Example #1
def read_tigr_roles(filename):
    Reads a truly loony file format that stores the tigrfam mainrole/subrole hierarchy.
    Returns a tuple containing a list of mainroles whose children are subroles and
    a dictionary from tigr role id to tigr roles, which can be used with the file
    TIGRFAMS_ROLE_LINK to attach TIGRFams to roles.
    mainroles = []
    mainroles_by_name = {}
    mainroles_by_id = {}
    roles_by_id = {}
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            fields = line.rstrip("\n").split("\t")
            role = OpenStruct()
            role.tigr_role_id = int(fields[1])
            role.type = fields[2].rstrip(':')
            role.name = fields[3]
            if role.type=='mainrole':
                if role.name not in mainroles_by_name:
                    mainroles_by_name[role.name] = role
                    role.children = []
                mainroles_by_id[role.tigr_role_id] = mainroles_by_name[role.name]
            elif role.type=='sub1role':
                roles_by_id[role.tigr_role_id] = role
                raise "Unknown role type: " + role.type
    # add subroles to main roles
    for id in roles_by_id:
    return (mainroles, roles_by_id,)
def read_tigr_roles(filename):
    Reads a truly loony file format that stores the tigrfam mainrole/subrole hierarchy.
    Returns a tuple containing a list of mainroles whose children are subroles and
    a dictionary from tigr role id to tigr roles, which can be used with the file
    TIGRFAMS_ROLE_LINK to attach TIGRFams to roles.
    mainroles = []
    mainroles_by_name = {}
    mainroles_by_id = {}
    roles_by_id = {}
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            fields = line.rstrip("\n").split("\t")
            role = OpenStruct()
            role.tigr_role_id = int(fields[1])
            role.type = fields[2].rstrip(':')
            role.name = fields[3]
            if role.type=='mainrole':
                if role.name not in mainroles_by_name:
                    mainroles_by_name[role.name] = role
                    role.children = []
                mainroles_by_id[role.tigr_role_id] = mainroles_by_name[role.name]
            elif role.type=='sub1role':
                roles_by_id[role.tigr_role_id] = role
                raise "Unknown role type: " + role.type
    # add subroles to main roles
    for id in roles_by_id:
    return (mainroles, roles_by_id,)