def main(self): """ Run and time the main loop. """"Starting main video capture loop now, press 'q' to quit") key = hg.cvWaitKey(1) num_frames = 0 start_time = time.time() while(key is not "q" and key != '\x1b'): num_frames +=1 self.process() key = hg.cvWaitKey(5) total_time = float(time.time()) - float(start_time) hg.cvDestroyWindow(self.title) cv.cvReleaseCapture( logging.debug("Main loop complete") logging.debug("Total time took %e" % total_time)"Average time per frame: %e" % (total_time/num_frames) )"Average frames per second: %f" % (num_frames/total_time) )
def main(): # Initialization highgui.cvNamedWindow("Guardian", 1) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler) # Stage #robot = playerc.playerc_client(None, "localhost", 6665) # Corobot robot = playerc.playerc_client(None, "", 6665) robot.connect() p2dproxy = playerc.playerc_position2d(robot, 0) p2dproxy.subscribe(playerc.PLAYERC_OPEN_MODE) p2dproxy.get_geom() while True: image = highgui.cvQueryFrame(camera) detectObject(image) p2dproxy.set_cmd_vel(speed[0], 0, speed[1], 0) draw_gui(image) highgui.cvShowImage("Guardian", image) if highgui.cvWaitKey(20) != -1: break highgui.cvDestroyWindow("Guardian") p2dproxy.set_cmd_vel(0, 0, 0, 0)
def main(self): """ Run and time the main loop. """"Starting main video capture loop now, press 'q' to quit") key = hg.cvWaitKey(1) num_frames = 0 start_time = time.time() while (key is not "q" and key != '\x1b'): num_frames += 1 self.process() key = hg.cvWaitKey(5) total_time = float(time.time()) - float(start_time) hg.cvDestroyWindow(self.title) cv.cvReleaseCapture( logging.debug("Main loop complete") logging.debug("Total time took %e" % total_time)"Average time per frame: %e" % (total_time / num_frames))"Average frames per second: %f" % (num_frames / total_time))
def __init__(self, processFunction=None, title="Video Capture Player", show=True, **argd): self.__dict__.update(**argd) super(VideoCapturePlayer, self).__init__(**argd) t_begin = time.time() self.processFunction = processFunction self.title = title = show if is True: self.display = hg.cvNamedWindow(self.title) try: = hg.cvCreateCameraCapture(0) except: print("Couldn't open camera device, is it connected?") hg.cvDestroyWindow(title) raise SystemExit # Take a frame to get props and use in testing self.snapshot = cv.cvCloneMat(hg.cvQueryFrame( # check that we got an image, otherwise try again. for i in xrange(100): if self.snapshot is not None: break self.snapshot = hg.cvQueryFrame(
def main(argv): # Frames per second fps = 20 tux_pos = 5 tux_pos_min = 0.0 tux_pos_max = 9.0 try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "fps", ["framerate=",]) except getopt.GetoptError: sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-fps", "--framerate"): fps = arg camera = highgui.cvCreateCameraCapture(0) while True: highgui.cvNamedWindow('Camera', 1) im = highgui.cvQueryFrame(camera) if im is None: break # mirror, None, 1) # positions = face.detect(im, 'haarcascade_data/haarcascade_profileface.xml') positions = face.detect(im, 'haarcascade_data/haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml') # if not positions: # positions = face.detect(im, 'haarcascade_data/haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml') # display webcam image highgui.cvShowImage('Camera', im) # Division of the screen to count as "walking" motion to trigger tux image_size = opencv.cvGetSize(im) motion_block = image_size.width / 9 if positions: mp = None for position in positions: if not mp or mp['width'] > position['width']: mp = position pos = (mp['x'] + (mp['width'] / 2)) / motion_block print "tux pos: %f" % tux_pos print "pos: %f" % pos if pos != tux_pos: if tux_pos > pos: move_tux_right(tux_pos - pos) elif tux_pos < pos: move_tux_left(pos - tux_pos) tux_pos = pos if highgui.cvWaitKey(fps) >= 0: highgui.cvDestroyWindow('Camera') sys.exit(0)
