def run_tracking(self, index): opal_exe = self.config.tracking["opal_path"] input_file = self.config.tracking["lattice_file"] n_cores = self.config.tracking["n_cores"] mpi_exe = self.config.tracking["mpi_exe"] lattice_file = self.run_dir+'SectorFFAGMagnet.tmp' subs = self.config.substitution_list[index] for key, value in self.config.track_beam["subs_overrides"].items(): subs[key] = value xboa.common.substitute(input_file, lattice_file, subs) log_name = self.run_dir+"/log" ref_hit = self.reference() probe_files = self.config.track_beam["probe_files"] self.tracking = OpalTracking("SectorFFAGMagnet.tmp", 'disttest.dat', ref_hit, probe_files, opal_exe, log_name, None, n_cores, mpi_exe) tunes_analysis = TunesAnalysis(self.config) phase_space_plots = PhaseSpacePlots(self.config) tunes_analysis.set_match(self.centre[0:4], self.ellipse[0:4, 0:4]) if self.config.track_beam["do_track"]: print("Running tracking with\n ", end=' ') for key, value in subs.items(): print(utilities.sub_to_name(key)+":", value, end=' ') print() self.tracking.track_many(self.hits_in, None) print(os.getcwd(), probe_files) self.tracking._read_probes(tunes_analysis)
def track_one(self, fields): ref_probes = self.config.find_bump_parameters["ref_probe_files"] #bump_probes = [self.config.find_bump_parameters["bump_probe_file"]] energy = self.config.find_bump_parameters["energy"] try: os.makedirs(self.tmp_dir) except OSError: # maybe the dir already exists pass self.setup_subs(fields) os.chdir(self.tmp_dir) find_closed_orbits.CONFIG = self.config ref_hit = find_closed_orbits.reference(energy) opal_exe = os.path.expandvars("${OPAL_EXE_PATH}/opal") tracking = OpalTracking('SectorFFAGMagnet.tmp', 'disttest.dat', ref_hit, ref_probes, opal_exe, "log") test_hit = ref_hit.deepcopy() closed_orbit = self.config.find_bump_parameters["closed_orbit"] test_hit["x"] = closed_orbit[0] test_hit["px"] = closed_orbit[1] # fix momentum test_hit["pz"] = (ref_hit["p"]**2 - test_hit["px"]**2)**0.5 print("Reference kinetic energy:", ref_hit["kinetic_energy"]) print("Seed kinetic energy: ", test_hit["kinetic_energy"]) hit_list = tracking.track_one(test_hit) print("Station to probe mapping:\n ", end=' ') for i, fname in enumerate(tracking.get_names()): print("(" + str(i) + ",", fname + ")", end=' ') print() self.tracking_result = [[hit["station"], hit["x"], hit["px"]] for hit in hit_list] return hit_list
def track_one(self, index, subs_overrides_list, kinetic_energy=None): if kinetic_energy == None: kinetic_energy = self.e0 subs = self.config.substitution_list[index] for sub_dict in subs_overrides_list: for item, key in sub_dict.items(): subs[item] = key print("Tracking with", end=' ') for key in sorted(subs.keys()): print(utilities.sub_to_name(key), subs[key], end=' ') print() self._temp_dir() # changes to tmp/find_rf_parameters/ xboa.common.substitute(self.config.tracking["lattice_file"], "SectorFFAGMagnet.tmp", subs) ref_hit = sorted( self.closed_orbit_list[index], key=lambda hit: abs(hit["kinetic_energy"] - self.e0))[0] test_hit = sorted( self.closed_orbit_list[index], key=lambda hit: abs(hit["kinetic_energy"] - kinetic_energy))[0] ref_hit = ref_hit.deepcopy() test_hit = test_hit.deepcopy() momentum = ref_hit["p"] ref_hit["x"] = 0. ref_hit["px"] = 0. ref_hit["p"] = momentum ref_hit.mass_shell_condition("p") tracking = OpalTracking("SectorFFAGMagnet.tmp", "disttest.dat", ref_hit, self.config.find_rf_parameters["probe_files"], self.config.tracking["opal_path"], "log") print("Tracking hit with kinetic energy:", test_hit["kinetic_energy"]) hit_list = tracking.track_one(test_hit) return hit_list
