Example #1
def execute_select_on_table(pk, fields, values, column_names):
    Execute a select query in the database with an optional filter obtained
    from the jquery QueryBuilder.

    :param pk: Primary key of the workflow storing the data
    :param fields: List of fields to add to the WHERE clause
    :param values: parameters to match the previous fields
    :param column_names: optional list of columns to select
    :return: QuerySet with the data rows

    # Create the query
    safe_column_names = ['"' + fix_pctg_in_name(x) + '"'
                         for x in column_names]
    query = 'SELECT {0}'.format(','.join(safe_column_names))

    # Add the table
    query += ' FROM "{0}"'.format(create_table_name(pk))

    # See if the action has a filter or not
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    if fields:
        query += ' WHERE ' + \
                 ' AND '.join(['"{0}" = %s'.format(fix_pctg_in_name(x))
                               for x in fields])
        cursor.execute(query, values)
        # Execute the query

    # Get the data
    return cursor.fetchall()
Example #2
def update_row(pk, set_fields, set_values, where_fields, where_values):
    Given a primary key, pairs (set_field, set_value), and pairs (where_field,
    where_value), it updates the row in the table selected with the
    list of (where field = where value) with the values in the assignments in
    the list of (set_fields, set_values)

    :param pk: Primary key to detect workflow
    :param set_fields: List of field names to be updated
    :param set_values: List of values to update the fields of the previous list
    :param where_fields: List of fields used to filter the row in the table
    :param where_values: List of values of the previous fields to filter the row
    :return: The table in the workflow pointed by PK is modified.

    # First part of the query with the table name
    query = 'UPDATE "{0}"'.format(create_table_name(pk))
    # Add the SET field = value clauses
    query += ' SET ' + ', '.join(
        ['"{0}" = %s'.format(fix_pctg_in_name(x)) for x in set_fields])
    # And finally add the WHERE clause
    query += ' WHERE ' + ' AND '.join(
        ['"{0}" = %s'.format(fix_pctg_in_name(x)) for x in where_fields])

    # Concatenate the values as parameters to the query
    parameters = set_values + where_values

    # Execute the query
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    cursor.execute(query, parameters)
Example #3
def get_table_row_by_key(workflow, cond_filter, kv_pair, column_names=None):
    Select the set of elements after filtering and with the key=value pair

    :param workflow: workflow object to get to the table
    :param cond_filter: Condition object to filter the data (or None)
    :param kv_pair: A key=value pair to identify the row. Key is suppose to
           be unique.
    :param column_names: Optional list of column names to select
    :return: A dictionary with the (column_name, value) data or None if the
     row has not been found

    # Create the query
    if column_names:
        safe_column_names = [fix_pctg_in_name(x) for x in column_names]
        query = 'SELECT "{0}"'.format('", "'.join(safe_column_names))
        query = 'SELECT *'

    # Add the table
    query += ' FROM "{0}"'.format(create_table_name(workflow.id))

    # Create the second part of the query setting key=value
    query += ' WHERE ("{0}" = %s)'.format(fix_pctg_in_name(kv_pair[0]))
    fields = [kv_pair[1]]

    # See if the action has a filter or not
    if cond_filter is not None:
        cond_filter, filter_fields = \
        query += ' AND (' + cond_filter + ')'
        fields = fields + filter_fields

    # Execute the query
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    cursor.execute(query, fields)

    # Get the data
    qs = cursor.fetchall()

    # If there is anything different than one element, return None
    if len(qs) != 1:
        return None

    # Get the only element
    qs = qs[0]

    # ZIP the values to create a dictionary
    return OrderedDict(zip(workflow.get_column_names(), qs))
Example #4
def get_table_cursor(pk, cond_filter, column_names=None):
    Execute a select query in the database with an optional filter obtained
    from the jquery QueryBuilder.

