(x, True),
                         paths[i:i + batch_size])))

    image_exts = ['JPEG', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png']
    filenames = list(
            glob.glob(os.path.join(image_dir, '**/*.' + ext), recursive=True)
            for ext in image_exts
    import random
    filenames = filenames[:10000]
    file_num = len(filenames)
    num_workers = min((file_num + batch_size - 1) // batch_size, num_workers)
    chunk_num = file_num // num_workers
    threads = []
    for i in range(num_workers):
        t = threading.Thread(target=worker,
                             args=((filenames[chunk_num * i:chunk_num *
                                              (i + 1)], )))

    import onnxruntime as rt
    sess = rt.InferenceSession(model.SerializeToString())
    all_outputs = [x.name for x in sess.get_outputs()]
    features = all_outputs if features is None else list(
        OrderedSet(features) & OrderedSet(all_outputs))
    i = 0
    done_workers = 0
    if show_cls:
        from collections import defaultdict, Counter
        d = defaultdict(int)
    while True:
        xs = q.get()
        if xs is None:
            done_workers += 1
            if done_workers == num_workers:
        i += xs.shape[0]
        update_scale_and_zp('data', xs)
        from collections import OrderedDict
        res = OrderedDict(zip(features, sess.run(features, {'data': xs})))
        if show_cls:
            cls = Counter(res['mobilenetv20_output_pred_fwd'].squeeze(
                axis=(2, 3)).argmax(axis=1))
            for key in cls:
                d[key] += cls[key]
        for key in res:
            update_scale_and_zp(key, res[key])
        print("{}/{}".format(i, file_num))

    if show_cls:

    for t in threads:
Example #21
#!/usr/bin/env python

import io
import onnx
import os
import tempfile
from onnx import AttributeProto, NodeProto, GraphProto, ModelProto, IR_VERSION
# Create a model proto.
model = ModelProto()
model.ir_version = IR_VERSION
model_string = model.SerializeToString()
# Test if input is string
loaded_model = onnx.load_from_string(model_string)
assert model == loaded_model
# Test if input has a read function
f = io.BytesIO(model_string)
loaded_model = onnx.load(f)
assert model == loaded_model
# Test if input is a file name
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
loaded_model = onnx.load(f.name)
assert model == loaded_model