def getFilter(frameWidht, frameHeight): cvNamedWindow("Filtred") cvCreateTrackbar("hmax", "Filtred", getHlsFilter('hmax'), 180, trackBarChangeHmax) cvCreateTrackbar("hmin", "Filtred", getHlsFilter('hmin'), 180, trackBarChangeHmin) #cvCreateTrackbar("lmax", "Filtred", hlsFilter['lmax'], 255, trackBarChangeLmax) #cvCreateTrackbar("lmin", "Filtred", hlsFilter['lmin'], 255, trackBarChangeLmin) cvCreateTrackbar("smax", "Filtred", getHlsFilter('smax'), 255, trackBarChangeSmax) cvCreateTrackbar("smin", "Filtred", getHlsFilter('smin'), 255, trackBarChangeSmin) cvSetMouseCallback("Filtred", mouseClick, None) frame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(frameWidth, frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3) hlsFrame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(frameWidth, frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3) filtredFrame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(frameWidth, frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3) mask = cvCreateImage(cvSize(frameWidth, frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1) hFrame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(frameWidth, frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1) lFrame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(frameWidth, frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1) sFrame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(frameWidth, frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1) ThHFrame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(frameWidth, frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1) ThLFrame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(frameWidth, frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1) ThSFrame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(frameWidth, frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1) key = -1 while key == -1: if not cvGrabFrame(CAM): print "Could not grab a frame" exit frame = cvQueryFrame(CAM) cvCvtColor(frame, hlsFrame, CV_BGR2HLS) cvSplit(hlsFrame, hFrame, lFrame, sFrame, None) pixelInRange(hFrame, getHlsFilter('hmin'), getHlsFilter('hmax'), 0, 180, ThHFrame) #pixelInRange(lFrame, getHlsFilter('lmin'), getHlsFilter('lmax'), 0, 255, ThLFrame) pixelInRange(sFrame, getHlsFilter('smin'), getHlsFilter('smax'), 0, 255, ThSFrame) cvSetZero(mask) cvAnd(ThHFrame, ThSFrame, mask) cvSetZero(filtredFrame) cvCopy(frame, filtredFrame, mask) cvShowImage("Filtred", filtredFrame) key = cvWaitKey(10) if key == 'r': key = -1 resetHlsFilter() cvDestroyWindow("Filtred")
def getBackground(frameWidht, frameHeight): cvNamedWindow("Background") text = cvCreateImage(cvSize(frameWidth, frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3) frame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(frameWidth, frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3) background = cvCreateImage(cvSize(frameWidth, frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3) font = cvInitFont(CV_FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2) pt1 = cvPoint(50, 100) pt2 = cvPoint(50, 150) center = cvPoint(frameWidth/2, frameHeight/2) cvPutText(text, "Press enter, run away and wait", pt1, font, CV_RGB(150, 100, 150)) cvPutText(text, str(delayS) + " seconds to capture background", pt2, font, CV_RGB(150, 100, 150)) cvShowImage("Background", text) key = -1 while key == -1: key = cvWaitKey(10) like = False while not like: for i in range(delayS): cvZero(text) cvPutText(text, str(delayS-i), center, font, CV_RGB(150, 100, 150)) cvShowImage("Background", text) cvWaitKey(1000) csut = camStartUpTime while (csut): # Stats capturing frames in order to give time to the cam to auto-adjust colors if not cvGrabFrame(CAM): print "Could not grab a frame" exit cvWaitKey(10) csut -= 1 frame = cvQueryFrame(CAM) cvCopy(frame, background) cvCopy(frame, text) cvPutText(text, "Is correct? [y/n]", center, font, CV_RGB(150, 100, 150)) cvShowImage("Background", text) key = -1 while key != 'n' and key != 'y': key = cvWaitKey(10) if key == 'y': like = True return background cvDestroyWindow("Background")
def recognize_face(): try: argsnum=len(sys.argv) print "args:",argsnum #if(argsnum<5): # print "usage:python imgname dirname numofeigenfaces threshold " # sys.exit(2) #imgname=sys.argv[1] #dirname=sys.argv[2] #egfaces=int(sys.argv[3]) #thrshld=float(sys.argv[4]) capture=hg.cvCreateCameraCapture(0) hg.cvNamedWindow("Snapshot") i=0 #time.sleep(1) myframe=0 imgname='sample.png' dirname='images' egfaces=5 thrshld=0.3 #frame=0 while 1: frame=hg.cvQueryFrame(capture) #print type(frame) hg.cvShowImage("Snapshot",frame) key = hg.cvWaitKey(5) if key=='c' or key=='C': hg.cvDestroyWindow("Snapshot") hg.cvSaveImage(imgname,frame) global_frame=frame break #print frame #sys.exit(0) pyf=PyFaces(imgname,dirname,egfaces,thrshld,frame) #if pyfaces returns false then save this image into images folder hg.cvReleaseCapture(capture) return pyf.getFileName() except Exception,detail: print detail print "usage:python imgname dirname numofeigenfaces threshold "
