Example #1
    def _query_children_for_cache_children(self, course_key, items):
        # first get non-draft in a round-trip
        to_process_non_drafts = super(DraftModuleStore, self)._query_children_for_cache_children(course_key, items)

        to_process_dict = {}
        for non_draft in to_process_non_drafts:
            to_process_dict[Location._from_deprecated_son(non_draft["_id"], course_key.run)] = non_draft

        if self.get_branch_setting() == ModuleStoreEnum.Branch.draft_preferred:
            # now query all draft content in another round-trip
            query = []
            for item in items:
                item_usage_key = course_key.make_usage_key_from_deprecated_string(item)
                if item_usage_key.category not in DIRECT_ONLY_CATEGORIES:
            if query:
                query = {'_id': {'$in': query}}
                to_process_drafts = list(self.collection.find(query))

                # now we have to go through all drafts and replace the non-draft
                # with the draft. This is because the semantics of the DraftStore is to
                # always return the draft - if available
                for draft in to_process_drafts:
                    draft_loc = Location._from_deprecated_son(draft["_id"], course_key.run)
                    draft_as_non_draft_loc = as_published(draft_loc)

                    # does non-draft exist in the collection
                    # if so, replace it
                    if draft_as_non_draft_loc in to_process_dict:
                        to_process_dict[draft_as_non_draft_loc] = draft

        # convert the dict - which is used for look ups - back into a list
        queried_children = to_process_dict.values()

        return queried_children
Example #2
    def _query_children_for_cache_children(self, course_key, items):
        # first get non-draft in a round-trip
        to_process_non_drafts = super(DraftModuleStore, self)._query_children_for_cache_children(course_key, items)

        to_process_dict = {}
        for non_draft in to_process_non_drafts:
            to_process_dict[Location._from_deprecated_son(non_draft["_id"], course_key.run)] = non_draft

        # now query all draft content in another round-trip
        query = {
            '_id': {'$in': [
                as_draft(course_key.make_usage_key_from_deprecated_string(item)).to_deprecated_son() for item in items
        to_process_drafts = list(self.collection.find(query))

        # now we have to go through all drafts and replace the non-draft
        # with the draft. This is because the semantics of the DraftStore is to
        # always return the draft - if available
        for draft in to_process_drafts:
            draft_loc = Location._from_deprecated_son(draft["_id"], course_key.run)
            draft_as_non_draft_loc = draft_loc.replace(revision=None)

            # does non-draft exist in the collection
            # if so, replace it
            if draft_as_non_draft_loc in to_process_dict:
                to_process_dict[draft_as_non_draft_loc] = draft

        # convert the dict - which is used for look ups - back into a list
        queried_children = to_process_dict.values()

        return queried_children
Example #3
    def _query_children_for_cache_children(self, course_key, items):
        # first get non-draft in a round-trip
        to_process_non_drafts = super(DraftModuleStore, self)._query_children_for_cache_children(course_key, items)

        to_process_dict = {}
        for non_draft in to_process_non_drafts:
            to_process_dict[Location._from_deprecated_son(non_draft["_id"], course_key.run)] = non_draft

        # now query all draft content in another round-trip
        query = {
            '_id': {'$in': [
                as_draft(course_key.make_usage_key_from_deprecated_string(item)).to_deprecated_son() for item in items
        to_process_drafts = list(self.collection.find(query))

        # now we have to go through all drafts and replace the non-draft
        # with the draft. This is because the semantics of the DraftStore is to
        # always return the draft - if available
        for draft in to_process_drafts:
            draft_loc = Location._from_deprecated_son(draft["_id"], course_key.run)
            draft_as_non_draft_loc = draft_loc.replace(revision=None)

            # does non-draft exist in the collection
            # if so, replace it
            if draft_as_non_draft_loc in to_process_dict:
                to_process_dict[draft_as_non_draft_loc] = draft

        # convert the dict - which is used for look ups - back into a list
        queried_children = to_process_dict.values()

        return queried_children
Example #4
    def _query_children_for_cache_children(self, course_key, items):
        # first get non-draft in a round-trip
        to_process_non_drafts = super(DraftModuleStore, self)._query_children_for_cache_children(course_key, items)

        to_process_dict = {}
        for non_draft in to_process_non_drafts:
            to_process_dict[Location._from_deprecated_son(non_draft["_id"], course_key.run)] = non_draft

        if self.branch_setting_func() == ModuleStoreEnum.Branch.draft_preferred:
            # now query all draft content in another round-trip
            query = []
            for item in items:
                item_usage_key = course_key.make_usage_key_from_deprecated_string(item)
                if item_usage_key.category not in DIRECT_ONLY_CATEGORIES:
            if query:
                query = {'_id': {'$in': query}}
                to_process_drafts = list(self.collection.find(query))