def find_tune_dphi(self): """ Algorithm is to just calculate the turn-by-turn phase advance; this is done by evolving turn-by-turn the track; calculating a matched ellipse by looking at tracking output; transforming the ellipse into a circle using LU decomposition; then calculating the angle advanced. """ cwd = os.getcwd() fout = open(self.output_filename, "w") index = 0 for i, closed_orbit in enumerate(self.closed_orbits_cached): if self.row != None and i not in self.row: continue if len(closed_orbit["hits"]) == 0: print("Error - no closed orbit") continue index += 1 if index >= self.config.find_tune["root_batch"]: ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(True) subs = closed_orbit["substitutions"] for item, key in self.config.find_tune["subs_overrides"].items(): subs[item] = key print("Finding optics with", end=' ') for key in sorted(subs.keys()): print(utilities.sub_to_name(key), subs[key], end=' ') print() tune_info = {"substitutions": subs} for axis1, axis2, delta1, delta2 in [("x", "px", self.delta_x, 0.), ("y", "py", self.delta_y, 0.) ]: if self.do_axis != None and axis1 != self.do_axis: continue hit = Hit.new_from_dict(closed_orbit["hits"][0]) self._temp_dir() common.substitute(self.lattice_src, self.tmp_dir + self.lattice, subs) tracking = OpalTracking(self.tmp_dir + self.lattice, self.tmp_dir + self.beam_file, self._reference(hit), self.probe_filename, self.opal, self.tmp_dir + self.log_file) tracking.clear_path = self.tmp_dir + "/*.loss" for key in sorted(tune_info.keys()): if "signal" not in key and "dphi" not in key: print(" ", key, tune_info[key]) print(json.dumps(tune_info), file=fout) fout.flush() os.chdir(cwd)
def setup_tracking(self, co_element): subs = co_element["substitutions"] for item, key in self.config.find_da["subs_overrides"].items(): subs[item] = key print("Set up tracking for da with", end=' ') for key in sorted(subs.keys()): print(utilities.sub_to_name(key), subs[key], end=' ') self.ref_hit = self.reference(co_element["hits"][0]) lattice_src = self.config.tracking["lattice_file"] common.substitute(lattice_src, self.run_dir + "/SectorFFAGMagnet.tmp", subs) tracking_file = self.config.find_da["probe_files"] self.tracking = OpalTracking(self.run_dir + "/SectorFFAGMagnet.tmp", self.tmp_dir + '/disttest.dat', self.ref_hit, tracking_file, self.opal_exe, self.tmp_dir + "/log")
def setup_tracking(config, probes, ref_energy): ref_hit = reference(config, ref_energy) opal_exe = os.path.expandvars(config.tracking["opal_path"]) lattice = config.tracking["lattice_file_out"] log = config.tracking["tracking_log"] beam = config.tracking["beam_file_out"] tracking = OpalTracking(lattice, beam, ref_hit, probes, opal_exe, log) return tracking
def setup_tracking(config, probes, ref_energy): ref_hit = reference(config, ref_energy) opal_exe = os.path.expandvars(config.tracking["opal_path"]) lattice = config.tracking["lattice_file_out"] log = config.tracking["tracking_log"] beam = config.tracking["beam_file_out"] tracking = OpalTracking(lattice, beam, ref_hit, probes, opal_exe, log) tracking.verbose = config.tracking["verbose"] tracking.set_file_format(config.tracking["file_format"]) tracking.flags = config.tracking["flags"] tracking.pass_through_analysis = StoreDataInMemory(config) return tracking
def find_closed_orbit(sub_index, subs, seed, config): """ Find the closed orbit; algorithm is to track turn by turn; fit an ellipse to the tracking; find the centre of the ellipse; repeat until no improvement or 10 iterations. - energy: (float) kinetic energy at which the co is calculated - step: (float) step size in tracking - poly_order: (int) order of the polynomial fit to the field map (not used) - smooth_oder: (int) order of smoothing the polynomial fit to the field map (not used) - seed: (list of 2 floats) [x, px] value to be used as the seed for the next iteration; px value is ignored, sorry about that. """ max_iterations = config.find_closed_orbits["max_iterations"] probe = config.find_closed_orbits["probe_files"] for key in sorted(subs.keys()): print(utilities.sub_to_name(key), subs[key], end=' ') print() out_dir = OUT_DIR run_dir = RUN_DIR tmp_dir = "./" try: os.makedirs(run_dir) except OSError: # maybe the dir already exists pass os.chdir(run_dir) print("Running in", os.getcwd()) common.substitute(CONFIG.tracking["lattice_file"], tmp_dir + 'SectorFFAGMagnet.tmp', subs) energy = subs["__energy__"] ref_hit = reference(energy) opal_exe = os.path.expandvars("${OPAL_EXE_PATH}/opal") tracking = OpalTracking(tmp_dir + '/SectorFFAGMagnet.tmp', tmp_dir + '/disttest.dat', ref_hit, probe, opal_exe, tmp_dir + "/log") seed_hit = ref_hit.deepcopy() seed_hit["x"] = seed[0] seed_hit["px"] = seed[1] # fix momentum seed_hit["pz"] = (ref_hit["p"]**2 - seed_hit["px"]**2)**0.5 print("Reference kinetic energy:", ref_hit["kinetic_energy"]) print("Seed kinetic energy: ", seed_hit["kinetic_energy"]) finder = EllipseClosedOrbitFinder(tracking, seed_hit) generator = finder.find_closed_orbit_generator(["x", "px"], 1) x_std_old = 1e9 i = -1 will_loop = True iteration = None while will_loop: try: iteration = next(generator) except StopIteration: will_loop = False print(sys.exc_info()[1]) i += 1 #for i, iteration in enumerate(generator): #for point in iteration.points: heading = [ 'station', 't', 'x', 'px', 'y', 'py', 'z', 'pz', 'r', 'pt', 'kinetic_energy' ] for key in heading: print(str(key).rjust(10), end=' ') print() for hit in tracking.last[0]: for key in heading: print(str(round(hit[key], 1)).rjust(10), end=' ') print() if iteration == None: continue print(iteration.centre) #if iteration.centre != None: #i == 0 and if i == 0: plot_iteration(sub_index, i, iteration, energy) if i >= max_iterations: break x_mean = numpy.mean([point[0] for point in iteration.points]) x_std = numpy.std([point[0] for point in iteration.points]) print("Seed:", iteration.points[0][0], "Mean:", x_mean, "Std:", x_std) if type(iteration.centre) != type( None) and x_std >= x_std_old: # require convergence break x_std_old = x_std os.chdir(out_dir) if i > 0: plot_iteration(sub_index, i, iteration, energy) return tracking.last[0]
class DAFinder(object): def __init__(self, config): self.closed_orbit_file_name = os.path.join( config.run_control["output_dir"], config.find_closed_orbits["output_file"]) + ".out" self.da_file_name = os.path.join(config.run_control["output_dir"], config.find_da["get_output_file"]) self.scan_file_name = os.path.join(config.run_control["output_dir"], config.find_da["scan_output_file"]) self.config = config self.run_dir = os.path.join(config.run_control["output_dir"], config.find_da["run_dir"]) self.co_list = self.load_closed_orbits() self.ref_hit = None self.min_delta = config.find_da["min_delta"] self.max_delta = config.find_da["max_delta"] = [] self.fout_scan_tmp = None self.fout_get_tmp = None self.required_n_hits = config.find_da["required_n_hits"] self.max_iterations = config.find_da["max_iterations"] self.tracking = self.setup() def get_all_da(self, co_index_list, seed_x, seed_y): if co_index_list == None: co_index_list = list(range(len(self.co_list))) for i in co_index_list: try: co_element = self.co_list[i] print("Finding da for element", i) except KeyError: print("Failed to find index", i, "in co_list of length", len(co_list)) continue if seed_x != None and seed_x > 0.: co_element['x_da'] = self.get_da(co_element, 'x', seed_x) if seed_y != None and seed_y > 0.: co_element['y_da'] = self.get_da(co_element, 'y', seed_y) print(json.dumps(co_element), file=self.fout_get()) self.fout_get().flush() def da_all_scan(self, co_index_list, x_list, y_list): if co_index_list == None: co_index_list = list(range(len(self.co_list))) for i in co_index_list: try: co_element = self.co_list[i] print("Scanning da for element", i) except KeyError: print("Failed to find index", i, "in co_list of length", len(co_list)) continue co_element['da_scan'] = self.da_scan(co_element, x_list, y_list) def