Example #1
def tile_images(img_width, img_height, num_width, num_height, images, channels=3):
    w = img_width * num_width
    h = img_height * num_height
    image = cv.cvCreateImage(cv.cvSize(int(w), int(h)), 8, channels)
    cv.cvSet(image, cv.cvScalar(255,255,255))
    while len(images) > 0:
            for y in range(int(num_height)):
                for x in range(int(num_width)):
                    small_tile = images.pop()
                    img_x = x * img_width
                    img_y = y * img_height
                    cropped = cv.cvGetSubRect(image, cv.cvRect(img_x, img_y, img_width,img_height))
                    cv.cvCopy(small_tile, cropped)
        except exceptions.IndexError, e:
Example #2
def tile_images(img_width,
    w = img_width * num_width
    h = img_height * num_height
    image = cv.cvCreateImage(cv.cvSize(int(w), int(h)), 8, channels)
    cv.cvSet(image, cv.cvScalar(255, 255, 255))
    while len(images) > 0:
            for y in range(int(num_height)):
                for x in range(int(num_width)):
                    small_tile = images.pop()
                    img_x = x * img_width
                    img_y = y * img_height
                    cropped = cv.cvGetSubRect(
                        image, cv.cvRect(img_x, img_y, img_width, img_height))
                    cv.cvCopy(small_tile, cropped)
        except exceptions.IndexError, e:
Example #3
def text(image, x, y, a_string):
    font = cv.cvInitFont(CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, .3, .3)
    cv.cvPutText(image, a_string, cv.cvPoint(x, y), font, cv.cvScalar(0, 0, 0))
    cv.cvPutText(image, a_string, cv.cvPoint(x + 1, y + 1), font,
                 cv.cvScalar(255, 255, 255))
Example #4
def main():
    """Run the whole shiz."""
    global tmpl_ball, pocket_templates, pocket_markers, last_best_cueball, last_confirmed_cueball, CURRENT_FRAME, out_file

    start_time = datetime.datetime.now()

    # Open output files

    out_file = open(here("confirmed_cueballs.txt"), 'w')

    # Initialize pygame

    pygame.display.set_caption("Snooker - main info window")
    window = pygame.display.set_mode((704, 400))

    # Load and initialize template images

    tmpl_ball = cvLoadImage(BALL_TMPL, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR)
    if not tmpl_ball:
        raise Exception("Failed to load ball template image")

    # Load pocket templates, find marker pixel in template and remember it

    for pocket in ['tl', 'tr', 'bl', 'br']: 
        pocket_tmpl = cvLoadImage(globals()['POCKET_%s_TMPL' % pocket.upper()], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR)
        if not pocket_tmpl:
            raise Exception("Failed to load pocket '%s' template" % pocket)
        pocket_templates[pocket] = pocket_tmpl
        pocket_markers[pocket] = findpixel(pocket_tmpl, cvScalar(255, 0, 255))
        if pocket_markers[pocket]:
            if DEBUG: print("Found marker for pocket %s at %d:%d" % 
                            (pocket.upper(), pocket_markers[pocket].x, pocket_markers[pocket].y))

    stream = pyffmpeg.VideoStream()


    fps = stream.tv.get_fps()
    duration_f = stream.tv.duration()

    start_frame = int(START*fps)
    end_frame = int(END*fps)
    interval = int(INTERVAL*fps)

    length = float(end_frame-start_frame)/float(fps) # Seconds

    i = start_frame

    while i < end_frame:
        CURRENT_FRAME = i

        # Calculate info about the total progress and display it

        percentage = float(i-start_frame)/float(end_frame-start_frame)*100.0
        estimated_length = 0
        if i > start_frame:
            estimated_length = float(total_seconds((datetime.datetime.now()-start_time))) / percentage * 100.0

        print("Frame #%d (%d-%d) %.1f%%" % (i, start_frame, end_frame, percentage))
        pygame.display.set_caption("Snooker - main info window - Frame %d - %.1f%% (est. total %.1fmin)" % (i, percentage, estimated_length/60.0))

        image = stream.GetFrameNo(i)
        image_ipl = adaptors.PIL2Ipl(image)

        table = get_table(image_ipl)
        cueballs = None
        best_ball = None

        if table:
            cueballs = find_cueballs(image_ipl, table)

        if cueballs:

            # See if the best cueball we found now, is the best cueball found in the previous run,
            # which would mean that it's standing still. Only consider the best matches.

            if not last_best_cueball:
                last_best_cueball = cueballs[0]

                distance_to_last = math.sqrt( (last_best_cueball.x-cueballs[0].x)**2 + (last_best_cueball.y-cueballs[0].y)**2 )
                distance_to_last_confirmed = math.sqrt( (last_confirmed_cueball.x-cueballs[0].x)**2 + 
                                                        (last_confirmed_cueball.y-cueballs[0].y)**2 )

                if distance_to_last < CUEBALL_CONFIRM_DISTANCE and distance_to_last_confirmed > CUEBALL_NOMOVEMENT_DISTANCE:
                    if cueballs[0].confidence >= 0.72: # Extra check to remove most of the false positives
                        # CONFIRMED
                        last_confirmed_cueball = cueballs[0]
                        cueballs[0].confirmed = True
                        if DEBUG: print("CONFIRMED cueball %s" % cueballs[0])
                    if DEBUG: print("Dropped the ball because distance condition failed: %.2f<%d and %.2f>%d" % 
                                    (distance_to_last, CUEBALL_CONFIRM_DISTANCE, 
                                     distance_to_last_confirmed, CUEBALL_NOMOVEMENT_DISTANCE))

                # If confirmation or sequence fail, reset and try the whole thing again
                last_best_cueball = False

        image_interesting = draw_interesting_stuff(image, table, cueballs)

        window.blit(image_interesting, (0,0))

        store_results(image_interesting, table, cueballs)

        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                #print event

        # Skip <interval> frames
        i += interval

Example #5
def removeMinimum(img, x, y, w, h):
    """Utility function for removing the global minimum from a cvArray.
    This finds the global maximum of the same array and then blits a rectangle of the same color
    over the area designated by x,y and w,h.
    This way to find the next _local_ minimum, we can just remove the current global
    minimum and search for the global one again using cvMinMaxLoc - should be faster than looking
    for all local minima with python."""
    minmax = cvMinMaxLoc(img)
    cvRectangle(img, cvPoint(x-int(w/2), y-int(h/2)), cvPoint(x+int(w/2), y+int(h/2)), cvScalar(minmax[1], 0, 0, 0), CV_FILLED)
Example #6
def text(image, x, y, a_string):
    font = cv.cvInitFont(CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, .3, .3)
    cv.cvPutText(image, a_string, cv.cvPoint(x, y),     font, cv.cvScalar(0,0,0))
    cv.cvPutText(image, a_string, cv.cvPoint(x+1, y+1), font, cv.cvScalar(255,255,255))