def startChroma(background, frameWidht, frameHeight): #cvNamedWindow("Original") cvNamedWindow("Chroma") hlsFrame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(frameWidth, frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3) transparency = cvCreateImage(cvSize(frameWidth, frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3) mask = cvCreateImage(cvSize(frameWidth, frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1) hFrame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(frameWidth, frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1) lFrame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(frameWidth, frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1) sFrame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(frameWidth, frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1) ThHFrame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(frameWidth, frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1) ThLFrame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(frameWidth, frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1) ThSFrame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(frameWidth, frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1) key = -1 while key == -1: if not cvGrabFrame(CAM): print "Could not grab a frame" exit frame = cvQueryFrame(CAM) cvCvtColor(frame, hlsFrame, CV_BGR2HLS) cvSplit(hlsFrame, hFrame, lFrame, sFrame, None) pixelInRange(hFrame, getHlsFilter('hmin'), getHlsFilter('hmax'), 0, 180, ThHFrame) #pixelInRange(lFrame, getHlsFilter('lmin'), getHlsFilter('lmax'), 0, 255, ThLFrame) pixelInRange(sFrame, getHlsFilter('smin'), getHlsFilter('smax'), 0, 255, ThSFrame) cvAnd(ThHFrame, ThSFrame, mask) cvCopy(background, frame, mask) cvShowImage("Chroma", frame) key = cvWaitKey(10) cvDestroyWindow("Chroma")
def opencvSnap(dev,size): """ An example use of the "camera" taking a single picture frame using opencv's cvMat as the return method. """ # First lets take a picture using opencv, and display it using opencv... cvWin = hg.cvNamedWindow( "Opencv Rendering and Capture", 0 ) print("Opening device %s, with video size (%s,%s)" % (dev,size[0],size[1])) # creates the camera of the specified size and in RGB colorspace cam = Camera(dev, size, "RGB") a = cam.get_image() hg.cvShowImage ('Opencv Rendering and Capture', a) # close the capture stream to avoid problems later, should see the camera turn off hg.cvReleaseCapture(cam.capture) del cam # Wait for any key then clean up print("Press any key to continue") k = hg.cvWaitKey() hg.cvDestroyWindow("Opencv Rendering and Capture")
def opencvSnap(dev, size): """ An example use of the "camera" taking a single picture frame using opencv's cvMat as the return method. """ # First lets take a picture using opencv, and display it using opencv... cvWin = hg.cvNamedWindow("Opencv Rendering and Capture", 0) print("Opening device %s, with video size (%s,%s)" % (dev, size[0], size[1])) # creates the camera of the specified size and in RGB colorspace cam = Camera(dev, size, "RGB") a = cam.get_image() hg.cvShowImage('Opencv Rendering and Capture', a) # close the capture stream to avoid problems later, should see the camera turn off hg.cvReleaseCapture(cam.capture) del cam # Wait for any key then clean up print("Press any key to continue") k = hg.cvWaitKey() hg.cvDestroyWindow("Opencv Rendering and Capture")
def process(self, take_new_image=True): """We will take a snapshot, optionally do some arbitrary process (eg in numpy/scipy) then display it. If a frame is given use that instead of taking a new image. """ try: if take_new_image: logging.debug("capturing an image") self.snapshot = cv.cvCloneMat(hg.cvQueryFrame( if self.processFunction is not None: logging.debug("Sending image to process function") res = self.processFunction(self.snapshot) logging.debug("Received result from processing function") assert isinstance(res, cv.CvMat), "Not CvMat" self.snapshot = res if hg.cvShowImage(self.title, self.snapshot) except Exception, e: # If something goes wrong make sure we close the window logging.error("Error in processing image: %s" % e) hg.cvDestroyWindow(self.title) raise SystemExit