    :param pk: Primary key of the workflow storing the data
    :param cond_filter: Condition object to filter the data (or None)
    :param column_names: optional list of columns to select
    :return: ([list of column names], QuerySet with the data rows)

    # Create the query
    if column_names:
        safe_column_names = [fix_pctg_in_name(x) for x in column_names]
        query = 'SELECT "{0}" from "{1}"'.format(
            '", "'.join(safe_column_names), create_table_name(pk))
        query = 'SELECT * from "{0}"'.format(create_table_name(pk))

    # See if the action has a filter or not
    fields = []
    if cond_filter is not None:
        cond_filter, fields = evaluate_node_sql(cond_filter.formula)
        if cond_filter:
            # The condition may be empty, in which case, nothing is needed.
            query += ' WHERE ' + cond_filter

    # Execute the query
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    cursor.execute(query, fields)

    return cursor
Example #5
    def _op_not_ends_with(self, eval_type):
        Process the not_ends_width operator
        :param eval_type: Type of evaluation
        :return: Boolean result, SQL query, or text result

        constant = self.GET_CONSTANT_FN.get(self.node['type'])(

        if eval_type == self.EVAL_EXP:
            # Python evaluation
            varvalue = self.get_value()
            return (varvalue is not None) and (not varvalue.endswith(constant))

        if eval_type == self.EVAL_SQL:
            # SQL evaluation
            varname = fix_pctg_in_name(self.node['field'])

            result = '("{0}"'.format(varname) + \
                     ' NOT LIKE %s) OR ("{0}" is null)'.format(varname)
            result_fields = ["%" + self.node['value']]

            return result, result_fields

        # Text evaluation
        return '{0} does not end with {1}'.format(self.node['field'], constant)
Example #6
    def _op_equal(self, eval_type):
        Process the equal operator
        :param eval_type: Type of evaluation
        :return: Boolean result, SQL query, or text result

        constant = self.GET_CONSTANT_FN.get(self.node['type'])(

        if eval_type == self.EVAL_EXP:
            # Python evaluation
            varvalue = self.get_value()
            return (varvalue is not None) and varvalue == constant

        if eval_type == self.EVAL_SQL:
            # SQL evaluation
            varname = fix_pctg_in_name(self.node['field'])
            result = '("{0}"'.format(varname) + \
                     ' = %s) AND ("{0}" is not null)'.format(varname)
            result_fields = [str(constant)]

            return result, result_fields

        # Text evaluation
        return '{0} equal to {1}'.format(self.node['field'], constant)
Example #7
    def _op_greater_or_equal(self, eval_type):
        Process the greater_or_equal operator
        :param eval_type: Type of evaluation
        :return: Boolean result, SQL query, or text result

        constant = self.GET_CONSTANT_FN.get(self.node['type'])(

        if eval_type == self.EVAL_EXP:
            # Python evaluation
            varvalue = self.get_value()
            if self.node['type'] in ('integer', 'double', 'datetime'):
                return (varvalue is not None) and varvalue >= constant
            raise Exception(
                ugettext('Evaluation error: Type {0} not allowed '
                         'with operator GREATER OR EQUAL').format(

        if eval_type == self.EVAL_SQL:
            # SQL evaluation
            varname = fix_pctg_in_name(self.node['field'])

            result = '"{0}"'.format(varname) + ' >= %s'
            result_fields = [str(constant)]

            return result, result_fields

        # Text evaluation
        return '{0} is greater than or equal to {1}'.format(
            self.node['field'], constant)
Example #8
    def _op_contains(self, eval_type):
        Process the contains operator
        :param eval_type: Type of evaluation
        :return: Boolean result, SQL query, or text result

        constant = self.GET_CONSTANT_FN.get(self.node['type'])(

        if eval_type == self.EVAL_EXP:
            # Python evaluation
            varvalue = self.get_value()
            return (varvalue is not None) and varvalue.find(constant) != -1

        if eval_type == self.EVAL_SQL:
            # SQL evaluation
            varname = fix_pctg_in_name(self.node['field'])

            result = '("{0}"'.format(varname) + \
                     ' LIKE %s) AND ("{0}" is not null)'.format(varname)
            result_fields = ["%" + self.node['value'] + "%"]

            return result, result_fields

        # Text evaluation
        return '{0} contains {1}'.format(self.node['field'], constant)
Example #9
def is_column_table_unique(pk, column_name):
    Given a PK, see if the given column has unique values
    :param pk:
    :param column_name:
    :return: Boolean

    query = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "{0}") = count(*) from "{1}"'.format(
        fix_pctg_in_name(column_name), create_table_name(pk))

