Example #1
    def _createDatasetInfo(self, roleIndex, filePath, roi):
        Create a DatasetInfo object for the given filePath and roi.
        roi may be None, in which case it is ignored.
        datasetInfo = DatasetInfo()

        if roi is not None:
            datasetInfo.subvolume_roi = roi

        cwd = self.topLevelOperator.WorkingDirectory.value

        absPath, relPath = getPathVariants(filePath, cwd)

        # Relative by default, unless the file is in a totally different tree from the working directory.
        if relPath is not None and len(os.path.commonprefix([cwd, absPath
                                                             ])) > 1:
            datasetInfo.filePath = relPath
            datasetInfo.filePath = absPath

        datasetInfo.nickname = PathComponents(absPath).filenameBase

        h5Exts = ['.ilp', '.h5', '.hdf5']
        if os.path.splitext(datasetInfo.filePath)[1] in h5Exts:
            datasetNames = self.getPossibleInternalPaths(absPath)
            if len(datasetNames) == 0:
                raise RuntimeError("HDF5 file %s has no image datasets" %
            elif len(datasetNames) == 1:
                datasetInfo.filePath += str(datasetNames[0])
                # If exactly one of the file's datasets matches a user's previous choice, use it.
                if roleIndex not in self._default_h5_volumes:
                    self._default_h5_volumes[roleIndex] = set()
                previous_selections = self._default_h5_volumes[roleIndex]
                possible_auto_selections = previous_selections.intersection(
                if len(possible_auto_selections) == 1:
                    datasetInfo.filePath += str(
                    # Ask the user which dataset to choose
                    dlg = H5VolumeSelectionDlg(datasetNames, self)
                    if dlg.exec_() == QDialog.Accepted:
                        selected_index = dlg.combo.currentIndex()
                        selected_dataset = str(datasetNames[selected_index])
                        datasetInfo.filePath += selected_dataset
                        raise DataSelectionGui.UserCancelledError()

        # Allow labels by default if this gui isn't being used for batch data.
        datasetInfo.allowLabels = (self.guiMode == GuiMode.Normal)
        return datasetInfo
Example #2
    def _createDatasetInfo(self, roleIndex, filePath, roi):
        Create a DatasetInfo object for the given filePath and roi.
        roi may be None, in which case it is ignored.
        datasetInfo = DatasetInfo()
        if roi is not None:
            datasetInfo.subvolume_roi = roi
        cwd = self.topLevelOperator.WorkingDirectory.value
        absPath, relPath = getPathVariants(filePath, cwd)
        # Relative by default, unless the file is in a totally different tree from the working directory.
        if relPath is not None and len(os.path.commonprefix([cwd, absPath])) > 1:
            datasetInfo.filePath = relPath
            datasetInfo.filePath = absPath
        datasetInfo.nickname = PathComponents(absPath).filenameBase

        h5Exts = ['.ilp', '.h5', '.hdf5']
        if os.path.splitext(datasetInfo.filePath)[1] in h5Exts:
            datasetNames = self.getPossibleInternalPaths( absPath )
            if len(datasetNames) == 0:
                raise RuntimeError("HDF5 file %s has no image datasets" % datasetInfo.filePath)
            elif len(datasetNames) == 1:
                datasetInfo.filePath += str(datasetNames[0])
                # If exactly one of the file's datasets matches a user's previous choice, use it.
                if roleIndex not in self._default_h5_volumes:
                    self._default_h5_volumes[roleIndex] = set()
                previous_selections = self._default_h5_volumes[roleIndex]
                possible_auto_selections = previous_selections.intersection(datasetNames)
                if len(possible_auto_selections) == 1:
                    datasetInfo.filePath += str(list(possible_auto_selections)[0])
                    # Ask the user which dataset to choose
                    dlg = H5VolumeSelectionDlg(datasetNames, self)
                    if dlg.exec_() == QDialog.Accepted:
                        selected_index = dlg.combo.currentIndex()
                        selected_dataset = str(datasetNames[selected_index])
                        datasetInfo.filePath += selected_dataset
                        self._default_h5_volumes[roleIndex].add( selected_dataset )
                        raise DataSelectionGui.UserCancelledError()

        # Allow labels by default if this gui isn't being used for batch data.
        datasetInfo.allowLabels = ( self.guiMode == GuiMode.Normal )
        return datasetInfo
    def _readDatasetInfo(self, infoGroup, localDataGroup, projectFilePath, headless):
        # Unready datasets are represented with an empty group.
        if len( infoGroup ) == 0:
            return None, False
        datasetInfo = DatasetInfo()

        # Make a reverse-lookup of the location storage strings
        LocationLookup = { v:k for k,v in self.LocationStrings.items() }
        datasetInfo.location = LocationLookup[ str(infoGroup['location'].value) ]
        # Write to the 'private' members to avoid resetting the dataset id
        datasetInfo._filePath = infoGroup['filePath'].value
        datasetInfo._datasetId = infoGroup['datasetId'].value

            datasetInfo.allowLabels = infoGroup['allowLabels'].value
        except KeyError:
            datasetInfo.drange = tuple( infoGroup['drange'].value )
        except KeyError:
            datasetInfo.nickname = infoGroup['nickname'].value
        except KeyError:
            datasetInfo.nickname = PathComponents(datasetInfo.filePath).filenameBase
            datasetInfo.fromstack = infoGroup['fromstack'].value
        except KeyError:
            # Guess based on the storage setting and original filepath
            datasetInfo.fromstack = ( datasetInfo.location == DatasetInfo.Location.ProjectInternal
                                      and ( ('?' in datasetInfo._filePath) or (os.path.pathsep in datasetInfo._filePath) ) )