                # now we have to go through all drafts and replace the non-draft
                # with the draft. This is because the semantics of the DraftStore is to
                # always return the draft - if available
                for draft in to_process_drafts:
                    draft_loc = Location._from_deprecated_son(draft["_id"], course_key.run)
                    draft_as_non_draft_loc = as_published(draft_loc)

                    # does non-draft exist in the collection
                    # if so, replace it
                    if draft_as_non_draft_loc in to_process_dict:
                        to_process_dict[draft_as_non_draft_loc] = draft

        # convert the dict - which is used for look ups - back into a list
        queried_children = to_process_dict.values()

        return queried_children
Example #5
    def get_parent_location(self, location, revision=ModuleStoreEnum.RevisionOption.published_only, **kwargs):
        Find the location that is the parent of this location in this course.

        Returns: version agnostic location (revision always None) as per the rest of mongo.

                    - return only the PUBLISHED parent if it exists, else returns None
                    - return either the DRAFT or PUBLISHED parent,
                        preferring DRAFT, if parent(s) exists,
                        else returns None
        assert location.revision is None
        assert revision == ModuleStoreEnum.RevisionOption.published_only \
            or revision == ModuleStoreEnum.RevisionOption.draft_preferred

        # create a query with tag, org, course, and the children field set to the given location
        query = self._course_key_to_son(location.course_key)
        query['definition.children'] = location.to_deprecated_string()

        # if only looking for the PUBLISHED parent, set the revision in the query to None
        if revision == ModuleStoreEnum.RevisionOption.published_only:
            query['_id.revision'] = MongoRevisionKey.published

        # query the collection, sorting by DRAFT first
        parents = self.collection.find(query, {'_id': True}, sort=[SORT_REVISION_FAVOR_DRAFT])

        if parents.count() == 0:
            # no parents were found
            return None

        if revision == ModuleStoreEnum.RevisionOption.published_only:
            if parents.count() > 1:
                # should never have multiple PUBLISHED parents
                raise ReferentialIntegrityError(
                    u"{} parents claim {}".format(parents.count(), location)
                # return the single PUBLISHED parent
                return Location._from_deprecated_son(parents[0]['_id'], location.course_key.run)
            # there could be 2 different parents if
            #   (1) the draft item was moved or
            #   (2) the parent itself has 2 versions: DRAFT and PUBLISHED

            # since we sorted by SORT_REVISION_FAVOR_DRAFT, the 0'th parent is the one we want
            found_id = parents[0]['_id']
            # don't disclose revision outside modulestore
            return as_published(Location._from_deprecated_son(found_id, location.course_key.run))
Example #6
    def _get_raw_parent_locations(self, location, key_revision):
        Get the parents but don't unset the revision in their locations.

        Intended for internal use but not restricted.

            location (UsageKey): assumes the location's revision is None; so, uses revision keyword solely
                MongoRevisionKey.draft - return only the draft parent
                MongoRevisionKey.published - return only the published parent
                ModuleStoreEnum.RevisionOption.all - return both draft and published parents

        # create a query to find all items in the course that have the given location listed as a child
        query = self._course_key_to_son(location.course_key)
        query['definition.children'] = location.to_deprecated_string()

        # find all the items that satisfy the query
        parents = self.collection.find(query, {'_id': True},

        # return only the parent(s) that satisfy the request
        return [
            for parent in parents if (
                # return all versions of the parent if revision is ModuleStoreEnum.RevisionOption.all
                key_revision == ModuleStoreEnum.RevisionOption.all or
                # return this parent if it's direct-only, regardless of which revision is requested
                parent['_id']['category'] in DIRECT_ONLY_CATEGORIES or
                # return this parent only if its revision matches the requested one
                parent['_id']['revision'] == key_revision)
Example #7
    def _cache_children(self, course_key, items, depth=0):
        Returns a dictionary mapping Location -> item data, populated with json data
        for all descendents of items up to the specified depth.
        (0 = no descendents, 1 = children, 2 = grandchildren, etc)
        If depth is None, will load all the children.
        This will make a number of queries that is linear in the depth.

        data = {}
        to_process = list(items)
        while to_process and depth is None or depth >= 0:
            children = []
            for item in to_process:
                children.extend(item.get('definition', {}).get('children', []))
                data[Location._from_deprecated_son(item['location'], course_key.run)] = item

            if depth == 0:

            # Load all children by id. See
            # http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Advanced+Queries#AdvancedQueries-%24or
            # for or-query syntax
            to_process = []
            if children:
                to_process = self._query_children_for_cache_children(course_key, children)

            # If depth is None, then we just recurse until we hit all the descendents
            if depth is not None:
                depth -= 1

        return data
Example #8
    def _get_raw_parent_locations(self, location, key_revision):
        Get the parents but don't unset the revision in their locations.