load_closed_orbits(self): fin = open(self.closed_orbit_file_name) co_list = [json.loads(line) for line in fin.readlines()] print("Loaded", len(co_list), "closed orbits") return co_list def setup(self): self.tmp_dir = "./" try: os.makedirs(self.run_dir) except OSError: # maybe the dir already exists pass os.chdir(self.run_dir) print("Running in", os.getcwd()) self.opal_exe = os.path.expandvars("${OPAL_EXE_PATH}/opal") def reference(self, hit_dict): """ Generate a reference particle """ hit = Hit.new_from_dict(hit_dict) hit["x"] = 0. hit["px"] = 0. return hit def setup_tracking(self, co_element): subs = co_element["substitutions"] for item, key in self.config.find_da["subs_overrides"].items(): subs[item] = key print("Set up tracking for da with", end=' ') for key in sorted(subs.keys()): print(utilities.sub_to_name(key), subs[key], end=' ') self.ref_hit = self.reference(co_element["hits"][0]) lattice_src = self.config.tracking["lattice_file"] common.substitute(lattice_src, self.run_dir + "/SectorFFAGMagnet.tmp", subs) tracking_file = self.config.find_da["probe_files"] self.tracking = OpalTracking(self.run_dir + "/SectorFFAGMagnet.tmp", self.tmp_dir + '/disttest.dat', self.ref_hit, tracking_file, self.opal_exe, self.tmp_dir + "/log") def new_seed(self): if[-1][0] < self.min_delta: # reference run? return None if self.test_pass( *[-1]): # upper limit is okay; keep going up if[-1][0] > self.max_delta: # too big; give up return None return[-1][0] * 2. elif not self.test_pass( *[0]): # lower limit is bad; try going down if abs([0][0]) < self.min_delta: return None return[0][0] / 2. else: for i, item in enumerate([1:]): if not self.test_pass(*item): break if abs([i][0] -[i + 1][0]) < self.min_delta: return None return ([i][0] +[i + 1][0]) / 2. def test_pass(self, seed, hits_list): return len(hits_list) > self.required_n_hits def events_generator(self, co_element, x_list, y_list): co_hit = co_element["hits"][0] for x in x_list: for y in y_list: a_hit = self.ref_hit.deepcopy() a_hit['x'] = co_hit['x'] + x a_hit['px'] = co_hit['px'] a_hit['y'] += y yield {"x": x, "y": y}, a_hit def da_scan(self, co_element, x_list, y_list): self.setup_tracking(co_element) gen = self.events_generator(co_element, x_list, y_list) = [] finished = False while not finished: event_list = [] track_list = [] try: while len(event_list) < 1: track, event = next(gen) track_list.append(track) event_list.append(event) except StopIteration: finished = True if len(event_list) == 0: break many_tracks = self.tracking.track_many(event_list) for i, hits in enumerate(many_tracks): print("Tracked", len(hits), "total hits with track", track_list[i], "first event x px y py", hits[0]["x"], hits[0]["px"], hits[0]["y"], hits[0]["py"]) [track_list[i], [a_hit.dict_from_hit() for a_hit in hits]]) print(json.dumps(, file=self.fout_scan()) self.fout_scan().flush() def get_da(self, co_element, axis, seed_x): is_ref = abs(seed_x) < 1e-6 self.setup_tracking(co_element) = [] co_delta = {"x": 0, "y": 0} iteration = 0 while seed_x != None and iteration < self.max_iterations: co_delta[axis] = seed_x my_time = time.time() a_hit = Hit.new_from_dict(co_element["hits"][0]) a_hit[axis] += seed_x try: hits = self.tracking.track_one(a_hit) except RuntimeError: sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) print("Never mind, keep on going...") [co_delta[axis], [a_hit.dict_from_hit() for a_hit in hits]]) = sorted( print("Axis", axis, "Seed", seed_x, "Number of cells hit", len(hits), "in", time.time() - my_time, "[s]") sys.stdout.flush() seed_x = self.new_seed() if is_ref: seed_x = None iteration += 1 = [list(item) for item in] return def fout_scan(self): if self.fout_scan_tmp == None: file_name = self.scan_file_name + ".tmp" self.fout_scan_tmp = open(file_name, "w") print("Opened file", file_name) return self.fout_scan_tmp def fout_get(self): if self.fout_get_tmp == None: file_name = self.da_file_name + ".tmp" self.fout_get_tmp = open(file_name, "w") print("Opened file", file_name) return self.fout_get_tmp
