Example #1
def hierarchy_update(id_: int) -> str:
    root = g.nodes[id_]
    if root.system:
    form = build_form(HierarchyForm, 'hierarchy', root)  # type: HierarchyForm
    form.forms.choices = NodeMapper.get_form_choices(root)
    if root.value_type:
        del form.multiple
    elif root.multiple:
        form.multiple.render_kw = {'disabled': 'disabled'}
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        if form.name.data != root.name and NodeMapper.get_nodes(form.name.data):
            flash(_('error name exists'), 'error')
            return redirect(url_for('node_index') + '#tab-' + str(root.id))
        save(form, root)
        flash(_('info update'), 'info')
        return redirect(url_for('node_index') + '#tab-' + str(root.id))
    form.multiple = root.multiple
    table = Table(['form', 'count'], paging=False)
    for form_id, form_ in root.forms.items():
        url = url_for('hierarchy_remove_form', id_=root.id, remove_id=form_id)
        link = '<a href="' + url + '">' + uc_first(_('remove')) + '</a>'
        count = NodeMapper.get_form_count(root, form_id)
        table.rows.append([form_['name'], format_number(count) if count else link])
    return render_template('hierarchy/update.html', node=root, form=form, table=table,
                           forms=[form.id for form in form.forms])
def hierarchy_update(id_):
    root = g.nodes[id_]
    if root.system:
    form = build_form(HierarchyForm, 'hierarchy', root)
    form.forms.choices = NodeMapper.get_form_choices(root)
    if root.value_type:
        del form.multiple
    elif root.multiple:
        form.multiple.render_kw = {'disabled': 'disabled'}
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        if form.name.data != root.name and NodeMapper.get_nodes(form.name.data):
            flash(_('error name exists'), 'error')
            return redirect(url_for('node_index') + '#tab-' + str(root.id))
        save(form, root)
        flash(_('info update'), 'info')
        return redirect(url_for('node_index') + '#tab-' + str(root.id))
    form.multiple = root.multiple
    table = {'id': 'used_forms', 'show_pager': False, 'data': [], 'sort': 'sortList: [[0, 0]]',
             'header': ['form', 'count']}
    for form_id, form_ in root.forms.items():
        url = url_for('hierarchy_remove_form', id_=root.id, remove_id=form_id)
        link = '<a href="' + url + '">' + uc_first(_('remove')) + '</a>'
        count = NodeMapper.get_form_count(root, form_id)
        table['data'].append([form_['name'], format_number(count) if count else link])
    return render_template('hierarchy/update.html', node=root, form=form, table=table,
                           forms=[form.id for form in form.forms])
Example #3
def hierarchy_insert(param: str) -> str:
    form = build_form(HierarchyForm, 'hierarchy')  # type: HierarchyForm
    form.forms.choices = NodeMapper.get_form_choices()
    if param == 'value':
        del form.multiple
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        if NodeMapper.get_nodes(form.name.data):
            flash(_('error name exists'), 'error')
            return render_template('hierarchy/insert.html', form=form)
        node = save(form, value_type=True if param == 'value' else False)
        flash(_('entity created'), 'info')
        return redirect(url_for('node_index') + '#tab-' + str(node.id))
    return render_template('hierarchy/insert.html', form=form, param=param)
def hierarchy_insert(param):
    form = build_form(HierarchyForm, 'hierarchy')
    form.forms.choices = NodeMapper.get_form_choices()
    if param == 'value':
        del form.multiple
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        if NodeMapper.get_nodes(form.name.data):
            flash(_('error name exists'), 'error')
            return render_template('hierarchy/insert.html', form=form)
        node = save(form, value_type=True if param == 'value' else False)
        flash(_('entity created'), 'info')
        return redirect(url_for('node_index') + '#tab-' + str(node.id))
    return render_template('hierarchy/insert.html', form=form, param=param)
Example #5
def tree_select(name):
    html = """
        <div id="{name}-tree"></div>
            $(document).ready(function () {{
                    "search": {{ "case_insensitive": true, "show_only_matches": true }},
                    "plugins" : ["core", "html_data", "search"],
                    "core":{{ "data":[{tree}] }}
                $("#{name}-tree-search").keyup(function() {{
                    $("#{name}-tree").jstree("search", $(this).val());
                $("#{name}-tree").on("select_node.jstree", function (e, data) {{
                    document.location.href = data.node.original.href;
    return html
def tree_select(name):
    html = """
        <div id="{name}-tree"></div>
            $(document).ready(function () {{
                    "search": {{ "case_insensitive": true, "show_only_matches": true }},
                    "plugins" : ["core", "html_data", "search"],
                    "core":{{ "data":[{tree}] }}
                $("#{name}-tree").on("select_node.jstree", function (e, data) {{
                    document.location.href = data.node.original.href;
                $("#{name}-tree-search").keyup(function() {{
                    if (this.value.length >= {min_chars}) {{
                        $("#{name}-tree").jstree("search", $(this).val());
                            name=sanitize(name), tree=walk_tree(NodeMapper.get_nodes(name)))
    return html
Example #7
def hierarchy_update(id_):
    node = g.nodes[id_]
    if node.system:
    form = build_form(HierarchyForm, 'hierarchy', node)
    form.forms.choices = NodeMapper.get_form_choices()
    if node.value_type:
        del form.multiple
    elif node.multiple:
        form.multiple.render_kw = {'disabled': 'disabled'}
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        if form.name.data != node.name and NodeMapper.get_nodes(form.name.data):
            flash(_('error name exists'), 'error')
            return redirect(url_for('node_index') + '#tab-' + str(node.id))
        save(form, node)
        flash(_('info update'), 'info')
        return redirect(url_for('node_index') + '#tab-' + str(node.id))
    form.multiple = node.multiple
    return render_template(
        forms=[form.id for form in form.forms])