        Intended for internal use but not restricted.

            location (UsageKey): assumes the location's revision is None; so, uses revision keyword solely
                MongoRevisionKey.draft - return only the draft parent
                MongoRevisionKey.published - return only the published parent
                ModuleStoreEnum.RevisionOption.all - return both draft and published parents

        # create a query to find all items in the course that have the given location listed as a child
        query = self._course_key_to_son(location.course_key)
        query['definition.children'] = location.to_deprecated_string()

        # find all the items that satisfy the query
        parents = self.collection.find(query, {'_id': True}, sort=[SORT_REVISION_FAVOR_DRAFT])

        # return only the parent(s) that satisfy the request
        return [
            Location._from_deprecated_son(parent['_id'], location.course_key.run)
            for parent in parents
            if (
                # return all versions of the parent if revision is ModuleStoreEnum.RevisionOption.all
                key_revision == ModuleStoreEnum.RevisionOption.all or
                # return this parent if it's direct-only, regardless of which revision is requested
                parent['_id']['category'] in DIRECT_ONLY_CATEGORIES or
                # return this parent only if its revision matches the requested one
                parent['_id']['revision'] == key_revision
Example #9
    def _load_item(self, course_key, item, data_cache, apply_cached_metadata=True):
        Load an XModuleDescriptor from item, using the children stored in data_cache
        location = Location._from_deprecated_son(item['location'], course_key.run)
        data_dir = getattr(item, 'data_dir', location.course)
        root = self.fs_root / data_dir

        root.makedirs_p()  # create directory if it doesn't exist

        resource_fs = OSFS(root)

        cached_metadata = {}
        if apply_cached_metadata:
            cached_metadata = self._get_cached_metadata_inheritance_tree(course_key)

        services = {}
        if self.i18n_service:
            services["i18n"] = self.i18n_service

        system = CachingDescriptorSystem(
        return system.load_item(location)
Example #10
    def _cache_children(self, course_key, items, depth=0):
        Returns a dictionary mapping Location -> item data, populated with json data
        for all descendents of items up to the specified depth.
        (0 = no descendents, 1 = children, 2 = grandchildren, etc)
        If depth is None, will load all the children.
        This will make a number of queries that is linear in the depth.

        data = {}
        to_process = list(items)
        while to_process and depth is None or depth >= 0:
            children = []
            for item in to_process:
                children.extend(item.get('definition', {}).get('children', []))
                data[Location._from_deprecated_son(item['location'], course_key.run)] = item

            if depth == 0:

            # Load all children by id. See
            # http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Advanced+Queries#AdvancedQueries-%24or
            # for or-query syntax
            to_process = []
            if children:
                to_process = self._query_children_for_cache_children(course_key, children)

            # If depth is None, then we just recurse until we hit all the descendents
            if depth is not None:
                depth -= 1

        return data
Example #11
    def _load_item(self, course_key, item, data_cache, apply_cached_metadata=True):
        Load an XModuleDescriptor from item, using the children stored in data_cache
        location = Location._from_deprecated_son(item['location'], course_key.run)
        data_dir = getattr(item, 'data_dir', location.course)
        root = self.fs_root / data_dir

        root.makedirs_p()  # create directory if it doesn't exist

        resource_fs = OSFS(root)

        cached_metadata = {}
        if apply_cached_metadata:
            cached_metadata = self._get_cached_metadata_inheritance_tree(course_key)

        services = {}
        if self.i18n_service:
            services["i18n"] = self.i18n_service