    # Get the result
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    cursor.execute(query, [])

    return cursor.fetchone()[0]
Example #10
def delete_table_row_by_key(workflow_id, kv_pair):
    Delete the row in the table attached to a workflow with the given key,
    value pairs

    :param workflow_id: workflow object to get to the table
    :param kv_pair: A key=value pair to identify the row. Key is suppose to
           be unique.
    :return: Drops that row from the table in the DB

    # Create the query
    query = 'DELETE FROM "{0}"'.format(create_table_name(workflow_id))

    # Create the second part of the query setting key=value
    query += ' WHERE ("{0}" = %s)'.format(fix_pctg_in_name(kv_pair[0]))
    fields = [kv_pair[1]]

    # Execute the query
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    cursor.execute(query, fields)
Example #11
def get_filter_query(table_name, column_names, filter_exp):

    Given a set of columns and a filter expression, return a pair of SQL query
    and params to be executed
    :param table_name: Table to query
    :param column_names: list of columns to consider or None to consider all
    :param filter_exp: Text filter expression
    :return: (sql query, sql params)

    # Create the query
    if column_names:
        safe_column_names = [fix_pctg_in_name(x) for x in column_names]
        query = 'SELECT "{0}"'.format('", "'.join(safe_column_names))
        query = 'SELECT *'

    # Add the table
    query += ' FROM "{0}"'.format(table_name)

    # Calculate the first suffix to add to the query
    filter_txt = ''
    filter_fields = []
    if filter_exp:
        filter_txt, filter_fields = evaluate_node_sql(filter_exp)

    # Build the query so far appending the filter and/or the cv_tuples
    if filter_txt:
        query += ' WHERE '

    fields = []
    # If there has been a suffix from the filter, add it.
    if filter_txt:
        query += filter_txt

    if filter_fields:

    return (query, fields)
Example #12
    def _op_is_not_null(self, eval_type):
        Process the is_not_null operator
        :param eval_type: Type of evaluation
        :return: Boolean result, SQL query, or text result

        if eval_type == self.EVAL_EXP:
            # Python evaluation
            varvalue = self.get_value()
            return varvalue is not None

        if eval_type == self.EVAL_SQL:
            # SQL evaluation
            varname = fix_pctg_in_name(self.node['field'])

            result = '(\"{0}\" is not null)'.format(varname)

            return result, []

        # Text evaluation
        return '{0} is not null'.format(self.node['field'])
Example #13
    def _op_not_between(self, eval_type):
        Process the not_between operator
        :param eval_type: Type of evaluation
        :return: Boolean result, SQL query, or text result

        if eval_type == self.EVAL_EXP:
            # Python evaluation
            varvalue = self.get_value()
            if self.node['type'] not in ('integer', 'double', 'datetime'):
                raise Exception(
                    ugettext('Evaluation error: Type {0} not allowed '
                             'with operator BETWEEN').format(
            left = self.GET_CONSTANT_FN[self.node['type']](
            right = self.GET_CONSTANT_FN[self.node['type']](

            return (varvalue is not None) and not left <= varvalue <= right

        if eval_type == self.EVAL_SQL:
            # SQL evaluation
            varname = fix_pctg_in_name(self.node['field'])

            result = '"{0}"'.format(varname) + ' NOT BETWEEN %s AND %s'
            result_fields = [

            return result, result_fields

        # Text evaluation
        return '{0} is not between {1} and {2}'.format(
            self.node['field'], str(self.node['value'][0]),
Example #14
    def _op_is_empty(self, eval_type):
        Process the is_empty operator
        :param eval_type: Type of evaluation
        :return: Boolean result, SQL query, or text result

        if eval_type == self.EVAL_EXP:
            # Python evaluation
            varvalue = self.get_value()
            return (varvalue is not None) and varvalue == ''

        if eval_type == self.EVAL_SQL:
            # SQL evaluation
            varname = fix_pctg_in_name(self.node['field'])

            result = '("{0}"'.format(varname) + \
                     " = '') OR (\"{0}\" is null)".format(varname)

            return result, []

