Example #1
 def test_average_pool(self):
     # TODO: fix this test
     device = "CUDA"
     if not supports_device(device):
         raise unittest.SkipTest(
             "Backend doesn't support device {}".format(device))
     shape = [1, 1, 40, 40]
     node_def = helper.make_node("AveragePool", ["X"], ["Y"],
                                 kernel_shape=[1, 2],
                                 pads=[1, 1],
                                 strides=[1, 1])
     x = self._get_rnd(shape)
     output = run_node(node_def, [x], device=device)
     test_output = np.zeros(shape)
     for i1 in range(0, shape[0]):
         for i2 in range(0, shape[1]):
             for j1 in range(0, shape[2]):
                 for j2 in range(0, shape[3]):
                     test_output[i1][i2][j1][j2] = 0
                     count = 0
                     for k in range(j2, min(j2 + 2, shape[3])):
                         test_output[i1][i2][j1][j2] += x[i1][i2][j1][k]
                         count += 1
                     test_output[i1][i2][j1][j2] /= count
     np.testing.assert_almost_equal(output["Y"], test_output)
Example #2
 def test_conv_transpose(self):
     # Fix test in the future.
     device = "CUDA"
     if not supports_device(device):
         raise unittest.SkipTest(
             "Backend doesn't support device {}".format(device))
     node_def = helper.make_node("ConvTranspose", ["X", "weights"], ["Y"],
                                 pads=[1, 1])
     x_shape = [1, 5, 4]
     x = self._get_rnd(x_shape)
     weight_shape = [5, 3, 2]
     weights = self._get_rnd(weight_shape)
     output = run_node(node_def, [x, weights], device=device)
     out_shape = [x_shape[0], weight_shape[1], x_shape[2]]
     test_output = np.zeros(out_shape)
     for b in range(0, x_shape[0]):
         for m in range(0, weight_shape[1]):
             for h in range(0, x_shape[2]):
                 v = 0
                 for c in range(0, x_shape[1]):
                     for k in range(h, min(h + weight_shape[2],
                         v += x[b][c][k] * weights[c][m][k - h]
                 test_output[b][m][h] = v
     np.testing.assert_almost_equal(output["Y"], test_output, decimal=5)
    def c_first_cuda_only(cls, darknet_func, inputs, attrs):
        """ Handle operator that channel first is only supported by CUDA.
    When using CPU, two transposes should be added.

    :param darknet_func: Callable Darknet function.
    :param inputs: Inputs tensor.
    :param attrs: Attributes.
    :return: Tensor.
        support_cuda = supports_device("CUDA")
        if not support_cuda:
            return cls._tuck_transpose(darknet_func, inputs, attrs)
        return cls._run_darknet_func(darknet_func, inputs, attrs)
Example #4
    def test_conv(self):
        device = "CUDA"
        if not supports_device(device):
            raise unittest.SkipTest(
                "Backend doesn't support device {}".format(device))

        N, C, H, W = 4, 3, 5, 5
        x_shape = [N, C, H, W]
        K, kH, kW = 6, 3, 3
        weight_shape = [K, C, kH, kW]
        node_def = helper.make_node("Conv", ["X", "weights"], ["Y"],
                                    pads=[1, 1, 1, 1],
                                    kernel_shape=[kH, kW])

        x = self._get_rnd(x_shape)
        weights = self._get_rnd(weight_shape)
        output = run_node(node_def, [x, weights], device=device)

        out_shape = [N, K, H, W]
        test_output = np.zeros(out_shape)
        for n in range(N):
            for c in range(C):
                for h in range(H):
                    for w in range(W):
                        for k in range(K):
                            for kh in range(kH):
                                for kw in range(kW):
                                    h_in_range = (h - kH // 2 + kh) < H and (
                                        h - kH // 2 + kh) >= 0
                                    w_in_range = (w - kW // 2 + kw) < W and (
                                        w - kW // 2 + kw) >= 0
                                    if h_in_range and w_in_range:
                                        test_output[n][k][h][w] += (
                                            x[n][c][h - kH // 2 +
                                                    kh][w - kW // 2 + kw] *

        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(output["Y"], test_output, decimal=5)
Example #5
  def pool(cls, node, input_dict, pool_func, pooling_type, strict=True):
    x = input_dict[node.inputs[0]]
    x_rank = len(x.get_shape())
    x_shape = x.get_shape().as_list()
    spatial_size = x_rank - 2

    support_cuda = supports_device("CUDA")
    storage_format, compute_format = get_data_format(x_rank)

    kernel_shape = node.attrs["kernel_shape"]
    strides = node.attrs.get("strides", [1] * spatial_size)
    pads = node.attrs.get("pads", None)
    # from version 7
    count_include_pad = node.attrs.get("count_include_pad", 0)

    # If padding is specified, try to recover it from explicit padding
    # specification to tensorflow padding mode:
    if pads is not None:
      pad = cls._get_tf_pad(x_shape[2:], kernel_shape, strides, pads)
      # Neither pad nor auto_pad is specified, assume no padding.
      if "auto_pad" not in node.attrs:
        pad = "VALID"
      # We consult auto_pad if pad is not specified and auto_pad
      # is available.
        if node.attrs["auto_pad"] == "SAME_UPPER":
          pad = "SAME"
        elif node.attrs["auto_pad"] == "VALID":
          pad = "VALID"
        elif node.attrs["auto_pad"] == "SAME_LOWER":
          pad = PAD_TF_INCOMPATIBLE
        if count_include_pad == 1:
          _, pads = cls._pool_get_shapes(node.attrs["auto_pad"], x_shape[2:],
                                         kernel_shape, strides,
                                         [0] * spatial_size * 2)

    if pooling_type in ("AVG", "MAX"):
      if strict and count_include_pad == 0:
        if pad is PAD_TF_INCOMPATIBLE:
          return cls._compatibility_pool(node, input_dict, pooling_type)
        if pads != [0] * spatial_size * 2:
          x = PadMixin.get_padding_as_op(x, pads)
        pad = "VALID"
    elif pooling_type == "MAX_WITH_ARGMAX":
      if pad is PAD_TF_INCOMPATIBLE:
            "MaxPoolWithArgmax with pad is None or incompatible mode",
      if x_rank != 4:
            "MaxPoolWithArgmax with {}D input".format(x_rank), "Tensorflow")
      if node.attrs.get("storage_order", 0) != 0:
        exception.OP_UNSUPPORTED_EXCEPT("MaxPoolWithArgmax with column major",

      need_trans = storage_format != "NHWC"
      if need_trans:
        x = tf.transpose(x, perm=get_perm_from_formats(storage_format, "NHWC"))
      pooled, argmax = pool_func(
          x, [1] + kernel_shape + [1], padding=pad, strides=[1] + strides + [1])
      if need_trans:
        pooled = tf.transpose(
            pooled, perm=get_perm_from_formats("NHWC", storage_format))
        argmax = tf.transpose(
            argmax, perm=get_perm_from_formats("NHWC", storage_format))

      return [pooled, argmax]

    if support_cuda:
      pooled = pool_func(
      x = tf.transpose(
          x, perm=get_perm_from_formats(storage_format, compute_format))
      pooled = pool_func(
      pooled = tf.transpose(
          pooled, perm=get_perm_from_formats(compute_format, storage_format))

    return [pooled]