        system = CachingDescriptorSystem(
        return system.load_item(location)
Example #12
 def get_courses_for_wiki(self, wiki_slug):
     Return the list of courses which use this wiki_slug
     :param wiki_slug: the course wiki root slug
     :return: list of course locations
     courses = self.collection.find({'_id.category': 'course', 'definition.data.wiki_slug': wiki_slug})
     # the course's run == its name. It's the only xblock for which that's necessarily true.
     return [Location._from_deprecated_son(course['_id'], course['_id']['name']) for course in courses]
Example #13
 def get_courses_for_wiki(self, wiki_slug):
     Return the list of courses which use this wiki_slug
     :param wiki_slug: the course wiki root slug
     :return: list of course locations
     courses = self.collection.find({'definition.data.wiki_slug': wiki_slug})
     # the course's run == its name. It's the only xblock for which that's necessarily true.
     return [Location._from_deprecated_son(course['_id'], course['_id']['name']) for course in courses]
Example #14
 def get_orphans(self, course_key):
     Return an array of all of the locations (deprecated string format) for orphans in the course.
     course_key = self.fill_in_run(course_key)
     detached_categories = [name for name, __ in XBlock.load_tagged_classes("detached")]
     query = self._course_key_to_son(course_key)
     query["_id.category"] = {"$nin": detached_categories}
     all_items = self.collection.find(query)
     all_reachable = set()
     item_locs = set()
     for item in all_items:
         if item["_id"]["category"] != "course":
             # It would be nice to change this method to return UsageKeys instead of the deprecated string.
                 as_published(Location._from_deprecated_son(item["_id"], course_key.run)).to_deprecated_string()
         all_reachable = all_reachable.union(item.get("definition", {}).get("children", []))
Example #15
 def get_orphans(self, course_key):
     Return an array all of the locations (deprecated string format) for orphans in the course.
     detached_categories = [name for name, __ in XBlock.load_tagged_classes("detached")]
     query = self._course_key_to_son(course_key)
     query['_id.category'] = {'$nin': detached_categories}
     all_items = self.collection.find(query)
     all_reachable = set()
     item_locs = set()
     for item in all_items:
         if item['_id']['category'] != 'course':
             # It would be nice to change this method to return UsageKeys instead of the deprecated string.
                 Location._from_deprecated_son(item['_id'], course_key.run).replace(revision=None).to_deprecated_string()
         all_reachable = all_reachable.union(item.get('definition', {}).get('children', []))
     item_locs -= all_reachable
     return list(item_locs)
Example #16
 def get_orphans(self, course_key):
     Return an array all of the locations (deprecated string format) for orphans in the course.
     detached_categories = [name for name, __ in XBlock.load_tagged_classes("detached")]
     query = self._course_key_to_son(course_key)
     query['_id.category'] = {'$nin': detached_categories}
     all_items = self.collection.find(query)
     all_reachable = set()
     item_locs = set()
     for item in all_items:
         if item['_id']['category'] != 'course':
             # It would be nice to change this method to return UsageKeys instead of the deprecated string.
                 Location._from_deprecated_son(item['_id'], course_key.run).replace(revision=None).to_deprecated_string()
         all_reachable = all_reachable.union(item.get('definition', {}).get('children', []))
     item_locs -= all_reachable
     return list(item_locs)
Example #17
    def _compute_metadata_inheritance_tree(self, course_id):
        TODO (cdodge) This method can be deleted when the 'split module store' work has been completed
        # get all collections in the course, this query should not return any leaf nodes
        # note this is a bit ugly as when we add new categories of containers, we have to add it here

        block_types_with_children = set(
            name for name, class_ in XBlock.load_classes() if getattr(class_, 'has_children', False)
        query = SON([
            ('_id.tag', 'i4x'),
            ('_id.org', course_id.org),
            ('_id.course', course_id.course),
            ('_id.category', {'$in': list(block_types_with_children)})
        # we just want the Location, children, and inheritable metadata
        record_filter = {'_id': 1, 'definition.children': 1}

        # just get the inheritable metadata since that is all we need for the computation
        # this minimizes both data pushed over the wire
        for field_name in InheritanceMixin.fields:
            record_filter['metadata.{0}'.format(field_name)] = 1

        # call out to the DB
        resultset = self.collection.find(query, record_filter)

        # it's ok to keep these as deprecated strings b/c the overall cache is indexed by course_key and this
        # is a dictionary relative to that course
        results_by_url = {}
        root = None

        # now go through the results and order them by the location url
        for result in resultset:
            # manually pick it apart b/c the db has tag and we want revision = None regardless
            location = Location._from_deprecated_son(result['_id'], course_id.run).replace(revision=None)

            location_url = location.to_deprecated_string()
            if location_url in results_by_url:
                # found either draft or live to complement the other revision
                existing_children = results_by_url[location_url].get('definition', {}).get('children', [])
                additional_children = result.get('definition', {}).get('children', [])
                total_children = existing_children + additional_children
                results_by_url[location_url].setdefault('definition', {})['children'] = total_children
            results_by_url[location_url] = result
            if location.category == 'course':
                root = location_url

        # now traverse the tree and compute down the inherited metadata
        metadata_to_inherit = {}

        def _compute_inherited_metadata(url):
            Helper method for computing inherited metadata for a specific location url
            my_metadata = results_by_url[url].get('metadata', {})