        # Text evaluation
        return '{0} is empty'.format(self.node['field'])
Example #15
def search_table_rows(workflow_id,
    Select rows where for every (column, value) pair, column contains value (
    as in LIKE %value%, these are combined with OR if any is TRUE, or AND if
    any is false, and the result is ordered by the given column and type (if

    :param workflow_id: workflow object to get to the table
    :param cv_tuples: A column, value, type tuple to search the value in the
    :param any_join: Boolean encoding if values should be combined with OR (or
    :param order_col_name: Order results by this column
    :param order_asc: Order results in ascending values (or descending)
    :param column_names: Optional list of column names to select
    :param pre_filter: Optional filter condition to pre filter the query set.
           the query is built with these terms as requirement AND the cv_tuples.
    :return: The resulting query set

    # Create the query
    if column_names:
        safe_column_names = [fix_pctg_in_name(x) for x in column_names]
        query = 'SELECT "{0}"'.format('", "'.join(safe_column_names))
        query = 'SELECT *'

    # Add the table
    query += ' FROM "{0}"'.format(create_table_name(workflow_id))

    # Calculate the first suffix to add to the query
    filter_txt = ''
    filter_fields = []
    if pre_filter:
        filter_txt, filter_fields = evaluate_node_sql(pre_filter)

    if cv_tuples:
        likes = []
        tuple_fields = []
        for name, value, data_type in cv_tuples:
            # Make sure we escape the name and search as text
            name = fix_pctg_in_name(name)
            mod_name = '(CAST("{0}" AS TEXT) LIKE %s)'.format(name)

            # Create the second part of the query setting column LIKE '%value%'
            tuple_fields.append('%' + value + '%')

        # Combine the search subqueries
        if any_join:
            tuple_txt = '(' + ' OR '.join(likes) + ')'
            tuple_txt = '(' + ' AND '.join(likes) + ')'

    # Build the query so far appending the filter and/or the cv_tuples
    if filter_txt or cv_tuples:
        query += ' WHERE '

    fields = []
    # If there has been a suffix from the filter, add it.
    if filter_txt and filter_fields:
        query += filter_txt

    # If there is a pre-filter, the suffix needs to be "AND" with the ones
    # just calculated
    if filter_txt and cv_tuples:
        query += ' AND '

    if cv_tuples:
        query += tuple_txt

    # Add the order if needed
    if order_col_name:
        query += ' ORDER BY "{0}"'.format(fix_pctg_in_name(order_col_name))
    if not order_asc:
        query += ' DESC'

    # Execute the query
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    cursor.execute(query, fields)

    # Get the data
    return cursor.fetchall()
Example #16
def evaluate_node_sql(node):
    Given a node representing a query filter
    translates the expression into a SQL filter expression.
    :param node: Node representing the expression
    :return: String with the filter and list of fields to replace

    select * from table where variable <> 'value'
    does not return records where variable is different from value. It ignores
    those that are NULL

    Instead the query should be:

    select * from table where (variable <> 'value') or (variable is null)

    if 'condition' in node:
        # Node is a condition, get the values of the sub-clauses
        sub_pairs = \
            [evaluate_node_sql(x) for x in node['rules']]

        if not sub_pairs:
            # Nothing has been returned, so it is an empty query
            return '', []

        # Now combine
        if node['condition'] == 'AND':
            result = '((' + \
                     ') AND ('.join([x for x, __ in sub_pairs]) + '))'
            result = '((' + \
                     ') OR ('.join([x for x, __ in sub_pairs]) + '))'
        result_fields = \
            list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([x for __, x in sub_pairs]))

        if node.get('not', False):
            result = '(NOT (' + result + '))'

        return result, result_fields

    # Get the variable name and duplicate the symbol % in case it is part of
    # the variable name (escape needed for SQL processing)
    varname = fix_pctg_in_name(node['field'])

    # Get the operator
    operator = node['operator']

    # If the operator is between or not_between, there is a special case,
    # the constant cannot be computed because the node['value'] is a pair
    constant = None
    if node['value'] is not None:
        # Calculate the constant value depending on the type
        if node['type'] == 'integer':
            constant = int(node['value'])
        elif node['type'] == 'double':
            constant = float(node['value'])
        elif node['type'] == 'boolean':
            constant = int(node['value'] == '1')
        elif node['type'] == 'string':
            constant = node['value']
        elif node['type'] == 'datetime':
            constant = node['value']
            raise Exception(
                _('No function to translate type {0}').format(node['type']))