class TrackBeam(object): def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.output_dir = config.run_control["output_dir"] self.centre = None self.ellipse = None self.run_dir = "" self.cwd = os.getcwd() self.hits_in = [] self.hits_out = [] = None def load_tune_data(self): file_name = self.output_dir+"/"+self.config.find_tune["output_file"] fin = open(file_name) data = [json.loads(line) for line in fin.readlines()] return data def fit_tune_data(self, data): eps_max = self.config.track_beam['eps_max'] x_emittance = self.config.track_beam['x_emittance'] y_emittance = self.config.track_beam['y_emittance'] sigma_pz = self.config.track_beam['sigma_pz'] sigma_z = self.config.track_beam['sigma_z'] = data['substitutions']['__energy__'] pid = self.config.tracking["pdg_pid"] mass = xboa.common.pdg_pid_to_mass[abs(pid)] p = ((**2 - mass**2)**0.5 x_centre, x_ellipse = xboa.common.fit_ellipse( data['x_signal'], eps_max, verbose = False) y_centre, y_ellipse = xboa.common.fit_ellipse( data['y_signal'], eps_max, verbose = False) x_ellipse *= (x_emittance/numpy.linalg.det(x_ellipse))**0.5 y_ellipse *= (y_emittance/numpy.linalg.det(y_ellipse))**0.5 self.centre = numpy.array([x for x in x_centre]+[y for y in y_centre]+[0., p]) self.ellipse = numpy.zeros((6, 6)) for i in range(2): for j in range(2): self.ellipse[i, j] = x_ellipse[i, j] self.ellipse[i+2, j+2] = y_ellipse[i, j] #for i in [0, 2]: # self.ellipse[i+1, i+1] *= p*p # self.ellipse[i, i+1] *= p # self.ellipse[i+1, i] *= p self.ellipse[4, 4] = sigma_z self.ellipse[5, 5] = sigma_pz print("Centre", self.centre) print("Ellipse") print(self.ellipse) def setup_workspace(self): self.run_dir = self.config.run_control["output_dir"]+"/"+self.config.track_beam["run_dir"] try: os.makedirs(self.run_dir) except OSError: pass # maybe the dir already exists os.chdir(self.run_dir) def generate_beam(self): n_events = self.config.track_beam["subs_overrides"]["__n_events__"] events = numpy.random.multivariate_normal(self.centre, self.ellipse, n_events) keys = "x", "px", "y", "py", "z", "pz" self.hits_in = [] for item in events: hit = self.reference() for i, key in enumerate(keys): hit[key] = item[i] self.hits_in.append(hit) for hit in self.hits_in[0:10]: print(" ", [hit[key] for key in keys]) print("Made", len(self.hits_in), "hits") def run_tracking(self, index): opal_exe = self.config.tracking["opal_path"] input_file = self.config.tracking["lattice_file"] n_cores = self.config.tracking["n_cores"] mpi_exe = self.config.tracking["mpi_exe"] lattice_file = self.run_dir+'SectorFFAGMagnet.tmp' subs = self.config.substitution_list[index] for key, value in self.config.track_beam["subs_overrides"].items(): subs[key] = value xboa.common.substitute(input_file, lattice_file, subs) log_name = self.run_dir+"/log" ref_hit = self.reference() probe_files = self.config.track_beam["probe_files"] self.tracking = OpalTracking("SectorFFAGMagnet.tmp", 'disttest.dat', ref_hit, probe_files, opal_exe, log_name, None, n_cores, mpi_exe) tunes_analysis = TunesAnalysis(self.config) phase_space_plots = PhaseSpacePlots(self.config) tunes_analysis.set_match(self.centre[0:4], self.ellipse[0:4, 0:4]) if self.config.track_beam["do_track"]: print("Running tracking with\n ", end=' ') for key, value in subs.items(): print(utilities.sub_to_name(key)+":", value, end=' ') print() self.tracking.track_many(self.hits_in, None) print(os.getcwd(), probe_files) self.tracking._read_probes(tunes_analysis) #self.tracking._read_probes(phase_space_plots) def reference(self): """ Generate a reference particle """ hit_dict = {} hit_dict["pid"] = self.config.tracking["pdg_pid"] hit_dict["mass"] = xboa.common.pdg_pid_to_mass[abs(hit_dict["pid"])] hit_dict["charge"] = 1 hit_dict["x"] = 0. hit_dict["kinetic_energy"] = return Hit.new_from_dict(hit_dict, "pz") def track(self): try: data = self.load_tune_data() self.setup_workspace() for i, item in enumerate(data): self.fit_tune_data(item) self.generate_beam() self.run_tracking(i) except: raise finally: os.chdir(self.cwd)