            tags = vigra.AxisTags.fromJSON( infoGroup['axistags'].value )
            datasetInfo.axistags = tags
        except KeyError:
            # Old projects just have an 'axisorder' field instead of full axistags
                axisorder = infoGroup['axisorder'].value
                datasetInfo.axistags = vigra.defaultAxistags(axisorder)
            except KeyError:
            start, stop = map( tuple, infoGroup['subvolume_roi'].value )
            datasetInfo.subvolume_roi = (start, stop)
        except KeyError:
        # If the data is supposed to be in the project,
        #  check for it now.
        if datasetInfo.location == DatasetInfo.Location.ProjectInternal:
            if not datasetInfo.datasetId in localDataGroup.keys():
                raise RuntimeError("Corrupt project file.  Could not find data for " + infoGroup.name)

        dirty = False
        # If the data is supposed to exist outside the project, make sure it really does.
        if datasetInfo.location == DatasetInfo.Location.FileSystem and not isUrl(datasetInfo.filePath):
            pathData = PathComponents( datasetInfo.filePath, os.path.split(projectFilePath)[0])
            filePath = pathData.externalPath
            if not os.path.exists(filePath):
                if headless:
                    raise RuntimeError("Could not find data at " + filePath)
                filt = "Image files (" + ' '.join('*.' + x for x in OpDataSelection.SupportedExtensions) + ')'
                newpath = self.repairFile(filePath, filt)
                if pathData.internalPath is not None:
                    newpath += pathData.internalPath
                datasetInfo._filePath = getPathVariants(newpath , os.path.split(projectFilePath)[0])[0]
                dirty = True
        return datasetInfo, dirty
Example #4
    def addFileNames(self, fileNames, roleIndex, startingLane=None, rois=None):
        Add the given filenames to both the GUI table and the top-level operator inputs.
        If startingLane is None, the filenames will be *appended* to the role's list of files.
        If rois is provided, it must be a list of (start,stop) tuples (one for each fileName)
        if rois is not None:
            assert len(rois) == len(fileNames)
        infos = []

        if startingLane is None or startingLane == -1:
            startingLane = len(self.topLevelOperator.DatasetGroup)
            endingLane = startingLane+len(fileNames)-1
            assert startingLane < len(self.topLevelOperator.DatasetGroup)
            max_files = len(self.topLevelOperator.DatasetGroup) - \
            if len(fileNames) > max_files:
                msg = "You selected {num_selected} files for {num_slots} "\
                      "slots. To add new files use the 'Add new...' option "\
                      "in the context menu or the button in the last row."\
                QMessageBox.critical( self, "Too many files", msg )
            endingLane = min(startingLane+len(fileNames)-1,
        if self._max_lanes and endingLane >= self._max_lanes:
            msg = "You may not add more than {} file(s) to this workflow.  Please try again.".format( self._max_lanes )
            QMessageBox.critical( self, "Too many files", msg )

        # Assign values to the new inputs we just allocated.
        # The GUI will be updated by callbacks that are listening to slot changes
        for file_index, filePath in enumerate(fileNames):
            datasetInfo = DatasetInfo()
            if rois is not None:
                datasetInfo.subvolume_roi = rois[file_index]
            cwd = self.topLevelOperator.WorkingDirectory.value
            absPath, relPath = getPathVariants(filePath, cwd)
            # Relative by default, unless the file is in a totally different tree from the working directory.
            if relPath is not None and len(os.path.commonprefix([cwd, absPath])) > 1:
                datasetInfo.filePath = relPath
                datasetInfo.filePath = absPath
            datasetInfo.nickname = PathComponents(absPath).filenameBase

            h5Exts = ['.ilp', '.h5', '.hdf5']
            if os.path.splitext(datasetInfo.filePath)[1] in h5Exts:
                datasetNames = self.getPossibleInternalPaths( absPath )
                if len(datasetNames) > 0:
                    datasetInfo.filePath += str(datasetNames[0])
                    raise RuntimeError("HDF5 file %s has no image datasets" % datasetInfo.filePath)

            # Allow labels by default if this gui isn't being used for batch data.
            datasetInfo.allowLabels = ( self.guiMode == GuiMode.Normal )

        # if no exception was thrown, set up the operator now
        opTop = self.topLevelOperator
        originalSize = len(opTop.DatasetGroup)
        if len( opTop.DatasetGroup ) < endingLane+1:
            opTop.DatasetGroup.resize( endingLane+1 )
        loaded_all = True
        for laneIndex, info in zip(range(startingLane, endingLane+1), infos):
                self.topLevelOperator.DatasetGroup[laneIndex][roleIndex].setValue( info )
            except DatasetConstraintError as ex:
                return_val = [False]
                # Give the user a chance to fix the problem
                self.handleDatasetConstraintError(info, info.filePath, ex, roleIndex, laneIndex, return_val)
                if not return_val[0]:
                    # Not successfully repaired.  Roll back the changes and give up.
                    opTop.DatasetGroup.resize( originalSize )
                    loaded_all = False
            except OpDataSelection.InvalidDimensionalityError as ex:
                    opTop.DatasetGroup.resize( originalSize )
                    QMessageBox.critical( self, "Dataset has different dimensionality", ex.message )
                    loaded_all = False
            except Exception as ex:
                loaded_all = False
                msg = "Wasn't able to load your dataset into the workflow.  See error log for details."
                log_exception( logger, msg )
                QMessageBox.critical( self, "Dataset Load Error", msg )
                opTop.DatasetGroup.resize( originalSize )

        # If we succeeded in adding all images, show the first one.
        if loaded_all:
            self.showDataset(startingLane, roleIndex)

        # Notify the workflow that something that could affect applet readyness has occurred.