            # go through all the children and recurse, but only if we have
            # in the result set. Remember results will not contain leaf nodes
            for child in results_by_url[url].get('definition', {}).get('children', []):
                if child in results_by_url:
                    new_child_metadata = copy.deepcopy(my_metadata)
                    new_child_metadata.update(results_by_url[child].get('metadata', {}))
                    results_by_url[child]['metadata'] = new_child_metadata
                    metadata_to_inherit[child] = new_child_metadata
                    # this is likely a leaf node, so let's record what metadata we need to inherit
                    metadata_to_inherit[child] = my_metadata

        if root is not None:

        return metadata_to_inherit
Example #18
            query["_id.revision"] = MongoRevisionKey.published

        # query the collection, sorting by DRAFT first
        parents = self.collection.find(query, {"_id": True}, sort=[SORT_REVISION_FAVOR_DRAFT])

        if parents.count() == 0:
            # no parents were found
            return None

        if revision == ModuleStoreEnum.RevisionOption.published_only:
            if parents.count() > 1:
                # should never have multiple PUBLISHED parents
                raise ReferentialIntegrityError(u"{} parents claim {}".format(parents.count(), location))
                # return the single PUBLISHED parent
                return Location._from_deprecated_son(parents[0]["_id"], location.course_key.run)
            # there could be 2 different parents if
            #   (1) the draft item was moved or
            #   (2) the parent itself has 2 versions: DRAFT and PUBLISHED

            # since we sorted by SORT_REVISION_FAVOR_DRAFT, the 0'th parent is the one we want
            found_id = parents[0]["_id"]
            # don't disclose revision outside modulestore
            return Location._from_deprecated_son(found_id, location.course_key.run)

    def get_parent_location(self, location, revision=ModuleStoreEnum.RevisionOption.published_only, **kwargs):
        Find the location that is the parent of this location in this course.

        Returns: version agnostic location (revision always None) as per the rest of mongo.
Example #19
    def _compute_metadata_inheritance_tree(self, course_id):
        TODO (cdodge) This method can be deleted when the 'split module store' work has been completed
        # get all collections in the course, this query should not return any leaf nodes
        # note this is a bit ugly as when we add new categories of containers, we have to add it here

        block_types_with_children = set(
            name for name, class_ in XBlock.load_classes() if getattr(class_, 'has_children', False)
        query = SON([
            ('_id.tag', 'i4x'),
            ('_id.org', course_id.org),
            ('_id.course', course_id.course),
            ('_id.category', {'$in': list(block_types_with_children)})
        # we just want the Location, children, and inheritable metadata
        record_filter = {'_id': 1, 'definition.children': 1}

        # just get the inheritable metadata since that is all we need for the computation
        # this minimizes both data pushed over the wire
        for field_name in InheritanceMixin.fields:
            record_filter['metadata.{0}'.format(field_name)] = 1

        # call out to the DB
        resultset = self.collection.find(query, record_filter)

        # it's ok to keep these as deprecated strings b/c the overall cache is indexed by course_key and this
        # is a dictionary relative to that course
        results_by_url = {}
        root = None

        # now go through the results and order them by the location url
        for result in resultset:
            # manually pick it apart b/c the db has tag and we want revision = None regardless
            location = Location._from_deprecated_son(result['_id'], course_id.run).replace(revision=None)

            location_url = location.to_deprecated_string()
            if location_url in results_by_url:
                # found either draft or live to complement the other revision
                existing_children = results_by_url[location_url].get('definition', {}).get('children', [])
                additional_children = result.get('definition', {}).get('children', [])
                total_children = existing_children + additional_children
                results_by_url[location_url].setdefault('definition', {})['children'] = total_children
            results_by_url[location_url] = result
            if location.category == 'course':
                root = location_url

        # now traverse the tree and compute down the inherited metadata
        metadata_to_inherit = {}

        def _compute_inherited_metadata(url):
            Helper method for computing inherited metadata for a specific location url
            my_metadata = results_by_url[url].get('metadata', {})

            # go through all the children and recurse, but only if we have
            # in the result set. Remember results will not contain leaf nodes
            for child in results_by_url[url].get('definition', {}).get('children', []):
                if child in results_by_url:
                    new_child_metadata = copy.deepcopy(my_metadata)
                    new_child_metadata.update(results_by_url[child].get('metadata', {}))
                    results_by_url[child]['metadata'] = new_child_metadata
                    metadata_to_inherit[child] = new_child_metadata
                    # this is likely a leaf node, so let's record what metadata we need to inherit
                    metadata_to_inherit[child] = my_metadata

        if root is not None:

        return metadata_to_inherit