def find_tune_dphi(self): """ Algorithm is to just calculate the turn-by-turn phase advance; this is done by evolving turn-by-turn the track; calculating a matched ellipse by looking at tracking output; transforming the ellipse into a circle using LU decomposition; then calculating the angle advanced. """ cwd = os.getcwd() fout = open(self.output_filename, "w") index = 0 for i, closed_orbit in enumerate(self.closed_orbits_cached): if self.row != None and i not in self.row: continue if len(closed_orbit["hits"]) == 0: print("Error - no closed orbit") continue index += 1 subs = closed_orbit["substitutions"] for item, key in self.config.find_tune["subs_overrides"].items(): subs[item] = key print("Finding tune with", end=' ') for key in sorted(subs.keys()): print(utilities.sub_to_name(key), subs[key], end=' ') print() tune_info = {"substitutions": subs} for axis1, axis2, delta1, delta2 in [("x", "px", self.delta_x, 0.), ("y", "py", self.delta_y, 0.) ]: if self.do_axis != None and axis1 != self.do_axis: continue hit = Hit.new_from_dict(closed_orbit["hits"][0]) self._temp_dir() common.substitute(self.lattice_src, self.tmp_dir + self.lattice, subs) tracking = OpalTracking(self.tmp_dir + self.lattice, self.tmp_dir + self.beam_file, self._reference(hit), self.probe_filename, self.opal, self.tmp_dir + self.log_file) tracking.clear_path = self.tmp_dir + "/*.loss" finder = DPhiTuneFinder() try: finder.run_tracking(axis1, axis2, delta1, delta2, hit, tracking) except RuntimeError: sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) for track_index, track in enumerate(tracking.last): print('Track', track_index, 'of', len(tracking.last), \ 'with', len(track), 'hits') finder.u = finder.u[1:] finder.up = finder.up[1:] try: tune = finder.get_tune(subs["__n_turns__"] / 10.) except: tune = 0. print(' Found', len(finder.dphi), 'dphi elements with tune', tune, "+/-", finder.tune_error) tune_info[axis1 + "_tune"] = tune tune_info[axis1 + "_tune_rms"] = finder.tune_error tune_info[axis1 + "_signal"] = list(zip(finder.u, finder.up)) tune_info[axis1 + "_dphi"] = finder.dphi tune_info[axis1 + "_n_cells"] = len(finder.dphi) self.do_plots(i, axis1, axis2, finder) for i, u in enumerate([]): #finder.u[:-1]): up = finder.up[i] dphi = finder.dphi[i] t = finder.t[i] u_chol = finder.point_circles[i][0] up_chol = finder.point_circles[i][1] phi = math.atan2(up_chol, u_chol) print(str(i).ljust(4), str(round(t, 4)).rjust(8), "...", \ str(round(u, 4)).rjust(8), str(round(up, 4)).rjust(8), "...", \ str(round(u_chol, 4)).rjust(8), str(round(up_chol, 4)).rjust(8), "...", \ str(round(phi, 4)).rjust(8), str(round(dphi, 4)).rjust(8)) for key in sorted(tune_info.keys()): if "signal" not in key and "dphi" not in key: print(" ", key, tune_info[key]) print(json.dumps(tune_info), file=fout) fout.flush() os.chdir(cwd)
class DAFinder(object): """ DAFinder attempts to find the dynamic aperture by performing a binary search of trajectories offset from the closed orbit. DA is determined to be the trajectory that passes through at least a (user defined) number of probes. """ def __init__(self, config): """ Initialise the DAFinder object - config: configuration object """ self.closed_orbit_file_name = os.path.join(config.run_control["output_dir"], config.find_closed_orbits["output_file"]) self.da_file_name = os.path.join(config.run_control["output_dir"], config.find_da["get_output_file"]) self.scan_file_name = os.path.join(config.run_control["output_dir"], config.find_da["scan_output_file"]) self.config = config self.run_dir = os.path.join(config.run_control["output_dir"], config.find_da["run_dir"]) self.co_list = self.load_closed_orbits() self.ref_hit = None self.min_delta = config.find_da["min_delta"] self.max_delta = config.find_da["max_delta"] = [] self.fout_scan_tmp = None self.fout_get_tmp = None self.required_n_hits = config.find_da["required_n_hits"] self.max_iterations = config.find_da["max_iterations"] self.tracking = self.setup() def get_all_da(self, co_index_list, seed_x, seed_y): """ Get the DA - co_index_list: list of indices to find DA for. Each element should be an index from self.config.substitution_list. Set to None to iterate over every element. - seed_x: (float) best guess position offset for trajectory on the horizontal DA. Set to None or negative value to disable horizontal DA finding. - seed_y: (float) best guess position offset for trajectory on the vertical DA. Set to None or negative value to disable vertical DA finding. """ if co_index_list == None: co_index_list = list(range(len(self.co_list))) for i in co_index_list: try: co_element = self.co_list[i] print("Finding da for element", i) except KeyError: print("Failed to find index", i, "in co_list of length", len(co_list)) continue if seed_x != None and seed_x > 0.: co_element['x_da'] = self.get_da(co_element, 'x', seed_x) if seed_y != None and seed_y > 0.: co_element['y_da'] = self.get_da(co_element, 'y', seed_y) print(json.dumps(co_element), file=self.fout_get()) self.fout_get().flush() os.rename(self.da_file_name+".tmp", self.da_file_name) def da_all_scan(self, co_index_list, x_list, y_list): """ Scan the DA - co_index_list: list of indices to find DA for. Each element should be an index from self.config.substitution_list. Set to None to iterate over every element. - seed_x: list of floats. Each list element is a horizontal position offset from the closed orbit; the algorithm will track the particle and count the number of probes through which the particle passes. - seed_y: list of floats. Each list element is a vertical position offset from the closed orbit; the algorithm will track the particle and count the number of probes through which the particle passes. The scan routine will generate a 2D grid in x and y. The trajectories will be written to the scan file name. """ if co_index_list == None: co_index_list = list(range(len(self.co_list))) for i in co_index_list: try: co_element = self.co_list[i] print("Scanning da for element", i) except KeyError: print("Failed to find index", i, "in co_list of length", len(co_list)) continue co_element['da_scan'] = self.da_scan(co_element, x_list, y_list) os.rename(self.scan_file_name+".tmp", self.scan_file_name) def load_closed_orbits(self): """ Load the closed orbits file """ fin = open(self.closed_orbit_file_name) co_list = [json.loads(line) for line in fin.readlines()] print("Loaded", len(co_list), "closed orbits") return co_list def setup(self): """ Perform some setup """ self.tmp_dir = "./" try: os.makedirs(self.run_dir) except OSError: # maybe the dir already exists pass os.chdir(self.run_dir) print("Running in", os.getcwd()) self.opal_exe = os.path.expandvars("${OPAL_EXE_PATH}/opal") def reference(self, hit_dict): """ Generate a reference particle """ hit = Hit.new_from_dict(hit_dict) hit["x"] = 0. hit["px"] = 0. return hit def setup_tracking(self, co_element): """ Setup the tracking routines """ subs = co_element["substitutions"] for item, key in self.config.find_da["subs_overrides"].items(): subs[item] = key print("Set up tracking for da with", end=' ') for key in sorted(subs.keys()): print(utilities.sub_to_name(key), subs[key], end=' ') self.ref_hit = self.reference(co_element["hits"][0]) lattice_src = self.config.tracking["lattice_file"] common.substitute( lattice_src, self.run_dir+"/SectorFFAGMagnet.tmp", subs ) tracking_file = self.config.find_da["probe_files"] self.tracking = OpalTracking(self.run_dir+"/SectorFFAGMagnet.tmp", self.tmp_dir+'/disttest.dat', self.ref_hit, tracking_file, self.opal_exe, self.tmp_dir+"/log") def new_seed(self): """ Generate a new seed for the DA finding routines. * If all previous iterations have passed, then the largest offset is doubled * If all previous iterations have failed, then the smallest offset is halved * If some previous iterations have failed and some have passed, then a binary interplation is performed between the highest passing iteration and the lowest failing iteration Returns the new seed or None if the iteration has finished. """ if[-1][0] < self.min_delta: # reference run? return None if self.test_pass(*[-1]): # upper limit is okay; keep going up if[-1][0] > self.max_delta: # too big; give up return None return[-1][0]*2. elif not self.test_pass(*[0]): # lower limit is bad; try going down if abs([0][0]) < self.min_delta: return None return[0][0]/2. else: for i, item in enumerate([1:]): if not self.test_pass(*item): break if abs([i][0][i+1][0]) < self.min_delta: return None return ([i][0][i+1][0])/2. def test_pass(self, seed, hits_list): """ Check to see if an iteration passed Returns true if the number of hits in the hits list is greater than the required number of hits. """ return len(hits_list) > self.required_n_hits def events_generator(self, co_element, x_list, y_list): """ Generates the list of events for the da scan. """ co_hit = co_element["hits"][0] for x in x_list: for y in y_list: a_hit = self.ref_hit.deepcopy() a_hit['x'] = co_hit['x'] + x a_hit['px'] = co_hit['px'] a_hit['y'] += y yield {"x":x, "y":y}, a_hit def da_scan(self, co_element, x_list, y_list): """ Do the da scan for a particular element of self.config.substitution_list. """ self.setup_tracking(co_element) gen = self.events_generator(co_element, x_list, y_list) = [] finished = False while not finished: event_list = [] track_list = [] try: while len(event_list) < 1: track, event = next(gen) track_list.append(track) event_list.append(event) except StopIteration: finished = True if len(event_list) == 0: break many_tracks = self.tracking.track_many(event_list) for i, hits in enumerate(many_tracks): print("Tracked", len(hits), "total hits with track", track_list[i], "first event x px y py", hits[0]["x"], hits[0]["px"], hits[0]["y"], hits[0]["py"])[track_list[i], [a_hit.dict_from_hit() for a_hit in hits]]) print(json.dumps(, file=self.fout_scan()) self.fout_scan().flush() def get_da(self, co_element, axis, seed_x): """ Do the da finding for a particular element of self.config.substitution_list """ is_ref = abs(seed_x) < 1e-6 self.setup_tracking(co_element) = [] co_delta = {"x":0, "y":0} iteration = 0 while seed_x != None and iteration < self.max_iterations: co_delta[axis] = seed_x my_time = time.time() a_hit = Hit.new_from_dict(co_element["hits"][0]) a_hit[axis] += seed_x try: hits = self.tracking.track_one(a_hit) except (RuntimeError, OSError): sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) print("Never mind, keep on going...") hits = [a_hit][co_delta[axis], [a_hit.dict_from_hit() for a_hit in hits]]) = sorted( print("Axis", axis, "Seed", seed_x, "Number of cells hit", len(hits), "in", time.time() - my_time, "[s]") sys.stdout.flush() seed_x = self.new_seed() if is_ref: seed_x = None iteration += 1 = [list(item) for item in] return def fout_scan(self): """ Open the scan output file """ if self.fout_scan_tmp == None: file_name = self.scan_file_name+".tmp" self.fout_scan_tmp = open(file_name, "w") print("Opened file", file_name) return self.fout_scan_tmp def fout_get(self): """ Open the da finder output file """ if self.fout_get_tmp == None: file_name = self.da_file_name+".tmp" self.fout_get_tmp = open(file_name, "w") print("Opened file", file_name) return self.fout_get_tmp