def process(self, take_new_image=True): """We will take a snapshot, optionally do some arbitrary process (eg in numpy/scipy) then display it. If a frame is given use that instead of taking a new image. """ try: if take_new_image: logging.debug("capturing an image") self.snapshot = cv.cvCloneMat( hg.cvQueryFrame( ) if self.processFunction is not None: logging.debug("Sending image to process function") res = self.processFunction(self.snapshot) logging.debug("Received result from processing function") assert isinstance(res,cv.CvMat), "Not CvMat" self.snapshot = res if hg.cvShowImage( self.title, self.snapshot ) except Exception, e: # If something goes wrong make sure we close the window logging.error("Error in processing image: %s" % e) hg.cvDestroyWindow(self.title) raise SystemExit
def __init__(self, processFunction = None, title = "Video Capture Player", show=True, **argd): self.__dict__.update(**argd) super(VideoCapturePlayer, self).__init__(**argd) t_begin = time.time() self.processFunction = processFunction self.title = title = show if is True: self.display = hg.cvNamedWindow(self.title) try: = hg.cvCreateCameraCapture(0) # Take a frame to get props and use in testing self.snapshot = cv.cvCloneMat( hg.cvQueryFrame( ) ) # check that we got an image, otherwise try again. for i in xrange(20): if self.snapshot is not None: break self.snapshot = hg.cvQueryFrame( ) except: print("Couldn't open camera device, is it connected?") hg.cvDestroyWindow(title) raise SystemExit
# we can now display the images highgui.cvShowImage('Camera', frame) highgui.cvShowImage('Binarisation', frameBin) highgui.cvShowImage('1-without background', framewithoutbg) highgui.cvShowImage('2-amplifie', framemul) highgui.cvShowImage('3-lisser-Smooth', framelisser1) highgui.cvShowImage('4-lisser-And', framelisser2) # handle events if image_par_image == 1: k = highgui.cvWaitKey(100000000) if k == '\x1b': # user has press the ESC key, so exit highgui.cvDestroyWindow("Camera") highgui.cvDestroyAllWindows() sys.exit(0) break if k == 'n': #image par image. util si la var image_par_image=1 ligne 42 None k = highgui.cvWaitKey(10) if k == 'b': # recupere l image en appuyant sur b frameGrayBg = cv.cvCloneImage(frameGray) if k == 's': # save configuration
# load image and force it to be grayscale image03 = highgui.cvLoadImage(filename, 0) if not image03: print "Could not load image " + filename sys.exit(-1) # Create the destination images image02 = cv.cvCloneImage(image03) image04 = cv.cvCloneImage(image03) # Create windows. highgui.cvNamedWindow("Source", 1) highgui.cvNamedWindow("Result", 1) # Show the image. highgui.cvShowImage("Source", image03) # Create toolbars. HighGUI use. highgui.cvCreateTrackbar("Threshold", "Result", slider_pos, 255, process_image) process_image(1) #Wait for a key stroke; the same function arranges events processing print "Press any key to exit" highgui.cvWaitKey(0) highgui.cvDestroyWindow("Source") highgui.cvDestroyWindow("Result")
# load image and force it to be grayscale image03 = highgui.cvLoadImage(filename, 0) if not image03: print "Could not load image " + filename sys.exit(-1) # Create the destination images image02 = cv.cvCloneImage( image03 ); image04 = cv.cvCloneImage( image03 ); # Create windows. highgui.cvNamedWindow("Source", 1); highgui.cvNamedWindow("Result", 1); # Show the image. highgui.cvShowImage("Source", image03); # Create toolbars. HighGUI use. highgui.cvCreateTrackbar( "Threshold", "Result", slider_pos, 255, process_image ); process_image( 1 ); #Wait for a key stroke; the same function arranges events processing print "Press any key to exit" highgui.cvWaitKey(0); highgui.cvDestroyWindow("Source"); highgui.cvDestroyWindow("Result");
#! /usr/bin/env python import sys # import the necessary things for OpenCV from opencv import cv from opencv import highgui im = highgui.cvLoadImage("molecule.jpg", 1) highgui.cvNamedWindow( "image", highgui.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) highgui.cvShowImage( "image", im ) highgui.cvWaitKey(0) highgui.cvDestroyWindow( "image" )