    # Terminal Node
    result_fields = []
    if operator == 'equal':
        result = '("{0}"'.format(varname) + \
                 ' = %s) AND ("{0}" is not null)'.format(varname)
        result_fields = [str(constant)]

    elif operator == 'not_equal':
        result = '("{0}"'.format(varname) + \
                 '!= %s) OR ("{0}" is null)'.format(varname)
        result_fields = [str(constant)]

    elif operator == 'begins_with' and node['type'] == 'string':
        result = '("{0}"'.format(varname) + \
                 ' LIKE %s) AND ("{0}" is not null)'.format(varname)
        result_fields = [node['value'] + "%"]

    elif operator == 'not_begins_with' and node['type'] == 'string':
        result = '("{0}"'.format(varname) + \
                 ' NOT LIKE %s) OR ("{0}" is null)'.format(varname)
        result_fields = [node['value'] + "%"]

    elif operator == 'contains' and node['type'] == 'string':
        result = '("{0}"'.format(varname) + \
                 ' LIKE %s) AND ("{0}" is not null)'.format(varname)
        result_fields = ["%" + node['value'] + "%"]

    elif operator == 'not_contains' and node['type'] == 'string':
        result = '("{0}"'.format(varname) + \
                 ' NOT LIKE %s) OR ("{0}" is null)'.format(varname)
        result_fields = ["%" + node['value'] + "%"]

    elif operator == 'ends_with' and node['type'] == 'string':
        result = '("{0}"'.format(varname) + \
                 ' LIKE %s) AND ("{0}" is not null)'.format(varname)
        result_fields = ["%" + node['value']]

    elif operator == 'not_ends_width' and node['type'] == 'string':
        result = '("{0}"'.format(varname) + \
                 ' NOT LIKE %s) OR ("{0}" is null)'.format(varname)
        result_fields = ["%" + node['value']]

    elif operator == 'is_empty' and node['type'] == 'string':
        result = '("{0}"'.format(varname) + \
                 " = '') OR (\"{0}\" is null)".format(varname)

    elif operator == 'is_not_empty' and node['type'] == 'string':
        result = '("{0}"'.format(varname) + \
                 " != '') AND (\"{0}\" is not null)".format(varname)

    elif operator == 'less' and \
            (node['type'] == 'integer' or node['type'] == 'double'
             or node['type'] == 'datetime'):
        result = '"{0}"'.format(varname) + ' < %s'
        result_fields = [str(constant)]

    elif operator == 'less_or_equal' and \
            (node['type'] == 'integer' or node['type'] == 'double'
             or node['type'] == 'datetime'):
        result = '"{0}"'.format(varname) + ' <= %s'
        result_fields = [str(constant)]

    elif operator == 'greater' and \
            (node['type'] == 'integer' or node['type'] == 'double'
             or node['type'] == 'datetime'):
        result = '"{0}"'.format(varname) + ' > %s'
        result_fields = [str(constant)]

    elif operator == 'greater_or_equal' and \
            (node['type'] == 'integer' or node['type'] == 'double'
             or node['type'] == 'datetime'):
        result = '"{0}"'.format(varname) + ' >= %s'
        result_fields = [str(constant)]

    elif operator == 'between' and \
            (node['type'] == 'integer' or node['type'] == 'double'
             or node['type'] == 'datetime'):
        result = '"{0}"'.format(varname) + ' BETWEEN %s AND %s'
        result_fields = [str(node['value'][0]), str(node['value'][1])]

    elif operator == 'not_between' and \
            (node['type'] == 'integer' or node['type'] == 'double'
             or node['type'] == 'datetime'):
        result = '"{0}"'.format(varname) + ' NOT BETWEEN %s AND %s'
        result_fields = [str(node['value'][0]), str(node['value'][1])]

        raise Exception(
            _('Type, operator, field {0}, {1}, {2} not supported yet').format(
                node['type'], operator, varname))

    if node.get('not', False):
        raise Exception(_('Negation found in unexpected location'))

    return result, result_fields